TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #32

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We are losing our collective mind.
You are correct. Back to the salt mines.

Now, with this case I had analysed the video, press conferences, search warrants, news reports, etc and developed a theory of this crime, a theory of how they got to the church and away from the church, a theory of what may have happened with the gear and other items after the crime, a theory of how Missy was murdered, and developed a profile of the kind of person that could do this, in terms of being able to plan and execute this crime and seemingly get away with it, along with possible motives relative to who I find that seems capable of pulling this off. I do have person(s) of interest, or suspect(s) if you will. And I was pretty satisfied with who I settled on - if it is more than one involved it is a married couple. And one of the things I forgot to do was check out if there might be a dumpster in a good location at the business they either own or work at (not retail or random traffic). So, I did. Looked well out of view. Decided to take a street view look to confirm that it was as I thought. Panned the camera toward where the dumpster enclosure is and saw this.


That is a Nissan Altima. Based on when Google took that photo it is almost certainly a 2010 to 2012. This isn't a big place with parking spaces arrayed around the building. Where this is parked there are only 4 spots tucked in the side next to the dumpster enclosure. All of the other spots are arrayed around the building. You more or less have to go out of your way to park here.

Quite a coincidence. It more than likely is. But I do want to point out that this vehicle does have a special license plate and I know that folks had been working with the photos MPD released and some thought that vehicle might have a special plate. So that too is a coincidence. Now, if you were to go to my person(s) of interest home you would find this.


Now, that is another coincidence. You have take the time to have Google do that. Very few people do. Now, I have spent about a hundred hours, combing the streets of northern Ellis county looking to find that Altima elsewhere. I do think there is a reasonable chance of finding it again. It's my time, so I waste it as I see fit. During that time, I have passed by thousands of homes (I have covered about 60 percent of all the streets in Midlothian, Red Oak, Ovilla, and Waxahachie along with smaller percents of other towns). So far, I have only come across 11 like that. There are probably some more but it is a small club.

So, here I have person(s) of interest, and I come across the same make, model, and year range of the vehicle that MPD is looking for the driver to come forward as a potential witness.

Yes. I did tip this vehicle. Any thoughts?


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I apologize for that rudeness.

If they went the individual tile route, they had an excellent installer. Plus, whoever does their floors does a great job.

It is also possible that we don't see seams everywhere is because this kind of stuff also comes in rolls or sheets - it is more like linoleum than tiles per say - but gives the perception of tiles (hence the pattern). So there are probably only seams where one roll or sheet ended and another began. And we would likely see some sort of seams on the floor at the junction with the little hall that goes to where bathrooms are on the southwest corner and likely along the line where they tiled west of this hall in the main entry area.

Again, sorry, about the rudeness.

Thanks. No problem. Moving on! :)

I have been looking at the images trying to glean something about this person. Using a program trying to get some clearer image of this person. Here is one I came up with.


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What you say is key...the campers who found the body HAD to know it was murder...she was non-responsive when found-in other words...dead. I'm sure it took some time to realize the magnitude of the situation but from the nature of the wounds and the fact that "tools" were left at the scene..there is no other possible conclusion

Some go into shock and can't quite accept what they're seeing. I've had it happen to myself watching a gang knife scenario. I couldn't clearly make out the knives.....they looked like blue short light sabres. But my friend kept telling me they were knives. I walked us out in between the short blue light sabres (knives) because I studied the leader and he looked right thru us so I knew we weren't a target. We got out and I called the police. It did take me a few to realize what was happening. Our minds can have a hard time accepting something so bizarre! imo
Something that still bothers me...

BB stated that a camper called him first to tell him the news. (I have always wondered who this person is that would want to call him this news and not let LE do this. Would you want to be the person that told someone this info? Not me.) Anyway...BB and MT and have always seemed as if they do not like CG and I know there are pics of BB with MB at some CG functions (he is in the background) but why would a CG member have his cell phone number?

I would call my friend first. Someone else could call LE. I would not want a total stranger to tell me friend. I would do it.
Batbrat - what do you think this is? When SP steps back this piece actually kicks backwards. Almost looks like another set of shin guards on backwards. When you view the video it is very prominent.


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Batbrat - what do you think this is? When SP steps back this piece actually kicks backwards. Almost looks like another set of shin guards on backwards. When you view the video it is very prominent.

FWIW all along I have felt this person padded up for a couple reasons....to protect their identity and try to prevent any transfer of DNA from them AND the more bulk in different areas, with all of yourself covered, makes this murderer nearly impossible to identify.

Now, if you were to go to my person(s) of interest home you would find this.


Now, that is another coincidence. You have take the time to have Google do that. Very few people do.


I don't understand this part of your post, Jethro. What are we supposed to be seeing? And what takes time to have Google do?
You are correct. Back to the salt mines.

Now, with this case I had analysed the video, press conferences, search warrants, news reports, etc and developed a theory of this crime, a theory of how they got to the church and away from the church, a theory of what may have happened with the gear and other items after the crime, a theory of how Missy was murdered, and developed a profile of the kind of person that could do this, in terms of being able to plan and execute this crime and seemingly get away with it, along with possible motives relative to who I find that seems capable of pulling this off. I do have person(s) of interest, or suspect(s) if you will. And I was pretty satisfied with who I settled on - if it is more than one involved it is a married couple. And one of the things I forgot to do was check out if there might be a dumpster in a good location at the business they either own or work at (not retail or random traffic). So, I did. Looked well out of view. Decided to take a street view look to confirm that it was as I thought. Panned the camera toward where the dumpster enclosure is and saw this.


That is a Nissan Altima. Based on when Google took that photo it is almost certainly a 2010 to 2012. This isn't a big place with parking spaces arrayed around the building. Where this is parked there are only 4 spots tucked in the side next to the dumpster enclosure. All of the other spots are arrayed around the building. You more or less have to go out of your way to park here.

Quite a coincidence. It more than likely is. But I do want to point out that this vehicle does have a special license plate and I know that folks had been working with the photos MPD released and some thought that vehicle might have a special plate. So that too is a coincidence. Now, if you were to go to my person(s) of interest home you would find this.


Now, that is another coincidence. You have take the time to have Google do that. Very few people do. Now, I have spent about a hundred hours, combing the streets of northern Ellis county looking to find that Altima elsewhere. I do think there is a reasonable chance of finding it again. It's my time, so I waste it as I see fit. During that time, I have passed by thousands of homes (I have covered about 60 percent of all the streets in Midlothian, Red Oak, Ovilla, and Waxahachie along with smaller percents of other towns). So far, I have only come across 11 like that. There are probably some more but it is a small club.

So, here I have person(s) of interest, and I come across the same make, model, and year range of the vehicle that MPD is looking for the driver to come forward as a potential witness.

Yes. I did tip this vehicle. Any thoughts?

Well, for now I call it just a coincidence. I am basing that on the car alone, though. If you give me more detail on your suspect (maybe just what their suspected relationship to MB is if you don't want to give initials) and what you feel their motive may have been, I may be swayed to find it more than coincidental. Intrigued to hear your theory!
Does anyone remember in the beginning in an interview with MB, she stated something to the affect (iirc) she asked her daughter KS to go over to BB and Missy's house right after BB called her regarding the news of Missy?
IIRC, it was quite early and my question is,,,,,,, why ask KS to go when MT lives closer?

They both went to the Bever's house. Mom and sis met up there to be with the children.
For me it would depend on how well I knew BB and how I interpreted MB's situation . If I was working out with my neighbor (female) and I showed up and found her, I would call her husband to say something had happened to her and that 911 had been called. I am still working off the assumption they didn't know it was a murder (vs accident of some sort) and didn't have the paramedic's confirmation she was dead. Now if I knew she was dead, I would wait for someone official to make that phone call. I did think it was interesting that one of the campers had his number though.

CG is pretty close knit. There are so many events in the community where families meet, so that could be how they know him. But, Midlo isn't a huge town, so people could have known him aside from CG. JMO
CG is pretty close knit. There are so many events in the community where families meet, so that could be how they know him. But, Midlo isn't a huge town, so people could have known him aside from CG. JMO

With respect - there is knowing someone and knowing someone well enough that they would feel comfortable calling and telling him his wife was dead (murdered). Just his words and demeanor when he talks about CG makes me (at least) feel that CG did not sit well with him. So why give any of them his number. From what you and I have both heard - I cant believe that one of three had the presence of mind to call him so it makes me think that some other camper called him or did they? and was it really someone else., i.e. family member saying its done. JMO
I don't understand this part of your post, Jethro. What are we supposed to be seeing? And what takes time to have Google do?
Oh, that. If you don't want someone to be able to see your house on street view you can request Google to blur it all out like that. No matter what angle you go to you will see something similar. But you do have to go through steps to do so. You have to prove it is your place, etc. to Google before they do it.
Frogs, you hit the nail on the head. I'm just trying to think outside of my gut feel and the things I've heard. This will make one heck of a lifetime movie, and I don't say that being disrespectful.
But, didn't he say he heard it was an accident at first? I do have to agree with rather hearing it from someone I "know" vs waiting to hear it through the grapevine. News traveled town fast before it was on MSM.

Not trying to sound like I'm contradicting myself, just remembered that after I posted.
You are correct. Back to the salt mines.

Now, with this case I had analysed the video, press conferences, search warrants, news reports, etc and developed a theory of this crime, a theory of how they got to the church and away from the church, a theory of what may have happened with the gear and other items after the crime, a theory of how Missy was murdered, and developed a profile of the kind of person that could do this, in terms of being able to plan and execute this crime and seemingly get away with it, along with possible motives relative to who I find that seems capable of pulling this off. I do have person(s) of interest, or suspect(s) if you will. And I was pretty satisfied with who I settled on - if it is more than one involved it is a married couple. And one of the things I forgot to do was check out if there might be a dumpster in a good location at the business they either own or work at (not retail or random traffic). So, I did. Looked well out of view. Decided to take a street view look to confirm that it was as I thought. Panned the camera toward where the dumpster enclosure is and saw this.


That is a Nissan Altima. Based on when Google took that photo it is almost certainly a 2010 to 2012. This isn't a big place with parking spaces arrayed around the building. Where this is parked there are only 4 spots tucked in the side next to the dumpster enclosure. All of the other spots are arrayed around the building. You more or less have to go out of your way to park here.

Quite a coincidence. It more than likely is. But I do want to point out that this vehicle does have a special license plate and I know that folks had been working with the photos MPD released and some thought that vehicle might have a special plate. So that too is a coincidence. Now, if you were to go to my person(s) of interest home you would find this.


Now, that is another coincidence. You have take the time to have Google do that. Very few people do. Now, I have spent about a hundred hours, combing the streets of northern Ellis county looking to find that Altima elsewhere. I do think there is a reasonable chance of finding it again. It's my time, so I waste it as I see fit. During that time, I have passed by thousands of homes (I have covered about 60 percent of all the streets in Midlothian, Red Oak, Ovilla, and Waxahachie along with smaller percents of other towns). So far, I have only come across 11 like that. There are probably some more but it is a small club.

So, here I have person(s) of interest, and I come across the same make, model, and year range of the vehicle that MPD is looking for the driver to come forward as a potential witness.

Yes. I did tip this vehicle. Any thoughts?

Thank you Jethro4WS!!!!!

WOW....I'm impressed - I think you're onto something!!! Is that a tuck under garage in the blurred out photo?
I've always wondered why the SP didn't use a gun. Seems like if SP could get close enough to hit MB with a hammer he could surely hit her with a bullet. Faster, easier. They are in Texas - where gun culture is pervasive in most circumstances unless:

--SP does not already have a gun of any kind in the house - not even a rifle.
--SP has a felony and can not easily obtain a weapon
--SP shares a bank account with someone else (spouse/parent) and a gun purchase would not go unnoticed.
--SP lives in an environment where having a gun would take more effort or call attention (children at home, roommates)

I just can't imagine a scenario where someone who will bludgeon someone in close combat could not "handle" a firearm. Is there a reason a firearm was not used?

--fear of people hearing gunshots?
--desire to physically beat someone?

To me, those reasons are not enough to trump the efficiency of a firearm to someone who wanted her dead- especially since they are so readily available to most people.

Anyone else wonder why a gun was (apparently) not used? We've heard about "puncture wounds" and "tools around the scene", so we don't know for sure.

All just my opinions...
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