TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #23

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I feel certain this was addressed very early on--- probably in thread one but I don't recall the answer/explanation.
Does the church not have a security system? If so, was it disabled by SP? Don't most churches have an alarm/security system?

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for those who think le knows who the perp is what are they waiting for? just curious. thanks in advance.

I'm hoping that they have DNA............but they need someone to ID who they think it is? DNA may not be in CODIS if the perp has never committed crime before, and they can't really start swabbing everyone in TX and beyond. But they would know the gender. That whole garbage-gate thing w AJ was probably a surreptitious attempt to get DNA because someone suggested that his wife may be involved.....but obviously, nothing came of that. They may have done that with BB et al .............but who knows. Maybe there's no DNA and they are lost in space. JMO
<modsnip> Based on what evidence? I haven't seen one shred of evidence to support this stance from anyone on this site. I personally think LE doesn't have a clue who SP is. Based on the video footage I've seen SP looks like a very young male to me age 18-22 who was playing dress up as a cop. I think he had a Go Pro camera mounted to his helmet to video the break in and MB surprised him and he panicked.
I'm hoping that they have DNA............but they need someone to ID who they think it is? DNA may not be in CODIS if the perp has never committed crime before, and they can't really start swabbing everyone in TX and beyond. But they would know the gender. That whole garbage-gate thing w AJ was probably a surreptitious attempt to get DNA because someone suggested that his wife may be involved.....but obviously, nothing came of that. They may have done that with BB et al .............but who knows. Maybe there's no DNA and they are lost in space. JMO

They can also request DNA swabs from everyone, correct? I would think someone would move way up the suspect list if they denied the request.
someone posted that they thought perhaps the killer was wearing a pig mask....I don't think it's a pig mask but when the killer is first trying to pry that door I got some pics and it does appear to be some sort of mask - similar to maybe a gas mask or flight crew oxygen mask, etc. But in the video just after the frames in the pictures I'm posting below - you can see the killer crossing his/her arms and very slowly moving them and it appears he/she sort of pulls that mask down. I think it's like at 1:05 in the video. Anyway here are two pictures where you can sort of see the mask but what's more interesting to me is you can actually see the back of the killer's neck (and the killer is white) with dark brown or black hair. Don't know if the hair is short or pulled up inside the helmet.

View attachment 95532

View attachment 95533

That's pretty freaking amazing. Looks like a male, straight cut along the neckline. If you do that with 1:11- 1:14 i think your eyes will pop out of your noodle, there is some pretty clear images there
Based on what evidence? I haven't seen one shred of evidence to support this stance from anyone on this site. I personally think LE doesn't have a clue who SP is. Based on the video footage I've seen SP looks like a very young male to me age 18-22 who was playing dress up as a cop. I think he had a Go Pro camera mounted to his helmet to video the break in and MB surprised him and he panicked.

I haven't seen any video where I see a go pro attached to the helmet. Even with low res, you should be able to make out a mounted cam. And if someone that young wants to play dress up and break in to a place that is one thing, but to make the leap to murderer when confronted (vs just running out) is very unlikely.
I haven't seen any video where I see a go pro attached to the helmet. Even with low res, you should be able to make out a mounted cam. And if someone that young wants to play dress up and break in to a place that is one thing, but to make the leap to murderer when confronted (vs just running out) is very unlikely.
Makes more sense that CT doing it.
I also think SP left on foot even while wearing the gear (after removing police patch). I'm a member of my county SAR team & we train in our helmets/BDU pants/boots with our backpacks. I've been out in the rain & mud on a search. SP also had a head start before MB was discovered. JMO

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Thank you for this post! I think we are in the minority with that opinion, but glad to read you share it.

Are you saying you've been searching in that area north of the church, or that you're familiar with that sort of trek in a general sense?

Yes, I'd estimate Swatperp had a good 40-45-min start before LE got there (JMO). Sure would love to know that the area north of the church has been searched and researched. Though, truthfully, with the rain and mud, it may be hard to find any useful evidence. The swat gear and murder weapon are probably at the bottom of a lake, pond, or reservoir by now.

(And no, I don't believe the "tools" - even if used in the burglary and/or attack - were the murder weapon(s). That's why he left them behind.)
A few observations:

1. The simple solution is usually the best “guess”. Perp parked at the rear of the building (to the right side of where victim parked under cover). Probably the vehicle seen in video, may well be same one in gun shop video from earlier in time line. Wet weather would complicate parking on dirt/mud, walking to scene, the mud would be easily visible on sidewalk outside entry door and on floor in church. Had clothing on while on the exterior. Most likely came in pants and shoes, put top and helmet on when exiting vehicle.
2. It took some time (thus the thought the gun shop vehicle is the same one in church parking lot indicated in earlier LE press, left gun shop then drove to church, thus the time fits) to break in rear door. Look at the video that shows the single metal exterior door, which has the door handle removed and the sight glass broken. Perp likely broke glass to stick hand in to push the exit hardware to open the door. Doesn’t seem like there is a deadbolt, thus the “panic” bar would unlock door. This is the same area where a window screen is partially torn from window. There are a number of tool marks visible. Perp had tools with him. The exterior door hardware is crazy hard to remove, it took some strength, leverage and time. Best “guess” male perp from this info. Door handle and screen removal indicate, “staged” crime scene. Again, this took time and effort.
3. Limited security video release not unusual, I find it hard to imagine that they do not have video of perp leaving building unless they left thru double glass doors most likely where victim entered. This would indicate a hasty exit and/or excited perp. Wounds on victim would create tremendous blood splatter and pooling in short order. Perp would have transfer DNA and most likely covered in blood, most especially shoe prints would be available to collect. Wore clothing out most likely removed shirt top and helmet in vehicle, drove away. At some point perp tossed clothing (likelihood of recovering clothing is low).
4. They will have a good sense of height and shoe size from Fort Worth team and forensics team. Would not agree with earlier comment about clearing crime scene to quick. It was a semi sterile environment, hard floor, knew the movements inside of building rather well from video, it doesn’t take that long to collect trace evidence in that type environment.
5. Local LE got the SW persons garbage; Feds wouldn’t in this case most likely. The garbage deal doesn’t mean anything. Its common practices though you usually don’t want the person or his neighbor to see you. It gives you some background info if nothing else prior to interview.
6. FBI would be involved simply because Chief and Asst Chief attended FBI academy. Most Chiefs and Asst do this in their career. It is to train them in LE tactics, management, etc. and to build rapport with local LE so if they ever need to take a case they can have that professional relationship to come in and have influence and gather info or help when they need it. FBI says call us if you ever need us, we are here to help. MPD simply called to cover the bases and get resources, same with Rangers, NYPD and FW. They can get stuff expedited and have resources that MPD would not have. NYPD crunched data, not sure why they didn’t use Dallas PD, they have the same resources, probably to busy. That’s all for now.

Welcome!! Good thoughts!!

Respectfully BBM, when you say "Perp parked at the rear of the building (to the right side of where victim parked under cover)" are you meaning the SE corner of building -rear but same side as the covered awning where MB truck parked? If so then the Suspect would have had to walk around to the other side of the building (North side parking lot side) as that is where the metal door is located, not at the rear. There are double doors busted at rear but those are at the NE corner.

April 18th press conf, Captain Spann stated at that time they speculated the Suspect left through same way came in, through the metal door which was to the kitchen., thats why JMHO Suspect didn't leave out same double glass doors MB entered. Spann also said that although the Suspect broke 2 or 3 other windows, they had no evidence that Suspect went out them (kitchen window and the 2 busted NE Rear doors) On the door handle being gone, again JMHO, I thinking the MPD/Ellis County Crime Scene Unit, removed the outer door part that the Suspect used a tool on, for tool mark evidence, not that the Suspect pried it off and took with, but possible I suppose. (I hope the LE have it) terri missy bevers CREEKSIDE NORTH SIDE  of building.jpg

JMHO, I am not sure they do not have video of Suspect after the murder. Captain Spann CID, chose his words carefully at that press conf, and the SW are summary of facts know, not all facts known. (per wording on the SW) The limited video release to me means there is evidence on them. The only reason we got what 2.27 we got is hoping someone would recognize the Suspect walk and mannerisms.

JMHO, I think the Suspect parked on the Northside parking, it slopes down, dark (sparse lighting) Coming in the drive, turning in front of church to go to the side MB parked, unless you were looking, you would not see. Went in and out same door got in veh and pulled straight out. Possible the parked car in distance is either possibly from interior camera, when Suspect broke back rear double doors which that motion turned on camera, or even the Suspect walking in that hallway later (if parked in NE rear). We have not been privy to where the surv camera is that caught this car. Also possible some view from SWFA camera, again we don;t know where camera is that caught that car, or MB truck driving into the parking lot.

Missy Bevers Creekside parking lot street lights.jpg ETA: I need to UPDATED this photo, the WHITE Square is actually the broken kitchen window, the metal kitchen door is to the left of it where the side walk is leading up to that metal door. I am not on my laptop so not sure how to do on tablet. Sorry for confusion. Just looked at and realized.
Dropping off this handy dandy tool for those who wish to view the CCTV in slow motion. After entering the url, there are control functions under the video to control the pace and the stops before clicking on the play arrow.

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