TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 - #6

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BB stated in the second to last presser I believe that he drove back from the trip Ina rental car and that it had Mississippi plates which I do not get. WHY drive, why not fly? That really bothers me and I personally can not imagine driving back for 8.5 hours. I know that even if every flight was booked the airline would have bumped a passenger to get him home immediately.


Throwing out there that the bad storms here could have prevented him from flying out right away. I could understand, in that case, opting to rent a car just to know that you're headed home right then, doing something -- rather than sitting around in agony waiting on a flight the next day? Does that make sense? JMO.
I offered to access the dispatch feeds and have figured out that 911 calls from Midlothian would go to North Ellis Emergency Dispatch, but I cannot figure out which feed that would be on RadioReference.com. There are three for that area---none identified as North Ellis Emergency Dispatch---and I've listened to them for the 4 o'clock through 6 o'clock a.m. hours for April 18, but it is all radio silence. I'll keep plugging away, I reckon.

Thank you!!

ETA: Maybe a local can help direct you?
[emoji121]this! Made me shiver, when I read it it truly made me shiver. It threw a huge red flag up for me.

please screen capture that ! im so afraid its gonna disappear before its recorded and yes that is very odd, must be a psychic...hummm
Throwing out there that the bad storms here could have prevented him from flying out right away. I could understand, in that case, opting to rent a car just to know that you're headed home right then, doing something -- rather than sitting around in agony waiting on a flight the next day? Does that make sense? JMO.
It might also be to feel he could control something in a chaotic situation. Flying these days leaves you with little control. And no privacy. Driving allows you to control speed, etc. and lots of privacy. it might just be something that psychologically felt better.
Thank you!!

ETA: Maybe a local can help direct you?

It's a great thought but...

If the 911 recording was currently available via the site you are using to obtain it or anything similar, I would think the MSM would already have obtained and shared it? It's probably not available to public because of the investigation. MOO.
Throwing out there that the bad storms here could have prevented him from flying out right away. I could understand, in that case, opting to rent a car just to know that you're headed home right then, doing something -- rather than sitting around in agony waiting on a flight the next day? Does that make sense? JMO.

It does make sense but I have gone back to that date and weather and that was not the case

BB stated in the second to last presser I believe that he drove back from the trip Ina rental car and that it had Mississippi plates which I do not get. WHY drive, why not fly? That really bothers me and I personally can not imagine driving back for 8.5 hours. I know that even if every flight was booked the airline would have bumped a passenger to get him home immediately.


And it struck me as super odd to mention that the car had Mississippi plates. I mean, who cares? Your wife just got murdered, who cares what plates were on the car that you drove 8.5 hours home in?
I offered to access the dispatch feeds and have figured out that 911 calls from Midlothian would go to North Ellis Emergency Dispatch, but I cannot figure out which feed that would be on RadioReference.com. There are three for that area---none identified as North Ellis Emergency Dispatch---and I've listened to them for the 4 o'clock through 6 o'clock a.m. hours for April 18, but it is all radio silence. I'll keep plugging away, I reckon.

My guess Feds have locked it up. No way 2 hrs no call??? Possible on a Sun night I guess.
If my spouse had just been killed the last thing I would want to do would be get into an airplane. I fly weekly and it's always packed with no privacy. I would prefer a car with room to myself and privacy.
AFAIK, there was only one source for that
I have looked around and i cam't find anything else
Of course, i may have missed it
So I don't think there is any info on it

I haven't seen LE state a reason they believe Missy was targeted. I wonder why the husband now says he believes Missy was targeted. He said she wasn't targeted in one of the first interviews. The SIL said right off the bat she believed Missy was targeted. It's very confusing that the husband didn't believe she was targeted after talking to LE, but maybe they didn't tell him they believed Missy was targeted. Just feeling him out to get his perspective on her murder? I'm confused!


  • File Apr 30, 12 15 18 PM.jpg
    File Apr 30, 12 15 18 PM.jpg
    73.6 KB · Views: 384

BB is posting biblical passages. This one about temptation, sin, and death is kinda weird but it could be about how frustrated he is in seeing comments about him on news articles and is tempted to post angry things.

I feel like such a creeper reading his FB. But I don't find the Randy Meisner post odd, as he appears to be into classic rock and maybe plays an instrument. So even though he's only around age 43, I can see him knowing Eagles' songs and who Randy is. (I'm guessing he is age 43 based on his graduation from high school in 1991.) Lana's death was bizarre.

He has been sick for a long long time. Ulcers in 2010 when he's about age 37? Then diverculitis? And so severe he had to go on antibiotics? Then a chronic "pain," then some treatment which briefly relieved the pain, then a minor surgical procedure. Maybe his digestive issue is a reason Missy was into healthy food. A loving, stay at home wife who does the meal preparation would do that for her husband.

Looks like he works for his Mom and step dad's business - gas station I think. He may be an employee or may have invested in it. Even if he owns part of it, it's hard to believe the family would get upset with Missy parting with her share if there was a divorce. Not that divorce was on the horizon, as there is no indication of that from his FB.

I don't see anything alarming.

What was alarming was creeping around video game discussions. Holy cow they are into role-playing, disguises and multi-use weaponry. Maybe this is just a nutter living in a fantasy world.
And it struck me as super odd to mention that the car had Mississippi plates. I mean, who cares? Your wife just got murdered, who cares what plates were on the car that you drove 8.5 hours home in?
This got me too. I travel for business weekly to the same destination, and yet my rental cars have plates from a different state each time. It's odd for me to get a car that actually has plates from the state I'm in.
And it struck me as super odd to mention that the car had Mississippi plates. I mean, who cares? Your wife just got murdered, who cares what plates were on the car that you drove 8.5 hours home in?

Yep BB giving us lots of details when no one is even asking for them.
It does make sense but I have gone back to that date and weather and that was not the case


I think SP was speaking to the weather at DFW at the time. We have had storms for what seems like weeks....if the weather was bad here, airplane travel might have been hindered even if Biloxi's weather was beautiful (which it looks like it was. Jealous.) ;)
I remember the task force you are referring to, I didn't think it was as far back as AG? I think it was AH up in NH? Or was the case you remember in TX?

It was in Texas. I did find it. " Major Case Investigation Team'' . They cross city limits and work together on cases , no matter where the crime took place.
And it struck me as super odd to mention that the car had Mississippi plates. I mean, who freakin cares? Your wife just got murdered, who cares what plates were on the car that you drove 8.5 hours home in?

I agree. There was so many details he gave that really sent red flags off. Such as the "last 10 months" the early morning comments about the weather with the screen shots on his FB page, the comments made by the MIL and him both made to MSM about how he had been commenting on how concerned he was for her safety. The license plate detail. The posting of the place he was eating after the long flight and photo of the place he was eating at. It's all just weird and seems so different than his other posts. Now do I believe he actually was the one in the building. I don't think so, but I can see why he might be a suspect in some way.
I haven't seen LE state a reason they believe Missy was targeted. I wonder why the husband now says he believes Missy was targeted. He said she wasn't targeted in one of the first interviews. The SIL said right off the bat she believed Missy was targeted. It's very confusing that the husband didn't believe she was targeted after talking to LE, but maybe they didn't tell him they believed Missy was targeted. Just feeling him out to get his perspective on her murder? I'm confused!

My thought on that is, at first that is what LE was saying and he went along with it.
If LE has changed their minds, maybe BB would change his mind also

I am not positive that is what LE thinks... only because it was not widely reported or picked up by other news groups AFAIK

I think they have ruled nobody and nothing out

And all JMO
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