TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #24

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They could float the two perp idea many here have, easy enough. I also never thought casy anthony would walk. Too much risk here yet

Casey Anthony would not have walked in Texas.
If those pictures can be cleared up that good, I see no way that LE does not know who this is. No way. So why no arrest?

It does seem like the eyes match someone....but if I ask myself if could I convict someone based on that photo of the eyes, I have to say no. I think LE wants more than just look-alike eyes from a fuzzy security video.

As well thought out the murder seems to have been, someone trying to commit the perfect murder...Maybe the perp is someone who watches a lot of ID tv or maybe even lurks on WS? I don't know about you guys, but I've always wanted to be Columbo, Perry Mason or Hercule Poirot. Seriously though, I think it takes a certain kind of mind to put something like this together. Not that they won't get caught, but IMO it took some pretty strategic planning vs. it being a frantic, emotional reaction/decision to kill Missy. IMO.
So you're beginning from the premise that MB and her killer were acquainted. That is far from established. You may be right, but we don't know.

The question you posed was, why a church at 3:50 am when exercise classes were known to take place at 5? That question is only relevant if one goes with your theory that she knew her killer. Well, if that turns out to be the case, then of course the perp wouldn't have been burglarizing in the first place.

You're using your premise as concluding proof.

No, I'm using what we have come to learn in the media and on this thread.
So, you think it's a random teenage burglary? I'm using my premise as a theory- I have no concluding proof.

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I see the turn out much more on the right, but I don't see it so much as any sort of current or recent injury. I don't see any sort of pain or hesitation when stepping. Starting around 1:08 I see a fairly significant turn out when weight is lifted off the right foot. It is easiest for me to see when they walk on the tile. The left foot comes down parallel to the tile line, while the right foot turns out when lifted and then comes down at a good angle compared to the tile lines. I see it in the beginning of video as well, perp walking away from camera - foot almost turns out in the air when lifted.

That being said, I am able to find spots in the video that almost always contradict something I think I see in another spot....I can't even come to a solid conclusion on right or left handed.

Is it possible there's video of two perps spliced on the LE official video or flipped the video? not sure why they do that though.
Respectfully BBM.... careful have to walk softly :)
Have all females on SW had their eyes looked at? I only remember 1 being spoken of about anything really. And unsure why :thinking:

I am presuming that investigators have scientifically enhanced pics of SW peeps...............or anyone else that they are interested in looking at and into. We don't know what they have. But if they think perp is female, as they have obliquely said, they can enhance pics from FB's too.............they don't need search warrants for public pictures. JMO
They could float the two perp idea many here have, easy enough. I also never thought casy anthony would walk. Too much risk here yet

Right, but going back to your original thought that they may already know who SP is based on an enhanced shot of the eyes in the helmet - even in the two perp scenario, that perp in swat gear would be guilty of murder so the arrest would occur. I just can't come up with any possible reason they would be able to clearly see the eyes to the point of knowing who that is and not have them in custody already.
It does seem like the eyes match someone....but if I ask myself if could I convict someone based on that photo of the eyes, I have to say no. I think LE wants more than just look-alike eyes from a fuzzy security video.


I agree! They could have a VERY close match to SP with facial recognition... but need more evidence for a solid case... and that is what they are doing now. ;) :phone:
The police have to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. They are trying to get as much evidence as possible on the suspect. A video picture isn't going to prove that person killed Missy. They could say it wasn't them and they have an alibi. They need more proof...DNA, Fingerprints, Motive, swat gear that was used, vehicle... Etc. They also have to figure out if they acted alone or if they had an accomplice. These things take time to figure out. Lab tests, surveillance, wire taps, online purchases, cell phone records. All of this data will prove beyond a reasonable doubt the person on camera committed the murder. Without that information you leave room for doubts and they want to leave no chance of that! JMO
No, I'm using what we have come to learn in the media and on this thread.
So, you think it's a random teenage burglary? I'm using my premise as a theory- I have no concluding proof.

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Right now I lean more toward burglary. Backup theory is a thrill kill from someone who surveilled her but didn't know her. I don't think it was someone she knew, though I admit it's possible.

There is nothing in the media or on here that has eliminated the possibility of burglary. LE has presented that theory and then your theory, and then said they're not committed to any one theory.

Another possibility is vandalism without burglary. He could have wanted to tear crap up and wore the outfit for disguise, DNA containment, protection from rain, and to guard against injury from the damage he was inflicting on glass and metal.
Seasoned WSrs: Assuming a person would have to be first named a POI and a new SW obtained in order for the police to have cause to search the POIs vehicle? There are certainly a couple of vehicles I wouldn't mind spraying with luminol.
So you're beginning from the premise that MB and her killer were acquainted. That is far from established. You may be right, but we don't know.

The question you posed was, why a church at 3:50 am when exercise classes were known to take place at 5? That question is only relevant if one goes with your theory that she knew her killer. Well, if that turns out to be the case, then of course the perp wouldn't have been burglarizing in the first place.

You're using your premise as concluding proof.

If it were a thief, which I don't think it was, it was someone who clearly planned in advance. That is an assumption based on the outfit, avoiding detection entering and departing, and not being caught to date. That took some planning, not dumb luck.

So, it's not a huge leap to assume the thief would also know enough about his/her target to check out when people were in the building. It was not a one-time deal that Missy was there for her 5am class. A thief this organized would know when the janitorial staff and office staff arrived and departed too.

We really don't have much to go on....but it's my hunch (yes, a hunch) that the perp knew Missy would be there. It was a random, chance encounter turned deadly.

JMOpinion of course
I think this points to the fact the eyes can't be cleared up enough to make a positive ID. If they had a good quality picture of the eyes that clearly identified SP, they would make the arrest, IMO. There would be no possible reason to wait that I can think of. The fact they haven't says to me that the shots of the eyes are similar to what we have which are not near the quality needed to make a positive ID. And even if we feel we can make an educated guess, it is risky to do that off an enhanced version of the screen shot. As others have mentioned, you greatly reduce the quality of the picture with each save\edit.

Robert Durst did though :(

Indeed he did. It has nothing to do with jury and their verdict or the state they are tried in. , if you the door is open for appeal after guilty verdict you risk sentence being overturned, even on a technicality all the way to supreme court which has nothing to do with the great state of Texas.
It just dawned on me that there is no 911 call released. If there is, I cannot find it. If I've missed something I'm still catching up.
It just dawned on me that there is no 911 call released. If there is, I cannot find it. If I've missed something I'm still catching up.

Nope you are right they haven't released the 911 calls. You haven't missed that... With this many threads it's easy to miss things though.
Right now I lean more toward burglary. Backup theory is a thrill kill from someone who surveilled her but didn't know her. I don't think it was someone she knew, though I admit it's possible.

There is nothing in the media or on here that has eliminated the possibility of burglary. LE has presented that theory and then your theory, and then said they're not committed to any one theory.

Another possibility is vandalism without burglary. He could have wanted to tear crap up and wore the outfit for disguise, DNA containment, protection from rain, and to guard against injury from the damage he was inflicting on glass and metal.

Yes, but when we talk about "theories" we have no idea what part of the crime LE is referring to- when they say there are conflicting theories among LE. I highly doubt they still debate burglary vs. a homicide. I should hope their theories are at a more complex level- who did this? How did they exit? Motive?
Again- looking forward to more info to go through together.

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Do the locals have any new developments to report? Any strange incidents like the 10 black SUVs or someone's garbage getting stolen? Any indication things are picking up at all?
I am presuming that investigators have scientifically enhanced pics of SW peeps...............or anyone else that they are interested in looking at and into. We don't know what they have. But if they think perp is female, as they have obliquely said, they can enhance pics from FB's too.............they don't need search warrants for public pictures. JMO

Yep, and get a search warrant after they had probable cause
rgrace7475 said:
Wow... That eye looks exactly like someone's eye on the SW list. JMO

Okay... I've seen about 3 or 4 people here mention this... can you tell the rest of us - WHO it might be?? Or is that not allowed? :thinking: I personally don't know "what" all these people look like that are on the SW list.

TIA! :wave:

The person who did the eye picture - have you sent that to MPD, maybe it will help them, if they have not already done this themselves... (you would think!)
Sparky said:


okay - back to reading... still on page 5 :pcguru:
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