TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 - #5

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Was this a special shirt that couldn't be washed at home.

Okay the dog died. But your son wife was just murdered by an unknown.

So maybe dad never thought that through. Was this his favorite shirt or his only shirt.

Who wants to where a bloody shirt. Was this jodi arias bloody. Or was it just 1 or 2 stains.

I'm just saying that the dad should know that this isn't the time to take bloody shirts to the cleaners. Thi isn't the time. Especially if your son is still under the realm.

Are you kidding me.

Dog fights can be nasty especially if the little one bled out. :(
So to the Dry Cleaner it might have raised some serious red flags. But he was doing their job as a concerned citizen.
BB and FIL said the dry cleaners did the correct action of contacting the LE, so I do not see them losing them as a customer. Also they got free advertisement, not that they were looking for that but they did.

Yes, they were quite gracious. I said the comment in jest, and before hearing them speak at the press conference. :)
In Texas Missy Bevers walked into her church and was attacked by a person wearing swat gear.

Missy Bevers was targeted.

The Bevers murder has captured everyone's attention across the U.S.

Scott Brooks is the Publisher of the Waxahachie Media Group and Sr. Group Publisher for Gatehouse Media North Texas.

Scott Brooks is right in the middle of where this murder took place.

Mr. Brooks has his finger on the pulse of what is going on in his hometown.

In addition, Mr. Brooks wrote a powerful letter to Missy Bevers killer that went viral.

You can read the column HERE

Scott Brooks is my guest on True Crime Radio tonight.

You can listen to the interview after 10:30 PM Eastern tonight, Thursday by clicking HERE

Scott Brooks will have all the scoop for us so be sure and listen!

I am so bummed. These threads are moving SO FAST! I can't keep up with the reading because I haven't been able to get WS to load on my iPad for the last few days. I rarely get time to log on via my desktop which is now the only way I can read. :( Sorry to be off topic but anyone else having this problem? I can only get the first page to load. When I try to go from there to another page it crashes. This only happens with WS. I tried the mobile version and it didn't help at all.

So, I am WAY behind on Missy's case. I do hope and pray here is a big break for LE soon.

MotherOcean, I've been having the same problem with my iPad also, only on th WS. I now open in Safari instead of Google, and
site is working perfect :)
Agree. The dry cleaners has just lost a valued customer for calling LE to pick up the shirts.

But I would like to mull on this for a second.

Your daughter in law was killed by whomever. But you decide to take blood stained shirts to a cleaners that knows your son is under the realm?

Now it may be animal blood. But come on. Was this a shirt that couldn't be washed at home. Was this a special shirt that had to be dry cleaned. Is the father in law the dry cleaners type. Does he dress in silk shirts or dont have a washer or dryer or something. Just asking.

Is he trying to waste the police time? Why take a bloody shirt now. Come on.

Was he lol while dropping that shirt off as a prank?

This is a real head scratcher....Clothing is very cheap, nowadays, seems he would have tossed the bloody shirts. Could be to cause a distraction, for LE? But why would BB and RB need to cause a distraction??? Just doesn't make sense?

On the church website it states that the ladies Bible study meets in Rm 12. I posted that (previous thread) when someone was questioning whether that room might be a restroom (they saw a trash can inside the door). I would guess that Room 12 serves more than one purpose - 3rd to 5th grade on Sundays (per JHarlin's post), and the ladies Bible study during the week.

Okay, good! Thank you for explaining how I came up with that!! I thought I was losing my mind. ;) Totally makes sense. Room 12 is used for two different purposes.

I still cant figure out where THESE DAMN DOORS ARE!!! I swear, every door is different lol Look at the divided windows not sure how to explain but look ... and its at the end of the pretty flooring in the main hallway.

Respectfully snipped: I have no idea. I'm so sorry but I feel like I can't help at all in this area. I'm getting more confused by the second. However, I started saving all of the photos to my computer so I can get a better look!!

OK..... Now We getting somewhere

Teen are is to the back. Thats where the boarded up doors are with the railing. Very back of building. Its also the one I had with blue hanging stuff for VBS was Mt Everest Theme...
That hallway would lead up to the front, and at the end a left you would see straight down the Main hall to the Awning doors... to the Left be double doors out to the side (where the golf cart is parked in one photo) Still that door where propped open, I cant figure out. NOW I did find pictures of kitchen... but only tables. :thinking:

Respectfully snipped again: THIS makes sense to me. I really appreciate all the photos with descriptions you are getting figured out. I made a file on my laptop and I'm trying to keep up. :)

The white truck with rear cargo open is an unmarked LE vehicle - on the WFAA video (which I can't seem to get to operate now) it showed evidence tubs inside.

Missy's truck was this silvery gray one, seen way back in this photo with the exercise gear piled next to the building and the passenger door ajar. It was towed away after this newscast:

I snipped the attachments (respectfully) but I can't get them to work. Anyone else having trouble??
I am so bummed. These threads are moving SO FAST! I can't keep up with the reading because I haven't been able to get WS to load on my iPad for the last few days. I rarely get time to log on via my desktop which is now the only way I can read. :( Sorry to be off topic but anyone else having this problem? I can only get the first page to load. When I try to go from there to another page it crashes. This only happens with WS. I tried the mobile version and it didn't help at all.

So, I am WAY behind on Missy's case. I do hope and pray here is a big break for LE soon.

I have repeatedly had the same crashing problems on my iPad these past several days on the order of 4-5 times per hour, only on WS. (Can't use laptop, currently.) It happens at least 50% of the time whenever I try to change thread pages, and sometimes when I try to post. Quote function (for me) is also still messing up (it's posting multiple posts, which I manually have to delete before replying to the one I want at the bottom of the list).

And yeah... :sigh: ... it's making me slightly crabby.
This is a real head scratcher....Clothing is very cheap, nowadays, seems he would have tossed the bloody shirts. Could be to cause a distraction, for LE? But why would BB and RB need to cause a distraction??? Just doesn't make sense?


Yes, they had their dog killed to distract the LE. I think FIL is grieving the loss of MB and his dog and did not think of this at the time. I think the blood on the shirt is a non-issue, if it is a real issue then the LE will find out.
Hey all, I'm sorry to do this, but I have some questions I am sure were answered in threads 1-3. I just can't go back and read over them alllll...and the flashing banner up top made me click in.

So here it is:

-Why does her husband think she was targeted? Did she have known enemies?

-Does this particular church have known enemies or protesters?

-They look to be a very large church and I assume very involved in the community...had they said/done something recently to upset the public?

-I watched the surveillance. It really doesn't seem to me that this person knew where they were or which doors led where. He/she was just trying doors, trying to pop the locks, and moved on...did he/she just bash a wall there at the end? Looked like drywall falling to the floor. Bizarre.

-Is the consensus that the perp was just waiting for Missy?

-Was Missy politically charged on her own FB?

Again, I am sorry about all of the redundant questions. Thanks in advance!
Okay, good! Thank you for explaining how I came up with that!! I thought I was losing my mind. ;) Totally makes sense. Room 12 is used for two different purposes.

Respectfully snipped: I have no idea. I'm so sorry but I feel like I can't help at all in this area. I'm getting more confused by the second. However, I started saving all of the photos to my computer so I can get a better look!!

Respectfully snipped again: THIS makes sense to me. I really appreciate all the photos with descriptions you are getting figured out. I made a file on my laptop and I'm trying to keep up. :)

I snipped the attachments (respectfully) but I can't get them to work. Anyone else having trouble??

I'm sorry they're being problematic. Wish I knew what to tell you (how to fix it). :-/
This is a real head scratcher....Clothing is very cheap, nowadays, seems he would have tossed the bloody shirts. Could be to cause a distraction, for LE? But why would BB and RB need to cause a distraction??? Just doesn't make sense?


1000% Agree. Clothes are very cheap these days. So why bring suspicious activities to this case because you want to dry clean a bloody shirt while its obvious the fbi is still checking your son for just in case purposes.

Now we all understand harmless situations. But the father in law should know the timing was detrimental and should have either tossed the shirt and bought a new one from Walmart or washed it at home.

I have repeatedly had crashing problems on my iPad these past several days on the order of 4-5 times per hour. (Can't use laptop, currently.) It happens at least 50% of the time whenever I try to change thread pages, and sometimes when I try to post. Quote function (for me) is also still messing up (it's posting multiple posts, which I manually have to delete before replying to the one I want at the bottom of the list).

And yeah... :sigh: ... it's making me slightly crabby.

From what I understand, it's a Shockwave Flash issue. I think Tricia is working on it with technical support! ;) She said on the thread earlier that she would post an update or a temporary fix. Look for it under the page called "Forum Finesse" or something like that. It's under a post from Tricia about the new format of WS.

Hope that helps!
On the church website it states that the ladies Bible study meets in Rm 12. I posted that (previous thread) when someone was questioning whether that room might be a restroom (they saw a trash can inside the door). I would guess that Room 12 serves more than one purpose - 3rd to 5th grade on Sundays (per JHarlin's post), and the ladies Bible study during the week.

But there appears to be a window in that door. And if you zoom the picture it looks like one of these big gray trash cans they type with rollers

terri missy bevers creekside church inside perp 8 .JPG

terri missy bevers creekside church inside perp 7 out of room breaking glass .JPG
1000% Agree. Clothes are very cheap these days. So why bring suspicious activities to this case because you want to dry clean a bloody shirt while its obvious the fbi is still checking your son for just in case purposes.

Now we all understand harmless situations. But the father in law should know the timing was detrimental anc should have either tossed the shirt or washed it at home.


He could have also called LE and offered to let them inspect the shirt and ask for an LE escort to the cleaners just so this wouldn't happen. I don't think they would have even needed a warrant if the owner(s) of the shirt(s) voluntarily offered to hand their own property to LE, if LE wanted to take a look. Heck, LE might have offered to take the shirts there just as a favor. Doing this, everything that happened was quite predictable as it would be obvious that if a member of the Bevers family identifies themselves as having bloody clothing that LE is going to be called and a warrant is going to be needed. If there's nothing to it, all this could have been done under the radar by telling LE about any bloody clothing instead of forcing them to find out about it via a tip and a search warrant.
1000% Agree. Clothes are very cheap these days. So why bring suspicious activities to this case because you want to dry clean a bloody shirt while its obvious the fbi is still checking your son for just in case purposes.

Now we all understand harmless situations. But the father in law should know the timing was detrimental anc should have either tossed the shirt or washed it at home.


Respectfully, I don't think the FIL was really thinking about the blood on the shirt and how it might look to someone else. To him, it was his dog's blood and easily explainable. I mean....this family isn't well versed on how to deal with a murder investigation (or the public's scrutiny for that matter). This is all new to them, ya know? I'm sure that he was more focused on his wife who was probably very devastated to lose her little dog. Not to mention, the loss of his daughter-in-law last week.

I genuinely feel for these people. :sigh:

It's possible that with them being from out of town, they figured they would get the shirts cleaned because they needed clothes to wear?! I think this was mentioned as a possibility on the last thread by another WSer. And I have to agree that it seems completely innocent. MOO.
Originally Posted by PoirotryInMotion View Post
I have repeatedly had crashing problems on my iPad these past several days on the order of 4-5 times per hour. (Can't use laptop, currently.) It happens at least 50% of the time whenever I try to change thread pages, and sometimes when I try to post. Quote function (for me) is also still messing up (it's posting multiple posts, which I manually have to delete before replying to the one I want at the bottom of the list).

And yeah... ... it's making me slightly crabby.

From what I understand, it's a Shockwave Flash issue. I think Tricia is working on it with technical support! ;) She said on the thread earlier that she would post an update or a temporary fix. Look for it under the page called "Forum Finesse" or something like that. It's under a post from Tricia about the new format of WS.

Hope that helps!
THANK GOD lol I missed a bunch of posts trying to figure these pictures out and kept having issue, I thought was me but it kept giving a shock wave message. Just happen to see this lol
1000% Agree. Clothes are very cheap these days. So why bring suspicious activities to this case because you want to dry clean a bloody shirt while its obvious the fbi is still checking your son for just in case purposes.

Now we all understand harmless situations. But the father in law should know the timing was detrimental and should have either tossed the shirt and bought a new one from Walmart or washed it at home.


Not all clothes are cheap.

Imo if one of my inlaws was killed and a week later I had a dirty shirt, I'd drop it off at the cleaner's. My life wouldn't stop. Honestly, I'd be more upset about my dog. JMO
Yes, just posted on thread 4, wondering if any current or former campers recently lost a baby due to miscarriage from strenuous exercise. A baby lost could certainly drive someone to kill IMO if they perhaps blamed MB??

Holy cow us that possible? I've never been pregnant so I'm no expert but I know a lady that barrel raced until her 8th month. A whole different kind of strenuous I know. Yikes. MOO

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