Presumably LE means without shoes and helmet. My measurements from the beginning consistently came in at around 71-73" (again, based on an 84" door installation), leaving my estimate of the subject's height between approximately 5'8" and 5'11" without helmet and shoes. I have researched both shoes and helmets and both would only account for around 2.5"-3" additional height. The subject is not wearing "lifts" as some have proposed - the shoe and instep silhouette does not allow for that. Believe me when I say I have not arrived at my estimates casually. I have analyzed at least a dozen frame stills and have rechecked my work dozens of times. I'm still scratching my head over how they arrived at their heights. I am just dying to see the techniques they used! The only thing I can think of is their scale is different - perhaps an 80" door installation. Since I do not have access to that information, that is the only missing piece of my puzzle. Unfortunately, all the evidence folks were able to gather for me with regards to door height point to my initial guess at 84" installations, so I am more confident in my estimates than ever, able to narrow my estimates further.