TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #32

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So what is the scoop on the Bevers family vacation to Oregon?
Check out the sequence in the video, when SP walks from the bulletin board past the "Holy Grounds". Notice that the gloves he is wearing display some kind of white, possibly reflective, material.


Something like this??


Source: http://www.chiefsupply.com/damascus...g-black.html?gclid=CIG_haL6-80CFUUkhgodHnYDWQ



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Most respectfully snipped for space more than for any other reason. Kudos for an excellent and thoughtful post. :thinking:

Just as we have managed to do by using the online information available to us, sans the SP CCTV, the SP could develop a floor plan without ever stepping foot into the Church prior to the murder as well as their escape route by utilizing google earth.

Isn't a gun or rifle considered a breaching tool?

LEO told me once that crimes frequently take place during a thunderstorm for the obvious reasons: less threat of being heard; less threat of being seen.

Concur the SP has ample funds available. Possibly more value than your supposition. Coming with a numismatic background and, in particular, knowledge of a banknote's or paper currency's value, I see bands of hundreds collected in a safe place. Many people possess a safe in their home where they store valuables, especially for storing cash, collectables and weaponry. Given my personal professional experience, there is more people who collect high end valuables than most people realize. Due mostly to today's current environment, many of today's homes are built with a secreted walk-in vaulted safe space.

Thank you, Jethro. I am pleased to see the thread turning its focus back onto the SP(s). IMHO, you nailed the SP in your psychological profile assessment.

(Somewhere, I have previously read about these):

- raining/thunderstorms
(and that does make 'logical' sense)

- summer time
(One reason being: "When people get hot, tempers flare more easily.")

- full-moon
("More crime is committed during a full-moon,
than at any other time."
And supposedly, "studies" have shown this.)

You can Google that:
more crime is committed when there is a full moon
Today I watched the Perfect Murder (Michael Douglass) and towards end of the movie it shows that the husband exchanged the wife's house key for the guys apartment key whom he had hired to kill her. This made me think that maybe someone copied MBs church key or borrowed her truck and keys and had it copied. She would have never known. This would have given 2nd perp opportunity to enter building once SP told 2nd perp where to hide away and not be seen by cameras. Just a thought

it might have given SP opportunity to check out church ahead of time. Church would not have known they had an intruder.
So who is it, Nin? A random burglar, or someone w/an agenda?
Check out the sequence in the video, when SP walks from the bulletin board past the "Holy Grounds". Notice that the gloves he is wearing display some kind of white, possibly reflective, material.


Something like this??


Source: http://www.chiefsupply.com/damascus...g-black.html?gclid=CIG_haL6-80CFUUkhgodHnYDWQ


Here you go. ('enlarged')

There "might" be something written on it.
But I cannot tell, if that is something on the glove, or if that person is possibly holding something in their hand, that is reflecting the "light" ??
(I cannot even make out the person's "fingers", so I cannot tell.)

Notice that there are other "white" areas. For example, on top of the helmet. That looks like reflection of the "light" to me, on the helmet.

The other two "white" areas, might have to do with a "shirt" under the vest,
because in some of the videos, it looks like this person might be wearing a white shirt (Maybe a t-shirt.) (whether short-sleeve, or long-sleeve)

By the way, do those clothes look "too big" for this person. (??)
(Look at the sleeve area. Look how long the sleeves look. Are they "too long", for this person. (??)

(MT made a statement in her letter, didn't she, that she wrote to the perp.
She thought that the boots may have been, too big, for this person.)

"If" that is the case,
is this person wearing stuff that belongs to someone else? (maybe a spouse/or boyfriend ??)
I know that some others have also questioned that.

But I am wondering about the sleeves. Do they look "too long" for this person. (??)

What I do know is:
It 'seems' to me that, this outfit just doesn't "look right" on this person.
It 'seems' to look, "slouchy" to me. (does not "fit" right.)


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Wonder if LE checked when pulling security video from local businesses if they saw anyone following MB. Especially EXxon on corner of Walnut Grove and 287. Surely she would travelled that road from Ovilla. Easiest way.
(I am sure LE did - just wondering)
I thought the same thing at first, but upon examining the two models, I do think this is a four door, the handle is just blurred. The two door model has a thick separator in the side windows that is not seen here, and the handle on the four door model us over the rear tire well. I think I actually even see the back handle, it is just blurry and distorted. Here are pictures of the two models for reference. Four door https://goo.gl/images/tWlc5f Two door https://goo.gl/images/2P2ZY4 You'll also notice the two door models' windows stop well before the tire, while the four door models windows go back further like in Jethro's images.
Thank you! I should have looked at stock photos myself (slaps forehead). The coupe and sedan are very different in side view, so Yes, I agree with you and Jethro4WS (thanks for your post also on this also) - the car that J4WS found is definitely a 4-door sedan.
Pretty heavy response on the perp(s) going to the church on foot. Caught me off guard a bit. So where did they come from?

Remember it was a pretty good rainstorm. He/She/They (crud, now we're up to 3 scenarios), didn't look wet or muddy. The only thing nearby (and it's not that close) is the gun store with 30 something high-end cameras. Can't imagine he/she/they walked along the highway, dressed or bag in hand.

And the fastest exit is probably vehicle.

First time posting to Websleuths. I just want to say that you all have done a tremendous amount of work on this. Kudos.

I still don't understand why someone would commit this crime at the church. I've read the theory that the SP may have felt that this was the perfect chance to catch MB alone and, yes, I agree that it's possible but it still seems like a less than ideal location. If the SP followed MB's FB post about preparing to go to the church, he/she may have assumed that there would be a window of time that MB would be alone before the campers showed up. That's fine but it still seems overly risky. There would've been no way to know how much of a window would be available. The SP couldn't be certain that the crime would go off without a hitch or that one of the campers wouldn't show up much earlier than expected. And not only campers, what if LE showed up? MB's vehicle would've been parked outside of the church at a very early hour. An officer on patrol may have noticed this and stopped to investigate. So again, why choose this time and this location? I think this may suggest that at least a second person was involved in a spotter/lookout capacity. Someone positioned outside of the church to give a warning if someone unexpectedly showed up. Then again, perhaps the SP didn't care about that or even consider it. I find that unlikely considering the choice to use the tactical gear (or what appears to be tactical gear).

This might also suggest it was simply a B&E and MB stumbled upon it. I don't really buy this. The church would've been quiet and I'd think that the SP would've been alerted to MB's presence and could've hidden rather than murder her. There would be ample places to hide and wait things out. No, this had to be SP waiting to ambush MB but I can't wrap my head around why that time and place. It has to have some significance. I'm not saying it necessarily had anything to do with religion but the SP wanted the murder to occur at that location.

- Evidentally, this person didn't mind taking "risks".

- In regard to, why this time and place.
That is the place that she is going to be at.
And in regard to, time.
It is within the time-frame, that she is going to be there.
(and they wanted to make sure and get their first,
before, she did.)

And the main thing is:
They wanted to get her when she was, ALONE.

And one more thing:
the church is: a "building".
It provides, "cover". (It "hides", what is occurring.)

Same way a "house" does,
when a perp kills someone, INSIDE their home.
(for example: BTK Strangler.)
Not only is that where the person (victim) is "at",

the "house",
is very USEFUL. (for the purpose)

('sight' unseen, from public view)

(Other than, having to cover themself up, from the surveillance cameras),
this person, who killed Terri Bevers,
had alot of advantages here. (and certainly they knew that)

(Which is exactly why, I think they got her HERE.)

MAIN thing:
Have to get her when she is, ALONE

(Then, comes the rest.)

- "time" was perfect
- "weather" was perfect.
Because of the weather,
she was going to be INSIDE this building (the church)
(provides "cover".
'sight' unseen)

(and the church, itself, was not right next to anything.)

- it is a "building".
(Therefore, they will think, just...a "burglary".
"burglary" (gone wrong)

Other than, having to hide themself from the surveillance camera,
and trying to do it very quickly, once she did get there,

this seems almost like, a "perfect" set-up.

(Which is exactly, the "why" of it, I do believe.)

What better "time" and "place" would there be,
to get her...ALONE.
(I doubt there is a better one.)

(and keep in mind, that would also have to "just" include,
the "time"(s) and "place"(s) that THIS person was aware of, to choose from.)

(Not to mention, it may have been the "only" one that they WERE aware of.)

She posted the info. on Facebook.

[and she "didn't" post,
anywhere else she was going to be at and what time, (alone), did she.]

Why was she killed "here" and at the "time" that she was.
[Because the person KNEW the "where" and "when", she was gonna' be.] ALONE

And knew
she was going to be "inside" the building.
Due to the rain,
she had decided to give the class, "inside" the building.

The person KNEW this information.
- Evidentally, this person didn't mind taking "risks".

- In regard to, why this time and place.
That is the place that she is going to be at.
And in regard to, time.
It is within the time-frame, that she is going to be there.
(and they wanted to make sure and get their first,
before, she did.)

And the main thing is:
They wanted to get her when she was, ALONE.

And one more thing:
the church is: a "building".
It provides, "cover". (It "hides", what is occurring.)

Same way a "house" does,
when a perp kills someone, INSIDE their home.
(for example: BTK Strangler.)
Not only is that where the person (victim) is "at",

the "house",
is very USEFUL. (for the purpose)

('sight' unseen, from public view)

(Other than, having to cover themself up, from the surveillance cameras),
this person, who killed Terri Bevers,
had alot of advantages here. (and certainly they knew that)

(Which is exactly why, I think they got her HERE.)

MAIN thing:
Have to get her when she is, ALONE

(Then, comes the rest.)

- "time" was perfect
- "weather" was perfect.
Because of the weather,
she was going to be INSIDE this building (the church)
(provides "cover".
'sight' unseen)

(and the church, itself, was not right next to anything.)

- it is a "building".
(Therefore, they will think, just...a "burglary".
"burglary" (gone wrong)

Other than, having to hide themself from the surveillance camera,
and trying to do it very quickly, once she did get there,

this seems almost like, a "perfect" set-up.

(Which is exactly, the "why" of it, I do believe.)

What better "time" and "place" would there be,
to get her...ALONE.
(I doubt there is a better one.)

(and keep in mind, that would also have to "just" include,
the "time"(s) and "place"(s) that THIS person was aware of, to choose from.)

(Not to mention, it may have been the "only" one that they WERE aware of.)

She posted the info. on Facebook.

[and she "didn't" post,
anywhere else she was going to be at and what time, (alone), did she.]

Why was she killed "here" and at the "time" that she was.
[Because the person KNEW the "where" and "when", she was gonna' be.] ALONE

And knew
she was going to be "inside" the building.
Due to the rain,
she had decided to give the class, "inside" the building.

The person KNEW this information.

Your last sentence - yes, I think so too. The person seemingly knew exactly that MB was dutiful and never came late to prepare for the 5:00h training. And the perp/s knew that MB wasn't accompanied by her/a daughter. Perp/s could be there in time before her. Maybe, someone gave the starting signal when she arrived at the area (IF it was a "conspiracy")?
What was the story with her driving to the firefighters: at another occasion or in the early morning before driving to the church?
It's possible that the perp was in the bathroom, and MB went into the bathroom right after unlocking. Two people in close quarters, completely surprised by seeing the other, and a physical struggle ensues. This is a plausible explanation for the B&E theory, although it isn't the only one.

It's possible that the perp initially went to that area to case or to break in the SWFA gun store. Perhaps they decided against it for whatever reason, and chose to go break into the next closest building and see what they could find there instead. This would explain why they were dressed up in the first place (intended to break into SWFA, knew that there would be cameras). It would perhaps explain the silver Nissan at the SWFA store at 2 am. It would also explain why the perp seems unfamiliar with the church's interior (Dutch doors as an example). It would also explain their nonchalance - if they had broken into a gun store it would have been all about getting in and out quickly. But going to plan B and breaking into a church and not setting off any alarms, they thought they had all the time in the world).

People argue that it doesn't make much sense to break into a church. You're right, it doesn't. But if perp decided plan A location was too secure, then the plan B church was just a target of convenience without any forethought as to payoff. It would be a chance to get out of the rain and maybe find some food, use the bathroom, etc.

So he breaks in, smashes some stuff just because he can, looks for something to eat in the kitchen, and eventually makes his way to the bathroom or to that general SW area. And there, through incredibly horrific timing, he and MB meet each other for the first and last time.
I'm buying it! But why keep the helmet on if the church is an easy target. Wouldn't it be hot and heavy?
Pretty heavy response on the perp(s) going to the church on foot. Caught me off guard a bit. So where did they come from?

Remember it was a pretty good rainstorm. He/She/They (crud, now we're up to 3 scenarios), didn't look wet or muddy. The only thing nearby (and it's not that close) is the gun store with 30 something high-end cameras. Can't imagine he/she/they walked along the highway, dressed or bag in hand.

And the fastest exit is probably vehicle.


In one of the first statements from LE they said they had a vehicle leaving the area shortly after her murder. They weren't clear on how they knew (something caught on one of the inside cameras?) and they indicated that they not only didn't have a license plate number but they couldn't provide a description. I believe that is how the killer arrived and left.
A lot of folks keep repeating the statement that MB had moved the workout inside the building. If you have proof, I'd like to see it.

You can see on her FB, with respect to her camp at the convention center, that she said they were camping under the awning due to rain.

So I don't know why the church would be any different?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wonder if LE checked when pulling security video from local businesses if they saw anyone following MB. Especially EXxon on corner of Walnut Grove and 287. Surely she would travelled that road from Ovilla. Easiest way.
(I am sure LE did - just wondering)
My guess has been she would have gone down Ovilla Rd to 287 and went North past the Cowboy Church (since that is a way she would go for services and events there for years) and on up to Creekside and returning home would leave Creekside North and turn up Walnut Grove and (doing this off the top of my head) then FM 663(?) back toward her home. That way she avoids crossing the highway twice heading to the church. And I figured that the two places at the bottom of Ovilla with the farm and construction equipment would have cameras.
But either way, I would expect that it would be worth MPD time to have at least tried to identify as many vehicles as possible that were captured on cameras from businesses before and after the church that would have passed that church within a certain time period or at least determined if they saw the same vehicle (or potentially the same vehicle) more than once within that time period.

The one thing that isn't clear is how MPD knew when Missy arrived at the church, prior to entry of the Church. They know that somehow. And the only possibilities I can conjure up are: SWFA cameras or the one outside Creekside camera that is in the concrete entryway prior to the vestibule under the car port. If they know it because of that one Creekside camera then that would mean SWFA doesn't have anything of value in terms of seeing any other vehicles up toward the church in that rain. If they knew it because of SWFA then if there were any other vehicles that also entered the Creekside property prior to MIssy arriving there is the potential that MPD would know that for sure regardless of whether they can determine anything else about said vehicle.
My guess has been she would have gone down Ovilla Rd to 287 and went North past the Cowboy Church (since that is a way she would go for services and events there for years) and on up to Creekside and returning home would leave Creekside North and turn up Walnut Grove and (doing this off the top of my head) then FM 663(?) back toward her home. That way she avoids crossing the highway twice heading to the church. And I figured that the two places at the bottom of Ovilla with the farm and construction equipment would have cameras.
But either way, I would expect that it would be worth MPD time to have at least tried to identify as many vehicles as possible that were captured on cameras from businesses before and after the church that would have passed that church within a certain time period or at least determined if they saw the same vehicle (or potentially the same vehicle) more than once within that time period.

The one thing that isn't clear is how MPD knew when Missy arrived at the church, prior to entry of the Church. They know that somehow. And the only possibilities I can conjure up are: SWFA cameras or the one outside Creekside camera that is in the concrete entryway prior to the vestibule under the car port. If they know it because of that one Creekside camera then that would mean SWFA doesn't have anything of value in terms of seeing any other vehicles up toward the church in that rain. If they knew it because of SWFA then if there were any other vehicles that also entered the Creekside property prior to MIssy arriving there is the potential that MPD would know that for sure regardless of whether they can determine anything else about said vehicle.

she may have gone that way but it is not a road many travel once you get past turn off for 1387 here unless you live off that road. Lots of sharp turns and long. It's easier to go I-35 and turn onto 287 or 1387 and come up to Walnut Grove to 287. Especially with the rain we were having. If SP had activated camera inside church is there a possibility that might have captured her truck lights?
With all the technology we have today versus 20 years ago people are still our greatest resource for info. People putting their feet to the ground searching for clues. Everyday I read this forum and people come up with good ideas or find bits.

Technology has not come so far that we can make blurry screen shots from CCTV cameras unlike what they show in movies or on TV. We would all like to believe that is true. Some forensic students at UTA told me once they like to get together and laugh at CSI shows - they say most of that is not true.

This icase is starting to feel like a rabbit hole. We jump in we jump out. One day (hopefully soon) this will be solved.
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