TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #4

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LE stated the perp spent a lot time in the kitchen, I wonder if there was a window that allowed them to see when Missy drove up? Wish we could find the floor plan of the church

That makes sense. I've been wondering how the perp knew to be at the right place at the right time when Missy arrived, given that the perp was wandering around the building and not lying in wait. I was thinking the perp had an accomplice to send the alert when Missy arrived, but a window would do the trick.

I was assuming the perp was in the kitchen at the beginning, but s/he could've been in there at the end, watching.


I remember a FB post the night before when she had a lot of food prepared for her early AM start that I thought indicated she took "snacks" to CG, so kitchen always seemed like a place she would be in my head... And if perp saw same post he/she could have thought the same. JMO
Has anyone besides that one friend said anything about her not being herself?

I have only seen/heard Marc Garcia say that Missy wasn't herself lately in his opinion. Another female friend, whose name I don't recall, contradicted his statement in one of the early news videos. She said something about how Missy was very very happy, or something along those lines. She didn't notice anything different about Missy in recent days/weeks.
A gunshot would likely have been heard from the parking lot, hampering his get-away. With that tight timeline, the perp wouldn't risk using a gun, I think.

Heard by whom, though? I know they would be taking the risk that it might be heard, but in the LE presser last week, they said that Missy entered the church at approximately 4:16 am. They believe her murder took place shortly after that. The first camper reportedly arrived at 4:35 am. Plenty of time between 4:16 and 4:35 or even 4:25 and 4:35 to shoot Missy and not be heard by anyone in the parking lot.
LE stated the perp spent a lot time in the kitchen, I wonder if there was a window that allowed them to see when Missy drove up? Wish we could find the floor plan of the church

I don't know . . . maybe it's just the contrarian in me, and this flies in the face of what I've written earlier, but the more the police say Missy was targeted, the less I believe it. And I think it's because of this . . .

This suspect went through ALL the trouble of getting the right clothes--the helmet, the shin guards, the pants, etc. The suspect wanted to look like a cop as much as possible, even going to the extent to get a POLICE jacket. So, some thought went into the get-up. But . . . when the suspect decided on what to use for a weapon to kill Missy, the suspect picked a hammer? A . . . hammer?!

I guess what I'm saying is if the goal of breaking into the church was to murder Missy, a hammer seems like an odd choice. Yes, people are killed by hammers. But, if you're planning this murder out, which it seems the suspect conceivably did due to the clothes, isn't a knife a safer choice? And hey, it's Texas--isn't a gun easy to acquire?

Once again, yes, I know, a hammer can be deadly. But unless you really do hit somebody in the head, it's not lethal. Yes, the suspect may break some bones in an arm or leg. But there will be no organ damage and no blood will flow. Whereas, a knife is going to do much more damage no matter where it is stuck. And, that's the reason criminals use knives more than hammers to kill people. Why? When something is swung it's easier for a victim to block, than something that is thrusted. Think of fencing . . .

I realize the hammer may have been used to continue the ruse that it was a break-in, when really it was a planned murder. But, we have to remember the goal if Missy was targeted: murder. What's more important: the ruse or the murder? The murder.

The suspect could've brought both a hammer AND a knife. Or, a hammer AND a gun. The suspect could've done that because it wouldn't be unusual for a criminal to be carrying those weapons too.

But, from what we know, that hammer we see in the video was also the murder weapon. That's taking a big chance in my opinion--Missy could've conceivably grabbed the head of the hammer and yanked it from the suspect's hand. That could've been the difference between her dying and the suspect having to run off as she chased him.

Allow me to add one more somewhat ironic point to all this. In the end, this suspect's effort to make it look like a break-in hasn't worked. Because 95% of the people on here and the police believe that Missy was targeted. So, after all that . . . .the clothes, the knife, the walking down the halls, the slim jim, the broken windows . . . most people aren't fooled. Why? Because people don't believe in coincidences. Well, if the average person doesn't, why would the suspect be any different? Would the suspect not realize that despite all he/she is going through, that it will be a stretch for people to believe that a church was broken into and a woman was murdered at the same time? And would that not have factored into the preparation to kill Missy?

In the end, you could say: The more the suspect did to make it look like Missy wasn't targeted, the more the suspect has made it look like Missy WAS targeted.

Just something to think about.

I agree with much of this. WILD SPECULATION ALERT: Since learning of the "bad cop" arrest, IF RELATED, I have wondered if MB could have been just the poor soul who was targeted for convenience... Because the perp wanted to frame a local LEO or make Local LEO in general look REALLY bad. Revenge for the "bad cop" in jail? Maybe there IS a local LEO that walks that way, but he/she has airtight alibi and the current investigators are seeing who offers him/her as a tip? Or that plus the "possible steroids" thing may have put a fitness class leader in crosshairs. Sigh - I don't know if I can write out this theory in a sensible way... Because it truly would have been senseless for MB to be killed. /WILDSPECULATION
OK, fair point. But I think we can agree that the killer knew there would be video camera inside. Hence his SWAT disguise. He must have known that he was leaving a lot of evidence by breaking into the church and walking around in there for half an hour while he smashed windows while being filmed. If he had done it out side, even if the cameras were working, he would have been leaving a lot less evidence. Video shots outside, at night time in the rain, would be a lot less useful then 30 minutes of video of him walking around the brightly lit hallways.

If they are doing it by car they take a huge gamble they're revealing directly who they are with their license plate being recorded and if they were already in the parking lot that Missy wouldn't simply either drive off or be on guard to drive off if the vehicle approached, which this is something her husband said that she wouldn't have driven in and parked if a car was already in the parking lot. If they drive into the parking lot after she has already parked and gotten out of her car that would give Missy an opportunity to run inside for cover where the more effort they put into killing her, like getting out of the car and chasing her would make it look like a hit with it being able to be recorded on both interior and exterior cameras. If they are doing this on foot their problems would increase as they would lose the speed advantage of a car with the risk of everything they did around the facility being recorded including any staging, which on foot Missy could doubly gain the speed advantage where in addition to potentially having greater athletic prowess and being able to outrun the perp, she could get into her vehicle with the perp on foot and the perp could be run over while Missy gains at least temporary protection from many weapons and the ability to call for help in a semi-protected mobile location. When someone is in an enclosed confined space only other people who are specifically in that building would see any confrontation cutting down your chance of random witnesses in the area seeing things while it reduces your target's maneuverability where it instead is a matter of strength, weapons and armor.
Another thing that I wanted to add to my post up above is that it would make ABSOLUTE sense for someone to be seen on surveillance footage for a number of other reasons. If it was a woman perp and she thought she had concealed that fact enough to make it look like a man committed this murder, she would want to be seen on the footage. If it's a person who wanted everyone to think that they weren't a part of this because it was a robbery gone wrong (and not personal or someone in MB's inner circle), they would want this footage to be seen by LE. Also, a person who is trying to disguise their walk and mannerisms would want to be seen by LE on the footage so that the person behind the murder of MB is not suspected. Or, if the person who ordered a hit is 6' tall and the perp in the footage is 5' tall, they would want that footage to be seen by LE. I'm sure there are other reasons but hopefully I've explained my point enough.

The fact is, there ARE reasons why this perp could have chosen to be seen on surveillance.

MOO. :moo:
Me too, I want to see the entire video. The first thing I would like to know, is this “vandalism” that’s being talked about really vandalism? Because what I have seen so far on the video is not vandalism, it’s forced entry. If I could see the suspect committing some random acts of vandalism, not connected with smashing door glass to gain entry, that would definitely sway my opinion away from this being a burglary gone wrong. But it still wouldn’t convince me that the suspect was targeting MB. I would need more evidence then that.

I suppose the broken windows and doors could be considered vandalism. We haven't heard exactly what it was, or the extent of it.

I'd like to know if any religious items were damaged or defaced.
How would the killer know Missy would arrive alone? It's entirely possible she could have gotten a call that morning from someone needing a ride.

Then what?
A gunshot would likely have been heard from the parking lot, hampering his get-away. With that tight timeline, the perp wouldn't risk using a gun, I think.

But there was no one in the parking lot, who would have heard it. They were the only two people in the vicinity.
Briliant! Thanks All! Now, if I could stop replies from taking me all the way to the end of the thread.... LOL.

When it takes you to the end of the thread, if you quoted someone, just hit the little arrows button beside their name (in the quote) and it will take you back to where you were. :)
That would require violating TOS or I'm sure some folks, including me, would be glad to do so :).

LOL, I read it for 2 minutes and I believe it could be violating TOS just to say the two are very comparable. Not that I disagree, just found it funny.

But I do believe they have a suspect they are strongly considering. I just hope there were GPS or cell phone mistakes made like in the other case. If there is more than one person involved, they need evidence to get one to flip on the other.
Originally Posted by KaaBoom
Rather then tell people to read the case (which I have BTW) why don’t you give a list of specific comparisons that between the two cases.

That would set up bias in your approach to a case, I'd think.
When it takes you to the end of the thread, if you quoted someone, just hit the little arrows button beside their name (in the quote) and it will take you back to where you were. :)

What a fantastic tip - thank you, JLSChook! :loveyou:
Briliant! Thanks All! Now, if I could stop replies from taking me all the way to the end of the thread.... LOL.

I have a solution for that too. After you return to your posted reply, click on the little "View Post" icon in the quote part, to take you back to the post you were responding to. :thumb:
My ex could never remember my age or my birthday unless reminded by the kids and his mother. However!!! He was a policeman and he could rattle off my height and weight in a heartbeat. Thx sweetie. Lol

I just remembered my DH was on the phone with our insurance last night and I heard him say my birthday, 09/14/1995. teehee!

I know his birthday like the back of my hand but I always forget anyway. I have lost all track of time since I can no longer work, holidays too.
I have a solution for that too. After you return to your posted reply, click on the little "View Post" icon in the quote part, to take you back to the post you were responding to. :thumb:

KaaBoom, you are so right. I was just about to do that, after I read up through the thread a bit. It took me forever to figure that out.
Regardless of what the unnamed source is saying, I still am having a difficult time getting on board with this being a targeted plan of assassination. Way back in another thread I mentioned that I thought the reason the other agencies were brought in early was because [militaristic gear] + [potentially scoping hiding places/escape routes] + [place of worship] === [large number of mass shootings that incorporate one or more of the proceeding factors]. I'd have been shocked if this *hadn't* been investigated as potential terrorism given the media/political climate. Even here on WS I swear half the threads on any crime discuss at length whether or not the crime could be linked to terrorism and/or organized gangs of one flavor or another.

Why? Because the ungainly outfit and walk. The killer was dressed for potential combat, but not for being able to chase down a fast-moving victim if, even if they were able to corner their prey, their initial blow or blows didn't incapacitate Missy fully. Remember, she was very fit and agile. Our man/woman on tape looks anything but.

Therefore: the only way I can really get behind this being a targeted attack is if the killer had no access to a gun, and cared more about doing physical damage to Missy (enough that it would probably injure her to the extant that she'd be unable to continue to do the thing that is so important to her identity and that she receives so much praise for) and the blows being lethal wasn't the main intention. If they had expected her to put up a fight (because they weren't planning on smashing her skull in- sorry to be so graphic) and expected her to survive, then what they wore makes a little more sense to me. Less Sievers and more Tonya Harding. (But I'm still not sold on this)
I agree with much of this. WILD SPECULATION ALERT: Since learning of the "bad cop" arrest, IF RELATED, I have wondered if MB could have been just the poor soul who was targeted for convenience... Because the perp wanted to frame a local LEO or make Local LEO in general look REALLY bad. Revenge for the "bad cop" in jail? Maybe there IS a local LEO that walks that way, but he/she has airtight alibi and the current investigators are seeing who offers him/her as a tip? Or that plus the "possible steroids" thing may have put a fitness class leader in crosshairs. Sigh - I don't know if I can write out this theory in a sensible way... Because it truly would have been senseless for MB to be killed. /WILDSPECULATION

Can some good-natured soul direct me to the link about the bad cop arrest you're referring to? I've scrolled, but haven't found it yet...
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