TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 - #6

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Not a written statement, just the interview that her husband gave (the 20 minute or so Fox interview).
i knew that he and his family have had plenty to say.
wanted to clarify that her blood relatives have not spoken out.
The jealous spouse theory is what I am strongly leaning towards. But, as for leaving in the morning (at such an odd hour) there are a few possibilities..

1) Maybe the suspect works nights (and therefore is already out of the house). Went to work, left early. Or, didn't show up at all. Spouse would have no idea, and thinks his wife is at work the entire time.

2) The spouse may work nights and get off work and go straight to Missy's camp in the mornings before heading home. My husband occasionally works nights, and usually hits the gym before coming home in the mornings, so it isn't that unheard of for me. In this scenario, he wouldn't be home to know that his wife left at 3AM to head to the church.

There could be more scenarios, but these are the two that I am working off of right now.

.....an additional scenario is if the spouse-husband isn't home sleeping again because jealous wife suspects he's with MB again & she has had it! Maybe hubby-spouse has a few girlfriends....maybe a couple of them? Maybe her hubby is a serial womanizer & jealous wife has had it--this is the last straw?! He's broken all of his promises to her & she is partially blaming the fitness crazed (CG) because they led to this & she will never be that.....this is her thinking. MB and all of that CG stuff ruined her life (that may be her irrational thinking). She feels she gave her marriage & her hubby her entire life. She is heartbroken, betrayed, lost, & angry. Blind rage. Burning desire for justification. She can not compete with the beautiful ones.

She could be in the throws of irrational, hormonally imbalanced, rage-fueled thinking & is not thinking clearly during this time. She could be making her terrible decision to murder on partial truths, facts, or nothing logical at all?! The mind of a killer.....

But I bet there's smoke there & she is irrational but not delusional. Nope, not delusional. MB was the definite target but she despised all of it in general. In her mind, she showed her spouse-hubby & she showed all of them too!

All totally moo...all my speculation only

RIP to MB & sincerest concerns to her family & friends
This killer knew that MB would be found by the fellow campers within a very quick timeline.
And it would be a gruesome finding for them (sorry)

So what was **she** trying to say? She could've killed MB at different locations/timeframe but chose this time right before her class.

Was this killer mad at MB & the entire concept of the fitness of CG? Was this killer not taking her meds due to a recent childbirth/breast feeding?

(& I have switched my theory of the killer being a male in the beginning to now thinking its a female).

All moo


I've mentioned this before -- someone posted that an additional Camp Gladiator trainer was hired a few weeks ago, and Missy made the hiring decision.

We think the killer was jealous of Missy. The killer knew the CG schedule and created an event devastating to CG. The killer is getting lots of attention in the media & right here through we WSers.

I wanna know everything that LE knows about the applicants for that position.

JMHO and all that.

I hope that I am within guidelines to post this, but a few things have me curious!
Before I state them, I would like to say that for the first Crime in a long time, I do not think the husband comes across as being involved. I do think he seems extremely tired and possibly taking something for his very recent surgery/procedure that he mentioned?
However, I am curious as to whether anyone has heard more about his fishing trip? Was he with buddies? I would have expected interviews with them, but haven't seen anything. The other thing that struck me was when he was asked about the last time he spoke with his wife, he referred to the daily texting "when he gets to work". (He also referenced the night before when he got to Biloxi).
I do think that from interviews and fb posting something had either happened or changed in their marriage recently that made them appear to appreciate each other more.
Why was the FIL in Southern California? Was it a vacation and he lives near MB and BB?
Is the MIL that was called the ex wife of RB?
I apologize in advance if this is not the place to ask these questions.
There were several things like that in the first presser. Didn't know her exact age. Said she texts him every day for 10 months to tell him she loves him. That the perp is 6 feet tall. That she wasn't targeted. That he doesn't want to "sensationalize" this (most want media attention in order to catch the murderer, but he is concerned with too much media). Spends quite a bit explaining that he was out of town. Shows no emotion. Talks about Missy's body, fitness, etc., but not as a good mother and wife (other than a mention of the fact that she WAS one- no details). Mentions the odd gait as if he has never seen anything like it when there are now two videos (after the "dog blood" situation) showing his parent with the same gait.
But I blew it off. Thinking "everybody grieves different" but then this stood out to me suddenly.
HE SAID THE JACKET OF THE PERP LOOKED VELOUR. He obsfucated as many details as possible.
the detail in the video just isn't clear enough to see that.
The bloody shirt is really bothersome. Because if it had blood on it and an attempt was made to launder it (as stated by someone, I think LE) - what is to say the animal blood wasn't added after the fact in an attempt to cover up human blood. A search warrant was obtained to rule this out.

The gait in the press conference outside the police station (to explain bloody blouse) made my hair stand on end- because the walk into and out of that presser has a very very distinct walk, including the arm swing and feet out waddle. BB inherited a bit of this gait, and I'd noticed some similarity there but not so much that I could overcome my reticence to cast a sceptical eye toward a grieving family member. But when I saw his father walk, it just seemed too obvious.
His mother's quick forgiveness when Missy's family has been radio silent also speaks volumes.

I agree, the fil gait was super familiar after watching the video of the perp in the building. I only saw one video, can you link both FIL interview videos in the same post? And I agree that the FB post of BB was not emotional at all, picture of the Rubik's cure shower knob and hot tub therapy as if already moved on within a week after wife murder. Maybe shock? Maybe it hasn't set in yet? Bot FIL & BB have stated they were out of state during the murder. Guess we need to wait for the public statement clearing them. I initially thought the perp was a woman who threw on a ton of clothing, etc and larger shoes with the intention to fully disguise herself and her sex and her gait. The movements of the perp seem overly casual & feminine to a degree. Also, FIL lists 'Texas Rock Hounds' on his FB page with him as president. All this talk of the odd tool that perp was carrying and pics of same linked to rock climbing, geology, etc. Just noting a Facebook fact on RB page.
Explain to me. MB FB says she lives(d) Red Oak, TX. BB FB says he lives in Avilla, TX. ??????? News has said MB lived in Red Oak. Did BB mislabel his FB? Nowhere has it said they were separated?

I have questioned that my myself.
BB seemed very lonely from what I have read on his FB page, he rarely mentions MB.
I have 4 children. I have never misspoke and said 3 or 5. I don't understand that. But maybe he was thinking 3 and 4 just came out. Possible.
Maybe she lost a child? I have 4 children that are alive but I lost one. After I die I am sure that they will say I had 5 child and am reuited with the one that has passed on? That makes sense to me.
There were several things like that in the first presser. Didn't know her exact age. Said she texts him every day for 10 months to tell him she loves him. That the perp is 6 feet tall. That she wasn't targeted. That he doesn't want to "sensationalize" this (most want media attention in order to catch the murderer, but he is concerned with too much media). Spends quite a bit explaining that he was out of town. Shows no emotion. Talks about Missy's body, fitness, etc., but not as a good mother and wife (other than a mention of the fact that she WAS one- no details). Mentions the odd gait as if he has never seen anything like it when there are now two videos (after the "dog blood" situation) showing his parent with the same gait.
But I blew it off. Thinking "everybody grieves different" but then this stood out to me suddenly.
HE SAID THE JACKET OF THE PERP LOOKED VELOUR. He obsfucated as many details as possible.
the detail in the video just isn't clear enough to see that.
The bloody shirt is really bothersome. Because if it had blood on it and an attempt was made to launder it (as stated by someone, I think LE) - what is to say the animal blood wasn't added after the fact in an attempt to cover up human blood. A search warrant was obtained to rule this out.

The gait in the press conference outside the police station (to explain bloody blouse) made my hair stand on end- because the walk into and out of that presser has a very very distinct walk, including the arm swing and feet out waddle. BB inherited a bit of this gait, and I'd noticed some similarity there but not so much that I could overcome my reticence to cast a sceptical eye toward a grieving family member. But when I saw his father walk, it just seemed too obvious.
His mother's quick forgiveness when Missy's family has been radio silent also speaks volumes.

I agree, the fil gait was super familiar after watching the video of the perp in the building. I only saw one video, can you link both FIL interview videos in the same post? And I agree that the FB post of BB was not emotional at all, picture of the Rubik's cure shower knob and hot tub therapy as if already moved on within a week after wife murder. Maybe shock? Maybe it hasn't set in yet? Bot FIL & BB have stated they were out of state during the murder. Guess we need to wait for the public statement clearing them. I initially thought the perp was a woman who threw on a ton of clothing, etc and larger shoes with the intention to fully disguise herself and her sex and her gait. The movements of the perp seem overly casual & feminine to a degree. Also, FIL lists 'Texas Rock Hounds' on his FB page with him as president. All this talk of the odd tool that perp was carrying and pics of same linked to rock climbing, geology, etc. Just noting a Facebook fact on RB page.
Ovilla TX and Red Oak TX are less than 5 miles apart. I wouldn't read too much into that. For the longest time my husband had his FB city set to the nearest big city to us (15 min away) while mine was set to the suburb in which we actually live. My sister has hers set to the city she works in, while my brother in laws is set to the city he was stationed in in the air force. I see this a lot on FB, and those are just a few personal examples, but still - I don't think it means they were separated.
Doesn't the FIL have an alibi though? He was in California, correct? And flew into TX a day or two after the murder?
I just couldn't figure out why he put so much emphasis on the 10 months? Yes IMO he was speaking nicely of her. I just was trying to find relevance to 10 month angle. Why not just say she texted him every day. Why put a very specific time on it. IMO just found it odd.

I also agree
Yes, yes, yes.

Thank you, arkansasmimi. Fabulous job w your floorplan/schematic of church.

Is it possible to add Hwy 287, as someone else requested?
Also to add a marker for "North"? And a link to GoogleEarth bird'seye view of church bldg?

Sorry for my confusion, have not been able to get layout in my brain -- until seeing your drawing.

From Google Earth, I thought we should be able to see ~location of restrooms by the roof perforations for waste-pipe-vents (term?).

Are cafe & kitchen 2 sep rooms? Again by roof perforations, maybe we can verify kitchen location exhaust-vents?
Or if kitchen is big enough, maybe by outside wall pix showing exhaust fan.

If Connection Cafe Kitchen is on left, facing propane tank, is that where the only accordion door is? Or are there more acc-doors?

Seeing your notations on drawing is so helpful. :loveyou:

The other accordion door is where the coffee bar is.
Some marriages die a thousand deaths & divorces do not occur for a variety of reasons. Couples can live under the same roof yet have little or nothing left between them except fondness & respect for their roles they lead to the children.

No judgement here from me---marriage is tough....people change over decades sometimes. Transformations occur to individuals within the couples. Some make do....some accept it....some wish & hope for better.

Some marriages operate under terms that are not traditional and that is their choice. Every marriage is different and that is fine.

I feel BB is innocent but knows far more than he is stating to the public but my gut tells me he told everything to LE which is personal & probably embarrassing.

I hope the killer turns herself in today because Monday starts a new week. Things are getting hot.

All moo & all my speculation.
Starting at 155 mark. Who I wonder did they think was strong suspect and why?

Stout says " we thought we had somebody in mind, but after today's police conference, we found out that our lead really wasn't the right lead. For me personally it was devastating.. just total fear all over again"

Reporter says that Stout had earlier gave thought of jealous woman ...but not not sure it a woman

Stout said that after seeing the video today, not sure anymore..

Missy’s sister-in-law, Kristi Sout, says the family has been in contact with police and thought police had a strong lead yesterday but it didn’t pan out. She says hearing the news that there is not a strong suspect is devastating http://www.fox4news.com/news/129779738-story

While Sister in law thought targeted from beginning, BB and his mother did not

Brandon Bevers, the victim’s husband, said earlier this week that he doesn’t believe she was targeted or that his wife knew the killer.

But his sister, Kristi Stout, said she and a lot of other people feel like Missy Bevers was targeted.

“When I think and think about this I could see maybe how a woman could be jealous of Missy,” Stout said in an interview with Dateline Thursday.
Tucker said she believes Missy Bevers probably startled the suspect and agrees with her son that she was not targeted. http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2016/04/watch-slain-
There were several things like that in the first presser. Didn't know her exact age. Said she texts him every day for 10 months to tell him she loves him. That the perp is 6 feet tall. That she wasn't targeted. That he doesn't want to "sensationalize" this (most want media attention in order to catch the murderer, but he is concerned with too much media). Spends quite a bit explaining that he was out of town. Shows no emotion. Talks about Missy's body, fitness, etc., but not as a good mother and wife (other than a mention of the fact that she WAS one- no details). Mentions the odd gait as if he has never seen anything like it when there are now two videos (after the "dog blood" situation) showing his parent with the same gait.
But I blew it off. Thinking "everybody grieves different" but then this stood out to me suddenly.
HE SAID THE JACKET OF THE PERP LOOKED VELOUR. He obsfucated as many details as possible.
the detail in the video just isn't clear enough to see that.
The bloody shirt is really bothersome. Because if it had blood on it and an attempt was made to launder it (as stated by someone, I think LE) - what is to say the animal blood wasn't added after the fact in an attempt to cover up human blood. A search warrant was obtained to rule this out.

The gait in the press conference outside the police station (to explain bloody blouse) made my hair stand on end- because the walk into and out of that presser has a very very distinct walk, including the arm swing and feet out waddle. BB inherited a bit of this gait, and I'd noticed some similarity there but not so much that I could overcome my reticence to cast a sceptical eye toward a grieving family member. But when I saw his father walk, it just seemed too obvious.
His mother's quick forgiveness when Missy's family has been radio silent also speaks volumes.

I just made a post where I said I would wait to comment about these kinds of things but after I read this, I weakened in a heartbeat, lol.

I literally got nauseous the first time I saw FIL saunter out that door. Even that weird pause in his walk right after he exits the door. Oh man. BB has a less pronounced version of the same walk but the body type doesn't seem as identical. Facebook histories of various family members raised some red flags here and there, but the demeanors and comments from the press conferences and interviews? A parade of red flags.

In my often-wrong, but often-right opinion, that is.
(?!) I was just now on BB's FB page, and he has "married to Missy Bevers" as his status.

Perhaps BB should make his FB page private because of the dissection, speculation and judgment from the public.

He's enjoying the attention too much (MOO!)
if they specifically mentioned clothing in an interview/interrogation, it might explain a panic move like taking clothing to a dry cleaner. defendants often use the "if i was the murderer, why would i do something that stupid and obvious?" defense.

also, someone mentioned other law enforcement involvement: other law enforcement (like Arlington) may be involved because of checking into rental cars and similar evidence.

O.K., Let me try to do this without violating the rules. I am new here, and as you can see by my limited previous comentary, I truly try to stick to only the facts. What I can see with my own eyes, what i can here whith my own ears.

That being said, I just had a thought. I have been trying to see some good footage of RB walking as to compare to the the comments about the similar pattern of walking. So far, not enough to sway me. Not that he doesn't just that I havent seen it yet. every video I have looked at just shows RB and BB from the waiste up standing still. I have confidence that most if not all of you here have a good eye for those sort of things, so lets go with that. It was kinda like a light bulb!!! My whole life everyone close to our family has always made comments about the way i walk. (kind John Wayne like) ha ha! I favor my mother but i walk just like my dad. These things often run in a family. Sorry so long, but stay with me here.

1. BB out of town./ Kids at home.
2. RB and wife out of town.
3. suspect knew MB's routine and cut it close to the wire/church lay out
4. IMO this was personal
5. Dry cleaners
6. BB directing facts in media, or fushing theroy very early on. " i dont think she was targeted" "Velour", Etc.

Does anyone know if BB has siblings?

This is not my throry, just one of those aha! moments when too many things happening all at the same time cause you to form a mental picture. Just thought is would share while it was on my mind.
My sticking point with the jealous spouse is that they would have to explain their getting up and leaving the house at that time. If I suddenly packed up and left the house at 3 something AM my spouse would want to know why. So either this was normal for the perp, they are single, or their spouse was not home to witness them leaving.

:thinking: Well, maybe the perp is in the same/similar business/same hours with whom the person they are having an affair, and the spouse really had no reason to question the hours that their significant other was leaving the house. Maybe the jealous spouse just pretended to be sleeping and as soon as husband/wife left the home, they left to go murder Missy. This doesn't really fit with my theory that Missy was knocked off by someone else other than a jealous spouse or spurned lover. I think it's all about the Benjamins.
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