TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #3

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Just a question to sort things out in my head.

If the killer was there with one purpose and that was to kill Missy, why would he need to stage anything?
He was completely covered, hard to identify
Why do some think it was a staged robbery?
Why would he need to stage a robbery

Regardless of what he made it look like, there is a dead body

If it was done, it would be so that LE is looking for a random burglar rather than someone connected in some way to the deceased. It's much harder LE because they're a much larger pool of suspects if it's random rather than targeted and you'd also be doing a wild goose chase for a different type of criminal if you're looking for those doing property crime of commercial establishment versus those who commit premeditated acquaintance murder as those are vastly different crimes.
I have seen footage of break ins where the burglars watched TV, and checked out the food in the refrigerator. I recall a couple of incidents where burglars actually lay down and fell asleep ! I think he thought he had way more time in there. And, there is 30 minutes of footage, and we have only been shown a couple of minutes. there is way more going on here. What does LE and authority mean to this person ? The dress up is some kind of clue, and why is it so very had to figure out ? jmo

Good point. I do remember reading articles like that myself. We don't know what's on the rest of the video that LE has seen. Could be some goofy stuff for all we know! I do recall LE saying the perp spent some time in the kitchen. Eating?!?! Who knows at this point!

Even with some "hanging out" time enjoyed by a burglar, I don't see that type of criminal to then kill a witness who couldn't identify him/her anyway. The violence seems out of place with the burglary scenario, in my personal opinion.
Personally I feel nothing about this case makes sense

The location
The fact that she was alone, and family were away
The clothing, costume worn by perp
The actions of the perp
All of the video
The short period of time between her arrival, death and campers arrival
My hunch - pure speculation - is that the perp was checking out the building, as a precaution against being surprised by anyone being there (janitor, another class, etc.) and being mildly disrespectful to the building as s/he wandered around checking it out. The perp could've walked around without doing any damage, and the perp could've walked around doing much more damage than we've seen.

I'm not sure it was "staged" as much as it was arrogant. JMO

I have always thought there was some disrespect as well.. jmo whoever it was they just couldn't care less about leaving doors open, etc. jmo
Just a question to sort things out in my head.

If the killer was there with one purpose and that was to kill Missy, why would he need to stage anything?
He was completely covered, hard to identify
Why do some think it was a staged robbery?
Why would he need to stage a robbery

Regardless of what he made it look like, there is a dead body

I think a fake burglary would confuse LE, just a little bit, and every little bit of confusion, gives the perp a better chance to get away with the crime. After all, we are debating whether or not it was a burglary, gone bad. Instead, of zooming in on the fact of an out and out murder!!

If Missy's murder was a planned killing why would they leave the tools? I bet there is DNA and maybe even finger prints on them. Yes s/he had gloves but the tools may have been touched when the gloves were off at home at some point. I think they left the tools in a panic and they will be the evidence to catch and convict them.

Also I do hope LE is tracking use of cell phone in that area at that time because at one point in the video it does look like they pulled out a cell phone for a sec.
1. If this was a planned hit on Missy, there would have been too many variables/too much luck involved for her to have been in the building, alone, unsuspecting, and trapped, while allowing ample time for the killer to carry out his/her deed and escape undetected. Surely there are much easier or more practical ways to go about this.

Without getting into Missy's personal life in particular, when and where would be a better time to kill a CG trainer than when they are alone setting up for their first class? Targeting a CG trainer during the early set-up would seem the best time to target them with the fewest chances that someone else would be around. What may have been a surprise was the very early camper arriving almost a half hour before the class started, but other than that, I don't know of better opportunities to kill a CG trainer other than before 5 AM when they're scheduled to be all alone.
I'm new to this post and it may have already been mentioned, if so sorry to be redundant. I went back to the first statement from LE that they had a "tool for breaking glass" and realized they didn't have just a normal hammer. LE style breaching tools fit in line with the heavy riot gear. That said, leads to my theory of the device in the left hand at the end of the video called "Saran wrap/level", I believe to be an explosive device, ied, pipe bomb. I don't think this is someone dressed in complete riot gear walking around with bush league carpenter tools. And where they are hammering, wouldn't glass go out and not drop back inside like drywall? Then at about 2:10 they move with the device like perhaps inserting it in the hole they just made. (I find very questionable, the video has the Midlothian Police seal on it even there in that hallway blocking some of the scene until those last seconds in every version I have found.) What if all the walking around was much more strategic than we first thought, deciding the best spot to position this device? I don't see any reason for ATF other than fire/explosive. They weren't there for tobacco or alcohol. People are murdered strangely every day and they don't show up with a dog. They are the agency responsible for arson, it says so on their site. It's possible Missy interrupted them, robbery or political statement, I sure wouldn't expect someone at a church at 4:20 am. The large glass breaking/breaching tool I saw could easily kill if hit in the head. Or if she was targeted, the explosive device set as a booby trap caused the head injury. They can be fired using remote control so the murderer could have already gone as soon as it was set, didn't have to be there perhaps. Might have looked like an accident. But I have not heard if all areas of the church are open to the public and if the device was enough to kill it would cause more damage than broken glass that wouldn't be so quickly repaired.
If Missy's murder was a planned killing why would they leave the tools? I bet there is DNA and maybe even finger prints on them. Yes s/he had gloves but the tools may have been touched when the gloves were off at home at some point. I think they left the tools in a panic and they will be the evidence to catch and convict them.

Also I do hope LE is tracking use of cell phone in that area at that time because at one point in the video it does look like they pulled out a cell phone for a sec.

I think the perp was either checking the time, or - with my theory of a "look out" - had received a message that Missy was on her way.


Whew: I slept & overnite there are 'only' 15 new WSl pages here ! I read up as much as I could but can't read all.

I am convinced the perp' is a male, YES, & I am convinced he is right there in their town, 'hiding in plain sight'.

I also am convinced police know exactly who the man is (yes, a man, cuz' he needed absolute confidence he could murder Missy, who was very, very fit, in a flash - the guy only had a few mins.' window of opportunity.

Does anyone know, my thoughts are FOR SURE this man trolled Missy's FB, but I bet he was cautious not to lurk in there 'too much' (even tho' IMO he's obsessive up the wazoo), so can police ask for a warrant to find all those 'numbers' that identify each computer that went into Missy's FB around the time of the murders??

I also wonder if there was a close place where the perp' - all dressed in black' - could park close by. Yes, he was dressed in all black EXCEPT his jacket said 'po po' very boldly in white. Also IMO the man looks strong but NO WAY a runner. So my hunch is that his car was just tucked away behind the bldg.

IMO: The police talk in a grief-stricken manner: IMO the police know exactly who this man is.

IMO: Yes, the man is loony IMO like Dennis Rader/serial killer/dog catcher, EXCEPT IMO this man is sociable beer drinking sort of guy. LAST NITE B4 SLEEP I can see this man hangs with a group of bikers & the whole 'social crowd' including his mom & sis are that 'tough sort', you know, NOT TO THE EXTREME of those bikers who went postal at the sleezy TX bar/restaurant so many months ago, but definitely the "I'll fight you & I will smash you to smithereens! sort of mindset and behavior.

Also, pre-sleep, one poster here has the hunch that this man has life stressors apart from him being so ticked off with Missy: That makes sense. I visualize the man as acting 'macho', super tough, like 'life is perfect, so good', BUT he can't face the truth that he sees himself as a loser. IMO murdering Missy was a way to show control NOT JUST OF MISSY BUT THAT ENTIRE TOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I completely see the man right now 'getting off' on how the town is terrorized EXCEPT I bet really the issue of his gait is bugging him BADDDD !!!!!! I visualize, say, if the guy's a joker-type who hangs in bars with his male & female biker group, BEFORE THE MURDER he acted sorta 'life of the party' but now he's more extreme out of nervousness, subtly behaving more extreme in his character traits.

The prob' is that this man did all he could NOT to be caught, NOT EVER ! Hmmm - in a rural area like that I would think it would not at all be problematic for him to think of a way to get rid of all the evidence.

One thought I had, tho', is IMO I can see this man right now is involved with some other woman (no fooling !! married like Dennis Rader but this killer is a social butterfly-beer drinker sort unlike Rader). So last nite b4 sleep I had the thought that I can imagine that what this man did with his own wife/'live in signif other' (but IMO prob' he's married to a female) was prob' watch her get pretty drunk prior to her 'passing out' - 'as usual' - except this time the man used drugs on her, prob' benzo' & IMO this man tested the booze/drunkenness & benzo' mix on his wife multiple times prior to the murder cuz' he needed to be sure that his wife would be completely conked out asleep - get it ??? so wife could be his alibi.

But hmmm - I wonder if his wife is a tinch suspicious now....

These are my thoughts, my own hunches & I am NOT an insider, these are my guesses.

Surely IMO local LE is sneakily tailing this killer 24-7 now, but doing so in a way that the man is really quite completely unaware that it's happening to him.

I bet the man is trying to walk different & tho' so many wrote about his gait, IMO the duck feet, the way his feet just turned on out, esp. the one side, was what struck me.

OH OH - group - has anyone posted blow-ups of the face of this man?????

I almost forgot !!! IMO this man wears eyeglasses !!

Oh - moustache & prob' a little more facial hair - all biker-like, similar to what other local men in his 'gang' WHOM HE LOOKS UP TO / ADMIRES !! do !!! I wish I had tv in a way cuz' I wonder how 2016 TX biker men in their 40's tend to dress now - for sure black, but I wonder about what their facial hair tends to be - lightbulb - later I'll go watch the video of that TX restaurant/bar where all the bikers had that huge shootout ! I'll look for the 'chunky men' not the slim-jim ones.


Just a question to sort things out in my head.

If the killer was there with one purpose and that was to kill Missy, why would he need to stage anything?
He was completely covered, hard to identify Why do some think it was a staged robbery?
Why would he need to stage a robbery Regardless of what he made it look like, there is a dead body

Hi. IMO: 1. This is a psycho killer.
2. He wanted to terrorize Missy in her dying process.
3. He is definitely a local (and IMO he's sweating about his gait right now, & those outward turned feet !!).
4. He wanted cops to think it was a psycho sort of robbery gone bad, that he was like some young guy-type looking to find junk to rob but instead found nothing but junk so he extra-smashed up the joint - so that's why he smashed things & pulled all doors open & jimmied doors. He wanted to have it seem murdering Missy was a complete accident, that he was there robbing the joint & she popped up unexpectedly (cuz' what 'sane' robber would expect someone to show up at 0400am'ish on a weekday at the little local church?).
5. For sure he knew he was caught on camera so his little hefty Halloween costume also served this dual purpose to cover him quite completely. (IMO this man wears eyeglasses in real life & I think he really has dark hair, whatz left of it, & I think he has a biker moustache & maybe beard-type short hair 'down there' but I think those biker types in that part of yonder stick to moustaches.)
6. His bit about the police jacket & wearing black was mostly cuz' he owned one & he enjoyed (sicko) terrifying Missy in the process, plus that costume, he thought, would really throw the hounds off from his scent. IMO he ran outa there & whipped into his truck/car & skiddaddled off the get back home to his wife. IMO. And he did want to be wearing black cuz' of how he was out wandering in the dark - he wanted to be all black so he could creep as needed in the event he heard anyone come driving-by.
7. Lightbulb moment: IMO This man IS a biker & owns a motorcycle BECAUSE of how he wore than zany helmet !! See, IMO, partly he chose it cuz he owned it (or had easy access to it - IMO he did not go 'shop around' for it prior to the murder) & he 'got a kick' out of how it would add to Missy's terrorize, & also it would throw off police that he was a loon roaming the USA but OMGOSH !!!!!!!!!!!! IMO HE MOSTLY WORE THAT HELMET & NOT A BLACK HEAD SCARF OR CAP BECAUSE HE'S A LOCAL WHO RIDES A MOTORCYCLE (the 'big' shiny kind that 'old men' lol 40-50'ish type have lol, with those lol big shiny handlebars meebee) AND OMGOSH IMO THIS MAN WANTED PEOPLE NOT TO REALIZE IT WAS HIM BECAUSE IMO IN HIS REAL LIFE when he's on his big motorcycle he wears those headscarves you see biker 'old men' a lot !!! IMO BUT THIS IS A LIGHTBULB MOMENT FOR MOI !
I'm new to this post and it may have already been mentioned, if so sorry to be redundant. I went back to the first statement from LE that they had a "tool for breaking glass" and realized they didn't have just a normal hammer. LE style breaching tools fit in line with the heavy riot gear. That said, leads to my theory of the device in the left hand at the end of the video called "Saran wrap/level", I believe to be an explosive device, ied, pipe bomb. I don't think this is someone dressed in complete riot gear walking around with bush league carpenter tools. And where they are hammering, wouldn't glass go out and not drop back inside like drywall? Then at about 2:10 they move with the device like perhaps inserting it in the hole they just made. (I find very questionable, the video has the Midlothian Police seal on it even there in that hallway blocking some of the scene until those last seconds in every version I have found.) What if all the walking around was much more strategic than we first thought, deciding the best spot to position this device? I don't see any reason for ATF other than fire/explosive. They weren't there for tobacco or alcohol. People are murdered strangely every day and they don't show up with a dog. They are the agency responsible for arson, it says so on their site. It's possible Missy interrupted them, robbery or political statement, I sure wouldn't expect someone at a church at 4:20 am. The large glass breaking/breaching tool I saw could easily kill if hit in the head. Or if she was targeted, the explosive device set as a booby trap caused the head injury. They can be fired using remote control so the murderer could have already gone as soon as it was set, didn't have to be there perhaps. Might have looked like an accident. But I have not heard if all areas of the church are open to the public and if the device was enough to kill it would cause more damage than broken glass that wouldn't be so quickly repaired.

Welcome to Websleuths!

I'm new to this post and it may have already been mentioned, if so sorry to be redundant. I went back to the first statement from LE that they had a "tool for breaking glass" and realized they didn't have just a normal hammer. LE style breaching tools fit in line with the heavy riot gear. That said, leads to my theory of the device in the left hand at the end of the video called "Saran wrap/level", I believe to be an explosive device, ied, pipe bomb. I don't think this is someone dressed in complete riot gear walking around with bush league carpenter tools. And where they are hammering, wouldn't glass go out and not drop back inside like drywall? Then at about 2:10 they move with the device like perhaps inserting it in the hole they just made. (I find very questionable, the video has the Midlothian Police seal on it even there in that hallway blocking some of the scene until those last seconds in every version I have found.) What if all the walking around was much more strategic than we first thought, deciding the best spot to position this device? I don't see any reason for ATF other than fire/explosive. They weren't there for tobacco or alcohol. People are murdered strangely every day and they don't show up with a dog. They are the agency responsible for arson, it says so on their site. It's possible Missy interrupted them, robbery or political statement, I sure wouldn't expect someone at a church at 4:20 am. The large glass breaking/breaching tool I saw could easily kill if hit in the head. Or if she was targeted, the explosive device set as a booby trap caused the head injury. They can be fired using remote control so the murderer could have already gone as soon as it was set, didn't have to be there perhaps. Might have looked like an accident. But I have not heard if all areas of the church are open to the public and if the device was enough to kill it would cause more damage than broken glass that wouldn't be so quickly repaired.


And I agree about the glass
LE would know immediately if it was broken from the inside or outside
That saran thing has me stumped
Don't know what it is but I don't think its plastic wrap unless there is a use for it that I am not aware of

For those who think this was a burglary, what is convincing you of that?

I just don't see it. Help me out.


Simple, what other reason would he have for spending half an hour breaking into multiple rooms inside the church? That’s what a burglar would do. The only explanation I have heard, is that he was trying to cover up the murder. But I don’t think that theory holds any water. Breaking down all those doors unnecessarily just to cover up a murder? Thats a crazy amount of unnecessary work. A hit man does not bring burglary tools with him to a murder.

If all he wanted to do is kill her, he had no reason to even go inside the church, let along break down every door and window inside the building. He could have just waited outside, and shot her in the head when she got out of her car, and then left. If he really wanted to cover it up, he could have taken her purse and made it look like a robbery. He would have never even been on video. But instead he goes inside and puts on a big show for the cameras for half and hour breaking doors and windows. I’m sorry, but that’s totally not believable. Thats not something any person would do, while they were getting ready to kill someone.

And I agree about the glass
LE would know immediately if it was broken from the inside or outside
That saran thing has me stumped
Don't know what it is but I don't think its plastic wrap unless there is a use for it that I am not aware of


I don't know what it is, but if it is Saran Wrap, I wondered if he wrapped Missy's face with it so she couldn't breath.

PURE SPECULATION. I am not convinced it was Saran Wrap, but am pondering.
We can't forget what a friend of Missy's said.......he said she wasn't acting herself lately...... The crime scene was staged and the perp was just playing around......there have been other crime scenes that were created by perps who were sloppy and dumb.....I don't think there was a mess in the foyer in the church. The front doors were still locked and Missy just came in and went down the hallway where she normally goes to set up and then she got attacked in that area.....to make it "real" the perp had to disturb a lot of stuff in the other hallways to make it look real.......we don't know if the perp messed up the foyer area after she was killed and propped open the front doors like it was stated before he left.....this is why I think it was a personal crime against her.....what event caused the perp to freak is anyone's guess and that opens up the vault for many theories ...... MOO
I don't know what it is, but if it is Saran Wrap, I wondered if he wrapped Missy's face with it so she couldn't breath.

PURE SPECULATION. I am not convinced it was Saran Wrap, but am pondering.

I see what you are saying but my thought on that is, if this person had things so planned, wouldn't they have just brought a plastic bag? So much more efficient than unrolling saran wrap and carrying the box
I see what you are saying but my thought on that is, if this person had things so planned, wouldn't they have just brought a plastic bag? So much more efficient than unrolling saran wrap and carrying the box

Yes. :)

Except I don't see a plastic bag; I see a box that could be plastic wrap. (Not saying I'm convinced it is wrap. It's likely some sort of tool/equipment.)
Yes. :)

Except I don't see a plastic bag; I see a box that could be plastic wrap. (Not saying I'm convinced it is wrap. It's likely some sort of tool/equipment.)

I need to add that i am the poster that NEVER sees things in a video or photo that others see
I am bad at it
A janitor would leave the doors propped open if they had just shampooed the entry carpets. All that rain must have made a muddy mess after Sunday services. Speaking of janitors, I'd like to know who provides janitorial services for the church. Who's in charge of cleaning those seemingly endless halls of shiny flooring?

Ah, thank you - great observation. That would make sense.

(Sorry, I'm only just now catching up on pages 12 to 55.)
I'm new to this post and it may have already been mentioned, if so sorry to be redundant. I went back to the first statement from LE that they had a "tool for breaking glass" and realized they didn't have just a normal hammer. LE style breaching tools fit in line with the heavy riot gear. That said, leads to my theory of the device in the left hand at the end of the video called "Saran wrap/level", I believe to be an explosive device, ied, pipe bomb. I don't think this is someone dressed in complete riot gear walking around with bush league carpenter tools. And where they are hammering, wouldn't glass go out and not drop back inside like drywall? Then at about 2:10 they move with the device like perhaps inserting it in the hole they just made. (I find very questionable, the video has the Midlothian Police seal on it even there in that hallway blocking some of the scene until those last seconds in every version I have found.) What if all the walking around was much more strategic than we first thought, deciding the best spot to position this device? I don't see any reason for ATF other than fire/explosive. They weren't there for tobacco or alcohol. People are murdered strangely every day and they don't show up with a dog. They are the agency responsible for arson, it says so on their site. It's possible Missy interrupted them, robbery or political statement, I sure wouldn't expect someone at a church at 4:20 am. The large glass breaking/breaching tool I saw could easily kill if hit in the head. Or if she was targeted, the explosive device set as a booby trap caused the head injury. They can be fired using remote control so the murderer could have already gone as soon as it was set, didn't have to be there perhaps. Might have looked like an accident. But I have not heard if all areas of the church are open to the public and if the device was enough to kill it would cause more damage than broken glass that wouldn't be so quickly repaired.

Yes, now that you mention it could be someone in the vein of Larry Ashbrook:
Where they were willing to do both physical violence and use pipe bombs. It did seem like this perp was carrying around that long object with them for a long time where first it is in their pants and then they take it out near the end of the video. I don't know if this was targeting Missy, but whatever was going on it just didn't seem like burglary.
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