Found Deceased TX - Thomas Brown, 18, Hemphill County, 23 Nov 2016 #2

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And I find it curious that in Chapter 9 of Tom Brown's Body, Skip Hollandsworth specifically writes that TOM did a Google search for suicide hotlines. I think it would be more accurate to state that Tom's phone had a Google search for a suicide hotline. I've never heard from interviews with CW or KK if he ever handed over his phone at any point that evening or if he was in sole possession of it the entire night. Also, has anyone ever heard an interview confirming Tom was afraid of people finding out about the adult diapers? I didn't get the feeling he was afraid in listening to CW's interview, but perhaps there's more info from others he told. I can deduce he might have been afraid based upon the conservative environment, but independent confirmation would help give more credence to his fear. I re-listened to the podcast this evening & just found the written chapter as well. Below is the paragraph describing the suicide hotline search:
You might remember from earlier episodes of the podcast that I spoke to various people about Tom’s personal struggles. In the months before his death, he unexpectedly had quit the football team and broken up with his girlfriend. He had told a few close friends he was afraid that people in Canadian would hear that he sometimes liked wearing adult diapers. I also learned that a couple of hours before Tom disappeared on Thanksgiving eve, he did a Google search on his phone for suicide hotlines.
My feeling was that they were curious to find the laptop in order to see if there was evidence of any kind the laptop could reveal (ie, searches or any clues about Tom before his disappearance).

IMO .... exactly; no more, no less.

Among other items that are of significance which were found later during the October 14, 2017 search were items that were known to be connected to Tom (phone, schoolbooks, clothing article, undisclosed item(s)). But also found was a small handgun holster/case. Unlike the other items that were found, the holster/case has not been linked to being a possession belonging to Tom or his family. In view of the spent .25 caliber casing that was found in the Durango, there is a very high probability that the spent casing and holster/case are connected to Tom's disappearance. That is no coincidence. Further, that evidence appears to clearly indicate that another person (or persons) was involved.

I understand the evidence and circumstances that point toward suicide as being a possibility. Tom evidently had some emotional concerns. Many people do. However, the 10-mile distance between the Durango and Tom's remains, the trace blood in the Durango, the holster together with the spent casing, and the significant facial bone fractures all but eliminate the possibility of suicide, IMO.

The holster/case is significant. Somewhere along Lake Marvin Road, probably just beyond the fenced right-of-way, lies a rusting .25 caliber semi-automatic pistol. IMO, of course.
IMO .... exactly; no more, no less.

Among other items that are of significance which were found later during the October 14, 2017 search were items that were known to be connected to Tom (phone, schoolbooks, clothing article, undisclosed item(s)). But also found was a small handgun holster/case. Unlike the other items that were found, the holster/case has not been linked to being a possession belonging to Tom or his family. In view of the spent .25 caliber casing that was found in the Durango, there is a very high probability that the spent casing and holster/case are connected to Tom's disappearance. That is no coincidence. Further, that evidence appears to clearly indicate that another person (or persons) was involved.

I understand the evidence and circumstances that point toward suicide as being a possibility. Tom evidently had some emotional concerns. Many people do. However, the 10-mile distance between the Durango and Tom's remains, the trace blood in the Durango, the holster together with the spent casing, and the significant facial bone fractures all but eliminate the possibility of suicide, IMO.

The holster/case is significant. Somewhere along Lake Marvin Road, probably just beyond the fenced right-of-way, lies a rusting .25 caliber semi-automatic pistol. IMO, of course.

But there's no 100% evidence saying he was shot.

My concern are the diapers. When did he buy them, where did ke keep them?! If no one in the family knew, where would he put them so no one would discover them?

I've always thought this was huge, and still do. It would take the wrong kind of people imo finding out and he would be harassed mercilessly. I wonder if that's what happened at football and he couldn't stand the verbal assaults anymore. (if that is indeed what happened.)

Who could he tell? Certainly not his mother or father or brother. But imo the wrong people found out. May be he was wearing them that night. I can't imagine the brutality he may have faced if that was the case.

I think now that he was beat up.

Who would have been driving his truck through town that night? I remember that PM couldn't say if the truck was TB's or not. (Via cameras through town) If not Tom's, then whose was it?!

Lots of unanswered questions.
But there's no 100% evidence saying he was shot.

That is true. But the spent casing located in the passenger side floorboard is evidence that, at some point, a round was fired from within the vehicle or just outside the driver's side of the vehicle (semi-auto pistols eject upwards and toward the right). Because a handgun holster/case was found along Lake Marvin Road, I must conclude that there is a logical reason that somebody discarded the case/holster; and that reason is because the weapon is connected to events that occurred that night.

You are correct; a lot of unanswered questions!
Could Tom have done the Google search for a friend he was with? Has a time been established as to when the Google search was done?
That is true. But the spent casing located in the passenger side floorboard is evidence that, at some point, a round was fired from within the vehicle or just outside the driver's side of the vehicle (semi-auto pistols eject upwards and toward the right). Because a handgun holster/case was found along Lake Marvin Road, I must conclude that there is a logical reason that somebody discarded the case/holster; and that reason is because the weapon is connected to events that occurred that night.

You are correct; a lot of unanswered questions!
Warning: long post

I’ve been following TB’s case for a couple of years now. I think there are some very intelligent posters on this WS thread who are very determined to figure out what happened to Tom that night. It is definitely a confounding mystery. Hopefully there will be some resolution (and sooner rather than later). No matter what happened, Tom’s death was a tragedy. His family is still dealing with losing him. A young man with his whole life ahead of him.

Since I first learned of the case I have gone from thinking that LE was involved, to thinking that one of Tom’s friends (or a friend’s parent) was involved, to thinking that perhaps Tom committed suicide - and then going full circle. I’m not sure where I am on that circle right now, but I no longer consider foul play to be the only explanation.

I always thought that the .25 cal shell/casing was important in trying to solve the mystery. First of all, nobody could explain its presence in Tom’s SUV. He didn’t own a .25 acp, he was not a hunter/shooter type, and no weapon was found with his remains. At one point I was trying to figure out who in Canadian might’ve owned (or had access to) a .25 acp (incl Tom’s friends, his friend’s parents, his relatives, FFL dealers, you name it). Imo the answer to that question might still help solve the case.

In response to OutWest’s excellent post (above) about the casing, I thought I’d offer one possible explanation that I thought about last year (it’s been in the “notes” app on my phone - along with about five other tentative posts that I’m sure at the time I wrote them I thought would solve the case!). This explanation about the casing though might also help explain the smudges of blood found inside Tom’s SUV. It more supports a suicide scenario than a foul play scenario - but again, right now I’m not in either camp.

IF Tom was considering suicide, and IF he had somehow recently managed to obtain a .25 acp, he might have test-fired the weapon just outside his SUV - maybe even that night (maybe sometime between when his phone was turned off and when the SUV was found). As OutWest mentioned, one possible way that a casing could have ended up inside the car would’ve been if somebody had fired a semi automatic handgun (aiming ahead of the vehicle) while standing next to the driver’s side door (with window open). The casing would have ejected up and to the right and into the car.

This would also fit with the reported lack of any evidence suggesting that a gun had recently been fired inside (or from the inside of) the vehicle.

When firing a semi automatic handgun, an inexperienced operator (and even some experienced operators) can suffer an injury that is sometimes called “slide bite”. It is a hand injury that is caused by the slide ratcheting back rapidly (and with great force) when the gun is fired. Among other things, this action serves to expel the just-fired casing and load the next cartridge.

If your shooting hand and/or your supporting hand are improperly positioned, you can get nicked pretty bad by this slide-ratcheting action. It has happened to me. Common locations for the injury are 1.) on the webbing of your shooting hand - in between the thumb and the forefinger (this occurs if you are gripping too high, above the beaver tail), and 2.) on the knuckle of your left thumb (this occurs when operators incorrectly “cross their thumbs” in the back of the grip, positioning their left thumb too high. This will put the left thumb knuckle directly in the path of the ratcheting slide.

Although the “crossing thumbs” grip can initially feel comfortable, an operator will quickly learn if their left thumb knuckle is in the wrong place! (in case you’re wondering, the proper position of the left thumb is along the left side of the gun’s frame - pointing in the direction of the target).

If a .25 acp was test fired by somebody who was standing just outside the driver’s side door (with the window open), and if that person suffered a “slide bite” wound and then got back into the vehicle, it might explain not only the presence of a casing inside the vehicle, but the smudges of blood found near and on the inside handle of the driver’s side door.

Obviously, this is just one possible explanation for the casing found on the floorboard of the SUV and the smudges of blood found on the inside door handle. It doesn’t mean that somebody else at some time didn’t fire a .25 acp while standing just outside Tom’s SUV (with a window down) - or that the blood smudges and/or gun firing (if done by Tom, with him possibly suffering a “slide bite” injury) couldn’t have been done on a completely different day (again, if that is even something that ever happened). But I think it’s something worth considering.

I can’t remember if LE (or the PI or the TAG office) made any statement about how long they thought the blood might have been there, but I’m pretty sure they determined that it was Tom’s blood,

I guess like everything else in this case, there are a lot of possible explanations.

All jmo
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@Rush4087, Good point. I had not thought of a possible "slide" injury. I have seen that happen a few times when an individual was not aware of how a semi-auto operates .... it only takes one time for a person to learn to not hold the gun in such a manner!

As per the recent AG information packet release, we learned that another smear of Tom's blood was found in an undisclosed location within the vehicle.
Listening to podcast #9 was disturbing.

PK sounds to be all bluster and loud bluster at that. He's lost all credibility w/ me. Is he protecting the family or his reputation. Both I think.

The young man in jail sure deflected alot.

I found the Sgt AG to be very credible and there is no doubt where she was going. ((Imm) But she didn't go there.

When asked by the Podcaster to the Sgt AG, "How many people were involved?" The only # she could have said that would have made it very apparent is 3.

Was TB's home ever searched?

I'm thinking, would the M's sacrifice one boy to save another? In other words, did T and T get into a knock down drag out and T was hit (not shot) in the side of the head by T and subsequently died? If police are called, you lose 2 boys.

This is one option no one is willing to discuss. This doesn't mean they are not a great family or that they are not suffering.

IMO, it answers a lot of questions. Everything would have been planted. The placement of the items were too scattered, too obvious Imo but meant to be discovered. The only thing not thrown out was the phone until later.

I doubt too that this will ever be "solved".
Any way one looks at it, it's a tragedy and I'm truly sorry to bring this possibility up.
Another long post, but my brain has gone down the rabbit hole. As a visual person it helps to see the time frames listed out as reported and for me the timeline doesn't seem to add up for the family to be involved. Too little time for a regular, law-abiding, criminally inexperienced family to come up with a plan to hide a death & body. Here's a timeline per the AG's report:

 Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 6:04 PM -Thomas Brown leaves his house.
 9:11 PM - Internet search for a suicide hotline on THOMAS BROWN’S phone.
 11:26 PM - THOMAS BROWN’S Dodge Durango observed headed towards town.
 11:28 PM to 11:36 PM - Last known credit card transaction by THOMAS BROWN at Fronk’s Oil and Gas pumping gas.

>NOTE: Per AG report regarding video evidence from Fronk's:
It is the opinion of the investigative team that the Fronk’s Oil and Gas Video was mishandled, and that SHERIFF NATHAN LEWIS failed to document the collection and eventual loss of this evidence. His report about the video was not written until January of 2018. Criminal intent for Tampering with Evidence cannot be established. Several other witnesses, including people not associated with the Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office, claimed to have seen the video or had credible information about the video, however, the video would not have provided any footage of THOMAS BROWN getting gas. The camera that would capture this view was facing the ground
 Thursday, November 24, 2016, 12:23 AM - THOMAS BROWN’S iPhone loses power (the phone dies, it is not shut off).
 1:10 AM - Dodge Durango seen headed in the direction of THOMAS BROWN’S house.
 1:11 AM - Dodge Durango seen headed back in the direction of town (away from THOMAS BROWN’S house).
 5:28 AM - Dodge Durango seen headed in the direction of THOMAS BROWN’S house.
 5:30 AM - Dodge Durango seen headed into town (away from THOMAS BROWN’S house).
 5:56 AM - Dodge Durango presumably seen driving into the water treatment facility (never seen coming back out).

Timeline of initial search by the family & law enforcement as reported (AG's report & Tom Brown's Body)
12:00 - 12:30 Calls/Texts from Penny & Tucker's phones to Tom's phone
12:30 - 1:30 Penny searches in her car, Tucker & friend search in his car
>NOTE: Tom's Durango seen going towards & away from house 1:10/1:11 (only a minute apart)
1:30 - 2:30 Tucker searches alone in his car (after dropping off friend)
1:30 - 2:30 During this time frame Penny is searching & then begins calling Tom's friends (Kaleb King calls Michael Caseltine at 2am)
2:30 Penny calls sheriff's office
>NOTE: they would have NO idea when law enforcement would show up
3:30 Tucker calls sheriff's office & requests to ride with deputy
4:00 - 6:00 Tucker rides with Pyne Gregory to search
>NOTE: Tom's Durango seen going towards & away from house 5:28/5:30 (only 2 minutes apart)
>NOTE: Tom's Durango seen by the water treatment plant at 5:56
7:30ish Penny & Chris show up at sheriff's office
>NOTE: So are Penny & Chris supposed to have masterminded this thing from 4-6 & then show up at the sheriff's office at 7:30? Who was driving Tom's Durango at 1:10/1:11? How would they get Tom's Durango between 11:36 and before 1:10? Why would they drive the car around 5:28/5:30 when Tucker is still with Pyne Gregory? Does the AG's office think Chris was doing things behind the scenes while Penny & Tucker searched and contacted friends & law enforcement?

Per Chapter 2 of Tom Brown's Body:
At the stroke of midnight on Thanksgiving eve, 2016, Penny Meek checked her phone. Her son Tom Brown had gone cruising with a few friends that evening, and his curfew was midnight. According to Penny, Tom was rarely late. If he was going to miss curfew by a few minutes, he always called or texted to let her know. But that night she hadn’t heard from him.

Penny said she called and texted Tom. Tom’s older brother, Tucker, who was in the living room watching a movie with his friend Taylor Russell, did the same. But Tom didn’t answer.

At around 12:30, Penny woke her husband Chris and told him she was going to look for Tom. She grabbed her keys and climbed in her Chevy Suburban. Tucker and Taylor piled into Tucker’s Toyota 4Runner. Penny drove around town, while Tucker scoured the surrounding highways and farm-to-market roads. He said he feared Tom had been in an accident—“and you know, if that’s what happened, we could get him some help and save his life,” Tucker told me.

After an hour or so, Tucker said, he dropped Taylor off at his house, and then he continued searching for Tom for another hour. Meanwhile, Penny returned home and called Kaleb King, who had been with Tom earlier that evening, to ask if he had any idea where Tom might be.

Also from Chapter 2 of Tom Brown's Body:

At roughly 2:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning, Penny called the sheriff’s department in Canadian to report Tom as missing.

To me, it doesn't seem feasible that people inexperienced with covering up crimes could figure all this out while simultaneously drawing attention by calling friends and law enforcement. Why wouldn't they just wait to call Tom's friends and the sheriff's office later using the excuse that they thought he was a teen just being rebellious and not coming home? People panic & do crazy things, but I can't wrap my head around the idea of the family being successful with a coverup in such a short period of time.
Very good info @8th Bob-White .

" Thursday, November 24, 2016, 12:23 AM - THOMAS BROWN’S iPhone loses power (the phone dies, it is not shut off). "
BBM This to me proves Tom did not have the charging case on his phone while he was driving around. Otherwise, it would have been fully charged and would not have lost power.
I have never felt the family was involved. I think Penny has answered the question about the lie detector questions. I am concerned since the test showed deception. That can be significant or not to me. No way the family is involved to me. If they were involved they would not have tried so hard to keep this case in the limelight. JMO
Very good info @8th Bob-White .

" Thursday, November 24, 2016, 12:23 AM - THOMAS BROWN’S iPhone loses power (the phone dies, it is not shut off). "
BBM This to me proves Tom did not have the charging case on his phone while he was driving around. Otherwise, it would have been fully charged and would not have lost power.
I have never felt the family was involved. I think Penny has answered the question about the lie detector questions. I am concerned since the test showed deception. That can be significant or not to me. No way the family is involved to me. If they were involved they would not have tried so hard to keep this case in the limelight. JMO
But who has kept it in the limelight? Lots of people other than family. And in ways not often productive. This is not a sign of guilt or innocence imo. But people trying to "help" have left the town and perhaps the family victimized. PK's FACTS are a perfect example. The audience's reaction to his FACTS announcement couldn't be clearer how people feel.
.......... To me, it doesn't seem feasible that people inexperienced with covering up crimes could figure all this out while simultaneously drawing attention by calling friends and law enforcement. Why wouldn't they just wait to call Tom's friends and the sheriff's office later using the excuse that they thought he was a teen just being rebellious and not coming home? People panic & do crazy things, but I can't wrap my head around the idea of the family being successful with a coverup in such a short period of time.

Thanks for the timeline. Very good points. The complexity and coordination that would be required to spontaneously pull off something like that is beyond comprehension especially, as you mention, when numerous other parties are involved in the search. Then, as the "theory" goes, to continuously spend money and effort for ~5 years to feign that you are searching for the persons involved? Did not happen. Just my opinion, but the theory that the Brown/Meek family orchestrated such a complex coverup belongs in the same bizarre category as the wild statements and stories that have been presented by CJ from the walls of his prison cell.

Do we ever question the reasons why CJ would come up with his bizarre stories? Are those bizarre stories just evidence of some level of insanity or do they indicate panic and an attempt to hide some truth? Just some food for thought.
Very good info @8th Bob-White .

" Thursday, November 24, 2016, 12:23 AM - THOMAS BROWN’S iPhone loses power (the phone dies, it is not shut off). "
BBM This to me proves Tom did not have the charging case on his phone while he was driving around. Otherwise, it would have been fully charged and would not have lost power.
I have never felt the family was involved. I think Penny has answered the question about the lie detector questions. I am concerned since the test showed deception. That can be significant or not to me. No way the family is involved to me. If they were involved they would not have tried so hard to keep this case in the limelight. JMO

Tom's phone was an Apple 6s. Apple sponsored a worldwide recall due to battery problems. Two main problems existed: 1) the phone would sometimes simply power down even though sufficient charge remained in the battery, and 2) the battery would sometimes hold a charge for only 6-8 hours before needing a re-charge. My previous phone was a 6s and experienced both of those issues until I eventually had the battery replaced under the recall at an Apple service center.
Another long post, but my brain has gone down the rabbit hole. As a visual person it helps to see the time frames listed out as reported and for me the timeline doesn't seem to add up for the family to be involved. Too little time for a regular, law-abiding, criminally inexperienced family to come up with a plan to hide a death & body. Here's a timeline per the AG's report:

 Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 6:04 PM -Thomas Brown leaves his house.
 9:11 PM - Internet search for a suicide hotline on THOMAS BROWN’S phone.
 11:26 PM - THOMAS BROWN’S Dodge Durango observed headed towards town.
 11:28 PM to 11:36 PM - Last known credit card transaction by THOMAS BROWN at Fronk’s Oil and Gas pumping gas.

>NOTE: Per AG report regarding video evidence from Fronk's:
It is the opinion of the investigative team that the Fronk’s Oil and Gas Video was mishandled, and that SHERIFF NATHAN LEWIS failed to document the collection and eventual loss of this evidence. His report about the video was not written until January of 2018. Criminal intent for Tampering with Evidence cannot be established. Several other witnesses, including people not associated with the Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office, claimed to have seen the video or had credible information about the video, however, the video would not have provided any footage of THOMAS BROWN getting gas. The camera that would capture this view was facing the ground
 Thursday, November 24, 2016, 12:23 AM - THOMAS BROWN’S iPhone loses power (the phone dies, it is not shut off).
 1:10 AM - Dodge Durango seen headed in the direction of THOMAS BROWN’S house.
 1:11 AM - Dodge Durango seen headed back in the direction of town (away from THOMAS BROWN’S house).
 5:28 AM - Dodge Durango seen headed in the direction of THOMAS BROWN’S house.
 5:30 AM - Dodge Durango seen headed into town (away from THOMAS BROWN’S house).
 5:56 AM - Dodge Durango presumably seen driving into the water treatment facility (never seen coming back out).

Timeline of initial search by the family & law enforcement as reported (AG's report & Tom Brown's Body)
12:00 - 12:30 Calls/Texts from Penny & Tucker's phones to Tom's phone
12:30 - 1:30 Penny searches in her car, Tucker & friend search in his car
>NOTE: Tom's Durango seen going towards & away from house 1:10/1:11 (only a minute apart)
1:30 - 2:30 Tucker searches alone in his car (after dropping off friend)
1:30 - 2:30 During this time frame Penny is searching & then begins calling Tom's friends (Kaleb King calls Michael Caseltine at 2am)
2:30 Penny calls sheriff's office
>NOTE: they would have NO idea when law enforcement would show up
3:30 Tucker calls sheriff's office & requests to ride with deputy
4:00 - 6:00 Tucker rides with Pyne Gregory to search
>NOTE: Tom's Durango seen going towards & away from house 5:28/5:30 (only 2 minutes apart)
>NOTE: Tom's Durango seen by the water treatment plant at 5:56
7:30ish Penny & Chris show up at sheriff's office
>NOTE: So are Penny & Chris supposed to have masterminded this thing from 4-6 & then show up at the sheriff's office at 7:30? Who was driving Tom's Durango at 1:10/1:11? How would they get Tom's Durango between 11:36 and before 1:10? Why would they drive the car around 5:28/5:30 when Tucker is still with Pyne Gregory? Does the AG's office think Chris was doing things behind the scenes while Penny & Tucker searched and contacted friends & law enforcement?

Per Chapter 2 of Tom Brown's Body:
At the stroke of midnight on Thanksgiving eve, 2016, Penny Meek checked her phone. Her son Tom Brown had gone cruising with a few friends that evening, and his curfew was midnight. According to Penny, Tom was rarely late. If he was going to miss curfew by a few minutes, he always called or texted to let her know. But that night she hadn’t heard from him.

Penny said she called and texted Tom. Tom’s older brother, Tucker, who was in the living room watching a movie with his friend Taylor Russell, did the same. But Tom didn’t answer.

At around 12:30, Penny woke her husband Chris and told him she was going to look for Tom. She grabbed her keys and climbed in her Chevy Suburban. Tucker and Taylor piled into Tucker’s Toyota 4Runner. Penny drove around town, while Tucker scoured the surrounding highways and farm-to-market roads. He said he feared Tom had been in an accident—“and you know, if that’s what happened, we could get him some help and save his life,” Tucker told me.

After an hour or so, Tucker said, he dropped Taylor off at his house, and then he continued searching for Tom for another hour. Meanwhile, Penny returned home and called Kaleb King, who had been with Tom earlier that evening, to ask if he had any idea where Tom might be.

Also from Chapter 2 of Tom Brown's Body:

At roughly 2:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning, Penny called the sheriff’s department in Canadian to report Tom as missing.

To me, it doesn't seem feasible that people inexperienced with covering up crimes could figure all this out while simultaneously drawing attention by calling friends and law enforcement. Why wouldn't they just wait to call Tom's friends and the sheriff's office later using the excuse that they thought he was a teen just being rebellious and not coming home? People panic & do crazy things, but I can't wrap my head around the idea of the family being successful with a coverup in such a short period of time.
The timeline is helpful. My question is...just what the heck was this Durango up to all early morning on the 24th? If the family was somehow involved, I certainly don't see any in depth planning here.

It appears that something was happening between 1:30am on the morning of Thanksgiving until the Durango was parked at the water treatment plant at 5:54am. Nothing really needed to be planted at this point except for (speculating and forgive me,) the body had to be placed somewhere where it couldn't be readily found and the Durango hastily cleaned up and parked somewhere other than home.
The timeline is helpful. My question is...just what the heck was this Durango up to all early morning on the 24th? If the family was somehow involved, I certainly don't see any in depth planning here.

It appears that something was happening between 1:30am on the morning of Thanksgiving until the Durango was parked at the water treatment plant at 5:54am. Nothing really needed to be planted at this point except for (speculating and forgive me,) the body had to be placed somewhere where it couldn't be readily found and the Durango hastily cleaned up and parked somewhere other than home.

Why would they call the police while the Durango was driving all over the place? It would have been easy enough for the police to SEE the Durango during this time and pull it over. Why even call the police until late that morning. They could say they thought he was sleeping in and went to check on him that afternoon.
Why would they call the police while the Durango was driving all over the place? It would have been easy enough for the police to SEE the Durango during this time and pull it over. Why even call the police until late that morning. They could say they thought he was sleeping in and went to check on him that afternoon.
Yes, good points everyone but (playing devil's advocate) why did T call the deputy and request a ride along? Could he have been keeping the police from looking in significant spots, or keeping them away from the road in general?

Was there a way from TB's house that would have circumvented downtown and the cameras?

Just who was driving the Durango at that hour and going back and forth from the direction of TB's home? Are we sure it was TB's car? Either way, it's odd behavoir and especially during the early hours of the morning. If it was the person who hurt Tom, why drive back and forth like that. Especially during the time people were looking for TB and or the Durango.
How is it this Durango and the person driving it escaped notice from everyone?!

If TB did completely fill the truck at 12, it's not hard to imagine from that time to the time it was parked that a half gallon was used.

And I would like to hear what the AG's office found out about this imprisoned football player other than PK's phone recording that PK was passing off as "fact".
Yes, good points everyone but (playing devil's advocate) why did T call the deputy and request a ride along? Could he have been keeping the police from looking in significant spots, or keeping them away from the road in general?

Was there a way from TB's house that would have circumvented downtown and the cameras?

Just who was driving the Durango at that hour and going back and forth from the direction of TB's home? Are we sure it was TB's car? Either way, it's odd behavoir and especially during the early hours of the morning. If it was the person who hurt Tom, why drive back and forth like that. Especially during the time people were looking for TB and or the Durango.
How is it this Durango and the person driving it escaped notice from everyone?!

If TB did completely fill the truck at 12, it's not hard to imagine from that time to the time it was parked that a half gallon was used.

And I would like to hear what the AG's office found out about this imprisoned football player other than PK's phone recording that PK was passing off as "fact".

He didn't. T went with him initially to help the deputy find one of the friends Tom was last seen, at their home. They live in the country, off of a main road, and T helped the Deputy get to the house. T also didn't keep anyone from looking anywhere they wanted to.

I don't understand what is fishy about that? I get your trying to come up with 'what if' situations, but there is no evidence that supports that. No where in MSM has anyone suggested that T was anything but helpful that night.

Not sure if anyone has had the chance to watch the episode of Murder Under the Friday Night Lights on ID about Tom. It's tough to watch video and pictures of Tom that I had not seen before. Both Penny and Tucker spoke more than I anticipated and I was surprised to see Rachel Kading appear on camera. No big conclusions, but it's good that there's still interest in the case.
Has anyone listened to PK s Facebook live response from yesterday, to the show Murder Under the Friday Night Lights? He takes questions at the end. Tucker was going with the deputy to help him find the home of Tom's ex girlfriend Sage, which was off the main road and hard to find, thinking maybe he was there.
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