TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #4

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I said something like this yesterday. This is what happens in cases when we run out of new info. Posts and theories get deeper and weirder on an hourly basis. I guess it beats having the thread die...and it is entertaining. You just never know what may or may not turn out to be true.

No magic 'shrooms here but maybe I should take some so I can understand what's going on. :D

Hey, I resemble this. Yesterday my theory du jour was "a small foreign faction" ala Patsy Ramsey. I admit to still keeping that one in my back pocket.

It happens, no worries. I love reading everyone's ideas. :happydance:
[/QUOTE] Obviously has money someone poorer would have not bothered with the Rig Up. [/QUOTE]
Or well financed.
thank you to everyone who welcomed me last night! sorry i'm just getting a chance to post on here now again.
disclaimer, i'm not implying anything or trying to accuse anyone of anything but it's still weird to me that BB said last week she wasn't targeted, but then the SIL is saying she thinks she was. at first i thought well maybe Missy said something to her SIL in passing about maybe some woman she was uncomfortable with but hadn't disclosed that to BB. but then i read an article where the SIL said that if something or someone was bothering Missy no one in the family knew about it. :confused: it's just kind of weird
i just hope this gets solved soon and doesn't turn into a cold case. i'm not sure why this particular case is creeping me out so much but i'm states away from Texas and i've been on edge and kind of scared to be alone ever since i learned about it.
I just realized, duh, that the perp has the lights on. He turned them on, or the cameras tripping made them come on? I wonder if they were still on when the campers arrived and went inside? If he intentionally had them on when Missy arrived then as others have supposed, he would have been playing cop following up a burglary call. He wanted to talk to her, had something to say before he killed her. Nut. I read the article written by the attorney who was reminded of the Kaufman killings, the prosecutor dressed the same way so they would trust him and he could gain access to their home.

Excellent observation.
In what way?
I cant get article to post. But above article a few posts back. A former County Deputy was caught selling guns to pawn shop and others. He is in jail but Texas Rangers are trying to track down all the guns. IMO this is going to someway somehow tie into this case. Former cop had possible steroids at his house as well. This is huge IMO. Don't know how it ties in yet but I bet it does.
Sure am glad that FBI guy narrowed it down to Fred or Freda.

Lol, right? That's a bombshell.


I think this is a mall cop, police wanna be, middle age white guy, with a mustache and glasses, bum leg, single, obsessed with Missy. He probably had some sort of imaginary relationship with her in his head, "if I can't have her, no one can."

There's a guy in one of the Gladiator pictures - under the "Holy Grounds" picture in the church building that kind of makes my spidy senses go off. He leans on his right leg way more than anyone else in the pic.

Also, I watched the part of the video again right where the split door was being opened in the church building and it hit me- it almost looked like there was deliberate tip-toeing towards that door-- really exaggerated footsteps.

All MOO.

Paul Blart?
Her poor family has had a difficult year. The husband said her dad died about a year prior, and that she had always been a 'daddy's girl.' And husband said he's had health problems over the last six months. <modsnip >
Someone asked: could Dennis Rader, the Bind-Torture-Kill serial killer of Wichita Kansas, responsible for 10 persons’ deaths and arrested in 2005 have killed Ms B? Maybe Rev. Carol __ in Anadarko, Okla?

Thing is - Dennis Rader*, first killed in 1974, then 1977, 1985, 1986, 1991, so if connected, those killings & Ms B's death would cover a 42 year span.

As someone else posted (sorry, forgot who, but TYVM) , Rader’s been in a Kansas prison since 2005 & is serving 10 life sentences, as the state did not have death penalty at time of his murders. For his crimes, his earliest possible release dateof February 26, 2180 seems plenty early, maybe even premature, imo, jmo, moo.

Sorry for digression, back on topic. Hoping Ms B's killer is brought to justice much more quickly than BTK.

* http://www.murderpedia.org/male.R/r/rader-dennis.htm

Originally Posted by Jsoeur
Do we know if the campers that found MB and called 911 stayed on the scene for LE to arrive?

I&#8217;m sure they did. But even if they didn&#8217;t, the police would have their phone numbers, and would have certainly contacted them by now.

I was wondering about potential ability for someone to remove evidence, or fake police gear. Thanks
It would be interesting to know if she had a key. How this arrangement worked previously.

How long has that church been there? Did she worship there, as well?

MOO MB had a key. She entered from a different door. Alone. Since she was alone, she must have had a key. Was not aware of perp in building. MOO
Are many convinced this was a botched robbery? I don't think so. I have been reading all day and finally had to skip ahead to post a thought that I had. In thread #2, someone here had posted how they noticed how methodically the killer was sweeping the outer rooms, on the side of the building that was opened and where Missy would soon be parked. Others have posted about how the breaking of glass was a random staging of a burglary. I don't know if anyone posted this idea in the past 30 pages I jumped, but I think the killer was intentionally opening every unlocked door, intentionally breaking every window of the "unlocked" doors. The killer even gave up on the doors he/she couldn't pry open. The killer knew if he/she couldn't pry it open, Missy wasn't getting in there either. I think the killer was planning in case Missy escaped him/her. If the killer opened every single unlocked door, the killer would know which room Missy was hiding in. The killer also broke the glass on every window to make certain Missy couldn't lock the door behind her. Very sinister and seems it's straight out of a horror movie. There was no way she was getting away from this monster. This person was not looking for items to steal and was carefully planning in case things went awry. IMO.
Thing in Ellis County could be about to blow up with the Slaughter arrest, which it wouldn't surprise me if Slaughter is tied into this in some way, like if that is where some of the gear came from:
"Big problem. This is a huge problem,&#8221; said Schulte. &#8220;This is the worst nightmare for a police chief or a sheriff."

Records show Slaughter was directly responsible for the evidence room from October to November 2015. He had been with the sheriff&#8217;s office since October 2001. Raising even more suspicion, court documents show the 15-year veteran officer abruptly resigned on March 28, a little more than two weeks before the investigation even began.

"It could be huge,&#8221; said Schulte. &#8220;There could be people convicted of crimes where the evidence was theoretically tampered with that they're entitled to a new trial."

Ellis County District Attorney Patrick Wilson told FOX 4 he's still trying to determine if Slaughter may have been involved in any other issues while he oversaw the criminal investigative division and the evidence room.
Are many convinced this was a botched robbery? I don't think so. I have been reading all day and finally had to skip ahead to post a thought that I had. In thread #2, someone here had posted how they noticed how methodically the killer was sweeping the outer rooms, on the side of the building that was opened and where Missy would soon be parked. Others have posted about how the breaking of glass was a random staging of a burglary. I don't know if anyone posted this idea in the past 30 pages I jumped, but I think the killer was intentionally opening every unlocked door, intentionally breaking every window of the "unlocked" doors. The killer even gave up on the doors he/she couldn't pry open. The killer knew if he/she couldn't pry it open, Missy wasn't getting in there either. I think the killer was planning in case Missy escaped him/her. If the killer opened every single unlocked door, the killer would know which room Missy was hiding in. The killer also broke the glass on every window to make certain Missy couldn't lock the door behind her. Very sinister and seems it's straight out of a horror movie. There was no way she was getting away from this monster. This person was not looking for items to steal and was carefully planning in case things went awry. IMO.

Eek! That is scary.
Are many convinced this was a botched robbery? I don't think so. I have been reading all day and finally had to skip ahead to post a thought that I had. In thread #2, someone here had posted how they noticed how methodically the killer was sweeping the outer rooms, on the side of the building that was opened and where Missy would soon be parked. Others have posted about how the breaking of glass was a random staging of a burglary. I don't know if anyone posted this idea in the past 30 pages I jumped, but I think the killer was intentionally opening every unlocked door, intentionally breaking every window of the "unlocked" doors. The killer even gave up on the doors he/she couldn't pry open. The killer knew if he/she couldn't pry it open, Missy wasn't getting in there either. I think the killer was planning in case Missy escaped him/her. If the killer opened every single unlocked door, the killer would know which room Missy was hiding in. The killer also broke the glass on every window to make certain Missy couldn't lock the door behind her. Very sinister and seems it's straight out of a horror movie. There was no way she was getting away from this monster. This person was not looking for items to steal and was carefully planning in case things went awry. IMO.

Ah God.

Thanks for that nightmare! Hadn't thought about that level of planning, how sinister.
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