TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #35

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Yes, but he probably wouldn't be described as "light skinned" jmo

Something else : A poster here, cannonball ( don't know the exact username, forgive me ), noticed that one of the men shown on the video of the car jacking perps looked to have a very similar gait to SP. This was mentioned in cannonball's post # 625 on 6/28.
Exactly. Maybe his way of saying they didn't think it was AT that was actually in SP get up. Out of the remaining targets on SW that would've left only Caucasians.
Quote Originally Posted by DrPam View Post
Could be the Chief's way of not being racial.

IMO, he was saying that they haven't determined race, only that the perpetrator was lighter-skinned. Lighter-skinned could include any race. It certainly doesn't rule out Caucasian.
Context was about the crime scene reconstruction. Asst Chief Johnson stated that the reconstruction could not determine sex or race only the height range. JMHO and the light skinned he went on to state didn't think was AA (iirc and I am paraphrasing. If you read the whole context JMHO it explains pretty much) May 20 transcript iirc is on page 5 of the Media thread. JMHO
Exactly. Maybe his way of saying they didn't think it was AT that was actually in SP get up. Out of the remaining targets on SW that would've left only Caucasians.

Of course, this pathway is moot if no one on the SW list was actually involved in this murder. jmo
JMHO she does take after BB height because at the age she was when MB posted xx was same height as Mom,. 5'3. JMHO if she were going to take after MB she would still be a little shorter. Unless she is not going to grow much taller from now own, stay at the height of her mother. JMHO :thinking:

Except they aren't the same height in the photos. If she's 5'3" in the photos, she is not the same height as her mom, who is clearly several inches taller. If you believe her youngest daughter is 5'3" and BB is 6'5"+, then that puts MB at 5'9"-5'10". So did MB fib about her height? Is she actually 6 or 7 inches taller than she claimed? I'm so confused.
Context was about the crime scene reconstruction. Asst Chief Johnson stated that the reconstruction could not determine sex or race only the height range. JMHO and the light skinned he went on to state didn't think was AA (iirc and I am paraphrasing. If you read the whole context JMHO it explains pretty much) May 20 transcript iirc is on page 5 of the Media thread. JMHO

Yes, but I don't recall him saying SP was not AA, and also thought he said specifically "light skinned", rather than "lighter skinned". Very early on there were many discussions and thoughts posted about SP's race/ ethnicity. Based on his eyes,and the bridge of his nose. I think LE might have seen more of him on the rest of the video, but jmo.
I found it in a comment section of Nancy Grace as the commenter was watching her Bevers show. 6'3 RB 6'5 BB. I don't have the transcript of show.

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that ol boy is about 5'8 with his boots on. BB about 6'.
Of course, this pathway is moot if no one on the SW list was actually involved in this murder. jmo
I thought the whole comment of "light skin" was moot to begin with except for LE basically trying to say they didn't know a race when asked by the reporter.
Of course, this pathway is moot if no one on the SW list was actually involved in this murder. jmo

But wont know that until someone is arrested. Until then no one so far has been clears. Everything/Everyone still on table per MPD
Except they aren't the same height in the photos. If she's 5'3" in the photos, she is not the same height as her mom, who is clearly several inches taller. If you believe her youngest daughter is 5'3" and BB is 6'5"+, then that puts MB at 5'9"-5'10". So did MB fib about her height? Is she actually 6 or 7 inches taller than she claimed? I'm so confused.

This is all I know about any of the height (and the SW stated her height as 5'3") unsure of the date on photo your using or which which individual. Sorry.

Missy Bevers
December 14, 2014 ·
My "XXXXX" is officially taller than me!! Not saying much, I know for a shorty 5'3" mom!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...&set=a.3571350162298.169611.1229322185&type=3

**XXXXX is middle daughter**
11frogs-thank you for providing the correct heights for BB n RB.

On another note... And going back to the church video - Has anyone had any of these thoughts/observations concerning SP:

1) SP appears drunk or otherwise impaired and is perhaps accustomed to being in this state
2) SP seems not to have a care in the world
3) SP appears somewhat different and walks somewhat differently at times during the video(s). Is this due to distortions, varying camera angles or could it be that two people are dressed in the same outfit but don't appear together? Or would that be too complicated?

Finally, how much cunning and conniving is required to pull off an embezzlement at a place of business? Even if one is ultimately caught, wouldn't that require planning/obfuscation / execution over a period of time?
Yes, I've been puzzled about the two 911 calls as well! At least here in Finland you're asked not to hang up until the first responders are close, so why would someone else feel the need to call again?

The 911 calls haven't been released yet? So maybe you're on to something there...

(First post ever, back to lurk mode... You're all doing a fantastic job here!)

Welcome - it's good to see new posters!!!!
But wont know that until someone is arrested. Until then no one so far has been clears. Everything/Everyone still on table per MPD

Yep, of course. Just don't think/feel it with regard to MB's circle. jmo
Yes, but I don't recall him saying SP was not AA, and also thought he said specifically "light skinned", rather than "lighter skinned". Very early on there were many discussions and thoughts posted about SP's race/ ethnicity. Based on his eyes,and the bridge of his nose. I think LE might have seen more of him on the rest of the video, but jmo.

RBBM From the Press Conf May 20 2016 http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12581000#post12581000

We've also learned some additional information regarding the physical description of the suspect. Forensic video reconstruction is complete and has given us a height range for the suspect from approximately 5'2" to 5'7".

Male Reporter:What more information did they glean from reviewing that forensic lead, specifically with that limp and walk?

Chief Kevin Johnson:Unfortunately, that's all the information that was gleaned from that. My understanding of that software and that reconstruction process is that it's helpful just to obtain measurements.

Male Reporter:No weight?

Chief Kevin Johnson:No, sir.

Male Reporter:What about gender?

Chief Kevin Johnson:No. We haven't yet established definitively the gender of the suspect. You know, they went to a lot of ––to great effort to conceal their identity, and so far, without definitive information on the gender, it could be male or female.

Male Reporter:What about race?

Chief Kevin Johnson:We ––you know, it appears ––just like you've seen in the video, it appears that they're lighter–skinned. Again, we can't definitively say what race they are. We don't believe them to be a dark–skinned person.

Female Reporter:Any close [unintelligible00:06:04]

Chief Kevin Johnson:No. Again, at this point, without a strong suspect focus, anything is on the table.
11frogs-thank you for providing the correct heights for BB n RB.

On another note... And going back to the church video - Has anyone had any of these thoughts/observations concerning SP:

1) SP appears drunk or otherwise impaired and is perhaps accustomed to being in this state
2) SP seems not to have a care in the world
3) SP appears somewhat different and walks somewhat differently at times during the video(s). Is this due to distortions, varying camera angles or could it be that two people are dressed in the same outfit but don't appear together? Or would that be too complicated?

Finally, how much cunning and conniving is required to pull off an embezzlement at a place of business? Even if one is ultimately caught, wouldn't that require planning/obfuscation / execution over a period of time?

I as many of us have - have watched this video a thousand times. The first view of SP touching the wall and walking a little wonky is in start contrast to the first time we see SP in the SW hall by bulletin boards. This person walks with an air of confidence not wonky at all. Doesn't care they are there - as locals have said - walking the halls non-cholantly . Just browsing.
Was SP exhausted from breaking in - maybe broke in around midnight and slept for a little then got dressed and that's why uniform doesn't appear wet? Thought?
I have most often heard the phrase "light skinned " used by LE. For example, when looking for a suspect, the police will say something like : suspect on the loose is a light skinned African American man/woman, or a "light skinned " latino/latina. I place importance on it exactly because it was used by LE to describe the SP. We do not know exactly what LE has seen on the rest of the video, but I am guessing that it is enough for them to make the determination that SP is "light skinned". I have never once heard that phrase used to describe a Caucasian person. jmo
LE only knows that suspect is light skinned. They don't know the ethnicity of the light skinned suspect. It could be light skin of any race. SO IMO that's all LE could say. l don't think there's a hidden message in that description.JMO
Good Post!

I can't think of any case that LE, FBI, Texas Rangers, etc whom are going to give out any information to the public that would jeopardize finding the SwatPerp. According to DrPam, whom is a local stated that all the above are still working on the case, so sure people may feel frustrated but I won't give up either zoeneli.

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11frogs-thank you for providing the correct heights for BB n RB.

On another note... And going back to the church video - Has anyone had any of these thoughts/observations concerning SP:

1) SP appears drunk or otherwise impaired and is perhaps accustomed to being in this state
2) SP seems not to have a care in the world
3) SP appears somewhat different and walks somewhat differently at times during the video(s). Is this due to distortions, varying camera angles or could it be that two people are dressed in the same outfit but don't appear together? Or would that be too complicated?

Finally, how much cunning and conniving is required to pull off an embezzlement at a place of business? Even if one is ultimately caught, wouldn't that require planning/obfuscation / execution over a period of time?

Unscrupulous, dishonest, sassy, bold, clever, logical - these would be my adjectives for someone who is involved in embezzlement.

SP: I've also the impression s/he seems slightly drunk - just enough to be relaxed (and a little swaying) when doing what s/he does on her/his way along the hallways. I would think SP rather isn't used to be in that state.

SP: Although I've seen so many differences from head (helmet) to feet (boots) I can't imagine SP to be 2 persons because of the gait which is always the same. :dunno:
Respectfully, what do you think they are waiting for?
I think that they are waiting on LE to get their ducks in a row and get the arrests underway. While they haven't publicly spoken, they may have been doing a lot of talking to LE. We just don't know.
I as many of us have - have watched this video a thousand times. The first view of SP touching the wall and walking a little wonky is in start contrast to the first time we see SP in the SW hall by bulletin boards. This person walks with an air of confidence not wonky at all. Doesn't care they are there - as locals have said - walking the halls non-cholantly . Just browsing.
Was SP exhausted from breaking in - maybe broke in around midnight and slept for a little then got dressed and that's why uniform doesn't appear wet? Thought?

IF perhaps indeed 2 perps then maybe they had a little alcohol session in the kitchen (between breaking into church and walking the hallways/looking out for arrivals of victim/campers).
I in no way suggested that LE should have a hands-off approach to the victim's family. On the contrary, I believe the family and others close to Missy have been thoroughly investigated and rightfully so. That part of the investigation did not pan out. Unfortunately, police have admitted they are running out of leads and have publicly expressed their frustration. Some wish to believe they are only pretending as an investigative strategy. I do not.

Police have confirmed the alibis of BB and RB/VB. Therefore they cannot be the person in SWAT gear unless one assumes that investigators don't know how to confirm an alibi. I haven't seen anyone try to virtually dress MT up in that gear. Are you suggesting she would have the same appearance as the suspect if she were dressed in that gear?

Whoa, Scout. My apologies but stating that "police have admitted they are running out of leads" is false.

The keyword is video, as in, "it is the last of the video leads that need to be followed up on."

May 26, 2016
Midlothian police release new clues in case of murdered fitness trainer Missy Bevers
@ the 1:05 mark
Yes!! An air of confidence.

Unsure about breaking in earlier... In that case would've had to evade cameras until 3:50 am?
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