TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #27

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Yes exactly. My son has hips that are rotated out and his leg bone is somewhat twisted and he walks like that. I sent him to Dr and that is what they found. The only way to fix it they said was surgery - to break his bones and reset them and wear a cast for a long time. When he was a toddler the doctor told me not to worry about his walk. Well I should have addressed it sooner. Very possible that the perp has hips that are rotated out and quiet possibly his sciatic flares up on him/her as it does with my son. This person would have lumbar pain and joint issues. IMO

Sorry to hear this about your son, but appreciate you telling us about this condition. :tyou:
Yes exactly. My son has hips that are rotated out and his leg bone is somewhat twisted and he walks like that. I sent him to Dr and that is what they found. The only way to fix it they said was surgery - to break his bones and reset them and wear a cast for a long time. When he was a toddler the doctor told me not to worry about his walk. Well I should have addressed it sooner. Very possible that the perp has hips that are rotated out and quiet possibly his sciatic flares up on him/her as it does with my son. This person would have lumbar pain and joint issues. IMO

But see this is where it's important: your son has issues (not injuries, per say) from the pelvic tilt improper bone formation. The resulting issues in general could be sciatica, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, a Pronated "duck walk", bad posture, neuropathy, and a whole host of aches & pains.

Regardless if Swatperp's odd gait is due to a specific injury or due to a physical malformation combined with years of wear and tear, the result is that same odd, pensive walk that indicates pain that a layperson is going to call an injury. Is the layperson wrong--not exactly. I also see a slight balance problem too with SWATperp.

I think one of the things Sparky is saying is to chose your words as carefully as LE. A wise man once told Me "There's so many ways to tell the truth that u never have to tell a lie."

Interestingly. BB was the initials person telling all of us to focus in on the unusual gait. Telling us that is a key clue. and he's got to see the similarities. LE has to see the similarities. They're smart enough to figure this out. We know very little. Some here have postulated that BB was very personally and painfully petitioning the perp to come forward. Others have said its taking so long because they don't know how wide the web is that is invoved. Maybe instead of ending each post MOO we should write. WKN. We know nothing.
Is it possible s/he's holding two objects (tools?) together in one hand? Or could it be some type of tool that folds?

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It almost looks like a small step ladder. The kind you may use in a kitchen pantry
Thus far, on this site, this is the best enhancement of the object with credit by rodee34 It may appear to be white but it is actually silver in color. It is metal as you can catch the light reflections on it. Notice the odd shape from end to end.



General comment, not directed at you in particular:

Ordinarily I don't care much, when I see my pics used allover the threads here on WS - or somewhere else. However, if one has worked on images before, you will know it can take hours
just to mitigate artifacts in an image caused by high compression for example. Or it will take time to carefully enlarge an image without creating new artifacts or polarizing old ones. Lots of work here.

If I have to watermark pics, I will. However, it will just cover an entire area, and that does not serve anyone. If you want to work on an already enhanced or otherwise worked on picture, don't! Just ask the person for the initial raw image and go from there. If you want to include it in your post, give proper credit. I have seen great work of other posters just being used without giving credit. Giving credit is like a link. Need to include it, that's the right thing to do.

Depending on how an altered image was processed, one will only add noise, posterizing, ringing etc. big time. Then all of a sudden we are "seeing" all kinds of things, that were created by us and really are not there. Or things can get lost due to compression etc. .

So, just ask and you shall be receiving ..:)



Candle is free to use, no credit here, only tears..


  • orlando candle.png
    orlando candle.png
    51.1 KB · Views: 636
Thus far, on this site, this is the best enhancement of the object with credit by rodee34 It may appear to be white but it is actually silver in color. It is metal as you can catch the light reflections on it. Notice the odd shape from end to end.



I've never ascribed to the saran box theory, but have thought it was probably a weapon (taser?) or a metal tool that he brought with him. Kitchen is on the opposite side of the building, so don't see him carrying saran box found in it around the halls for vandalizing or murderous purposes. The object looks like it has complex parts and indentions and reminds me of something like this breaching tool called a "multi-plier" and used by "our men in uniform:"


From website: http://www.gerbergear.com/Activity/Work/Tools/MP600_07500
I've never ascribed to the saran box theory, but have thought it was probably a weapon (taser?) or a metal tool that he brought with him. Kitchen is on the opposite side of the building, so don't see him carrying saran box found in it around the halls for vandalizing or murderous purposes. The object looks like it has complex parts and indentions and reminds me of something like this breaching tool called a "multi-plier" and used by "our men in uniform:"

I agree that this perp probably has a multi-tool...but I've never seen one as big as the object in his/her hand.
Are we allowed to compare the eyes of SP with people named in the SW? Another thing that has come to mind is that SP doesn't look as if he is a regular Hitman, why would someone who obviously has trouble getting around take on this job, or who would even hire him! His gait is so noticeable that if he had been hanging around MB a lot of people would have remembered him! Two people involved, had to be a driver and vehicle waiting for him after he smashed her face in, then out of town they go. IMO.
I think one of the things Sparky is saying is to chose your words as carefully as LE. A wise man once told Me "There's so many ways to tell the truth that u never have to tell a lie."Interestingly. BB was the initials person telling all of us to focus in on the unusual gait. Telling us that is a key clue. and he's got to see the similarities. LE has to see the similarities. They're smart enough to figure this out. We know very little. Some here have postulated that BB was very personally and painfully petitioning the perp to come forward. Others have said its taking so long because they don't know how wide the web is that is invoved. Maybe instead of ending each post MOO we should write. WKN. We know nothing.[/QUOTE]
Respectfully BBM.. That is true! IIRC it was Tues April 19th 23 min press that BB stated that. At the time he said he had only seen the same video as we had (public) MPD didn't release the 227 video until April 22 :thinking: ** all these are in the NO DISCUSSION - Media thread link on first page of thread
In the frame grabs, you can see that the perp pulls out a long(er) pry bar and applies it, then puts it away again on his/her person.

The frame grab upload should be done in an hour or so, then you can see for yourself.

Thanks Mike! &#128077;&#127996;
Yes exactly. My son has hips that are rotated out and his leg bone is somewhat twisted and he walks like that. I sent him to Dr and that is what they found. The only way to fix it they said was surgery - to break his bones and reset them and wear a cast for a long time. When he was a toddler the doctor told me not to worry about his walk. Well I should have addressed it sooner. Very possible that the perp has hips that are rotated out and quiet possibly his sciatic flares up on him/her as it does with my son. This person would have lumbar pain and joint issues. IMO

Thanks that is useful anecdotal information. That is how the unilateral Trendelenburg gait or gluteal gait (damage to/limitation of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles and/or superior gluteal nerve) displays with one-sided difficulty with medial (inner) rotation of the hip: the hip joint is rotated somewhat lateral (out) causing the splay-foot or duck-foot step placement (right foot) from the HIP and not from the knee, ankle or foot. Also, in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the degeneration is in the same pelvic and hip area, but it is bilateral and described everywhere as a waddling gait. What made me think the SwatPerp has an injury to the HIP causing the gluteal gait is that so many people think that SP walks like a woman, as LE even described "feminine sway", and IMO the hip sway is only apparent when we see SP from the back. JMO It isn't the natural sway of broader feminine hips but it may be the one-sided hip dipping of one-sided gluteal injury and SP's long-time walking habits to compensate for it.
Is that what the general consensus is? Just asking, I thought it looked more like a brick or rock hammer. https://www.amazon.com/Stanley-54-0...dp/B000F5094C?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Some were speculating that it is a claw hammer with a special protective ring per the SWATperp video. Then they said that this type of hammer is uncommon in the USA.
Your guess is as good as mine.
I don't think a hammer will ultimately link the murderer to this crime based on the hammer type alone. I also believe that LE has a LOT more physical/forensic/digital evidence than anything a hammer can conjure up, Neesaki.

All moo.

All moo
Can someone point me to a MSM or presser link that "outlines" RB's alibi? Google left me empty-handed.

I have really been thinking about the reliability of an alibi since listening to PS on Tricia's podcast. Let's say two people vacation together, and they are both in on a murder. They both provide an alibi for the other person (one or both people may be POIs). They start out the vacation with each other. They have plenty of receipts to show that they were actually in the place they said. However, only ONE person leaves to ambush MB (SP) when she arrives to work on Monday morning. SP then meets up with the other person on his/her way back to TX so they both arrive back from their vacation together. My point is that being together on a vacation doesn't mean that they were together the entire trip.

I have thought from the beginning that SP is someone who knows MB very well. While I don't have one person as a leading contender, I think that it is very likely going to be a person (or people) on the SW. I really think that behind closed doors that LE has a POI. They are monitoring this person's every move and every communication. They are waiting for the slip-up that connects all of the dots. Or they are waiting for that one tip. IMO they need more information to make an arrest. The communication from LE has always seemed like double-speak to me. They are saying one thing (leading people to believe X) when they already know that Y happened.

May 20 iirc is where Asst Chief Johnson speaks of it and it is in the Media thread ..video and awesome Transcription
Are we allowed to compare the eyes of SP with people named in the SW? Another thing that has come to mind is that SP doesn't look as if he is a regular Hitman, why would someone who obviously has trouble getting around take on this job, or who would even hire him! His gait is so noticeable that if he had been hanging around MB a lot of people would have remembered him! Two people involved, had to be a driver and vehicle waiting for him after he smashed her face in, then out of town they go. IMO.

Yes, but you can't post them here or insinuate it's a family member.
General comment, not directed at you in particular:

Ordinarily I don't care much, when I see my pics used allover the threads here on WS - or somewhere else. However, if one has worked on images before, you will know it can take hours
just to mitigate artifacts in an image caused by high compression for example. Or it will take time to carefully enlarge an image without creating new artifacts or polarizing old ones. Lots of work here.

If I have to watermark pics, I will. However, it will just cover an entire area, and that does not serve anyone. If you want to work on an already enhanced or otherwise worked on picture, don't! Just ask the person for the initial raw image and go from there. If you want to include it in your post, give proper credit. I have seen great work of other posters just being used without giving credit. Giving credit is like a link. Need to include it, that's the right thing to do.

Depending on how an altered image was processed, one will only add noise, posterizing, ringing etc. big time. Then all of a sudden we are "seeing" all kinds of things, that were created by us and really are not there. Or things can get lost due to compression etc. .

So, just ask and you shall be receiving ..:)



Candle is free to use, no credit here, only tears..

Thank you NIN for the candle!
That's just a sticker that makes it look like a different dimension in size ( or an extra piece) around the grip


Our family has one of these from years ago. My mama would use that hammer for just about anything, I think she even pulled weeds with it. That hammer is still in good shape and its arm handle is red.
Hey friends! I haven't been on much this wknd, just checking on to share my love to you all. Anyone have cliffnotes from the weekend? My thoughts & prayers are with everyone in Orlando & affected by both shootings there this weekend. :grouphug: :heart:
I've skipped a few pages, so forgive me if this has already been clarified... Have we ruled out that the suspect is a woman? I know her husband believes it is a woman; however, the suspect in the video looks more like a man to me. MOO.. :moo:
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