UK - Actor Kevin Spacey accused of making sexual advances, 12 charges against 4 boys *acquitted in 2023*

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Now Danny Masterson (That 70’s Show) has been accused of rape.

“The outlet reports that four women have accused That '70s Show star Danny Masterson of rape, but the investigation into the case has stalled. The LAPD first started investigating the claims before turning the case over to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office. Now, the case is reportedly at a standstill, despite the reported wealth of evidence involved.”

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IIRC, there was a Scientology aspect of this as Masterson is a Scientologist.
Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey Face New Sexual Misconduct Accusations
by Phil Helsel and Elizabeth Chuck

Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, both already reeling from sexual misconduct accusations, now face fresh allegations — with one against Weinstein that could result in charges against the producer.

Weinstein has faced sexual harassment or assault allegations from more than 60 women. On Thursday, "Boardwalk Empire" actress Paz de la Huerta said that Weinstein raped her twice in 2010.

She told Vanity Fair that both encounters happened in her apartment, about a month apart, the first after Weinstein offered her a ride home and then another time after he showed up unannounced in her building lobby.

"He’s like a pig," de la Huerta told Vanity Fair. "He raped me.” ...

Wait a minute. He rapes her once then shows up in her lobby and she lets him in?. Huh? Unless he raped her in the lobby this makes no sense.
Wait a minute. He rapes her once then shows up in her lobby and she lets him in?. Huh? Unless he raped her in the lobby this makes no sense.

Letting someone into your apartment is not the same as giving the person permission to have sex with you. It could have been rape even if she asked him in, if he lived there, if he had his own key... whatever. However he got in doesn't mean what he did was okay.
Letting someone into your apartment is not the same as giving the person permission to have sex with you. It could have been rape even if she asked him in, if he lived there, if he had his own key... whatever. However he got in doesn't mean what he did was okay.

That's not what I was questioning. He already raped her allegedly. Who would then allow their rapist into their apartment willingly a few days later? It makes no sense at all.
That's not what I was questioning. He already raped her allegedly. Who would then allow their rapist into their apartment willingly?

She did for whatever reason. He might have promised like he did on the tape with the other woman who wore a wire. She might not have thought he was alone. The point is that she can still be in proximity to him and shouldn't be questioned as if she were at fault.
She did for whatever reason. He might have promised like he did on the tape with the other woman who wore a wire. She might not have thought he was alone. The point is that she can still be in proximity to him and shouldn't be questioned as if she were at fault.

By claiming she was raped and then days later allowing her rapist into her apartment she sets herself up to be questioned. HW is a pig, but this is very suspicious behavior on her part that I question. We will have to agree to disagree on her truthfulness. :)
By claiming she was raped and then days later allowing her rapist into her apartment she sets herself up to be questioned. HW is a pig, but this is very suspicious behavior on her part that I question. We will have to agree to disagree on her truthfulness. :)

And now you're accusing the victim of lying.
And now you're accusing the victim of lying.

Alleged victim. And yes, when you let the man who previously raped you into your apartment you do come across as a liar.
We will have to agree to disagree.
Alleged victim. And yes, when you let the man who previously raped you into your apartment you do come across as a liar.
We will have to agree to disagree.

You just said you're calling the victim a liar so I'm not sure what we're disagreeing on.
By claiming she was raped and then days later allowing her rapist into her apartment she sets herself up to be questioned. HW is a pig, but this is very suspicious behavior on her part that I question. We will have to agree to disagree on her truthfulness. :)

To question her is gross as is........
To question her is gross as is........

No, actually it's not. That's why we have a investigations and trials. However, obviously I've angered y'all by questioning behavior that to me is very suspicious. I didn't mean to (anger anyone). The subject really isn't worth arguing about to me, and we aren't going to change each other's minds anyway.
I think he's also using it as a shield, like it's some sort of protection - he thinks can use this because coming out is sacred, who would dare attack him at the same time? He got that wrong.

And "choosing" to live as a gay man isn't exactly coming out anyway.

He'd been living a bi lifestyle, having relationships with both sexes. He probably meant that he is more attracted to males, and he was done with the bi lifestyle. Some in the Gay community don't even acknowledge Bis, and call them fence-sitters. I can't remember everything that went on at drunken parties thirty years ago. This is why people should not invite, nor allow, folks, who are under age, to attend their adult parties, and adults should not go to parties where there will be heavy drinking, or other drug use, if they are easily offended. I've had people get so drunk they've urinated in the corner of my den, thinking they were in my bathroom (honest to goodness,actually opened a door that wasn't there), and remember zip about it the next day.
No, actually it's not. That's why we have a investigations and trials. However, obviously I've angered y'all by questioning behavior that to me is very suspicious. I didn't mean to (anger anyone). The subject really isn't worth arguing about to me, and we aren't going to change each other's minds anyway.

Your questions are the same as mine, they are reasonable, and indeed a court of law is where the facts should be sorted out. It's a scary time when social media assigns guilt and punishment.
That's not what I was questioning. He already raped her allegedly. Who would then allow their rapist into their apartment willingly a few days later? It makes no sense at all.

Um. Plenty of women. It's so easy to sit up in an ivory tower and question the actions of a victim of sexual assault, isn't it?

It is not as cut and dry as that. It's not like letting someone who stabbed you back into your house. There is emotional and mental manipulation that happens in sexual assault and rape. There is doubt, there is questioning your own ****ing sanity that it even happened the way you remember, compounded by OTHER people questioning your claims, calling you crazy, calling you a liar.

Gee, I wonder why women don't report sexual assault with questions like "who would let them in their house?"
Um. Plenty of women. It's so easy to sit up in an ivory tower and question the actions of a victim of sexual assault, isn't it?

It is not as cut and dry as that. It's not like letting someone who stabbed you back into your house. There is emotional and mental manipulation that happens in sexual assault and rape. There is doubt, there is questioning your own ****ing sanity that it even happened the way you remember, compounded by OTHER people questioning your claims, calling you crazy, calling you a liar.

Gee, I wonder why women don't report sexual assault with questions like "who would let them in their house?"

Exactly, it's not as cut and dried as accusations justifying guilt by social media. A rape victim who invites her rapist into her home a month after the rape must have nerves of steel.
He'd been living a bi lifestyle, having relationships with both sexes. He probably meant that he is more attracted to males, and he was done with the bi lifestyle. Some in the Gay community don't even acknowledge Bis, and call them fence-sitters. I can't remember everything that went on at drunken parties thirty years ago. This is why people should not invite, nor allow, folks, who are under age, to attend their adult parties, and adults should not go to parties where there will be heavy drinking, or other drug use, if they are easily offended. I've had people get so drunk they've urinated in the corner of my den, thinking they were in my bathroom (honest to goodness,actually opened a door that wasn't there), and remember zip about it the next day.

I don't know a single person who has sexually assaulted a minor while drunk. Not one. You think being drunk is a valid defense for sexual assault of a minor? Not wanting to be sexually assaulted is NOT being "easily offended." Please. I think it's a sad excuse for his actions and at first I thought he was out of touch and no one would excuse his behavior but now I wonder. Perhaps people are allowed to sexually assault minors if they've had too much to drink. Huh.

Here are comments from others about Spacey suddenly announcing he is more attracted to males:

Kevin Spacey’s Statement Blasted by GLAAD, Rose McGowan, Billy Eichner, and More
Dan Savage:
Nope to Kevin Spacey's statement. Nope. There's no amount of drunk or closeted that excuses or explains away assaulting a 14-year-old child.
Tom & Lorenzo:
"I feel pretty bad, but I don't remember any of it and I was probably really drunk! Also: LGBT PRIDE!!!"
George Takei:
“When power is used in a non-consensual situation, it is a wrong. For Anthony Rapp, he has had to live with the memory of this experience of decades ago. For Kevin Spacey, who claims not to remember the incident, he was the older, dominant one who had his way. Men who improperly harass or assault do not do so because they are gay or straight — that is a deflection. They do so because they have the power, and they chose to abuse it.”

How Kevin Spacey’s coming out fuels a dangerous myth about gay men and pedophilia
In the context of Rapp’s allegations, however, Spacey’s decision to officially come out now seems more like deflection than something genuine. As many observers have been quick to emphasize, it’s difficult to ignore the possibility that Spacey was making a calculated move to spin the news cycle in his favor.

Celebrities React With Fury Over Kevin Spacey's Apology To Anthony Rapp
Faith Choyce:
I've been very very gay and very very drunk many many many times but never hit on a child so Kevin Spacey needs a better apology.
Wanda Sykes:
No no no no no! You do not get to “choose” to hide under the rainbow! Kick rocks!

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