TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #3

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So, when Missy arrived, the doors were propped open? If so, that is why she went inside, to see what was up. She probably had no fear, she was at her workplace, which was friendly, familiar, territory.

I may be incorrect, but in thread 1, didn't someone mention Missy's phone had no passcode/pin? If her phone was unlocked, no one had to have her husband's number, they could have just called from her phone at the scene, which may be why they didn't call her house.

And back to lurkdom for me.

Edit: it is entirely possible I'm confusing that with another thread, I already took my sleep medication, but even if we don't know whether it is locked or not, we could just assume they had Missy's phone
The propped open interior doors are a puzzle. The janitor wouldn't leave that rubber-type door wedge in an interior door when locking up at night (the door may be unlocked, but wouldn't be left ajar.) One door is propped open about 90 degrees and the other about 45 degrees. Doesn't even make sense, as you can't pass through either door in that situation.

View attachment 92505

A janitor would leave the doors propped open if they had just shampooed the entry carpets. All that rain must have made a muddy mess after Sunday services. Speaking of janitors, I'd like to know who provides janitorial services for the church. Who's in charge of cleaning those seemingly endless halls of shiny flooring?
Still trying to catch up, so forgive me if has been prev answered. Have family that live down that way and they were telling me of this case .. then saw was already 3 threads here ;)

Did an alarm not go off from the glass breakage on the door? One would think a silent alarm would have went off. The looks of the glass JMHO appears to be hit from outside towards inside as the glass appears under the water fountain. Beginning at 1:47 min mark [video=youtube;oAonvZ4Gdqo]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAonvZ4Gdqo[/video]

Ok back to catching up.
The propped open interior doors are a puzzle. The janitor wouldn't leave that rubber-type door wedge in an interior door when locking up at night (the door may be unlocked, but wouldn't be left ajar.) One door is propped open about 90 degrees and the other about 45 degrees. Doesn't even make sense, as you can't pass through either door in that situation.

View attachment 92505

I haven't seen an interior floor plan of the church, but does that sign over those propped-open doors say "Exit"?
This video discusses all of that, somewhat. I just looked at it. I had never seen this one. I had seen clips of this interview with BB but not the entire interview. In this one he says the perp came in the back door. He also says that there is no other vehicle on the surveillance tape at all. This was the best explanation I have heard for a lot of nagging questions I had. Its almost 25 minutes long but worth looking at. Maybe others have seen it, but I had not.

Thanks for the link! It sounds a little like BB has maybe seen more video than we have.

It's odd, I thought that it was a direct quote from LE about the car in the video. BB seems focused on there being no vehicle in the church parking lot. Perhaps there was one outside church property which LE were talking about and has been ruled out?
Quote Originally Posted by IzzyBlanche View Post
But who is this person who has Missy's husband's cellphone number?

I get that it's a small town and all but I just would like to know why this person had the number. Maybe it's a family friend but we don't know that either.

I think the Gladiator Campers were worried about Missy's girls. They knew they would be alone and wanted for someone to get to them as soon as possible in case the perp was headed to Missy's house to harm the girls. JMO... :twocents: They probably knew BB's #, but not immediate other family members.

Again, catching up, but depending on husbands employment, possible it his cell # was avail if the first caller was not someone who knew husband. In MB phone it could have had the ICE in front of her husband name (in case of emergency then name) for first responders. JMHO,

**small town news travels at lighting speed also.

Thanks for the ^ link. And welcome to WS, Bill Carson.

At above link & other sources I linked re possible sources of LE gear, I did not see stmt re selling gear only to LE/first responders, but could have missed it.
I did see this from atlantictactical.com about that co's sales of firearms
"Public Safety Information
Gun Sales Are Permitted To Public Safety Only:

  • Sworn Law Enforcement officers, including Federal, State, County, & City (Includes retired L.E. officers with "retired" credentials)
  • EMT’s, Fire Fighters, Volunteer Fire Fighters, and Paramedics
  • Military personnel including Reservists and National Guard with I.D. (Includes retired Military with "retired" credentials)
  • Corrections Officers, including Parole and Probation Officers
  • State Licensed Security Companies (Loomis, RAM, etc.) also includes State Licensed Armed Security Officers
  • Court Judges, District Attorneys and Deputy District Attorneys
  • LE Academy Cadets with enrollment documentation from the Academy."
At link, more details about original letterhead/purchase order of LE force, etc., so company can confirm authenticity of request.

^ suggests to me that other products are avail to gen public, E.T.A. e.g. 'forced entry tools" like breacher bars, etc. Again I could be all wrong, JM2cts.
Yes very well known it was posted on FB about her whereabouts and even that she would be there early.

Yes, I understand the FB 'publicity'. I was wondering more about outside of 'fitness' circles, outside of 'Missy circles'.

Let's say it was a random burglar who was startled after dressing up so well for a prolonged, kind of lethargic, burglary - is it common knowledge (to non-fitness people) that these energetic people are roaming around in the vicinity of 5am?

For instance - I'm not into these fitness classes but due to publicity in radio/newspaper I can think of at least 2 local places that I wouldn't burgle in the hour of 4. I would go at 2 or so.

Personally I think she WAS targeted. I was just trying to think from the angle of it actually being a burglar.
Yes, I understand the FB 'publicity'. I was wondering more about outside of 'fitness' circles, outside of 'Missy circles'.

Let's say it was a random burglar who was startled after dressing up so well for a prolonged, kind of lethargic, burglary - is it common knowledge (to non-fitness people) that these energetic people are roaming around in the vicinity of 5am?

For instance - I'm not into these fitness classes but due to publicity in radio/newspaper I can think of at least 2 local places that I wouldn't burgle in the hour of 4. I would go at 2 or so.

Personally I think she WAS targeted. I was just trying to think from the angle of it actually being a burglar.

The police have stated its not random. They believe it was a targeted killing.
:modstop: STOP attacking other posters or you will find yourself standing in the corner.
So you think the camper lied to LE when they told LE they waited outside, but were really in their car? Why would someone lie about that? I do think the camper may be lying, but I don't know why someone would lie about being in their car drinking a coffee, especially when it can be verified by the others showing up whether this person was outside or not. It is the Police spokesman who said expressly said the camper was outside for 'a while.' Lying to police is prosecutable offense, so it would really draw my attention as to why they are lying.

Outside could just mean, not gone into the building jmho. (anywhere outside) And as far as husband saying they (someone else ref that) could have been carpooling to the workout.
I see you guys have been busy today while I was away. :)

I have a question. Who is the "camper" and why do they have that name?

camper=a person participating in Camp Gladiator sessions w Ms B.

In past several hours, thread focused (off & on) w the first one or two 'campers' who arrived at Creekside CoC to attend CG program,
and may/may not have phoned Mr B that early morning.
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