TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #25

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so, about a 9 hour drive. That works for arrival around 3pm. JMO

I agree. I drove from Avanel NJ to Houston TX in 26 hrs, when one of my kids had sustained an injury and I got the call as I was leaving the office. Ran up a crazy p one bill on the way back. Not sure how I got here without being pulled over,, except I was in a brand new stark white LTD and maybe any of the dozen or so + state troopers I passed going 100, 110 pmh didn't figure anybody that one of them would be traveling those speeds. I prefer to belive, it was Devine intervention.
Doors were probably open, as LA has video of her entering the building.

There is speculation that she entered the main entrance and walked down the hallway past the bulletin board towards the doors where her truck was parked where she was likely ambushed and killed. Also, even if she did enter those doors near the truck, I don't think she would prop the door open until she finished everything she needed to do to set up indoors for her class. She was there super early. Based on what we know about her wounds and that she was punctured and/or bludgeoned by the toll(s) the perp was carrying, one would think it would be very obvious if you were able to get that close up to see her. Based on the first call, maybe they saw here lying there on the floor and the doors were locked so they called then? Just speculating.
JMHO I bet they don't release them, may even have sealed. MPD made a statement to MSM May 4. that they are not talking anymore about COD and Mechanism of Injury as it is something only the Killer would know. That is another reason I don't think they have released, or that we have heard much about many things. JMHO

If they have sealed something that is public record, then they will be sued to compel the release.
I did some research to see how many people in the US are killed by hammers. FBI statistics say more people are killed with hammers and clubs than guns. Only death by knife out ways them both by far. This info blew my mind. Killing with a hammer would seem to be so personal.

Where are you getting your numbers? Here are the FBI statistics I found
Guns are used more than 10 times more often than blunt instruments (clubs, hammers, etc).
JMHO, the First Camper called BB to tell of accident to let BB know and that 911 had been called. Not knowing at time was murdered. So he calls his Mother, then after this LE calls BB and tells him that MB has passed away. BB calls Mother back tells her MB passed away, and she, husb (BB Step Dad), BB Uncle & Aunt, and BB sister KS all go over to MB/BB home. << This is from Dateline interview from KS. KS give a time of 5:30am that Mother MT called her. Again JMHO I don't think anything hinky about the calls (at present time)

****We do not know the time that CG camper called BB, (BB or his Mother called this person a friend in one interview iirc)
We also do not know the time that LE called BB, but KS gives time of 530 of her Mother calling her.
I agree with your explanation. The only thing I would add about the Camper who called BB is that the Camper may not have known he was out of town. The Camper may have thought he was at home in Red Oak and that BB would want to know, that BB would want to rush to the scene or hospital.
Nope. Where does the double door (dark) entry lead to that is depicted in the video as perp walks by it when turning left into that long hallway with the dutch doors? The vestibule between the outdoor entrance (where MB parked her car) and into the main hallway. (The very SW part of the church.) Your map does not show it but another one did.

And not sneaky but stealthy. &#128522;

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Respectufully BBM LOVE IT ! :loveyou:
Ok I will share, this... not shown on my old map ;) but is on my personal revision from long ago... But the interor nor exterior doors are busted here at all. Here is a SS from news at 10pm that night of April 18. Yes there is a little hallway opposite way from Dutch Doors. *camera that caught Dutch door hallway video I believe is above this area....
You can see the restroom door and also the Bulletin board from this shot. JMHO that is what that door is, not the door that Suspect tried to open, I may be wrong on that but fully believe there are restrooms on that small hallway. (left as come in the doors from MB truck under the Covered Awning... right would be Dutch doors/hallway)
April 18 wfaa covered doors news shot.jpg

SO, are you saying down that little hallway where restrooms are, or in area between interior/exterior doors by MB truck? IF in the area between interior/exterior again, I agree to disagree in a loving way of course ;)
If they have sealed something that is public record, then they will be sued to compel the release.

Are they legally obligated to have them available while an investigation is still ongoing? I do see they are public record in Tx, but I would just be shocked if they were available back in April and none of the news stations, NG, etc had immediately requested them.
JMHO iphone had to be with her, it wasn't listed on the truck SW. also JMHO the First Campers knew the BB cell number.

I doubt she had it with her, since workout clothes do not have pockets that I have ever noticed. According to this article
Bevers died from a head wound, caused by the suspect using an unknown instrument. Detectives also have Bevers' purse, iPad and other personal items and electronics found in her truck that could hold clues.

And this one says:
The cell phone and iPad were secured at the police department while the warrant was obtained, according to the affidavit


One more:
The warrant also shows police removed her purse, iPad, and other personal items from the truck in an effort to find financial information or any communication she may have had with others. [I assume this to include the cell phone. JMO]

I know the articles are not specific as to where the phone was, but it makes more sense to me that it was with her equipment or in the truck, rather than with her. JMO
If they have sealed something that is public record, then they will be sued to compel the release.

That's not accurate, actually. LE is allowed to withhold information at their discretion when it is part of an 'ongoing investigation'. That doesn't mean that it will never be released, but that they can delay it indefinitely.
New to WS.

Some me have made note of light on helmet. This was not turned on until after Dutch doors when we see SP walking towards camera. This light is bright and you would have seen it shining on surfaces at the beginning of video if it were on. I believe SP turned this on to blind MB. Would be interesting to know if she had defensive wounds to arms or hands.
Snipped for brevity. Welcome! I think you are right about when SP turned on the helmet lamp. I think it is right around 1:17 of CCV-Update vid. I think he/she was using it to look inside that door, down from the dutch doors, and just left it on, possibly to go inside the darkened, main church area. I do find something kind of odd. Maybe it is to do w/the motion cameras? We see SP at 1:17 behind the dutch doors looking in another door (imo). At 1:22 we can still see SP moving a bit behind the door. Then, at 1:22.5 to 1:23 SP is down the hall and facing us, w/the lamp shining. How did SP get down the hall and walking back toward us in the span of .5 to 1.0 seconds? Does he/she possess super human strengths, time travel, ?? This has bugged me from day 1. I think the film has been snipped. jmo
I believe it's been mentioned in numerous interviews that there were 2 911 calls placed by the campers.

Not directed as a reply to you...but in general if you find a scene and assess the victim is deceased, logic holds that if you are in a church & there's blood and glass--how could an accident happen? LE said she died from multiple wounds to the chest & head which is bloody. It's not like a chandelier suddenly dropped on her head. Common sense would be to call 911 & keep the site secured from getting more contaminated. But that could just be me. To make the highly disturbing & emotional call to family members....nope...I'd leave that to the authorities. Especially the initial calls.

But my mileage varies ...


Respectfully we are now speaking hindsight 20/20. At the time, they didn't know what had happened. Nor do we know what the scene looked like. * again we do not know what time the call was placed to BB by the camper. It could have been either prior to LE arriving (my guess) or after LE arrived and went through the building and realized there had been a break in. By 530 when BB called his Mother back and Mother called KS, LE had called BB and said MB passed away. If we are to believe what KS said on the Dateline interview (April 21) they didnt know much at the time. BB also stated he didn't know much on April 18 when he spoke with Fox4 about 15 min after arriving home. He had only been speaking with LE on the phone. JMHO I feel sure they only gave very limited information at that time. Press Conf was in afternoon (unsure exactly what time) but IIRC prior to the news at 5 pm. because they released the 7 sec video.
I doubt she had it with her, since workout clothes do not have pockets that I have ever noticed. According to this article
Bevers died from a head wound, caused by the suspect using an unknown instrument. Detectives also have Bevers' purse, iPad and other personal items and electronics found in her truck that could hold clues.

And this one says:
The cell phone and iPad were secured at the police department while the warrant was obtained, according to the affidavit


One more:
The warrant also shows police removed her purse, iPad, and other personal items from the truck in an effort to find financial information or any communication she may have had with others. [I assume this to include the cell phone. JMO]

I know the articles are not specific as to where the phone was, but it makes more sense to me that it was with her equipment or in the truck, rather than with her. JMO

The fact that all of her personal belingings were left at the scene doesn't point to a botched burglary.
I'm trying to place myself in that position and thought maybe if I knew she was dead I would first call BB the way you might call someone's spouse/parent/child when you find out about their loved one's death.

However... I think I would be too incredibly frightened to not call 911 first. The murderer could still be in the building.

I wonder if the caller ran out of the building and called from the parking lot or inside their car.

Agree. IF I went in and saw that it appeared to have been someone done something -- other damage clearly not done by MB in the area she was located I would have hauled butt out.. too many scary movies...who knows if Jason is standing there ready to get me next :panic:... I thinking by the way the SW read and the Press Conf, that LE went and checked the rest of the building, it must have been evident someone else had been in building. Could be another possibility of multiple 911 calls We just have little to go on on a lot of what happened. JMHO

ETA: think again at the time BB got the phone call. Probably woke all up (BB, then he waking his Mother then Mother waking up KS) and this was all in a very short time frame. I could see calling BB especially since he was out of town. JMHO
Respectufully BBM LOVE IT ! :loveyou:
Ok I will share, this... not shown on my old map ;) but is on my personal revision from long ago... But the interor nor exterior doors are busted here at all. Here is a SS from news at 10pm that night of April 18. Yes there is a little hallway opposite way from Dutch Doors. *camera that caught Dutch door hallway video I believe is above this area....
You can see the restroom door and also the Bulletin board from this shot. JMHO that is what that door is, not the door that Suspect tried to open, I may be wrong on that but fully believe there are restrooms on that small hallway. (left as come in the doors from MB truck under the Covered Awning... right would be Dutch doors/hallway)

SO, are you saying down that little hallway where restrooms are, or in area between interior/exterior doors by MB truck? IF in the area between interior/exterior again, I agree to disagree in a loving way of course ;)

Are you saying that this reporter is standing in the covered awning porte chochere area where MB parked her truck, and the reporter is NOT standing in front of the main church doors?
I think my initial assumption would likely be accident. I walk in to a dark church and find her on the ground. Depending on if she is laying face up or face down, there may have not been much evident as to what was wrong. Even if there was blood, I don't think I would immediately jump to murder. I highly doubt they even knew she was dead before the call was made. If 2 campers went in, I assume one dials 911 immediately while the other goes to see if she is responding to her name or any form of touch. I would even guess the 911 operator would be the one to ask them if she was breathing, had a pulse, etc. For me, personally, dialing 911 would be my first move when I could tell it was something serious. And if it was close to 5am, there were likely other campers there pretty close to the time they found her. It could have even been one of them to call BB. If I found a friend on the ground and 911 was already on the line, I think I would call the spouse if I had the number. Again, all of that going of my thought they didn't immediately think dead and murdered.

I would think that a bloody hammer laying by MB's side would lead those that discovered her to quickly determine that it was likely not an accident.
We know what that MB's estimated TOA was public knowledge. We know her actual TOA. We know when suspect first appeared on video, and have a viable estimate of how long he/she was there prior. We know the suspect made a point to cover entire body, so we can surmise that it was for reasons of not being identified, but can only speculate that it was to trick MB. We know the suspect brought tools, and had collected some that were present at the church per LE. We don't know witch were witch. I don't think picking part LE's comments moves us forward. LE has stated, "None of the persons on ST are suspects". Yes they said everything is on the table. Don't think we can read into that "some my be suspects in the future" I would use that to move on to other possibilities. We know that there were multiple flirtatious conversations on linked in, but we only know of one person who was on the other end of those messages, so we also know there are at least one more, but we don't know who. ??? We know the approximate height of the suspect, but the trick is we know the max estimated height and that allows us to rule out persons taller than 5"7. This is short for the average man. Not to say that there aren't many men who are shorter, but still a good benchmark. This does not help us much if the suspect is a woman. I do believe the car at the sporting goods store will have something to do with this. One thing in particular is that this story made national news and odds are better than not, that whoever was in the car has realized they were down the road from a murder scene on that morning. And yes there is a possibility that if they were traveling and don't watch the news, and no one who knows they were driving through the area that morning watches the news that they are oblivious. But if they know, not coming forward is suspicious to me. If I were LE, I would be getting that pick I the news daily, pointing out the one physical trait ( object on bumper) and a ski g anyone who knows of this vehicle to come forward. It may be connected or the only person or persons who may have seen something, even if they didn't know at the time, it was important. I also think that if MB was targeted, that we can narrow it down to someone that got the message , but maybe not because I don't remember if her FB was private or not. Forgive me I don't do FB so this may not be relevant. Also, there could be previous DNA left on tools from before the suspect picked them up with gloves, or fibers, etc.
If they have sealed something that is public record, then they will be sued to compel the release.

Not being snarky, however, much paperwork done by LE or judges is sealed. Florida, with its Sunshine Law, which allows us to know most everything before trial, is the only state with such a law. IIRC, they can still seal paperwork if it covers an open investigation where the information could be damaging to the ongoing investigation. Think Sievers case, Dan Markel case etc.

Snipped for brevity. Welcome! I think you are right about when SP turned on the helmet lamp. I think it is right around 1:17 of CCV-Update vid. I think he/she was using it to look inside that door, down from the dutch doors, and just left it on, possibly to go inside the darkened, main church area. I do find something kind of odd. Maybe it is to do w/the motion cameras? We see SP at 1:17 behind the dutch doors looking in another door (imo). At 1:22 we can still see SP moving a bit behind the door. Then, at 1:22.5 to 1:23 SP is down the hall and facing us, w/the lamp shining. How did SP get down the hall and walking back toward us in the span of .5 to 1.0 seconds? Does he/she possess super human strengths, time travel, ?? This has bugged me from day 1. I think the film has been snipped. jmo

The film has been edited, the footage was released specifically to show the gait of the perp so they put together relevant pieces of him/her walking.

Plus, the film is motion activated so it's not real time since it's not recording if nothing is moving.
In searching for the time Ms. Bevers was pronounced by the JP, I listened to LE press conference of 04/18. At about 7:55 on the video, Captain John Spann says the victim was found by campers, who assumed she was unresponsive "until they saw her injuries". Subsequently, he says their initial response to the church "was to an unresponsive female". Could this account for the two 911 calls? One call for unresponsive female and another more specific to the condition of her body? I don't know.......
Also, I heard Captain Spann say the responders observed the condition of the building with broken glass and the victim. Doesn't say there was broken glass around the body. Maybe the search warrant says something different.
Just FYI, y'all. I'm still interested in the time the JP pronounced her and the time LE contacted Mr. Bevers.

Agree. If we are to believe what KS said on Dateline. Happened just around 530 that BB called Mother MT and said LE said she was deceased. Unsure what time JP arrived tho Also...Sun rise per weather map in Media thread... 655am lots of work in the dark. Unsure what time Ellis Crime Scene Unit showed up.
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