TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #25

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Just a theory about why LE believes MB was targeted & it is not a burglary gone wrong:

Perhaps after review of the body & murder scene (plus consulting w/various add'l agencies), they've looked at **burglary statistics** and from the analysis know that the MB murder scene does not align with a burglary. Maybe statistical analysis shows an interrupted burglary usually consists of the victim (interceptor) being quickly & singularly incapacitated; sometimes momentarily and sometimes fatally? Maybe interrupted burglaries show that typically a single type of weapon is used & used very quickly to cause a fatal blow or to temporarily disengage the interceptor? Does interrupted burglary statistics show that the perp confronts & incapacitates the interceptor usually in one fell swoop & with one method of weaponry and exits very, very quickly?

So (& I hate to write this) lets just say hypothetically in this MB case, none of the above applies to the above interrupted burglary scene. We already know that SWATperp didn't take anything from the church but that doesn't address the main statistical analysis points. Here's what may: MB may have had **multiple** weapons used to cause her demise, there may have been overkill which is not a very quick way to incapacitate an interceptor, overkill may indicate a personal association with the victim showing a targeted crime, there may have been a "lure" (i.e. a tape recording of a baby crying planted in an isolated spot OR even SWATperp calling for help) which burglars do not do--they do not entice the interceptor to a location, and finally, what is the statistical analysis on burglars wearing quasi-Police gear with the words "Police" being prominently displayed?

I wonder if anyone here has reviewed statistical analysis on interrupted burglaries to compare the data with targeted crimes?

All above is simply theoretical conjecture. All moo.

I agree. All we've been told is that it is "multiple blows" to the head and chest. "Multiple blows" could be 2 hits to the head and one to the chest as the victim was falling (missing the head with the 3rd blow) as an example. That could or could not be a burglary gone wrong. If on the other hand we have a dozen to 2 dozen blows, most while the victim was already down, that might be more personal with regard to the victim - especially if there were many to the face. The killer, after all, has their appearance disguised and once Missy is down and incapacitated, you have what you need to flee the scene. Any thing more is overkill and time that could be better used to leave the area. Again, the statistics on similar past crimes could tell us more.
Well after reading around in Rumorville, I can only imagine some of the stuff they rec'd on the tip line. And Lord only knows how many times daily! I am sure that alone will wear someone out! And wasted valuable time.

I'm going to guess a lot of tips are motivated by wanting to place the blame on who they suspect is responsible.



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Yes. This whole 911 debacle is bizarre. Why on earth would anyone call BB before calling 911? This could be cleared up with 911 disclosure. As it is, people like me are wondering if the same camper who called BB ,next called 911, while another camper called 911 around the same time. But if they were the two that reportedly found Missy it's reasonable to think that one of them told the other that they were calling 911. Maybe of the two, one called 911 and the other called BB.....and a third camper also made a 911 call. BB promptly called MT reportedly with news of Missy involved in an accident. Is this what the camper relayed to BB, or is it BB who relayed the news of an accident to MT, or was it MT who originated the accident info, when she called KS??????? Campers who found Missy in the condition she was in, would never have thought that this was a slip-and-fall. JMO

I'm trying to place myself in that position and thought maybe if I knew she was dead I would first call BB the way you might call someone's spouse/parent/child when you find out about their loved one's death.

However... I think I would be too incredibly frightened to not call 911 first. The murderer could still be in the building.

I wonder if the caller ran out of the building and called from the parking lot or inside their car.
I am wondering, did the statistics say Where the killings took place? Like, for instance were there more killings at homes with hammers, or did these killings happen elsewhere other than a home that would have easy access to a hammer? Also, did a large majority of those killings happen at a job where a hammer was an easy item to get a hold of? I was wondering the percentages of those incidences?
How many killings took place with a hammer, that the decedent was found in a place that a hammer would not usually have been used?
Was this the first choice of a weapon, or was a hammer just convenient in those statistical killings?

I think when you weigh the use of a hammer, versus say a gun, there's a few reasons why something like a hammer might be used. Obviously, transporting a hammer is simple and no questions will be asked. A hammer is a quiet blunt force weapon. The sound of a gunshot is loud and distinctive, and typically much more so than a victim being attacked by a blunt instrument.

We had a hammer attack many years ago here locally, as a result of an ongoing feud between two people. The attacker followed the victim, waited for him to get out of his car and blindsided him with a hammer. He struck him repeatedly, knocking him down and kept hitting him with both the claw end and the front of a hammer in the head.

While the victim didn't die, he sustained some pretty vicious lacerations and some life long neurological problems as a result.

I don't know the frequency of attacks like this, but surely the fact that a hammer has both a blunt and sharp end, is quiet and nondescript...I wouldn't be surprised if it was a common item for attack.

New to WS. Here is the body type I think closely resembles SP. BatBrat I like that you take time to make this animation, however, I am with MrsCP that the person appears larger than your depiction. A side angle will always take pounds off of the subject being photographed, i.e. Models use this technique quite a bit. It would interesting for you to do this technique you have to view of the subject straight on.

some notes: I have been reading all of these posts and I did post the other day that the person is wearing shorts and leggings or hose. These are not pants and it is evident from sharp line at bottom of several images during video and the back of the leg on way to double door and at end of video when light hits that area behind knee.

Some me have made note of light on helmet. This was not turned on until after Dutch doors when we see SP walking towards camera. This light is bright and you would have seen it shining on surfaces at the beginning of video if it were on. I believe SP turned this on to blind MB. Would be interesting to know if she had defensive wounds to arms or hands.

Since i I have always believed this was a coordinated effort between at least two people. One inside church and one on outside telling SP that MB was driving up and making sure she was alone so SP could take care of business.

Sparky - there is a person that is off limits to talk about - however, I believe he was directly involved (and I will apologize if my opinion turns out wrong) but people may think they know a person really well and not know what they are capable of. He didn't do the actual killing of MB but is directly involved. JMO.

Sorry this is so long.
Respectfully BBM, at the April 18 Press Conf both Chief Smith and Captain Spann stated that the Suspect was wearing BDU type pants. I have not heard them change that description and they have a better copy of the video than we do. Unsure why they would say that if it were shorts. JMHO
Link to the transcription of that Press Conf is on page 6 of the Media Page iirc.
Notice how, from 1:38 to 1:40 there's almost :02 that we see nothing. I think h/she turned it on between 1:38, when they were behind the door, and somewhere invisible, and when we see them again, facing forward at 1:40 and the light is clearly on.
Possibly light sensitive?
Every day that passes I am believing more and more that someone paid a professional to kill MB. By now I believe that people close to her have told LE all they know about her personal life. With no POI yet it isn't looking good for an arrest anytime soon. JMO

I agree with you, and have not changed my mind regarding that sicario, I mean, scenario.
I did some research to see how many people in the US are killed by hammers. FBI statistics say more people are killed with hammers and clubs than guns. Only death by knife out ways them both by far. This info blew my mind. Killing with a hammer would seem to be so personal.

In this case the killer might not own a gun, or might not want the evidence and suspect list to include people who own guns. Like if a person is on the list owning a gun might put him or her on the short list.

Just some speculation.
It's odd that someone called as soon as they found her to me. It seems like the police would have wanted to be the ones to speak to him first to gauge his reaction in those first minutes.

With all due respect, I would have called BB too if I had found her and had his number. Especially if I knew someone else was on the phone with 911 or immediately after the 911 call was made. I'd be in shock.

We don't know camper #1's relationship with MB and BB, they could have been friends and thus had each other's number. ...and to add to that I would have said, MB was involved in an accident or there has been an accident or something to that effect~~Especially, if I didn't realize it was anything other than an accident. Would also like to add that I agree with Seriously? that I would have been back in my car quickly if I recognized it was murder. I would be too afraid the perp was still in the area and might target me next. I don't think I would feel comfortable and safe until LE arrived. Going back to my post about feeling at ease and safe with LE present.
RBBM (Respectfully bolded by me)

To me I don't see the "fear factor". I see get up close with MB at ease before striking. This leads me to believe Missy could potentially get away (run) or could overpower the perp. Thus, the need to put her at ease to get close enough to her.

Respectfully, I've heard this mentioned several times. I don't understand this line of thinking. If I was alone and encountered someone dressed like this under these circumstances, it certainly wouldn't put me at ease no matter who they SAID they were or what their disguise implied. In no way would this allow them to get close to me. I would run BECAUSE they were dressed like this, as well as for many other reasons.


Respectfully snipped for focus

Edited to steer this back onto topic. I believe the costume was meant as a way to put the victim at ease. Whether or not it worked we may never know. But I think that was the purpose.

Am I the only one who feels that the unsub/perp/killer/murderer of Missy bonked her about the head with a hard tool in order to incapacitate her immediately? Thus, the unsub/perp/killer/murderer hid themselves so that they could hit Missy without her ever knowing they were inside the church for a nefarious purpose. IOW, she was battered as soon as possible.

The SWAT gear was used to hide their true identity from the CCTV and to prevent their DNA from being left at the CS. There is not one benefit that I can acknowledge of wearing that hot, cumbersome gear to approach Missy with words from a SWATPERP that would set her at ease. The purpose was to take her by surprise and not to attempt to convince her that she had nothing to fear.

As always, jmho and all that jazz
There is a very complete timeline (including copies of the warrants) at this link:


The person who compiled it is "bingbutt" on the Scribd. site. Don't know if it's anyone in here, but if so, well done!

ETA: click "continue in browser" if you don't have the Scribd. app.

(If you make/circulate copies, please be sure to attribute him as author - the timeline alone is 5 pages long, and represents a lot of work.)
RBBM (Respectfully bolded by me)
Am I the only one who feels that the unsub/perp/killer/murderer of Missy bonked her about the head with a hard tool in order to incapacitate her immediately? Thus, the unsub/perp/killer/murderer hid themselves so that they could hit Missy without her ever knowing they were inside the church for a nefarious purpose. IOW, she was battered as soon as possible.

The SWAT gear was used to hide their true identity from the CCTV and to prevent their DNA from being left at the CS. There is not one benefit that I can acknowledge of wearing that hot, cumbersome gear to approach Missy with words from a SWATPERP that would set her at ease. The purpose was to take her by surprise and not to attempt to convince her that she had nothing to fear.

As always, jmho and all that jazz

No, I'm leaning your way on this. LE have said SP "ambushed" her, so I'd agree he probably laid in wait, then incapacitated her as quickly as possible.
Every day that passes I am believing more and more that someone paid a professional to kill MB. By now I believe that people close to her have told LE all they know about her personal life. With no POI yet it isn't looking good for an arrest anytime soon. JMO

Don't lose hope. Skip over to the Dan Markel case, who was basically executed close to two years ago. Arrests were made this week, with more to come, even while the general public began to think his case was going cold.
With all due respect, I would have called BB too if I had found her and had his number. Especially if I knew someone else was on the phone with 911 or immediately after the 911 call was made. I'd be in shock.

We don't know camper #1's relationship with MB and BB, they could have been friends and thus had each other's number. ...and to add to that I would have said, MB was involved in an accident or there has been an accident or something to that effect~~Especially, if I didn't realize it was anything other than an accident. Would also like to add that I agree with Seriously? that I would have been back in my car quickly if I recognized it was murder. I would be too afraid the perp was still in the area and might target me next. I don't think I would feel comfortable and safe until LE arrived. Going back to my post about feeling at ease and safe with LE present.

In searching for the time Ms. Bevers was pronounced by the JP, I listened to LE press conference of 04/18. At about 7:55 on the video, Captain John Spann says the victim was found by campers, who assumed she was unresponsive "until they saw her injuries". Subsequently, he says their initial response to the church "was to an unresponsive female". Could this account for the two 911 calls? One call for unresponsive female and another more specific to the condition of her body? I don't know.......
Also, I heard Captain Spann say the responders observed the condition of the building with broken glass and the victim. Doesn't say there was broken glass around the body. Maybe the search warrant says something different.
Just FYI, y'all. I'm still interested in the time the JP pronounced her and the time LE contacted Mr. Bevers.
In searching for the time Ms. Bevers was pronounced by the JP, I listened to LE press conference of 04/18. At about 7:55 on the video, Captain John Spann says the victim was found by campers, who assumed she was unresponsive "until they saw her injuries". Subsequently, he says their initial response to the church "was to an unresponsive female". Could this account for the two 911 calls? One call for unresponsive female and another more specific to the condition of her body? I don't know.......
Also, I heard Captain Spann say the responders observed the condition of the building with broken glass and the victim. Doesn't say there was broken glass around the body. Maybe the search warrant says something different.
Just FYI, y'all. I'm still interested in the time the JP pronounced her and the time LE contacted Mr. Bevers.

What does "JP" stand for?
Yes. This whole 911 debacle is bizarre. Why on earth would anyone call BB before calling 911? This could be cleared up with 911 disclosure. As it is, people like me are wondering if the same camper who called BB ,next called 911, while another camper called 911 around the same time. But if they were the two that reportedly found Missy it's reasonable to think that one of them told the other that they were calling 911. Maybe of the two, one called 911 and the other called BB.....and a third camper also made a 911 call. BB promptly called MT reportedly with news of Missy involved in an accident. Is this what the camper relayed to BB, or is it BB who relayed the news of an accident to MT, or was it MT who originated the accident info, when she called KS??????? Campers who found Missy in the condition she was in, would never have thought that this was a slip-and-fall. JMO

On that Official Press Release it has 2 -911 calls approx 5 am
on SW for iPhone & iPad says 911 call was rec'f at 5:06 am Iphone Ipad 911 call time 506.jpg

5:00 a.m. - * Two 911 calls received from church *Official MPD Press Release
5:01 a.m. - * Fire department dispatched **Official MPD Press Release
5:03 a.m. - * Initial patrol officers dispatched **Official MPD Press Release
5:06 a.m. LE received 911 call ** pg 5/8 SW iPhone & iPad extraction warrant
5:07 a.m. - Fire department arrives at location *Official MPD Press Release
5:10 a.m. Officers arrives at location *Official MPD Press Release

5:30 a.m. MB SIL KS on Dateline, stated her Mom Marsha Tucker called her, MB in accident, for KS go to go to MB house to be w/girls, she going to MB. Campers had called BB & he called mom- MT, then LE called BB and stated MB had pasted away

These are from my notes... with where I got the information. JMHO, The 2nd 911 call may have been the 5:06am call, frantic that First responders hadn't arrived, OR maybe that MB was just unresponsive the first call and 2nd deceased? One min later from this 911 call FD arrives on scene. 5:06 is either 2nd or 3rd 911 call placed. ***this 506 time is is in the Probable Cause Affidavit.

There also a discrepancy of 418 and 420 MB
Am I the only one who feels that the unsub/perp/killer/murderer of Missy bonked her about the head with a hard tool in order to incapacitate her immediately? Thus, the unsub/perp/killer/murderer hid themselves so that they could hit Missy without her ever knowing they were inside the church for a nefarious purpose. IOW, she was battered as soon as possible.

The SWAT gear was used to hide their true identity from the CCTV and to prevent their DNA from being left at the CS. There is not one benefit that I can acknowledge of wearing that hot, cumbersome gear to approach Missy with words from a SWATPERP that would set her at ease. The purpose was to take her by surprise and not to attempt to convince her that she had nothing to fear.

As always, jmho and all that jazz

I basically agree with your post that the SwatPerp lain in wait and used the element of surprise to attack. I do not agree with theories of confrontation with SP rebuking MB for her imagined misdeeds. MOO is that the SP was there to murder MB. The SWAT gear serves many purposes, especially if the detailed plans for the crime fell apart at any given point before-during-after the murder.
Could it be that the camp gladiator at the scene grabbed MB's phone & dialed the last number called (hit redial)?
We know from LE that MB's iPad was in her truck but I don't recall them saying her phone? Did she have more than one phone--one on her person & invariably then at the crime scene & one in her truck too?

I find it strange that a call would go to anyone other than 911 but maybe because I've spent too much time on WS? Lol!
JMHO iphone had to be with her, it wasn't listed on the truck SW. also JMHO the First Campers knew the BB cell number.
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