TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #3

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I was a critical care RN for years, I have seen many head wounds and people who have died from them. People can hit their head on a coffee table and die. One direct blow from a hammer can kill.

I defer. You are correct. But, correct me if I am wrong, people can have severe head trauma and survive? I have seen a large animal dropped with one hit of a club unfortunately!
I'm hoping they take a snapshot of their arrest and at least give us the courtesy of posting it here before they log off! :happydance:

Lmao. Verified insider turned suspect and getting arrested for said crime while posting on said Websleuth thread that they were involved in .Lol.

I don't know if we would feel joy or betrayed. But Nancy Grace would probably be like BOMBSHELLLLLLL

Yes people can survive a massive head trauma. My point is the wound was not obvious, the killer may not have meant to kill. Therefore Missy may not have been a target.
I'm not sure about the killer necessarily being a jealous frumpy wife. I've seen very attractive females and males turn into green eyed monsters if they catch their partners looking at someone else. But then, we know so little. I've had so many scenarios run through my head, that I wouldn't say 'no way' to anything I've read here. I think we've probably all read things that we can't bring here, so we have to just wait and see how complicated or uncomplicated this all is and if any of our personal suspicions are correct.
I like the way ATasteOfHoney puts it. 'Tick-tock.'
Originally Posted by liz b. View Post
The video is motion activated from inside the church. So, this means that after the killer left the church the video stopped recording ? So why did LE give such precise arrival times for the other campers. And, if it means that the video was still recording when the early camper arrived, LE would know if he/she sat in their car,or went inside the church . And, even if the video did stop recording when the killer left, wouldn't LE have seen him/her ? Something's off...and I'm reminded that LE will often hide the truth about what they know, sometimes even from family members of missing/deceased victims. To protect their investigation, and solve cases.

Per the Presser, yes there is no video from outside the church. They ONLY know what time the Perp first was caught on video, not exactly when he/she entered the building. I going to "assume" from their time line that anyways. Possible there were other areas (as where the murder took place) that were out of site of the cameras. I thinking probably the main hallways.

They had a time that MB was first seen on the Main Hall camera. Unsure where that is on floor plan of where she would have entered the church.

LEO have a rough timeframe due to the camper (s) that discovered MB. And by 2 911 calls locking in some time frames. They would have gotten the 435am time from the statements of the campers, as there wasnt a video of them outside. Again depending on where they entered there would hopefully be a time stamped video of that too. JMHO

The video outside was broken. The reason they have such precise times is because the video INSIDE the main hall captures them coming into the building. They only capture video (which is motion activated) when someone enters the area where there are cameras. I believe LE knows when the suspect left, they are not releasing that info OR the suspect left via a route where there were no video cameras. JMO
Well, what he said is that speculation on why the person walked that way isn't helpful, only specific information about someone who walks that way is helpful. Which makes sense. On here it became a peg-legged pregnant ballerina due to all the speculation! But "Hey, Pat Smith from the red house down by the corner walks like that ever since their lawn mower ran over their foot" would still be helpful.

Someone has probably suggested this, but I am finding it difficult to keep up with so many comments, so fast.

If the perp went to so much trouble to disguise the way he/she looked, why wouldn't they also disguise the way they walked? Add a slight limp, turn your feet outward, anything odd that observers would make note of that would mislead the investigation.

Also, costume stores sell body suits that add bulk. They are filled with the stuff that is in pillows.
Big QQQ still is, how did the camper know Missy's Husbands number? Missys cell would have been with her, presumably, unless she left it in the truck. JMO
I too am curious as to why the camper have Missy's husband's cell number. If Missy's cell was used then the camper contaminated a crime scene and contaminated evidence.

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We don't know that Missy entered the church on her own, right? She could have been unloading gear from her car to hold class in the covered area outdoors, with no intention of going inside. But, she was ambushed, hit on the head, and dragged inside (or ambushed, dragged inside, and hit on the head).

Her campers found her inside, iirc. Perhaps when they showed up for class and they didn't see Missy by her car, they waited outside a little bit for her to emerge from the building and set up for class. When she didn't appear, they went inside to see what was happening. And then they found her.

From what I understand, Missy intended to hold the class regardless of the rain because they had a covered area outdoors, not because she had a classroom in the church to use. Right?

This thread is going soooo fast! Has this been mentioned already?

The MPD said in the first pressy (I believe) that she was moving the clas inside because of rain. They also stated that she was observed entering and moving down hallway. IMO I do not believe she was dragged or lured inside. She had something to do and that was to prep for her class inside. She was unaware that anyone else was in the building. JMO
[h=2]Websleuths Lingo[/h]
Thank you KaylynnCouture & ApotheKaren for updating list! :loser:
Bill I found this under resources in forum list.

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Great Scott. Thanks. But I will add one more.

Idk= I don't know.

Atleast that's how I use it. But thanks.
I totally agree with what you're saying, and I'm sure panic and adrenaline played a big role in the campers' reactions. I just assumed (I know what they say about that) that the campers who called 911 had to have at least crossed paths if they were all there for a 5:00am class. I can imagine 911 receiving several calls from different homes if a neighbor's house is on fire, or in a domestic situation where one person is hiding in one part of the home. It just strikes me as odd that two people called at the same time in this particular situation. Jmo

I certainly can see camper #1 arriving and finding Missy unresponsive, calls 911. Then camper #2 arrives and sees camper#1 over Missy, panics and runs out to call 911.

Something that has been bothering me as I have read and tried to put things together....LE at the presser (I think) said that she was holding class no matter what because there was a porte cachere they were going to work out under since it was raining.

So how did Missy get into the church? Did she have a key? Were they really going to workout under the awning or was that misreported? If they were going to workout under the awning, that implies Missy did not have a key to the church.

Just wondering....
true but i think a one blow kill is the exception not the rule. it is not so easy to kill someone. the human body is pretty tough.
IMO the residue sniffing dog points to possible gunshot paired with hit. No gun at scene would point to this too. But I would think a bullet fragment somewhere? That is what is odd IMO. Did MB have a CCDW(conceal carry)? Did she fire a shot in self-defense??? So many things we don't know....
Yes people can survive a massive head trauma. My point is the wound was not obvious, the killer may not have meant to kill. Therefore Missy may not have been a target.

Unfortunately, someone wanted to hurt Missy and kill her. I think she was targeted
Yes people can survive a massive head trauma. My point is the wound was not obvious, the killer may not have meant to kill. Therefore Missy may not have been a target.

the injury might not have been obvious to the immediate naked eye at the crime scene because of her long hair. at autopsy when her head is fully shaved and X-Rays are taken - the injury will be very obvious and i bet the back of her head is caved in and and her skull is shattered in many pieces with bits of skull. IMO this was a crime of rage and it was not enough for the perp to murder her - the perp enjoyed bashing the victim over and over again. rage murders are not one blow.
I too am curious as to why the camper have Missy's husband's cell number. If Missy's cell was used then the camper contaminated a crime scene and contaminated evidence.

Perhaps she or he is personal friends with the Bevers, or knows Mr B from elsewhere. It's a small town.
The timeline provided by LE doesn't address what time the perp left.

If the perp left out the back way, and if the early-arriving campers waited outside in front of the church (whether outside inside their cars, or outside in the rain) until 5am, Missy could have been killed anytime from when she arrived up until shortly before the campers entered the church at 5. As far as I can tell, it's possible that he/she could have left out the back way as late as 4:55. Based on the info we have, I think the perp had a span of time of about 25 minutes to do the deed and get out: from Missy's arrival at 4:18 until 4:55-ish. Heck, he/she could have still been inside the church right up until 5 -- leaving out the back entrance when he/she heard the campers entering through the front.

I'm not saying I think the perp left at 4:55 or 5. But I am saying that unless and until we have a timeline that indicates the perp left earlier than that, we can't assume it. It's possible that Missy was killed while the early-arriving campers were waiting out front.

Exactly. It would have been very easy for the Perp to have left back out the back door and left the parking lot calmly and no one realized it (or at least the 2 campers that called 911) as they were in the building and not knowing who left or arrived outside. Has anyone heard if other campers started showing up around that time? The way the church is located and depending where the camper (s) that arrived early- if they were alone or arrived together- were parked, where MB was parked and so forth lots of variables. JMHO
Yes people can survive a massive head trauma. My point is the wound was not obvious, the killer may not have meant to kill. Therefore Missy may not have been a target.

Personally, I don't think it was a hammer or a blunt instrument. I think the killer fired a gun to the back of the head & I'll go as far as to say the caliber of gun was the large type that the local LE use. This killer impersonated all the way....or were they really impersonating at all?
If what I wrote above is correct, there will be an extensive ATF & FBI investigation. Oh wait, there already is!!!

All moo & speculation
To be fair you don't even have to log on. Anyone can read anything (except the basement stuff) without having to become a proper member.

I know my friend. I just meant log off the computer. But in all honesty. If I was a defense lawyer; I would read here to learn how some prospective jurors may think. And if I was a spying perp; I would read here to get insight on how I could spin things.

But once the jig is up then the jig is up.

Especially since the crime of that caliber should never have been committed.

So maybe perps should read Websleuths BEFORE doing the dumb thing that they plan on doing in regards to certain crimes. Jmo
Yes people can survive a massive head trauma. My point is the wound was not obvious, the killer may not have meant to kill. Therefore Missy may not have been a target.

Do you mean perp is smashing at a door or window with the hammer and struck her accidentally on the other side?
Personally, I don't think it was a hammer or a blunt instrument. I think the killer fired a gun to the back of the head & I'll go as far as to say the caliber of gun was the large type that the local LE use. This killer impersonated all the way....or were they really impersonating at all?
If what I wrote above is correct, there will be an extensive ATF & FBI investigation. Oh wait, there already is!!!

All moo & speculation

victim's body showed signs of a struggle so i don't think it was a gun to the back of the head.
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