TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 - #6

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Glammie------all of these statements, photos, comments, BB has made------seems like he is making excuses and covering for another person, as if he has knowledge of what really happened!!!


IMO it is starting to look like a big ol show to divert attention away from another person. I hope and pray it is not a young person in the area. That would be sad. Today's youth can be so violent. Covering for anyone is a noble effort but it is still a felony.
Plus, one or more of his buddies may have done the driving. BB could've been such a wreck he was not able to fly.

Well, if I were one of BB's buddies who was with him in Mississippi I would have come forward to make sure law enforcement, media, family & friends all knew for sure that BB was with me. I would not allow my friend to be under suspicion if I knew for certain that he was with me the entire time. Especially since my friend was going to have his hands full with grieving himself and handling his 3 daughters.. If someone was with him in Mississippi,surely we would have heard from them by now?
I'm still not convinced that any family members are involved, including BB.

Like I've said before, I am usually very suspicious of everyone when it comes to cases that I follow here. This after all of the years of being wrong and believing that loved ones wouldn't possibly murder their spouses or children for something as petty as money which always ended in heartbreak and anger for me in the end. Because as long time posters here know, it becomes personal for you. The anger and heartbreak isn't fun when you aren't prepared for the answers that eventually come. So, obviously I've had to change my way of thinking and become more suspicious. I learned to pay more attention to things people say and do because of what I have learned from all of the people here on WS--that we can't always be optimistic because there are some really bad people in this world.

Still. Having said that....I chalk all of these things brought up about BB here, to him just trying to make everyone happy (media, LE, the public) and it's coming across all wrong. I just think he has no experience being in the middle of a murder investigation and he doesn't know what he's supposed to do. Does he keep quiet and have everyone ask why he's so quiet or does he speak and have everyone turn his words around? It's an awful situation and I can't imagine having that much pressure on me all the time. Not to mention that he has children at home to worry about. If the girls see his interviews, he can't let them see him completely lose it. (I disagree with his line of thinking on that part if that's the case...but that's a psychology thing for me.) I just genuinely feel for the guy (and this entire family) and while I can see where many of these suspicions are coming from here, I personally just don't think he's involved. Even after all I've learned from you guys here. ;)

And yes, I'll eat crow if I'm wrong. Hey....it definitely won't be the first time I've had to.
So you would rather drive 8.5 hours to get to your grieving children as opposed to fly for 1.5 hours to hold them in your arms and console them? I am a mom and I would be dying inside and not be able to get home fast enough to my grief stricken kids.

To me it's a no Brainer but that is just what I would do and we are all differently and deal with things differently.

Please forgive me if I haven't completely caught up with all the little bits of info. But question: Did BB fly to Mississippi?
Possibly. The flight may be 1.5 hours but then there is the drive to the airport, rental car return, getting through the security line, waiting at the gate, half hour boarding time, and when you arrive, baggage claim, obtaining car, and drive home. That easily could have added another 3-4 hours to the flight time. I'm not sure how far the drive is from his home to the airport. Driving back may have been the better option.

If I had to choose between engaging all the people to accomplish all those steps to get home, or adding 2 hours to drive, I, for myself, would pick driving.

Point taken.
:nevermind: We have already been down that road. Mea culpa!
Please forgive me if I haven't completely caught up with all the little bits of info. But question: Did BB fly to Mississippi?

Yes. Well it hasn't been confirmed but according to his last statement he did fly and the LE has all that information.
I find a lot of these comments about "BB said this -- which is a red flag to me" or "BB did that -- which is a red flag to me" represent no sleuthing whatsoever. Some people seem to start from an assumption that he's guilty, and then basically anything he says or does is and has been seen as evidence of guilt. He could say "I like coffee" and someone here would say that their hinky meter is going off. And the same thing if he said he liked tea.
Well, if I were one of BB's buddies who was with him in Mississippi I would have come forward to make sure law enforcement, media, family & friends all knew for sure that BB was with me. I would not allow my friend to be under suspicion if I knew for certain that he was with me the entire time. Especially after my friend had his wife murdered. If someone was with him in Mississippi,surely we would have heard from them by now?

Excellent observation. I've seen absolutely no one speak who was on that fishing trip.
I initially wondered that, too, but the flight manifestation explains what I think happened. Gulfport (airport near Biloxi) only has a few major airlines. There were 3 flights out that morning that left at 6:10 am. By the time he found the news and took back a rental car, he couldn't make those obviously.

There was one that left at 10:20ish, but arrived in Dallas at 7:45 pm that night! Could you imagine finding out the news, processing it and then having to sit on the airplane and airports for 9.25 hours of flight time? Then, there were a few others that left at 6pm-ish that night & arrived later than it would be if he drove.

IMO...So, more than likely he drove bc he had his buddies with him, in a car and could talk on the phone, decipher information and get home quicker than the flights offered. FOX Ch. 4 spoke and interviewed him on the way home. I'll see if I can find that interview. That's my only logical explanation.

Thank you for those details. That does indeed make more sense.
Maybe this is just me but I find it odd that the in laws are all speaking out, the mother in law, the father in law the sister in law, the husband. All having different theories and didn't even hear a word from Missy's mother and brothers, didn't even know her maiden name till I looked it up. Saw the brothers quietly grieving on their own social media pages. I find it hinky when in laws are so outspoken and saying different hinky things. I have my thoughts that I will save and see what happens when they catch the murderer.
While looking further into something last night that made my eyes open wide, I stumbled across further details of the bloody-shirt search warrant here: http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Mi...-to-Dry-Cleaner-Search-Warrant-377343901.html. Scroll down to the bottom of the news story and see the documents, specifically, the sixth page. A screenshot of the pertinent information:
i don't want to be guilty of over thinking this, but on april 21 at 3 pm the wife of RB stated on FB that she had told family of the dog's death that morning- RB states that they were there "late at night" when the episode happened with the dog fight- which would imply that the dog was killed the night of the 20th. yet RB states "the next day" he took the shirt to be cleaned- when it was actually the 22nd. wife of RB did not state how the dog died.
this could be an easy enough error to make when telling the story at the presser, but i just wanted to point this out. that she did post that the dog passed during this time does lend some credence to the story as told.
I'm still not convinced that any family members are involved, including BB.

Like I've said before, I am usually very suspicious of everyone when it comes to cases that I follow here. This after all of the years of being wrong and believing that loved ones wouldn't possibly murder their spouses or children for something as petty as money which always ended in heartbreak and anger for me in the end. Because as long time posters here know, it becomes personal for you. The anger and heartbreak isn't fun when you aren't prepared for the answers that eventually come. So, obviously I've had to change my way of thinking and become more suspicious. I learned to pay more attention to things people say and do because of what I have learned from all of the people here on WS--that we can't always be optimistic because there are some really bad people in this world.

Still. Having said that....I chalk all of these things brought up about BB here, to him just trying to make everyone happy (media, LE, the public) and it's coming across all wrong. I just think he has no experience being in the middle of a murder investigation and he doesn't know what he's supposed to do. Does he keep quiet and have everyone ask why he's so quiet or does he speak and have everyone turn his words around? It's an awful situation and I can't imagine having that much pressure on me all the time. Not to mention that he has children at home to worry about. If the girls see his interviews, he can't let them see him completely lose it. (I disagree with his line of thinking on that part if that's the case...but that's a psychology thing for me.) I just genuinely feel for the guy (and this entire family) and while I can see where many of these suspicions are coming from here, I personally just don't think he's involved. Even after all I've learned from you guys here. ;)

And yes, I'll eat crow if I'm wrong. Hey....it definitely won't be the first time I've had to.

the cops are usually all over the spouse that is why IMO it is so foolish to chat up the press ! and not hire a lawyer ! I recall this case where a lady was killed in Texas, her 3 yr old son was home and said the monster with a mostashe did it. Hubby was at work, clocked in and had many witnesses to this fact, still they got him and he spent 25 years in the pen before someone found evidence the DA had supressed which was abandanna that had the real killer's DNA on it. Anyone remember who that guy was > He got out but lost 25 years of his life, raising his kid etc etc it was so sad and all too common, especially in Texas seems to happen there more often, maybe its just cause that is the state I grew up in, I dunno
Hmmmmm. LE says takin weekend off. Mods sayin talk amongst yourselves. Just like govt listening for chatter overseas for terrorist talk. Methinks they want all to put forth as many scenarios as possible. It is called fishing. Well played.
does anyone know if it was an open casket service? If not that might be an indication of how much damage was done. Bless her heart I just get so angry when i think about this case... grrrr..

Praying for a miracle in the LE's work to catch this creep..

It was closed casket for Missy's funeral.

As for BB, it's my understanding locally that he was up early to go golfing that morning. I'll try to get confirmation to find out who all returned with him, but I believe one of those friends came back.
While looking further into something last night that made my eyes open wide, I stumbled across further details of the bloody-shirt search warrant here: http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Mi...-to-Dry-Cleaner-Search-Warrant-377343901.html. Scroll down to the bottom of the news story and see the documents, specifically, the sixth page. A screenshot of the pertinent information:

Me, I'm finished with the bloody shirt trail. The father-in-law and his wife were in Oceanside, CA at the time of the murder. They don't even live in Texas and travelled there after the murder and were staying at his daughter's house when the dogs got into a fight.

Please forgive me if I haven't completely caught up with all the little bits of info. But question: Did BB fly to Mississippi?

Yes, he posted on FB. Sunday (day before) flight out of DFW was delayed, due to weather in the area.
I'm still not convinced that any family members are involved, including BB.

Like I've said before, I am usually very suspicious of everyone when it comes to cases that I follow here. This after all of the years of being wrong and believing that loved ones wouldn't possibly murder their spouses or children for something as petty as money which always ended in heartbreak and anger for me in the end. Because as long time posters here know, it becomes personal for you. The anger and heartbreak isn't fun when you aren't prepared for the answers that eventually come. So, obviously I've had to change my way of thinking and become more suspicious. I learned to pay more attention to things people say and do because of what I have learned from all of the people here on WS--that we can't always be optimistic because there are some really bad people in this world.

Still. Having said that....I chalk all of these things brought up about BB here, to him just trying to make everyone happy (media, LE, the public) and it's coming across all wrong. I just think he has no experience being in the middle of a murder investigation and he doesn't know what he's supposed to do. Does he keep quiet and have everyone ask why he's so quiet or does he speak and have everyone turn his words around? It's an awful situation and I can't imagine having that much pressure on me all the time. Not to mention that he has children at home to worry about. If the girls see his interviews, he can't let them see him completely lose it. (I disagree with his line of thinking on that part if that's the case...but that's a psychology thing for me.) I just genuinely feel for the guy (and this entire family) and while I can see where many of these suspicions are coming from here, I personally just don't think he's involved. Even after all I've learned from you guys here. ;)

And yes, I'll eat crow if I'm wrong. Hey....it definitely won't be the first time I've had to.

:goodpost: I'm going to sit on my hands now... literally!
I can't help but think that maybe the FIL feels Missy didn't pay as much attending to BB's health and illness, and maybe resented her career. Maybe BB was complaining about a similar thing. Remember the comments he made about not praising her enough? And how he stressed how much she always helped others? Maybe he complained to his father about feeling abandoned, and the father is really protective and couldn't handle it. Maybe he's one of those really conservative types who think that women should stay home, and he resented her "abandoning" his son and his health issues to take care of a bunch of strangers, instead. Just speculation...but you never know.

He's kind of a FB pain-poster. While I'm sure they're real, none of the physical ailments he cites seem like they fall into the longterm illness category, except his mention of a miraculous treatment for chronic pain. There may be a lot about his physical problems that he hasn't talked about on Facebook or haven't been made public, but he certainly doesn't seem to be a person who is private about his health problems. He is prone to identify himself as being a person of poor health.
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