TX - Zuzu Verk, 22, Alpine, 12 Oct 2016 #2

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It would be very interesting to know what kind of a drinker, and drunk he was. Was he amorous, angry, or happy when drinking? My money's on hostile. I also wonder if he took steroids?

On his FB account, there is a pic of him taking a selfie in a bathroom mirror (from 2014) and one of the comments is "is that the drug bathroom?", which indicates that drug use is not foreign to him.

All that because I was trying to play out a scenario that might make sense. It sure sounds like not too much time passed between the cooking, eating and laughing and the 11pm silence. I can see the following happening:

Is it possible that they ate, both got a little drunk and fell asleep by 11pm? Zuzu probably didn't need much alcohol since she was small and probably got drunk easily. And there was no mention of them having sex, which is actually very surprising, but fits into my scenario if they had drank too much. Anyway, maybe a little bit later Zuzu woke him up and it irritated him, so when the neighbor heard STFU, RF also held a pillow over her face (or something like his arm) at that moment, then fell back asleep. Maybe he then awoke again at 2am, realized she wasn't breathing so shook her to wake her up, and freaked from there.

Maybe in a drunken state he did these really stupid things that resulted in her accidental death. Not making excuses, just trying to figure it out.

Also, somewhere I read that he had called CE twice and snapchatted him once all in a very short timespan around 3:00am. I can't find that link now. But if so, the only times that make sense for CE to tell his friend he couldn't get blamed for anything had to occur at 1:00pm later that day, or 1:00am later that night (which is technically the next day).


To clarify, she said, "...silly drug bathroom"
City Drug (pharmacy in Alpine, RF has also worked there) is jokingly referred to as "silly drug"

The neighbor has also stated (off the public record, I have no proof other than my own ears) that the shaking bed was not their "normal" bed shaking sounds.
He said his gf heard a thump and asked him to go check. It could have been the thump of his car door, parking is very close to the house and the neighbor lives on the bottom floor. Or the thump of the door to the house closing. Maybe the screen door has a spring and slammed shut? If RF had to carry her out, he may have done it before whatever caused the thump sound.

After a person dies, the muscles relax and internal waste is excreted (to be blunt, pee and poo). Rigor mortis (stiffening) can happen in a couple of hours. If she were deceased and he left her in his apartment for very long, would he have been smart enough to put her in a position that would be easily movable after rigor mortis sets in? Would he have thought ahead to put her somewhere where he could thoroughly remove traces of waste later? I suspect he didn't consider those things and just got lucky by moving her out right away.

Or she may have been alive when he moved her. What if he gave her some rohypnol (roofie)? Too much could put her into a coma (as well as kill her). Had he realized she was unconscious, the 2am bed shaking could have been an attempt to wake her. Or she could have been having convulsions. If he had drugged her into unconsciousness, he wouldn't want to call 911. Probably wouldn't want to just keep her at his place and see what happens, either.

Yes, one of the neighbors has stated that they heard RF leave and return later. They then heard the sound of the shower. RF could have placed Zuzu in the bathtub or shower after strangling or suffocating her (my guess) and then went out to meet CE and figure of what to do next. Once he returned to his apartment and retrieved her from the tub, he would have turned the shower on to clean any bodily fluids left. Then I can imagine that he'd have wrapped her in a blanket and carried her downstairs. The thump the neighbors heard could have been the sound of RF placing ZuZu down on the stairs or against the wall as he opened the door. Just my thoughts.

Yes, one of the neighbors has stated that they heard RF leave and return later. They then heard the sound of the shower. RF could have placed Zuzu in the bathtub or shower after strangling or suffocating her (my guess) and then went out to meet CE and figure of what to do next. Once he returned to his apartment and retrieved her from the tub, he would have turned the shower on to clean any bodily fluids left. Then I can imagine that he'd have wrapped her in a blanket and carried her downstairs. The thump the neighbors heard could have been the sound of RF placing ZuZu down on the stairs or against the wall as he opened the door. Just my thoughts.


I have not read or heard that the neighbor stated he heard or saw RF return. At least not officially or publicly.
Only that he saw him leave around 4a.
It would be very interesting to know what kind of a drinker, and drunk he was. Was he amorous, angry, or happy when drinking? My money's on hostile. I also wonder if he took steroids?

On his FB account, there is a pic of him taking a selfie in a bathroom mirror (from 2014) and one of the comments is "is that the drug bathroom?", which indicates that drug use is not foreign to him.

All that because I was trying to play out a scenario that might make sense. It sure sounds like not too much time passed between the cooking, eating and laughing and the 11pm silence. I can see the following happening:

Is it possible that they ate, both got a little drunk and fell asleep by 11pm? Zuzu probably didn't need much alcohol since she was small and probably got drunk easily. And there was no mention of them having sex, which is actually very surprising, but fits into my scenario if they had drank too much. Anyway, maybe a little bit later Zuzu woke him up and it irritated him, so when the neighbor heard STFU, RF also held a pillow over her face (or something like his arm) at that moment, then fell back asleep. Maybe he then awoke again at 2am, realized she wasn't breathing so shook her to wake her up, and freaked from there.

Maybe in a drunken state he did these really stupid things that resulted in her accidental death. Not making excuses, just trying to figure it out.

Also, somewhere I read that he had called CE twice and snapchatted him once all in a very short timespan around 3:00am. I can't find that link now. But if so, the only times that make sense for CE to tell his friend he couldn't get blamed for anything had to occur at 1:00pm later that day, or 1:00am later that night (which is technically the next day).
Your scenario is along the lines of what I see happening. Similar.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
I have not read or heard that the neighbor stated he heard or saw RF return. At least not officially or publicly.
Only that he saw him leave around 4a.

It is my understanding that more than one neighbor was interviewed, no? I may have misspoken, but I do recall reading all of the neighbor statements via the many MSM articles and coming to that conclusion. I know there was a long gap of silence after the initial noise and arguing and we know RF left his apartment only to return later. Let me see what I can find.

ETA: The couple downstairs both gave statements. It appears the man only saw RF leave. I thought someone had said they heard him later inferring they heard him return after seeing him leave.


They make dinner like at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m., you could smell their food, and you can hear their conversation and then laugh a little bit. Then, it got quiet like after 11 p.m."

That silence didn't last long.

"We just heard one, like you know, shut the ‘F’ up and that was it," Franco said.

At around two that Wednesday morning, Franco heard Robert’s bed shake multiple times.

"We can hear him pacing back and forth, like all over the house,” Franco said. “Maybe around 3 o'clock in the morning, we hear him jump in the shower."

Then, one hour later Franco's girlfriend hears a loud thump and quickly wakes him up.

"She wanted me to go check, so I went to go check, and it was just Robert,” Franco said. “Robert was leaving, but his girlfriend's car was still parked out there."
It would be pretty hard to remove the mattress from the apartment without being noticed unless it was at night and with help. Since RF has family in the construction business, there might be a place where they burn lumbar scraps, etc. I can see RF trying to burn the mattress to destroy evidence. I see mattresses dumped roadside a lot too, but thinking RF would have wanted to destroy the evidence completely. He may have needed an accelerant to burn it since they are flame retardant. I hope every day the screws are twisted a little tighter for RF. Zuzu needs to come home.
I'm still very curious about what Robert was doing exactly when the neighbor looked out and saw him.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Hi everyone! In regards to the silence and then, later on the sound of the bed moving, I wonder if, in a moment of rage, he choked her unconcious or to the point of death and then after a while he went back to "see" if she was really dead by trying to wake her up by shaking her again.

He could have been attempting to perform CPR
I'm still very curious about what Robert was doing exactly when the neighbor looked out and saw him.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

I believe in his interview he looked outside and saw him leaving in the car, not actually see him outside of the car.

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It is my understanding that more than one neighbor was interviewed, no? I may have misspoken, but I do recall reading all of the neighbor statements via the many MSM articles and coming to that conclusion. I know there was a long gap of silence after the initial noise and arguing and we know RF left his apartment only to return later. Let me see what I can find.

ETA: The couple downstairs both gave statements. It appears the man only saw RF leave. I thought someone had said they heard him later inferring they heard him return after seeing him leave.

How many apartments/units are in this building? From the pics, it looks like 2 separate entrances at the front. I believe someone said something about a door on the back of the house and mentioned maybe a possible fire escape? I'm thinking RF was a tenant and the other couple was a tenant or is there another tenant also? This looks like a converted house that someone turned into an apartment building (like owner may have lived downstairs and fixed up the upstairs for rental income??
How many apartments/units are in this building? From the pics, it looks like 2 separate entrances at the front. I believe someone said something about a door on the back of the house and mentioned maybe a possible fire escape? I'm thinking RF was a tenant and the other couple was a tenant or is there another tenant also? This looks like a converted house that someone turned into an apartment building (like owner may have lived downstairs and fixed up the upstairs for rental income??
I had asked on CBS 7, and a local gentleman commented and said that it was a converted house. He said that there was little insulation inside, and very thin walls. I'm gathering, but don't hold me to it, that he has personal knowledge for whatever reason of these apartments.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Matt is also the station Manager for CBS7. He really cares a whole lot about our community. He puts a lot of work into what goes on the air.

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How many apartments/units are in this building? From the pics, it looks like 2 separate entrances at the front. I believe someone said something about a door on the back of the house and mentioned maybe a possible fire escape? I'm thinking RF was a tenant and the other couple was a tenant or is there another tenant also? This looks like a converted house that someone turned into an apartment building (like owner may have lived downstairs and fixed up the upstairs for rental income??
Here's the guy's reply to me:
"Basically its a big house turned into an apartment building. So everyone hears everyone basically. No insulation its pretty much as if someone was just upstairs in your house just a closed door separates the two apartments in the stairwell."

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Apropos of nothing except my own personal musing...

I think it's interesting that neither the Verks nor their representatives have set up a "Find ZuZu" Facebook page. I think that was a very wise decision. So often we see these FB pages deteriorate into a confusing mess of redundant suggestions and questions, gossip or worse. Multiple pages pop up, each with an agenda (DeOrr Kunz). The public feels entitled to information because the family has reached out for help, especially if there is also a account. Or the family or LE get unfairly attacked by unstable crimewatchers. It can get ugly and requires a lot of energy to keep the page focused IMO.

I'm sure well-managed FB pages can be helpful sometimes, such as coordinating wilderness searches (Alissa McCrann, Annie Schmidt, etc) or keeping attention on a case no one is covering (Stephanie Warner). In ZuZu's case, LE and the press have done an outstanding job of informing the public. And the public has done an outstanding job of supporting ZuZu's family. A FB page could not have done a better job IMO. Everyone participating in finding Zuzu is a class act. I'm so proud of Alpine, that little town I fell in love with in 2003.
Apropos of nothing except my own personal musing...

I think it's interesting that neither the Verks nor their representatives have set up a "Find ZuZu" Facebook page. I think that was a very wise decision. So often we see these FB pages deteriorate into a confusing mess of redundant suggestions and questions, gossip or worse. Multiple pages pop up, each with an agenda (DeOrr Kunz). The public feels entitled to information because the family has reached out for help, especially if there is also a account. Or the family or LE get unfairly attacked by unstable crimewatchers. It can get ugly and requires a lot of energy to keep the page focused IMO.

I'm sure well-managed FB pages can be helpful sometimes, such as coordinating wilderness searches (Alissa McCrann, Annie Schmidt, etc) or keeping attention on a case no one is covering (Stephanie Warner). In ZuZu's case, LE and the press have done an outstanding job of informing the public. And the public has done an outstanding job of supporting ZuZu's family. A FB page could not have done a better job IMO. Everyone participating in finding Zuzu is a class act. I'm so proud of Alpine, that little town I fell in love with in 2003.

There is actually a group simply titled Zuzu Verk, for the same purpose.

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There is actually a group simply titled Zuzu Verk, for the same purpose.

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Thanks. It's never popped up in my casual searches.

ETA: It's a public group rather than a FB page and it is well run and it's certainly low key! No drama.


There are also a couple of FB fund raising groups, also low key, and I don't see an obvious way to donate. I guess there's a somewhere.
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