UK - Actor Kevin Spacey accused of making sexual advances, 12 charges against 4 boys *acquitted in 2023*

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I I wonder how many Kevin Spacey Netflix films were accessed on the day Netflix announced that Spacey was toast due to festering social media rumor.

Hopefully this recent business about sexual misconduct in the movie industry will be sorted out before the consumer is compromised.

What do you mean before the consumer is compromised?
This allegation that Harry Dreyfuss recounts, if true, and it just has the ring of truth, to me. No alcohol involved, his father was there, he's reading for a roll... this is a control and power thing. He knew HD wouldn't tell his father, and there, he has RD's son, right there, assaulting him, pretty much in front of him! RD, another award winning actor, and he literally... well, he seems to have gotten traits of his father. It looks like nature and nurture at work here.

I don't see this as "power and control". I see this as a young man who is looking to see what he can get away with being given a green light to continue. He continued as a gay man openly harassing straight men for decades.

What would have happened if Dreyfuss had reported Spacey's predatory behavior? Would it have been swept under the Hollywood carpet as he expected and would Spacey have continued to scale to the monster he is today regardless of reports of predatory sexual behavior against boys?
This allegation that Harry Dreyfuss recounts, if true, and it just has the ring of truth, to me. No alcohol involved, his father was there, he's reading for a roll... this is a control and power thing. He knew HD wouldn't tell his father, and there, he has RD's son, right there, assaulting him, pretty much in front of him! RD, another award winning actor, and he literally... well, he seems to have gotten traits of his father. It looks like nature and nurture at work here.

Whether Spacey was drunk or sober, he was asserting control. I agree on the nature and nurture. He counted on his victims to be silent based on fear, humiliation, or a combination. Right through to the most recent allegations where he was bold and unapologetic until he was forced to.
'There's nothing "sleazy" about giving the 'benefit of the doubt'.
Thirty years ago Kevin Spacy was a thirty year old likely encouraged and emboldened by the illegality of homosexuality, it would not be unusual for him to express his disdain for the law .

Anna Nicole Smith had power over an old man with money, and Micheal Jackson had power over children who wanted to see his zoo. What sort of "power thing" do you think was going on between Spacey and his victims? Do you think it was a male dominance thing, or was he searching for love with aggressive male on male sexuality?

I think he may not have known how to "connect' and did so in a bold, and aggressive, manor. I've been around those types of folks. It's like no one has taught them how to approach, and talk to, another human being who they find attractive, or interesting. The thing with HD, was probably power, and thrill. Possibly over RD too. Imagine doing that?!

I do want to say, that whether gay, or straight, the times, sexually, were very, very, different, thirty years ago, than they are now. Not to excuse, but he may not have noticed a changing trend, being in an industry that has been known for "loose" behaviour, for lack of a better word, since its inception. Looking back, you photos of underage kid stars in clubs, like Studio 54 and CBGB, back in the day.
Whether Spacey was drunk or sober, he was asserting control. I agree on the nature and nurture. He counted on his victims to be silent based on fear, humiliation, or a combination. Right through to the most recent allegations where he was bold and unapologetic until he was forced to.

I agree. Even if he did get black out drunk, and did not remember, the control, and aggressive nature, was under there. We are who we are. If while sober, he could control his bad behaviour, then he should not ever drink again. It seems though, that he has had bad behaviour while sober. I think that this is a man who needs some serious therapy, but I don't know that he'll accept that. His brother called him an empty vessel, I believe? Just some random thoughts.
I agree. Even if he did get black out drunk, and did not remember, the control, and aggressive nature, was under there. We are who we are. If while sober, he could control his bad behaviour, then he should not ever drink again. It seems though, that he has had bad behaviour while sober. I think that this is a man who needs some serious therapy, but I don't know that he'll accept that. His brother called him an empty vessel, I believe? Just some random thoughts.

We heard rumors for years that something was going on in his sex life that the public didn't know about. I don't believe that is was that he was gay. I believe it is that he is sexually inappropriate. I bet since he is "such a good actor" who brought millions to movies he was in that all of the producers and people on set kept shut. They'd rather make sure the movie goes to edit and is released for $$$ rather than discipline/fire their "star talent" and potenitally lose millions. Things are changing!
I think he is an empty vessel. He must not be so far away from his character in HOC or American Beauty. His predatory/cold calculating acting in movies is not really acting but appears to be who he actually is-- devoid of a moral compass.
We heard rumors for years that something was going on in his sex life that the public didn't know about. I don't believe that is was that he was gay. I believe it is that he is sexually inappropriate. I bet since he is "such a good actor" who brought millions to movies he was in that all of the producers and people on set kept shut. They'd rather make sure the movie goes to edit and is released for $$$ rather than discipline/fire their "star talent" and potenitally lose millions. Things are changing!

I think you are exactly right. In the entertainment industry being gay is hardly something people keep secret anymore. Kevin could have come out years ago if that's all it was and his career would have survived. Look at how beloved George Takei, Jim Parsons, and Neil Patrick Harris (etc.) are. It's not the 1950s.
When will the excuses stop? First it's the victim is lying. Then it's well gay men are sexually aggressive. Then it's the times were different back then. He probably thought the kid was of age because he was at a party. People use sex to get ahead all the time. So sick of it.
I don't see this as "power and control". I see this as a young man who is looking to see what he can get away with being given a green light to continue. He continued as a gay man openly harassing straight men for decades.

What would have happened if Dreyfuss had reported Spacey's predatory behavior? Would it have been swept under the Hollywood carpet as he expected and would Spacey have continued to scale to the monster he is today regardless of reports of predatory sexual behavior against boys?

That would have been in 2008 or so. In that era, I can definitely see your perspective. He's got money, he's recognized, relatively attractive, men and women, were attracted to him. Some probably did not mind playing the little games, tbqf. Coming from the viewpoint, of someone from the foothills of Appalachia, I think it would have been swept under the carpet even then, as, Hey, it's Hollywood!
When will the excuses stop? First it's the victim is lying. Then it's well gay men are sexually aggressive. Then it's the times were different back then. He probably thought the kid was of age because he was at a party. People use sex to get ahead all the time. So sick of it.

They do use sex to get ahead. I'd not want to think that someone slept with me just to get a job, and I'd not want to think I got a job just because I slept with someone. Both are degrading.
We heard rumors for years that something was going on in his sex life that the public didn't know about. I don't believe that is was that he was gay. I believe it is that he is sexually inappropriate. I bet since he is "such a good actor" who brought millions to movies he was in that all of the producers and people on set kept shut. They'd rather make sure the movie goes to edit and is released for $$$ rather than discipline/fire their "star talent" and potenitally lose millions. Things are changing!

It is interesting that there are so many folks who are "sexually inappropriate". There was a fella, who was, for all intents and purposes, a nice fella, but, again, back in another era...way back, he'd come up behind a girl, and just literally, pick her up! He was trying to flirt, I suppose, and it was kinda funny. I read about a program they instituted in Africa, that goes into schools, and teaches young girls, and boys, about appropriate behaviour, and rape prevention. I know parents should teach these things, but many parents are uncomfortable talking with their children about sexual situations and what is acceptable behaviour. I'd say many never think to provide that information. Then, you have some folks, who aren't wired right, and all the talking, and classes, in the world isn't going to change what and who they are.

No Means No
I remember when I first starting watching Kevin Spacey years ago I thought there was something about him that was creepy. He just seemed creepy to me, then I saw him in a few movies and I really liked his acting and appreciated his talents. I guess it bothers me a little that my initial impressions were more true than I realized. Idk, how to reconcile this bad judgment on my part . I guess I'm just questioning my ability to judge the character of people, yet my first impressions were right. It makes me mad at myself.

ETA: nevermind, I realize his character and his talent are two totally different things. :)
When will the excuses stop? First it's the victim is lying. Then it's well gay men are sexually aggressive. Then it's the times were different back then.

He probably thought the kid was of age because he was at a party. People use sex to get ahead all the time. So sick of it.


Yes, he was drunk, doesn't remember, and probably thought anyone wandering around a drunken party is of age. Spacey didn't need sex to get ahead, but he did exploit others through sexuality after he was famous - per social media justice.
I think he may not have known how to "connect' and did so in a bold, and aggressive, manor. I've been around those types of folks. It's like no one has taught them how to approach, and talk to, another human being who they find attractive, or interesting. The thing with HD, was probably power, and thrill. Possibly over RD too. Imagine doing that?!

I do want to say, that whether gay, or straight, the times, sexually, were very, very, different, thirty years ago, than they are now. Not to excuse, but he may not have noticed a changing trend, being in an industry that has been known for "loose" behaviour, for lack of a better word, since its inception. Looking back, you photos of underage kid stars in clubs, like Studio 54 and CBGB, back in the day.

Again - we will never know what is in his head when he comes onto men - no point in going there.

The relationship between an aggressive gay male [e.g.: lies on top of a younger male for fun] and other men thirty years ago was very different than today. For starters, films with derogatory terms for gay men were boldly contending for oscars twenty years ago.
That would have been in 2008 or so. In that era, I can definitely see your perspective. He's got money, he's recognized, relatively attractive, men and women, were attracted to him. Some probably did not mind playing the little games, tbqf. Coming from the viewpoint, of someone from the foothills of Appalachia, I think it would have been swept under the carpet even then, as, Hey, it's Hollywood!

The opposite side of the coin is whether careers were made because the predatory sexual behavior was not reported? Everyone is tiptoeing around this because it could be interpreted as victims' compliance in exchange for favours - not always money, but a recommendation, introduction, or party favor.
I remember when I first starting watching Kevin Spacey years ago I thought there was something about him that was creepy. He just seemed creepy to me, then I saw him in a few movies and I really liked his acting and appreciated his talents. I guess it bothers me a little that my initial impressions were more true than I realized. Idk, how to reconcile this bad judgment on my part . I guess I'm just questioning my ability to judge the character of people, yet my first impressions were right. It makes me mad at myself.

ETA: nevermind, I realize his character and his talent are two totally different things. :)

In Beautiful Life and The Life of David Gale, he is completely flat, always with a bit of a smile as though he has a secret. House of Cards has never interested me - does he play a role with a flat character there too?
Exactly, everything that has happened, even if it is twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years ago, was more than likely acceptable behavior at the time. To judge thirty year old behavior by today's standards, for the most part none of this would have happened if today's standards had been in place back then.

Am I reading this correctly? You think that twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years ago the behavior of Kevin Spacey towards a fourteen year old boy was "acceptable at the time"?

I can assure you it was no more acceptable then than it is now.
Rape on a minor or anyone else, never was and never will be acceptable behavior.

Sexual misconduct on a minor or anyone else, never was and never will be acceptable behavior.

Sexual harassment on a minor or anyone else, never was and never will be acceptable behavior.

Shocked, but not shocked that this still needs to be said. Wth is happening? It isn't ok for people to touch you when you don't want them to. PERIOD. EVER. IN ALL OF HISTORY and present day.

If you do not feel this way, we need you to WAKE UP. People are being hurt out there! We need it to stop! Being sexually and physically assaulted changes peoples lives for the worse. It is very difficult to get over. It scars our being. We need people who don't understand this to start and try their best to understand this. We need your help the most so that there are less victims and less victim bashing. This will help people to report these crimes and not stay silent. Without you, it is going to be a lot slower.

Most humans don't want other humans to be in emotional and physical pain.
The opposite side of the coin is whether careers were made because the predatory sexual behavior was not reported? Everyone is tiptoeing around this because it could be interpreted as victims' compliance in exchange for favours - not always money, but a recommendation, introduction, or party favor.
Except the kid did not comply. He simply did not press charges. Most 14 year old would be afraid to whether the man was famous or not, then and now.

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