TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #23

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Ikena is a program, but Prohawk is real-time hardware that has to be integrated into your camera's system. I doubt either would be be very helpful on the existing photo, unless LE has a much better quality image than they released to the public.
If the FBI can't do it no one can. My guess is they have it.
I agree, although to Poirotry's point, there is one clip we were allowed to see, when perp is hammering wall, where it looks like a much thinner person. I think it's probably just the angle or lighting or something. Costume looks the same.

Agreed - I think it has to do with fisheye camera angles, lighting and video quality, and movement distorting the edges of things. (IMO it's the same concerning the 'floppy' shoes effect. In that last frame, with SP hammering out safety glass in a door after leaving Rm 12, his shoes and feet look more distinct as well as normal-sized - maybe even on the small side.)
I would like to know more about the daily operations of where the crime took place. Not generalizations but specific facts about this particular church! Yes, the church.

Specifically, when was sermon monies deposited each week, who controlled cameras/surveillance footage, who had keys, who knew exterior cameras weren't working & interior cameras were grainy, who did the janitorial work? Did MB see something odd there at the church before & that's why hubby gave her a warning about being safe at that hour by herself? Was there a convo about that & why? Did the alleged creepy LinkedIn message state anything about the church? Had anything recently been noted that seemed off with any of the congregation members? Anything odd seen on surveillance footage recently? Why was it known & considered ok for the exterior cameras to work intermittently? Anyone known to have asked questions about the security or alarm system recently?

I am not casting suspicion on any member of the church; rather I am going back to the scene of the crime and wondering why we know so little about that church specifically?

Lots of questions about the crime scene & the procedures of operations. Hoping for answers in a very strange case....


Agreed. The leads could be in the answers to those questions.
Does anyone remember the interview with the SIL regarding going to MB house that morning to be with the girls. She got worried because one of the daughters goes to class with her. Can you imagine what could have happened if the daughter had been with her that morning?

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Maybe the perp knew she wasn't going. The perp could has also chosen the house as the kill zone, and everyone probably knew BB would be out of town, but they did not.
I would think that a number of people would have been asked for a detailed description and timeline of their whereabouts before and after the murder, so it's interesting that no one has been eliminated as a possible POI. Offering up confirmation of two person's alibis was a nice gesture.......but it says nothing about other peoples alibis as to whereabouts. JMO

VERY good point Cady.
Agreed - I think it has to do with fisheye camera angles, lighting and video quality, and movement distorting the edges of things. (IMO it's the same concerning the 'floppy' shoes effect. In that last frame, with SP hammering out safety glass in a door after leaving Rm 12, his shoes and feet look more distinct as well as normal-sized - maybe even on the small side.)

I agree on the floppy shoe effect, I think there is some artifacting going on there or skipping. The flow shows the shoe flat on the ground and then all of a sudden a few frames later the heal is visible a good inch off the ground - there is never a smooth transition of the heal coming up off the floor.
Was this the last time MB was to hold CG classes at this particular church? I vaguely remember seeing that somewhere?!!!

Anyone remember?
Women can be full of evil, spiteful, catty, taunting, etc., and sometimes over the stupidest things! I mean seriously, one lady in our animal rescue was pissed about who did the most cats one year. IMO, it didn't matter who trapped how many cats, it was more important that the cats were TNR'd. YET, stupid things were done to sabotage reputations, etc. It wasn't to the level of murder, I'm just saying the motives can be so stupid to the outsider, but for the person feeling wronged, shunned, less than, jealous, whatever, their reality is what is counts. So to us, whatever the motive may seem like NO WAY! BUT, to the murderer, it made sense or else they wouldn't have chose murder as the answer to the problem.

I know in the majority of the cases, the perp is usually someone associated with the victim. Either spouse, lover, exspouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, coworker, etc..... however, we can't forget that murders are committed by strangers as well. Those, IMO, are the hardest for LE to solve without strong DNA or other physical evidence. IMO, unless somehow this perp was injured in killing Missy, or Missy was able to bite, or something that drew blood, their gear is going to be prevent the fingerprints, palm prints, DNA that some cases have. I don't know what evidence they have anymore than you all do. The video while wonderful isn't enough to point to anyone, IMO. Now if they find those items in the video, the gear, hammer, etc., in someone's possession, it may help, but again, it would have to be more than that. If the actual gear were found, there's a probability of finding Missy's DNA which would indeed link that gear to Missy. Finding the gear alone, with no DNA though, doesn't show a link.

Contrary to some posts here, churches are broken into. I know ours was many years ago, and the only thing missing was the speakers that were so old they seldom even worked! YET, 3 people broke into the church! So maybe Missy interupted or surprised the thief after all. I don't know! I can say it's staged, because nothing was taken, but maybe they didn't have time to take whatever, or was hoping for tithes to still be at the church, and they weren't, so they decided to trash the glass. I don't know. And won't know until an arrest.

There's just too many open ends to any theory I try to come up. I still think it's bizarre how similar it is to Teresa Sievers case, but I'm not saying those perps did this crime as well. It just nags at me how a hammer may have been used at both, when a hammer isn't the first tool most think of using when planning a murder! There's just so many other weapons available that to CHOSE a hammer is bizarre to me. Not a hatchet, axe, gun, knife, etc. Not strangling. Not suffocation. Not drowning. Not poisoning. Not a car accident. A damn hammer! It's one aspect that doesn't make sense to me. IMO!

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Please take time to enjoy it with your family! :grouphug:
Does anyone remember the interview with the SIL regarding going to MB house that morning to be with the girls. She got worried because one of the daughters goes to class with her. Can you imagine what could have happened if the daughter had been with her that morning?

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Don't think perp would have been there, should the daughter had come along that morning. Just my opinion...
BB stated that he, in fact, worked at a church. Did anyone else find that statement curious?
Was this the last time MB was to hold CG classes at this particular church? I vaguely remember seeing that somewhere?!!!

Anyone remember?

I think you're right, TOH. Classes were moving to a Community Center, I believe. This was the last chance to pull this off in this particular location. Wonder if new location was in a more populated area? Locals???

(In regard to the "gear".
vest, that says "Police" on it,
helmet (I found similar ones online, that have the silver across it.)
(light, was attached to the helmet, that this person wore)

(Is also part of the "whole" outfit.
What I mean is, it is understandable why a perp would wear, gloves, when committing a crime.
But these gloves (going by the description of them), do not seem like they were just a pair of gloves (that were bought at, Walmart)

did this person have this type of gear?
(to begin with)

(Although not, impossible.
It is very doubtful,
that this person (who "planned") (premeditated) this case,
bought this stuff, "just for", this one occasion.)

They possibly, already had it.

(I know, "anyone can buy this stuff online.")

(But that does not answer this question):
did this specific person,
get this type of gear?

- Have they taken "Self-Defense" classes?


- Are they a "wanna-be" cop?
[That one is possible.]

- Are they a cop, who is a "wanna-be" swat"?

[I highly doubt they were a cop.
(However, I have seen no "proof" that they "weren't" one.)]
(And I will not cross that one off the list,
'simply because',
this outfit,
"doesn't" look like,
it is real.)

("doesn't" look like,
this person is, a cop.)

- Has this person been in the military?

I am referring to,
the person who this "gear" actually belongs to.
[What I mean is:
If it was a female who did this case,
it could be possible that she is wearing,
"gear" that actually belongs to, her [husband/or boyfriend]

(Although, a female, could also purchase this type of gear.)

- "Why",
did this specific person,
get this type of gear?

- What "interest" did they have,
that they would get this type of gear?

[I am not asking for someone here to 'try to come up with' a possible answer for that.]

What I am saying is:
Shouldn't this be thought about.

(And of course,
this person may have that type of "gear" at their home.)

(Any "persons of interest" that police might come up with,
you would think that any search warrant that may be carried out,
this would also be stated (in some way) on the search warrant, included in the things that they may be "looking for" (that may exist.)

In regard to the shoes/boots this person was wearing:
I cannot see it clearly enough in the video, to even 'begin' to try to tell,
what type of shoes/boots they were.

[But I will say that:
It wouldn't matter to me if they were a pair of "Granny" boots.
Because, what type of shoes/boots they were wearing,

- "doesn't take away from" the fact that]

They were wearing:

vest, with "Police" stated on it,
helmet (with a light),
Don't think perp would have been there, should the daughter had come along that morning. Just my opinion...

Also, as I recall, someone pointed out that when daughter accompanied MB it was to 9:00 am activity, not 5:00 am. JUST MY RECOLLECTION.
BB stated that he, in fact, worked at a church. Did anyone else find that statement curious?

I don't. It's a tidbit to file, but nothing signficant otherwise, IMO. Most churches have few paid staff, and operate on the volunteers within the church. So I don't find it curious that a church member would work at a church.
What I'd be interested in if I were a real detective (and which I'm sure the real ones DO know), is the detailed timeline of Missy's last full day, Sunday.

Actually, I'd also be interested in expanding that to the full (extended?) weekend, with an hour-to-hour accounting of where she went, who went with her, and all of her interactions from the time she left for that Austin trip until her death Monday morning.

Not sure how any productive sleuthing can really happen without that sort of foundational knowledge, though I certainly understand why we haven't been told all those details.
BB stated that he, in fact, worked at a church. Did anyone else find that statement curious?

I believe he was speaking that he was a teacher of a class, or a deacon, or another position held in the church. Some would refer to it as working for the Lord.
Maybe the perp knew she wasn't going. The perp could has also chosen the house as the kill zone, and everyone probably knew BB would be out of town, but they did not.

At 0400, committing the murder at the house is just as likely. Someone who didn't know about the church, the Camp Gladiator, the cameras, etc., might just as well have picked the house. Shoot or club the person as they are walking to their vehicle. I haven't looked at the house, though, so I don't know what possibilities existed. Jodi Huisentruit and possibly Jennifer Kesse were abducted while going to their vehicles. That is more complicated than merely killing the victim and leaving the scene. Look at what happened to Dan Markel in Florida - he was shot in front of his house and to the best of my knowledge there was no reliable description of the killer or a license plate number.

Knowing cameras were inside and the ones outside were not, I'd be more inclined to find a way to do it outside the church as opposed to inside. If Missy was targeted, this person planned it well. Part of confidence in committing an act like this comes from knowing you've planned it well and thought of every possibility. The killer researched this location well or was VERY lucky.
Going off of ATasteOfHoney's and No it's not recent posts. (TY).

The possible murder weapon has been described as a Large Hammer.

"Midlothian police released a longer clip showing the person walking through different parts of the church and swinging what appears to be a large hammer."

So I asked my construction worker friend what trade would use a large hammer in their day to day work. He replied a framer is the only one he could think of.

Of course the murderer could have picked up the tool anywhere. But I support the idea that the tool has a specific purpose which limits it's day to day use. One does not usually have a large hammer in the tool box. Of course now 28 posters will come forward to say they do. :laughing:

large hammer.jpg
There's just too many open ends to any theory I try to come up. I still think it's bizarre how similar it is to Teresa Sievers case, but I'm not saying those perps did this crime as well. It just nags at me how a hammer may have been used at both, when a hammer isn't the first tool most think of using when planning a murder! There's just so many other weapons available that to CHOSE a hammer is bizarre to me. Not a hatchet, axe, gun, knife, etc. Not strangling. Not suffocation. Not drowning. Not poisoning. Not a car accident. A damn hammer! It's one aspect that doesn't make sense to me. IMO!

Definitely not the first one I would think of for such a crime. Baffling.
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