TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016- # 7

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That makes me think he killed her in the room with the dutch doors. If I am reading the map that was posted correctly, the room with the dutch doors gave a clear view of Missy when she pulled her car up. She was on camera entering and then not seen on camera again which leads me to believe she was led/pushed pulled into that room and killed. Would explain why she did not appear on camera again shortly after entering building. I believe that dutch door room is adjacent to the door where she entered.
Oh! Suspect was lying in wait in double-dutch door room (nursery?) and pulled her in, off camera. I think the auditorium doors are down that hall on the left? Where are the restrooms?
If MB was targetted, then presumably the suspect knew her name. S/he could have called out to her and said, "Hey Missy, it's ME. I'm in here ready for Camp, but I can't find a light switch. Is this the right room?" And Missy would have gone to whatever open door, quizzically saying something like "No, that door shouldn't have been left open. We're supposed to use the ___ room. Who is this? Fred? Freda?" expecting another camper. Before MB said all that, if she set foot in the dark room, she was attacked. I like the idea HEY YOU had - it answers two questions - how the perp knew where to hide/which room would MB enter, and also how did the perp know she had arrived?

That poster claimed to be familiar with the Churches of Christ generally, not this particular congregation. As someone who grew up in the Churches of Christ ("the Lord's Church," as members are wont to refer to it), times have changed. Creekside is not your grandfather's church of Christ: it is a fairly progressive congregation (if only within the Churches of Christ).

Now, Missy may have had a connection with a church member, but I would not say that it is necessarily unusual for the CoC to allow an outside group to use the church building. (Because, as any self-respecting Church of Christ member (or Campbellite, as they were once perjoratively referred to as) will tell you, "the Church is the people.")

I can confirm that she did have friends at this church and even did a camp for them at a reduced rate. I am sure she had a key. And I agree with what you said 100 %. This Coc is a very liberal one.
Is it possible another camp instructor killed her? Jealous of her? Wanting her campers to switch to their class? Hoping to drum up business for their classes?
Is it possible another camp instructor killed her? Jealous of her? Wanting her campers to switch to their class? Hoping to drum up business for their classes?

Although that that is a possibility I would find that unlikely. First, they would have to know that they would be looked at and it they had a class going on at the same time close by, that wouldn't leave them much time to get to their own class on time making which would make them suspect. Second, it's my understanding the campers were free to go from class to class choosing which ever they want. Finally, I believe the CG family are very close and from what I have seen all CG leaders were very spiritual.

Not sure I follow. How would posting bible passages make him innocent?
I agree - assuming one who quotes scripture must be innocent is beyond bizarre. It's my experience that often times the most loudly and overtly religious people sometimes commit very bad acts as they think they will be forgiven as described in scripture and/or god must be on their side so they have a rationalization for their behavior. Just my observation and opinion. Not only does quoting scripture not prove anything but puts me on high alert for any person in general.
Thank you NATIONALS, bbm, that is a very strange passage. While it may seem out of place for us....it is in the mind of the person posting the information. I don't want to log into that FB site, but anything else that stands out as odd to you?
here's the verse:
14Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. 15These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.16So don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters.
What do you guys make of that weird biblical verse Mr. Bevers posted about temptations and it leading to death!?!?!? Why on Earth would he post that right after his wife is murdered!?!? It's very odd. What does that have anything to do with a murder? Unless he's saying he or his wife was tempted by someone and that 'lead to her murder!?!?!?' I find it really creepy and very out of place. Unless it means something to him and he's trying to tell someone something.

JMO, I thinks he's cracking, and I hope there is counseling available to him, and his daughters. I just get a bad feeling about it all.
I agree - assuming one who quotes scripture must be innocent is beyond bizarre. It's my experience that often times the most loudly and overtly religious people sometimes commit very bad acts as they think they will be forgiven as described in scripture and/or god must be on their side so they have a rationalization for their behavior. Just my observation and opinion. Not only does quoting scripture not prove anything but puts me on high alert for any person in general.

It has been my experience that people cry out when they are in trouble. Happened in Bible time and time again. Now some may say it is due to grief. But it may also signal fear.
Regarding church window - that window looked way too thin for that huge perp to have climbed through. Also it was way too high off the ground for anyone without a ladder to access. And if someone did climb in through there it must have been a fit male as few women can lift their own body weight with arms. I also still wonder why this perp would go to all of the trouble to choose a swat uniform as opposed to any disguise. Must be they really had some distinct feature they needed to hide. This type of get up though really makes me think it was a male. I doubt many females would go online and buy swat gear or even think about buying swat gear. If they wanted to hide body or face why not a ski outfit, why specifically swat police gear? It's probably one of those redneck guys who thinks he's "something special." Rouge cop/military type. And why didn't this perp use a gun.... That we know of. Doesn't everyone in Texas have a gun. Why would perp bash her head in? That makes me also think it's a guy or someone who couldn't legally acquire a firearm for some reason. Bashing someone's head in is too risky for a female. What if the victim was strong and fought back and it didn't work and she lived.

We don't know what the weapon was. We know she died from head trauma. The police have stated in the pressers that they would not release that information at this time. It could have been a gunshot wound. I believe it she had just been beaten the police wouldn't be so tight lipped about it. It is possible, in my own opinion that if she was shot they could be keeping it quiet because it may have something to do with the ex Ellis co sheriff dept employee who has been under arrest before this occurred for stealing guns etc from the evidence room and selling them.

Just my own opinion
I agree - assuming one who quotes scripture must be innocent is beyond bizarre. It's my experience that often times the most loudly and overtly religious people sometimes commit very bad acts as they think they will be forgiven as described in scripture and/or god must be on their side so they have a rationalization for their behavior. Just my observation and opinion. Not only does quoting scripture not prove anything but puts me on high alert for any person in general.
the specific posts with the specific verses are odd to say the least.
when the wife was just murdered, it seems unusual to post about sin leading to evil things happening
and staying away from evil people
as if she "had it coming" or else he "had it coming"
could be that he thinks the murder is somehow related to something HE did as well (not necessarily that she did) and that his actions led to evil
proverbs 4 post was odd too
but the james one i posted above is just hair raising
clearly he has an idea of what led to this tragedy
the specific posts with the specific verses are odd to say the least.
when the wife was just murdered, it seems unusual to post about sin leading to evil things happening
and staying away from evil people
as if she "had it coming" or else he "had it coming"
could be that he thinks the murder is somehow related to something HE did as well (not necessarily that she did) and that his actions led to evil
proverbs 4 post was odd too
but the james one i posted above is just hair raising
clearly he has an idea of what led to this tragedy

I believe he's talking about his wife and HER actions, HER temptations, not his. I think it's in poor taste, but it could be his way of expressing his anger over the whole thing. I've said it before, I haven't heard him say even once that he loved his wife. I can imagine that if it comes out that she was unfaithful and this ultimately led to her death, he will have so many feelings of anger to deal with, especially as it relates to his poor kids :(.

This is all my opinion.
here's the verse:
14Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. 15These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.16So don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters.

OT Aside... When I saw the verse he referred to on April 24th and looked it up, I almost fell out of my chair ... Then I realized I had mistakenly looked up Poverbs 5:1-12 (all about adultery) when his FB post was Psalms 5:1-12 (about Justice) - Sigh
Anyone know anything more about Missy's friend/coworker who said she was not acting quite right, more withdrawn, the last few weeks? I wonder if something was up with her marriage or with something she couldn't tell anyone including her own family and close friends. Such things might be: she may have seen something incriminating and was in fear for her life, she may have been threatened by someone, she may have had a one-off or affair with someone who was married and they wanted her gone, or she wanted to end it and they didn't, etc. Obviously if she was acting differently and then she ends up murdered, there must be a link. If no one close to her knew the reason for her being withdrawn, it must have been something pretty big, big enough for her to keep secret.

Looking at her social media, she doesn't seem withdrawn to me. Quite the opposite. It is apparent she was getting out a lot, meeting people, posing for pictures with them (smiling big), posting on other people's walls, joking with people, etc. As for the relationship, she at least once or twice told BB she loved him; told him he deserves that fishing trip, wished him well and asked for others' well wishes on his minor procedure on the 15th, etc. If she was "reserved", maybe it was only with that guy. Maybe something about him annoyed her. That can happen. I'm friendly with a lot of people - I belong to a local music community and there is ONE person whose personality annoys me to the point where I avoid her as much as I can. If something happened to me, she'd probably say I was "reserved", too. (Everybody else would have a different story).
Something I am wondering about. If perp was a spouse/gf of someone and was there for revenge. Would they not realize to get phone out of truck(or wherever it was) to hide potential evidence between MB and a man?(that could be traced to them?) I realize that the phone company still has records even without the actual phone but you would think as an added precaution they would snag it. Just in case any snapchats, photos, etc on it.

I think the perp was counting on LE to draw the conclusion it was a burglary gone wrong but, didn't count on the MPD to be quite so cleaver. Jmo
I have always thought the killer took Missy by surprise. Based on the perpetrator's outfit, they were worried about getting injured themselves, plus they knew she would be able to fight back hard, and run fast.

The element of surprise was the most important weapon they had IMO. He/She likely followed her into whatever room she went into and attacked from behind, incapacitating her instantly with a blow to the head.

Based on Missy's level of fitness and the awkward outfit the perp was wearing, I feel like she could have outrun him in almost every other scenario (with the exception of a gun).
Whoever did this crime knew that Missy would arrive first, early and alone. He/she knew that others would not arrive at the same time as Missy but rather would arrive some time later - 1/2 hour or so. So, he/she knew this Monday morning routine. This to me, is critical to solving the case.

Just how many people would know this information? Not many. In fact, in all likelihood not even the whole camper class would know what time she arrived before class, or how much time she spent setting things up and what time other camper/early birds would start to arrive. Just a few would know. Very few.

Family, very close friends and helpers would know. I have taken many classes and had no idea what time the instructor arrived to set up or what time others began to arrive - only perhaps that they were there when I got there or came in after I arrived. The perp knew there was a window of opportunity to act.

Was there someone who continued to volunteer to help her set up in the mornings? This person would know that there was no need to disarm any alarm system as he/she had been there during set up time before but perhaps was not a welcomed assistant?

While this may be a jealous lover/spouse/whatever situation the perp HAD to know the early morning routine to be able to judge the timing of the murder and get away without fear of having campers stumble upon the crime in progress. The calm strolls through the church tell me that the perp knew precisely what time Missy would arrive and was not hanging out looking through a window to see her arrive. IOW not worried about her coming in too early or being accompanied by other campers.

This person didn't just know that Missy would be teaching a class at 5am but that she would arrive around 4:15am and roughly 20 minutes before anyone else would drive into the parking lot.

BB stated that Missy touched a lot of people's lives in meaningful ways as she helped them realize their physical potential and mental strength. We may have someone who latched onto that kind of attention, had fantasies that this was more than a professional relationship, had found meaning in life through Missy and when the attention was not reciprocated - bam! "You lead me on!" You know the type and yes, it could still be a woman.


I respectfully disagree, it was on her FB page for the public to see that she had to get up at 3:30 so that she could get there early to set up for class. So I believe anyone who may have been stalking her or whom ever the killer is had a good clue as to when she would arrive.

Based on FB post that has since been removed.
Size of suspect: Why do people still keep speculating that this may be a female when It's been stated that police estimate the person on video in swat gear to be 6' tall? Not may females are that tall. The body type and walk resemble the father in law, however his FB posts show he was out of state at the time and his demeanor as well as the husband's strike me as telling the truth regarding this situation. The husband could have had someone else travel in his place while he committed the crime, but it's doubtful he did that. I'm sure police are looking for video showing him at airport or other establishments in other state. Weird there were no pix of him in other state posted though. If he does have an accomplice helping him out that's a weak link that could in time crack. The only thing I find off about the father is that in first day interviews he didn't seem shocked she was dead. I get the not crying in public, but he didn't seem at all surprised, upset, stressed out, nothing. Also, I detected several spaces in time where he seemed very preoccupied, like he was thinking deeply about something, while reporters were talking. I can't say for certain, but it seemed almost like he was going over in his mind possible perps that might have wanted to hurt him. I wonder if he's provided a list to police of anyone he thinks that may have wanted to hurt him, like anyone he may have been involved with who was angry at him for some reason.

IMO, it's b/c police said they were backing off their statement that the person is male. I don't think that means that the perp is female or that the cops think the perp is female; just that it's better investigatory practices, when someone's face is covered, to be more general rather than specific. But some people interpreted it to mean that police know it's a female. The power of suggestion can be strong; for instance, in the very beginning, one guy on a news clip said that the person's feet are turned out in the same way a ballerina would get into position. Suddenly people all over the internet were claiming this person was a ballerina, when the guy NEVER said that. He was trying to describe the turning out of the foot and wasn't really clear, IMO. Ballerinas do not walk around town in second position, with their feet to the side and their legs apart, lol. But the power of suggestion, as I said, is strong.

For me, it's not just the height that suggests male. It's everything. From the violent nature of the crime, the dressing up in SWAT gear, to the body shape with what looks like a beer belly under a flat chest, to the rounded, broad shoulders, to the legs-apart, duck-footed walk; it all suggests male to me. Older male - above 50. It's just my experience that these tend to be male traits.
I believe he's talking about his wife and HER actions, HER temptations, not his. I think it's in poor taste, but it could be his way of expressing his anger over the whole thing. I've said it before, I haven't heard him say even once that he loved his wife. I can imagine that if it comes out that she was unfaithful and this ultimately led to her death, he will have so many feelings of anger to deal with, especially as it relates to his poor kids :(.

This is all my opinion.
for the sake of argument, lets assume that he had an affair and suspects that the other woman is who killed his wife. remember how in the beginning he said he didn't want to sensationalize? and he hasn't expressed much personal affection- perhaps this is because he feels GUILTY- he doesn't want to attract pity upon himself, because it feels as though he doesn't deserve it?
now, i could see his reaction being exactly the same if he were talking about her actions and temptations, believing she brought it upon herself.
either way, it could work-
in one of his posts he asks people to pray for the murderer that they will fall on their knees and ask god for forgiveness.
the MIL also said something similar about forgiveness.
which (to me) seems something someone might say if they thought (or wanted to think) the murdered person somehow contributed to their own fate
the more time passes the more likely it seems that this was a very personal crime
I believe he's talking about his wife and HER actions, HER temptations, not his. I think it's in poor taste, but it could be his way of expressing his anger over the whole thing. I've said it before, I haven't heard him say even once that he loved his wife. I can imagine that if it comes out that she was unfaithful and this ultimately led to her death, he will have so many feelings of anger to deal with, especially as it relates to his poor kids :(.

This is all my opinion.

Poor taste indeed. The one vibe I haven't gotten is that MB was the type to have an affair, of the two of them. Seems like victim blaming, which is horrible. I cannot for the life of me figure out why BB has not gone private with his FB... Beginning at least in March, in hindsight, it seems he's telling a story - who is his audience (before and after the tragic events of 4/18?)
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