TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 - #6

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Look at the Tricia's post I believe it's the first one after the leader on this new thread. She gave us some wiggle room still can't sleuth some but did give us permission to look at BBs page and discuss and some additional room.
Also it seems to me once a family member has taken it upon themselves to hold a press conference to explain a search warrant and seizure of a bloody shirt, there's no way to discuss it without the obvious.
I am a newbie so if I have stepped over the line and rules, I apologize.
Hey Treelights
thanks for bringing that forward and giving me a hand
working with an antiquated machine and i am lucky to be able to read a page
I saw a headline on FB feed this morning. I follow all of the local news stations but I cannot find it now. I am sure it was probably posted already. But it said investigators would be taking the weekend OFF to rest up to be ready for Monday because they have been pulling such long hours in this case. A) do you recall hearing this before in any case? I mean I am sure people get weekends off but I don't recall there being a public announcement of such B ) could that be a ploy to lull the perp into thinking she has fooled them and are still at square one?
Also there is a local group IIRC called ' Major Crimes Task Force' ( this is not the right name, I cannot find it :( ) . It is not for every case for sure but it is a pool of investigators from several local towns and they work together , despite jurisdiction, on individual cases . I would think, but not sure , that it is like ' specialists' in this or that area that come together to solve crimes. I cannot remember what local case they did that caught my eye but it was the first I had heard of such a group . ( possibly alanna gallagher )

ETA ^^^ Wondering what criteria must be met to get this group involved. I am googling and not finding the specific name.

ETAA Ok I found it , it's in Tarrant County called Major Case Investigative Team. But while googling, I see this is pretty common across the country and wonder if there is such a group in the Ellis / Dallas arena. Sorry for the bumbling, guys.
Also it seems to me once a family member has taken it upon themselves to hold a press conference to explain a search warrant and seizure of a bloody shirt, there's no way to discuss it without the obvious.
I am a newbie so if I have stepped over the line and rules, I apologize.

I believe you are correct. We just have a gray area and need to be careful.
I just want to tell everyone here, thank you for all your help. I am just one voice in the city of Midlothian, but I'm certain people around here feel the same way. You all have opened our eyes to so many things and constantly remind us that there's an army of supporters out there fighting for Missy.

Every time someone around town asks about the case, I point them here. Although they might just read and never comment, I promise you are making a difference & people gravitate toward your every theory, discovery and church maps.

I am not a person who normally gets scared. However, this murder has invoked a lot of unexpected fear lately. We live in a rural area where there aren't many people around. To be completely honest, I've been frightened lately to even step outside in the pitch dark and get something out of my car. My mind knows not to worry, but my instincts are on high alert. Each time it thunders and rains (which it's done a lot lately), I can't help but think of the utter fear Missy must have felt that morning.

When we lost our hometown hero, 'American Sniper' Chris Kyle a few years back, our community was devastated. We all bonded together through that and in many ways Missy's death has brought us together again. We are just really sad more than anything as we try to understand something so senseless.

Locally, our theories have flipped over and over. HOWEVER, one thing has NEVER changed: the manner in which Missy died. We heard from the beginning that she was shot once, then bludgeoned with a screwdriver & hammer. I'm connected to many different circles and I've yet to hear another version. LE & MSM confirmed that several tools were found at the scene; for this reason I believe more and more the first story was the correct one.

If this manner of death holds true, it sickens me to think what kind of deranged killer is out there. Who mutilates a young mother of 3 so callously? He/she could have killed her at any point from her rural home to the time she stepped out of her truck at the church. Instead he/she took a calculated approach to perform on camera and then knowingly murdered Missy out of camera sight. In my opinion, this is the worst kind of human being and we have to find them. They will be caught.

And murderer, please know you picked the wrong county and state to commit this act. You are in the heart of conservative country; a place that loves Jesus, and deeply believes execution is a justifiable punishment when you kill one of his innocent children.

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Thanks for your local input. It does give us more information that this was targeted. I hope they have the suspect/s in mind and keeping a close eye on them. I am sure like in other cases the locals can see who is being watched. SO I am sure there are a lot of rumors about who they believe did this horrible crime.

I hope for your fear they are arrested soon.
Has anyone asked if maybe the perp was actually in LE, and not just wearing the tactical suit for cover? I would definitely want an outside LE agency investigating the crime if that is even a remote possibility. Is there any reason to believe that may be a possibility? I hate to even think it but can we really rule it out?

It has been discussed in earlier threads. I haven't ruled it out.
Yes, yes, yes.

Thank you, arkansasmimi. Fabulous job w your floorplan/schematic of church.

Is it possible to add Hwy 287, as someone else requested?
Also to add a marker for "North"? And a link to GoogleEarth bird'seye view of church bldg?

Sorry for my confusion, have not been able to get layout in my brain -- until seeing your drawing.

From Google Earth, I thought we should be able to see ~location of restrooms by the roof perforations for waste-pipe-vents (term?).

Are cafe & kitchen 2 sep rooms? Kitchen/Connection Cafe are same. << Propane tank outside Kitchen. Was Kitchen door/ and window busted on that side of building Again by roof perforations, maybe we can verify kitchen location exhaust-vents?
Or if kitchen is big enough, maybe by outside wall pix showing exhaust fan.

If Connection Cafe Kitchen is on left, facing propane tank, is that where the only accordion door is? Or are there more acc-doors?

The accordion Doors/ name HOLY GROUND is blurred in the video from MPD But you can see it in the pic MB took of her campers / and the Video

terri missy bevers creekside cg 3 HOLY GROUNDS pic .jpg

Seeing your notations on drawing is so helpful. :loveyou:
creekside church and outdoor store google.jpg Google from the Outdoor Store that IIRC where the MPD got the video of MB driving into parking lot of church.

Creekside church google long lat.jpg Creekside Church of Christ


Google link this best I can do lol https://www.google.com/maps/@32.446...4!1saOjiw2xxW9-7BZFvCbdS5g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
I saw a headline on FB feed this morning. I follow all of the local news stations but I cannot find it now. I am sure it was probably posted already. But it said investigators would be taking the weekend OFF to rest up to be ready for Monday because they have been pulling such long hours in this case. A) do you recall hearing this before in any case? I mean I am sure people get weekends off but I don't recall there being a public announcement of such B ) could that be a ploy to lull the perp into thinking she has fooled them and are still at square one?
Also there is a local group IIRC called ' Major Crimes Task Force' . It is not for every case for sure but it is a pool of investigators from several local towns and they work together , despite jurisdiction, on individual cases . I would think, but not sure , that it is like ' specialists' in this or that area that come together to solve crimes. I cannot remember what local case they did that caught my eye but it was the first I had heard of such a group . ( possibly alanna gallagher )

ETA ^^^ Wondering what criteria must be met to get this group involved. I am googling and not finding the specific name.
I think it was a clever way to apply pressure to the perp/s. LE is taking the weekend off and then Monday? It's on. I am betting somone/s behavior is being watched very closely right now, cell phones are being monitored, etc. The perp/s are probably scrambling to tie up any loose ends they can think of in preparation for whatever Monday brings.
i had avoided looking at missy's FB page because i was afraid it would just break my heart- and i was right.
what a lovely woman- so enthusiastic and full of life.
what a tragedy. :(
:moo: I agree with, if this personal, the COD could be (simply an opinion - not a fact) heavy damage to the face. Say, for an example, maybe the killer who intentionally tried to make this look like a burglary gone wrong, also could have given repeated blows to the face. Alternately, and apparently NOT in Missy's case, stabbing/strangling is also personal. If this was a woman who was jealous of Missy and her physique and her life, etc. al., I suspect there COULD have been damage to the chest/breast area. IF, the perp was simply trying to make this look personal, maybe they knew this too. I do think the perp wanted out of the church ASAP. Kill her, be done, and be gone. I believe the perp knew how to make Missy's death quick in their wanna-be hitman sick and twisted mind. A gunshot to the head, in the right area, COULD have done that with one shot, and then the perp knew he needed the bullet casing so forensics couldn't link it to the gun that fired it, and so struck a few blows with an object (hammer of some type) to the skull to try to remove the casing. Again, just another *speculative* opinion.

Maybe... this person had a hatred for both MB and BB, but obviously wanted to leave the girls out of this (although they sure have a twisted way of screwing their lives up). We know the family is frightened. They aren't even staying in their own home according to BB's FB post about taking a shower in someone else bathroom like a "Rubik's cube." I laughed when I saw that. I'm sorry. I agree. You are in danger of scalding yourself or freezing your :behind: in my experience of showering in showers other than my own. His timing, however, was totally off in posting.

Thank you for such thought-provoking posts, and that means everyone of y'all too! Probably not the best time for me to ruminate :cow: about Missy's case. Ended up watching "Maniac Cop." I had DVR'd it last week on the Chiller channel and watched it during last night's storms. Mucho lightening with torrential rains. It was coming down in sheets. :eek:

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! Hope this case breaks wide open! I know the good officers are getting a break this weekend, but I know in my :heartbeat: that each and everyone of them working Missy's case would be right back to make an arrest if that happened today or tomorrow! Godspeed!
The Meisner comment struck me too, but I talked myself out of it having any real meaning because it might just be a hindsight is 20//20 meaning. I noticed the odd disconnect in their FB interactions too but I talked myself out of that by remembering that sometimes married couples don't talk to each other on FB because they don't see the point if the person is right there in the room with them. Seems like I had to do a lot of talking myself out of things, though.

I noticed several times where she made short, encouraging, sweet comments to him and always called him honey. If he made similar comments to her, I missed them.

I guess we won't know how meaningful or meaningless some of these observations are until police have used hard evidence to solve the case, you know?

I completely agree with everything you have said. And I am not insinuating that he had a hand in this. I just am wondering if maybe there was some sort of strain, that could have involved an outside party. I know first hand about how hard and how much work a marriage is, and how illness can affect that bond. I am just making observations and if course these are just my opinions. I didn't know either of them personally but some I am a local I can't pull up one friend on FB without them having a connection to Missy. I have heard all the rumors going around and I am just looking for facts.
Arlington is a "big city" PD, prob has more experience with homicide and a greater amount of resources, and close in physical distance to Midlothian. I don't find it that odd that they are helping. MOO. Can you explain why you find this to be weird?

Good morning y'all!

I'm still catching up this morning but didn't want to forget to reply to this. :)

My first thought was why not DPD? I thought they would have more resources. But then someone else posted (sorry, can't remember who) about APD and why they might be assisting. I changed my mind about it being weird after looking into that a bit. I don't think it's weird anymore. I also do know from some of my CJ classes that APD requires a degree to work there, which is not the case for most other departments.

My opinion of it being weird was just a knee jerk reaction. I used to live in Arlington and it didn't seem so large to me back then.
Somebody mentioned here that BB was in Mississippi on a 'bucket list' fishing trip that was going to be canceled due to weather but happened anyway. Was he there with friends? Has law enforcement confirmed that BB was indeed in Mississippi during the murder? I have not heard actual confirmation although I am sure it is forthcoming. Also, is it true that BB drove all the way from Mississippi in a rental car with Mississippi plates to get home instead of flying? That's about a 9 hour drive. Can someone confirm that? Is that one of the things BB mentioned in a press conference? Want to separate fact from fiction. And holy cow, I would not be able to make that drive under those circumstances.
They have video of MB coming into the church, she came in the doorway and there are motion activated cameras in the hallways.

The Suspect "first appears" they dont say from where he was as in which hallway. If he broke into the kitchen door or the kitchen window and came through that way he wouldnt appear on camera until he came out into the hall way. JMHO Unsure about the broken doors at end of one of the halls

UPDATED APRIL 18 TIMELINE http://www.fox4news.com/news/129779738-story

3:50 a.m. - Suspect first appears on video surveillance camera at Creekside Church of Christ

4:16 a.m. - Missy's pickup truck is shown on video surveillance driving into the church parking lot

4:20 a.m. - Missy appears on video surveillance camera walking into the church building

4:35 a.m. - Participant in Camp Gladiator fitness class arrives at the church

5:00 a.m. - Two 911 calls received from church

5:01 a.m. - Fire department dispatched

5:03 a.m. - Initial patrol officers dispatched

5:07 a.m. - Fire department arrives to the church

5:10 a.m. Officers arrive at the church
Great timeline, do you have a time for when camper called the husband?

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:moo: I agree with, if this personal, the COD could be (simply an opinion - not a fact) heavy damage to the face. Say, for an example, maybe the killer who intentionally tried to make this look like a burglary gone wrong, also could have given repeated blows to the face. Alternately, and apparently NOT in Missy's case, stabbing/strangling is also personal. If this was a woman who was jealous of Missy and her physique and her life, etc. al., I suspect there COULD have been damage to the chest/breast area. IF, the perp was simply trying to make this look personal, maybe they knew this too. I do think the perp wanted out of the church ASAP. Kill her, be done, and be gone. I believe the perp knew how to make Missy's death quick in their wanna-be hitman sick and twisted mind. A gunshot to the head, in the right area, COULD have done that with one shot, and then the perp knew he needed the bullet casing so forensics couldn't link it to the gun that fired it, and so struck a few blows with an object (hammer of some type) to the skull to try to remove the casing. Again, just another *speculative* opinion.

Maybe... this person had a hatred for both MB and BB, but obviously wanted to leave the girls out of this (although they sure have a twisted way of screwing their lives up). We know the family is frightened. They aren't even staying in their own home according to BB's FB post about taking a shower in someone else bathroom like a "Rubik's cube." I laughed when I saw that. I'm sorry. I agree. You are in danger of scalding yourself or freezing your :behind: in my experience of showering in showers other than my own. His timing, however, was totally off in posting.

Thank you for such thought-provoking posts, and that means everyone of y'all too! Probably not the best time for me to ruminate :cow: about Missy's case. Ended up watching "Maniac Cop." I had DVR'd it last week on the Chiller channel and watched it during last night's storms. Mucho lightening with torrential rains. It was coming down in sheets. :eek:

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! Hope this case breaks wide open! I know the good officers are getting a break this weekend, but I know in my :heartbeat: that each and everyone of them working Missy's case would be right back to make an arrest if that happened today or tomorrow! Godspeed!

Based on Breck's comments, I believe you are right about COD. The one shot to the head and then hammer and screw driver to remove the slug. Now we just need to remove the that did this.
I saw a headline on FB feed this morning. I follow all of the local news stations but I cannot find it now. I am sure it was probably posted already. But it said investigators would be taking the weekend OFF to rest up to be ready for Monday because they have been pulling such long hours in this case. A) do you recall hearing this before in any case? I mean I am sure people get weekends off but I don't recall there being a public announcement of such B ) could that be a ploy to lull the perp into thinking she has fooled them and are still at square one?
Also there is a local group IIRC called ' Major Crimes Task Force' ( this is not the right name, I cannot find it :( ) . It is not for every case for sure but it is a pool of investigators from several local towns and they work together , despite jurisdiction, on individual cases . I would think, but not sure , that it is like ' specialists' in this or that area that come together to solve crimes. I cannot remember what local case they did that caught my eye but it was the first I had heard of such a group . ( possibly alanna gallagher )

ETA ^^^ Wondering what criteria must be met to get this group involved. I am googling and not finding the specific name.

I remember the task force you are referring to, I didn't think it was as far back as AG? I think it was AH up in NH? Or was the case you remember in TX?
...or someone on LE's radar has a connection to Arlington.

Yes! This is one of the reasons I had a knee jerk reaction. I wondered this too. But then thought better of it. Why would LE give that clue away?!

(Sorry, on my phone so wasn't sure how to multi-quote or would have put it with my other reply.)
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