TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #24

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I've no problems with defense attorneys in general. IN fact, if I was involved personally with this case, I would have hired an attorney already. My point is juries are highly unpredictable and can be fickle.
I need to defend defense attorneys here. I'm not a lawyer, but worked in paralegal internship for a public defender (not in TX, thank the stars). Defenses are built on prosecutorial overreach, beginning with the charges. They are based on legal technicality errors and even judicial errors. Usually, they wind up in a plea deal between attorneys. The purpose of the defense is to legally speak for the client. If anyone in TX or anywhere else hates defense attorneys, they had better hope that if they are accused of a crime that they did not commit, based upon the elements of the crime, they will have intelligent representation. Prosecutors always overcharge , expecting that there will probably be a reduction of charge down the road. A defense attorney needs to know what a prosecutor is thinking, in order to frame their defense. It is based on law. Not on nonsense. JMO

Could this be wire clippers? Appears the hand is wrapped around it. Not like a box.

I didn't think it looked like a box either when I was just seeing the screenshots here. If you go watch the Midlothian PD video and see it in motion, it definitely does seem to be a box of some sort (or at least a 3d, rectangular object). I think it is around the 2:00 min mark of their video at that is 2:26 min.
I lean to trashbags from the kitchen. Possibly to put clothes and tools in after they murder her. Keep their car clean of DNA evidence.

Looks like a cardboard box they are squeezing.

Other uses for trash bags - tie them around your feet as you leave. It will keep shoes dry and if perp was on foot, it helps to obscure tread marks.

Could also put a trash bag on the seat of the car to keep it from getting wet if the perp's clothes got wet.
For what its worth, to get to the Northside of Creekside Church of Christ, you do not have to drive around the building. You drive straight coming in the one way in/out drive Missy Bevers Creekside parking lot street lights.jpg
I need to defend defense attorneys here. I'm not a lawyer, but worked in paralegal internship for a public defender (not in TX, thank the stars). Defenses are built on prosecutorial overreach, beginning with the charges. They are based on legal technicality errors and even judicial errors. Usually, they wind up in a plea deal between attorneys. The purpose of the defense is to legally speak for the client. If anyone in TX or anywhere else hates defense attorneys, they had better hope that if they are accused of a crime that they did not commit, based upon the elements of the crime, they will have intelligent representation. Prosecutors always overcharge , expecting that there will probably be a reduction of charge down the road. A defense attorney needs to know what a prosecutor is thinking, in order to frame their defense. It is based on law. Not on nonsense. JMO

That's right you're not from Texas... Texas wants you anyway L.L.
I think this points to the fact the eyes can't be cleared up enough to make a positive ID. If they had a good quality picture of the eyes that clearly identified SP, they would make the arrest, IMO. There would be no possible reason to wait that I can think of. The fact they haven't says to me that the shots of the eyes are similar to what we have which are not near the quality needed to make a positive ID. And even if we feel we can make an educated guess, it is risky to do that off an enhanced version of the screen shot. As others have mentioned, you greatly reduce the quality of the picture with each save\edit.

AHA! Umbrellas!......................there's your burglary! JMO

Don't be that way now. Those that burgle and vandel sensibly check the lost and found first.
I've no problems with defense attorneys in general. IN fact, if I was involved personally with this case, I would have hired an attorney already. My point is juries are highly unpredictable and can be fickle.

YUP Juries are scary that's why selecting jurors is sooooo important. In OJ case, the jurors didn't believe the science and they were not peers of OJ. They were from downtown LA not Brentwood. Marcia blew it in selection, too. Never select someone who is not familiar with science. Rant over. JMO
Everyone's opinion is valuable. jmo Until LE makes the details of this murder public I'm going to continue to believe it could have been a burglary, or vandalism. I don't rule out a " jealous woman " type of crime, or a stalker either. There is no right answer at this time. ( And it could be a very long time before there are any answers here.) jmo Personally I will agree to disagree, and maintain respect for all opinion/speculation. jmo
I think this points to the fact the eyes can't be cleared up enough to make a positive ID. If they had a good quality picture of the eyes that clearly identified SP, they would make the arrest, IMO. There would be no possible reason to wait that I can think of. The fact they haven't says to me that the shots of the eyes are similar to what we have which are not near the quality needed to make a positive ID. And even if we feel we can make an educated guess, it is risky to do that off an enhanced version of the screen shot. As others have mentioned, you greatly reduce the quality of the picture with each save\edit.

YUP Juries are scary that's why selecting jurors is sooooo important. In OJ case, the jurors didn't believe the science and they were not peers of OJ. They were from downtown LA not Brentwood. Marcia blew it in selection, too. Never select someone who is not familiar with science. Rant over. JMO

Agreed that was my whole point, it doesn't matter how great the state or the moral compass of the general population, these can go south on a dime, I dont think for a second an intelligent DA would bring up charges based on the video alone. They have established her COD is consistant with the tools at the scene. Which means, they did not bag up the tools. Which is pretty dang good for this considering tne amount of evidence left at the scene. Just takes time.
I went back and checked and see that calling it a bullet proof vest was in a news article and not confirmed by MPD. Somewhere else it was mentioned they did not know if plates were in the vest. But IMO it seems likely wearing tactical gear they would carry tactical tools.

Thank you. Here's the last statement from MPD:


May 20, 2016 10:48 AM

"Surveillance video of the suspect inside the church showed a person wearing what looks like “police tactical gear,” including a helmet, vest and gloves. But police say the clothes aren’t specific to any branch of law enforcement. Assistant Chief Johnson said, “It’s been described as SWAT gear, it’s been described as tactical gear, it’s been described as ballistic gear, we don’t want to commit to anything specific that we don’t know for certain.”
Agreed that was my whole point, it doesn't matter how great the state or the moral compass of the general population, these can go south on a dime, I dont think for a second an intelligent DA would bring up charges based on the video alone. They have established her COD is consistant with the tools at the scene. Which means, they did not bag up the tools. Which is pretty dang good for this considering tne amount of evidence left at the scene. Just takes time.

Let's HOPE that there is DNA recovered.........JMO
Defenses are built on prosecutorial overreach, beginning with the charges. They are based on legal technicality errors and even judicial errors. Usually, they wind up in a plea deal between attorneys. The purpose of the defense is to legally speak for the client. If anyone in TX or anywhere else hates defense attorneys, they had better hope that if they are accused of a crime that they did not commit, based upon the elements of the crime, they will have intelligent representation. Prosecutors always overcharge , expecting that there will probably be a reduction of charge down the road. A defense attorney needs to know what a prosecutor is thinking, in order to frame their defense. It is based on law. Not on nonsense. JMO

Wow - gotta respond here: as a long time prosecutor (not in Texas) I would say that your statement "Prosecutors always overcharge" is not only false, but it is also unfair. A prosecutor's job is to do justice, and the defense attorney's job is to hold the prosecutors to that standard, and work in the client's best interest. If you are working with unethical prosecutors, that needs to be reported to the State Bar. The prosecutor is only supposed to bring the charge that can ethically be supported by the facts of the case, ie- the evidence. Now - if you are dealing with an unethical prosecutor (think Duke Lacrosse) the system is broken. But that is why that prosecutor lost his ability to practice law.
YUP Juries are scary that's why selecting jurors is sooooo important. In OJ case, the jurors didn't believe the science and they were not peers of OJ. They were from downtown LA not Brentwood. Marcia blew it in selection, too. Never select someone who is not familiar with science. Rant over. JMO

Someone reporting on this case was a Jury Consultant or posting about this case... cant remember who so JMHO :thinking:
I think this points to the fact the eyes can't be cleared up enough to make a positive ID. If they had a good quality picture of the eyes that clearly identified SP, they would make the arrest, IMO. There would be no possible reason to wait that I can think of. The fact they haven't says to me that the shots of the eyes are similar to what we have which are not near the quality needed to make a positive ID. And even if we feel we can make an educated guess, it is risky to do that off an enhanced version of the screen shot. As others have mentioned, you greatly reduce the quality of the picture with each save\edit.

Agreed that was my whole point, it doesn't matter how great the state or the moral compass of the general population, these can go south on a dime, I dont think for a second an intelligent DA would bring up charges based on the video alone. They have established her COD is consistant with the tools at the scene. Which means, they did not bag up the tools. Which is pretty dang good for this considering tne amount of evidence left at the scene. Just takes time.

Just to add to my diatribe, it would be hot as Haiti's in that get up, I would bet my 1982 Gremlin there is sweat, tranfer and saliva DNA they are doing on the weapons. Unless they were covered head to toe in latex including their oral orifice, tbere is no way they did not leave their personal business card. It is going to take a while, that is why I shake my head in wonder at people who think this is cold already, yeah sure, shirt with dog blood, interesting, that is not 1/1,000,000 th of the story here.
Wow - gotta respond here: as a long time prosecutor (not in Texas) I would say that your statement "Prosecutors always overcharge" is not only false, but it is also unfair. A prosecutor's job is to do justice, and the defense attorney's job is to hold the prosecutors to that standard, and work in the client's best interest. If you are working with unethical prosecutors, that needs to be reported to the State Bar. The prosecutor is only supposed to bring the charge that can ethically be supported by the facts of the case, ie- the evidence. Now - if you are dealing with an unethical prosecutor (think Duke Lacrosse) the system is broken. But that is why that prosecutor lost his ability to practice law.

Respectfully BBM, I totally agree with this. And that's why Public should not get all bent out of shape thinking should have an arrest by day xx. They have to get the evidence to support the charges filed. I hold them to that standard.

I do think there are many instances of overcharge. Seems that's the practice in FL (from the couple of trials I have followed there)

What is your opinion on speaking with an attorney if you were any of the folks that have been listed on SW? After following cases, I believe I would at least speak to one. JMHO
Wow - gotta respond here: as a long time prosecutor (not in Texas) I would say that your statement "Prosecutors always overcharge" is not only false, but it is also unfair. A prosecutor's job is to do justice, and the defense attorney's job is to hold the prosecutors to that standard, and work in the client's best interest. If you are working with unethical prosecutors, that needs to be reported to the State Bar. The prosecutor is only supposed to bring the charge that can ethically be supported by the facts of the case, ie- the evidence. Now - if you are dealing with an unethical prosecutor (think Duke Lacrosse) the system is broken. But that is why that prosecutor lost his ability to practice law.

I'll defer to your expertise, but in a particular case that I researched, we argued the charge of assault with intent to commit murder, and for good legal reason, we asked for a reduction to meet the facts based upon the intent charge and were denied. Client eventually pled to assault charge, having NOT the capacity to form specific intent as originally charged. JMO ETA Thanks for your input! We need you to stick around!
For what its worth, to get to the Northside of Creekside Church of Christ, you do not have to drive around the building. You drive straight coming in the one way in/out drive

They'd not drive their own car most likely and they'd most likely drive something harder to distinguish from other models of cars. No offense to any owners of these particular cars but, for example, in the dark, and not knowing I needed to pay attention, I'd not be able to tell if I'd seen an Avalon, a Camry, or a Lexus drive past, especially if it were from any distance at all, but if they were in a bright red Hummer, or a Stealth, or a Mustang, I'd notice. You can pick those shapes out and they sound different. I'd also take note if I'd heard a m/c. Especially if it were raining. That's just me though.
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