TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 - #5

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Tea Time:
LE changed the height to 5'8 to 5'9, I believe. We discussed the height and doorways many threads ago. Sorry, can't remember exactly which one.
LE says she was targeted and the burglary was staged. (paraphrasing the staged part because I'm too tired to find the link again)

I don't know what I think about this case anymore. One minute I'm "sure" about one thing and something else changes my mind.

What I do know is that LE is doing all they can to find this murdering :censored: and bring her/him to justice.

For those saying that LE doesn't know anything because they haven't arrested anyone yet, frankly, you're wrong. LE has to have actual evidence that will hold up in court so the person responsible gets convicted. Patience isn't my strong suit either but I'm confident that Missy will get justice.
I heard one of the police officers state that the perp is about 6 ' tall. Maybe someone can help me here because when I look at the perps' body, in comparison to the doors, and door handles, he/she looks to be about 5 ' tall. Maybe the doors are all 8 feet high? Anyone?

And I don't think those are combat boots of any kind. They look more like riding boots to me, they are flat soled and knee high, with tight calves. The clothes are too big for this person and we can tell that he/she doesn't wear these for work - too sloppy for any duty. The helmet looks like old 1960's riot gear helmets but missing the face shield.

I think this perp was as high as a kite, looking for collection plate money from Sunday services, knew there was no alarm system, was in no hurry as he/she nosed around all the rooms and had no clue that an exercise class was about to fill up. He/she was surprised when Terri called out into the building after seeing the broken door knob and then told her he/she was there to investigate the break-in. I think it is a member of the church or on of its outreach programs.

I do not think Terri was targeted.

The average white American male is about 5' 9" - 5' 10". The physique, and the fact that to me, the torso looks longer than the legs, led me to believe he would not be as tall as 6'.

I cannot see the boots well enough to determine, but I thought someone had said 'combat boots.' However, I keep feeling like maybe the perp is wearing those shin guards - like roofers or laborers wear. You know what I mean? He could have spray-painted all of his stuff black, too, to make it harder to distinguish.

I am familiar with motorcycle boots - the kinds that dirt-bike riders wear. And those have several buckles, even steel on the outside of the toes, and that would look shiny. But again, he could have spray painted everything black.

TeaTime, have you thought about the 'military surplus' angle? There are many in and around the area, according to Yahoo Busines maps using the Zip 76065.
Tea Time:
LE changed the height to 5'8 to 5'9, I believe. We discussed the height and doorways many threads ago. Sorry, can't remember exactly which one.
LE says she was targeted and the burglary was staged. (paraphrasing the staged part because I'm too tired to find the link again)

I don't know what I think about this case anymore. One minute I'm "sure" about one thing and something else changes my mind.

What I do know is that LE is doing all they can to find this murdering :censored: and bring her/him to justice.

For those saying that LE doesn't know anything because they haven't arrested anyone yet, frankly, you're wrong. LE has to have actual evidence that will hold up in court so the person responsible gets convicted. Patience isn't my strong suit either but I'm confident that Missy will get justice.

If only I didn't have to go to work in the morning.
Someone in previous threads speculated that the church or their insurance should have to be financially liable for what took place.

But I disagree. This wasn't a Walmart or business. It's a non-profit church (for the most part) that allows certain organizations to have access under good faith.

Now if the church charges CG to use the facilities. Then that's a different thing. Where they would be liable.

As a fitness trainer who works as an independent contractor when I go onsite to different facilities, I have my own liability insurance. I have only looked at it as protection to cover my butt if someone was injured in my training but never checked to see if it would cover anything in the event of my death :/
Sorry some Rambling Thoughts: JMHO

where do A B C D go? Terri Missy Bevers church  dutch door area abcd .JPG

In the video it shows the Perp walking FROM one end of hall way (358am) towards the area of bulletin board... accordion folding wall/ with Holy Ground (coffee cup for the O) next a door and a little stand holding magazine type papers then next camera picks up and Perp is at the doors next to hall way with Dutch doors.. That appears a long hallway (the hallway with Dutch doors) terri missy bevers creekside church inside 12 news timestamped.JPG

1) Only flooring I have noticed with the fancy design is Main Hallway from Left to Right side to side across building (awning side across to other) and in the Main Front Foyer entrance.

2) This shows Left side of building (side damage done on door and window by propane tank) looking towards Awning Doors 2012 terri missy bevers creekside church inside 2.jpg

3) I can not tell if the Holy Ground area is at the end nearest Awning doors or not . again that photo was 2012

4) IF the perp was coming FROM Left (area broken window & door by propane tank) walking Towards Awning down the Main Hallway, is that the Awning door entrance doors with the propped open doors?

5) There is a hallway leading off to the immediate Right as you would come into the building from the Awning where MB was parked. Does that immediate hallway on the Right coming in from Awning side have Dutch Door there? There are rooms on that side and a door at end of that hallway but unsure what rooms are down that way. OR what kind of doors are at that end.. There a possibility that could be the 2 boarded up doors with the railing .. instead of the opposite end of building. Both are raised up highter than the front of building. Also that back side/or the awning side is where MB normally *or in pictures she has posted, where they took pictures beside the building. The rock is up higher in relation to the campers heights.

6) IF that were the Awning Doors propped open, time stamp shows it to be that way prior to MB documented time of coming into the building.

7) LEO removed the time stamps from the video it released. Media was given a time stamped one or time stamped screen grab. From that we can see that where the Perp walks up, opens the door, tries to use a tool to open door next to it then walks off. The walking off of the Perp in Media is time Stamped. terri missy bevers creekside church inside 12 news timestamped.JPG

8) ** Tricky... in the MPD released video *no time stamps.. but video clips... ***we have no way of knowing at what times these other clips were made. They were released by MPD to show the Perps walking/gait only.

9) Where ever the bulletin board / Holy Grounds coffee thing is significant to me.

10) IF that propped open door is Awning side...** we have no way of knowing what time it is on this video***, but seems very possible that MB could have came throught the doors, propped one open to carry her things in... appeared she had alread taken some out of her truck.

11) Sadly, it very possible that Perp was looking for MB when it appears he is searching (opens Dutch doors, looks in, walks down hall looks than back up and goes into a hallway/door opposite of the Dutch doors...

12) Chief and Captain CID stated that MB is shown coming into the building at 416am, If that is the same door that propped open I would say the same camera that caught the Perp is the same that caught MB arriving into building.

13) Back to my not sure about the end of back of building the 2 boarded up doors being on... POSSIBLE came in from the side with propane tank.. moved on to other side of building. After murdering MB, possible that busted double doors to leave. BUT there are some sort of boot prints (unknown if they are part of the crime scene) but those prints are going towards the doors rather than away.. ***where was the door that had the door handle torn off at? Inside/outside?

14) I not sure on the broken window .. Window doesn't appear that wide to me but its from a distance. Why go out a window if could go out a door? Maybe threw something out the window?
15) Trash container is on the back side of building on opposite side as awning. I am now thinking that you would have that near the Kitchen area as you wouldn't want to walk all the way to other side to take out trash. Possible the Kitchen is on that hallway nearest broken window/ door by propane tank..
terri missy bevers creekside rear of building steps.jpg
16) Glass breakage .. where the glass is on ground ... inside (was hit from outside) or outside (hit from inside) will tell the LEO a lot.


  • Terri Missy Bevers back of church .jpg
    Terri Missy Bevers back of church .jpg
    74.5 KB · Views: 39
<modsnip>I am hoping that LE will be able to tell something when they get the subpoena's with the cell pings. I would imagine that they have made a list of people, such as family, friends, churchgoers, people that she has associated with, people that may have a grudge..and LE can hopefully use that list to compare against the cell pings. The cell pings will likely not point LE to the suspect, IMO, but rather be used to eliminate people.

Of course, that is all hinging on the fact that the perp even brought his/her cell phone to the scene which, at this point, I think is slim. Either way, I think the cell pings will give LE somewhat of a starting point, I'm hoping.
I haven't seen this posted, but for what it's worth...

"Oak Farms Dairy has offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and grand jury indictment of the person or persons responsible for Mrs. Bevers&#8217; death."

(This is according to the Midlothian PD FB page)
I just got a chance to rewatch the surveillance video in more detail/more closely. I have a few questions and statements regarding it.

1) I find it very odd that the perp casually walks around, looks into rooms, basically spends a lot of time on the surveillance camera. Typically when a perp knows that cameras are recording it is the opposite - they either try to do something to disable or disarm the camera, or they don't worry about it and get in and out in the shortest amount of time. So, does this mean that the perp isn't aware of the cameras? Maybe the perp doesn't, in fact, have as much knowledge of the church as I originally thought. I just find it eery that he/she is pacing around, reading the bulletin board, going and out of rooms, basically just "hanging out" waiting for MB..if he/she knew they were on camera the entire time why act so casual and why spend so much time on camera?

2) Around the 55-57 second mark on the video, what is the perp doing in front of the bulletin board with his/her hands?

3) It's apparent (to me at least) that the perp is not comfortable wearing the heavy uniform, but I think the odd walk/stature is actually due to the boots/shoes. I think the boots are purposely too big (either to throw off LE if a print is found, or simply because they didn't want to wear a pair of their own boots due to possible DNA). Those are not the suspects boots, and therefore it is causing he/she to walk strange.

4) Speaking of the uniform, I think I asked this the other day but I can't remember the answer - where would the suspect be able to purchase something like that? I can't imagine those are readily available at many stores around town. Is that a costume type uniform (maybe from a Halloween supply type store) or a more authentic one that would need to be purchased through a specialty website?

5) I still can't get a good handle on whether or not the perp is a man or a woman, but I'm leaning towards female at this point.
Arkansasmimi, I just had my husband look at the photos you posted. In the post above that you quoted from SpanishInquisition (photos from Twitter), husband says that the one window on the side that is boarded up has to be the kitchen because the brown things in front of it on the ground are "grease trap access tops". According to him, no doubt that is the kitchen!

YES!!!! Give that hubbie a hug from MIMI!!!! I just got to thinking few ago... Where trash was located, you would have the kitchen near so didnt take trash all over the building!!! SO I had revised my thinking (I try to stay open minded and adjust as new stuff comes forth) There is a small hall way on that side as in this photo I cropped the heck out of lol but shows the doors there and the hallway at end) that would be terri missy bevers creekside rear of building steps.jpgwh ere that broken window is.

terri missy bevers creekside church inside 12vbs.jpg

my revised thoughts is those 2 doors could possible be either of the back side elevated entrances


  • terri missy bevers creekside church inside 12vbs.jpg
    terri missy bevers creekside church inside 12vbs.jpg
    66.5 KB · Views: 40
Arkansasmimi, I just had my husband look at the photos you posted. In the post above that you quoted from SpanishInquisition (photos from Twitter), husband says that the one window on the side that is boarded up has to be the kitchen because the brown things in front of it on the ground are "grease trap access tops". According to him, no doubt that is the kitchen!

That would also make sense with propane tank. Heating the church is most likely total electric but kitchen stoves propane. And would be near kitchen as would trash dumpsters vs other side of building. Terri missy bevers creekside propane tank side trash side window boarded up.jpg
I just got a chance to rewatch the surveillance video in more detail/more closely. I have a few questions and statements regarding it.

1) I find it very odd that the perp casually walks around, looks into rooms, basically spends a lot of time on the surveillance camera. Typically when a perp knows that cameras are recording it is the opposite - they either try to do something to disable or disarm the camera, or they don't worry about it and get in and out in the shortest amount of time. So, does this mean that the perp isn't aware of the cameras? Maybe the perp doesn't, in fact, have as much knowledge of the church as I originally thought. I just find it eery that he/she is pacing around, reading the bulletin board, going and out of rooms, basically just "hanging out" waiting for MB..if he/she knew they were on camera the entire time why act so casual and why spend so much time on camera?

2) Around the 55-57 second mark on the video, what is the perp doing in front of the bulletin board with his/her hands?

3) It's apparent (to me at least) that the perp is not comfortable wearing the heavy uniform, but I think the odd walk/stature is actually due to the boots/shoes. I think the boots are purposely too big (either to throw off LE if a print is found, or simply because they didn't want to wear a pair of their own boots due to possible DNA). Those are not the suspects boots, and therefore it is causing he/she to walk strange.

4) Speaking of the uniform, I think I asked this the other day but I can't remember the answer - where would the suspect be able to purchase something like that? I can't imagine those are readily available at many stores around town. Is that a costume type uniform (maybe from a Halloween supply type store) or a more authentic one that would need to be purchased through a specialty website?

5) I still can't get a good handle on whether or not the perp is a man or a woman, but I'm leaning towards female at this point.

Respectfully bbm, Perp appears to be trying to get the closed / locked door open. Has something in hand appears to put it away as turns around. Where ever this is within the building, that is area where Perp first was captured on camera. ** could have been in other places as we know we see him coming out of one room. JMHO the motion activated cameras are only in the hallways..... Chief and Captain both said that the murder was not caught on video (that could also be something they want the Perp to think) or it could be that MB was murdered in a room out of the hallway. JUST MY OPINION .
Respectfully bbm, Perp appears to be trying to get the closed / locked door open. Has something in hand appears to put it away as turns around. Where ever this is within the building, that is area where Perp first was captured on camera. ** could have been in other places as we know we see him coming out of one room. JMHO the motion activated cameras are only in the hallways..... Chief and Captain both said that the murder was not caught on video (that could also be something they want the Perp to think) or it could be that MB was murdered in a room out of the hallway. JUST MY OPINION .

I wonder if that is why the perp was scouting out the rooms (opening them, looking around, etc.) That's just an odd way to waste time before she shows up (instead of hiding, waiting to ambush her the perp goes on a little tour of the church??) so maybe he/she was scouting possible locations in which to either carry out the murder and/or place the body?

The level of confidence that this perp has is disturbing.
Will self alert because unsure of this but since it is the Victim FB, and her post I THINK it allowed....

So the CG camp at the Creekside Church has only been going on there since Sept 2015 (7 months) Per MB post:

Missy Bevers
September 9, 2015 · Waxahachie, TX ·
We have started a new camp at our new location, Creekside Church of Christ! All church members and staff of Creekside get a FREE 4 week camp! Contact me for details! Not a Creekside member, but you are ready to try Camp Gladiator, sign up at campgladiator.com and use the discount code: Midlothianspecial for a $39 4 week camp!



Public · Hosted by Missy Bevers

PRE-VIEW WEEK for my new camp location at Creekside Church of Christ of Midlothian for a Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00am PRE-VIEW CAMP WILL BE ON Monday, Wednesday, and Friday week of August 31st - September 4th!
I wonder if that is why the perp was scouting out the rooms (opening them, looking around, etc.) That's just an odd way to waste time before she shows up (instead of hiding, waiting to ambush her the perp goes on a little tour of the church??) so maybe he/she was scouting possible locations in which to either carry out the murder and/or place the body?

The level of confidence that this perp has is disturbing.
Have you seen the scary theory that perp was leaving doors open on purpose to know if MB ran off and closed door(to know where she went) and the bigger doors with glass broken to be able to reach in and unlock if MB went in those rooms. Very methodical. Scary if true.....
IMO. I am leaning towards a young girl who was perhaps made to go to this. Someone who was happy with their size and didn't want to go. Church members were offered free 4 wk deal back in Sept '15. Is it possible a parent made their teen go and they felt majorly out of place. Angry?? Or a girl whose single mom became buddies with MB and she felt left out. Teens can react violently today. Even murder.
Arkansasmimi, I just had my husband look at the photos you posted. In the post above that you quoted from SpanishInquisition (photos from Twitter), husband says that the one window on the side that is boarded up has to be the kitchen because the brown things in front of it on the ground are "grease trap access tops". According to him, no doubt that is the kitchen!


This one?
Just some rambling thoughts:

In most cases, the motives are usually (but not exclusively) the Big 3:

Money (which includes robbery/life insurance) or

Drugs (which includes the sale or production/distribution/manufacturing of) or

Love/sex (which includes jealousy/emotion vindication/revenge)

In my opinion, this case is all about the latter.

Just some rambling thoughts:

In most cases, the motives are usually (but not exclusively) the Big 3:

Money (which includes robbery/life insurance) or

Drugs (which includes the sale or production/distribution/manufacturing of) or

Love/sex (which includes jealousy/emotion vindication/revenge)

In my opinion, this case is all about the latter.


Vindication or revenge IMO.
I was just looking at the pic of the cars beneath the Porte cochere and had some thoughts about the early arriving camper, "camper#1". There are 2 vehicles underneath the awning, Missy's truck and a white SUV. Both are obviously part of the crime scene as you can tell by the police tape. The white vehicle has the hatch raised and the passenger door open, as if they too were unloading for the class. I also saw a pic in an earlier thread that shows what could possibly be fitness equipment lined up against the wall. A lot of comments were made that this was possibly Missy's equipment but during Wedneday's? presser, said Missy "immediately" went into the building. So I'm thinking that maybe camper #1 was meant to arrive early, at 4:35 bc this person could have been a helper with her own equipment to unload and that she was busy unloading the equipment we see lined up against the wall and that's why she didn't go in until the other campers arrived. IMO.

You are probably correct. The pictures posted on her FaceBook page showed them unloading equipment from a white SUV, like the one at the crime scene. We are obviously not getting the complete story.
Ppl are different with others. You and i might act different than she did. As I said before all the fine print related to this is only known to LE. When you train, especially with your trainer, its a tight bond. I have a sister brother relationship with my trainer and he can read me by the book. What might work for others, might not work for us to see

tight bond regarding workouts is one thing; but even her own daughters, husband, and closest friends didn't say that they got the feeling she was being stalked. Either way, it's a very, very odd leap of logic to go from someone being a little "reserved" to "oh, they must be in imminent danger of being murdered".
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