UK - Alesha MacPhail, 6, raped & murdered, Ardbeg, Isle of Bute, Scotland, 2 Jul 2018 -*arrest* #5

DNA Solves
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I was convinced that AC was guilty but this post-verdict revelation from his mother that TMc’s aunty said TMc saw Alesha at 2 am raises significant questions, so much so that had the jury been aware of this, they may well have found this case to be not proven
Have only seen that quoted here and not on any court texts or witness statements . She states 12 am in court . Maybe she says 2 am because it was after a call from AC . or someone has mistook it from 12 am
Personally, I am not sure why the police would need to look elsewhere once they had a DNA link from the accused to the victim. I am sure, at the outset, all people were looked at. It was his DNA that came back as being on the victim. At that point he was, and should have been, their only suspect.

He was tried, and found guilty, on the mainland. The jury would not (or should not) have been privy to any accusation of prior bad acts.


Indeed. There was no reason for his DNA to be there unless he was the one that did it. The idea that his DNA could have been applied to the pressure points and bruises is crazy.

Everyone I have spoken to in the past day or so keep asking the same question: "how on earth did he get her out of the house?"

He asked the same question himself shortly after the killing to his friends in group chat: "how did they get her out" he asked. That would say to me it was perhaps an unusual way that nobody would have thought of?
But it was leaked to her by the family of the one he claims was involved which makes it stranger.

Maybe I’m trying to apply reason to madness but it’s strange. This idea he was so quick he left no dna at the flat...yet two days later is researching basic dna techniques. The idea he knew to throw stuff in the sea to get rid of evidence, yet left a posed scene full of dna as well. It’s full of contradictions and as he’s not admitting it, I guess they will remain that way.

I think there’s more depth to this case, however the outcome is the same I guess and the important aspect is the poor little girl, not the private lives of those involved.

The aunt was friends with the accused mum so would of know the house had cctv.. Could she have initially actually said check for any sign of alesha given they were on same road and then the mum discovered his comings and goings?

All that we know from how the cctv came about is the people involved and everyone remembers things differently... Jmo xx
I suspect something happened that night that made him snap-argument with his mother and maybe something at the party. We know he was crying, could have been more issues. So the party ended at 12.30pm and he left his house to abduct Alesha around 2am? something significant happened within that time frame. Like he said himself, someone would have to be fantisizing about this for some while to actually carry it out. My guess is that he's always had a sexual attraction towards children but repressed it-hence no child *advertiser censored* on his computer. He didn't want to be that way, maybe that's where the anger came from. Just one theory but I also suspect there is multitude of reasons why he did what he did that night. All of them we'll never know.

I agree, we will never know why he did, what he did, on that night. I do not, personally, believe that it was planned. I think it was a crime of opportunity. Whether the alcohol, the anger he felt towards his mother, or any other issue made him make the decisions that he did that night, I did not think we will ever be privy to. He was angry, he saw an opportunity, and he took it. Whether he had long instilled attraction to young children, whether he had a deep instilled need to kill, whether it was just an need to make someone else feel a high level of pain. We will never know. To be honest, I don't think I want to know.

All of that and probably even more. A quick search on Bundy and Pacteau and you see similarities. But this case is always going to be a puzzler to me. It will be discussed for a very long time. Maybe more in depth analysis as to his mental state other than pre court will show that he will serve his time in the State hospital rather than Barlinnie.
Have only seen that quoted here and not on any court texts or witness statements . She states 12 am in court . Maybe she says 2 am because it was after a call from AC . or someone has mistook it from 12 am

Yeah, I'm not buying this 2 am thing. Someone maybe wants to keep claiming this so it becomes true in peoples minds then it becomes a conspiracy.
Indeed. There was no reason for his DNA to be there unless he was the one that did it. The idea that his DNA could have been applied to the pressure points and bruises is crazy.

Everyone I have spoken to in the past day or so keep asking the same question: "how on earth did he get her out of the house?"

He asked the same question himself shortly after the killing to his friends in group chat: "how did they get her out" he asked. That would say to me it was perhaps an unusual way that nobody would have thought of?

I did suggest before that she may have been on the stairwell. We do know he was there, at some point. I do not believe that his palm print was from some months before (given the evidence that RM stopped selling him drugs in February). I, personally, feel that he may have headed there with the intention of getting drugs. When he entered the 'public' stairwell he walked up and A was there. Whether playing with the toys stored there or with the stair lift. I thought his comment to his friends was 'how did she get out of the house'.

I think the DNA evidence was overwhelming, IMO.
I did suggest before that she may have been on the stairwell. We do know he was there, at some point. I do not believe that his palm print was from some months before (given the evidence that RM stopped selling him drugs in February). I, personally, feel that he may have headed there with the intention of getting drugs. When he entered the 'public' stairwell he walked up and A was there. Whether playing with the toys stored there or with the stair lift. I thought his comment to his friends was 'how did she get out of the house'.

I think the DNA evidence was overwhelming, IMO.

'How did she get out of the house' was the comment I believe, yes. It seemed like a boast but also a nod in the direction of - they will never guess.

Very possible Alesha was on the stairs.
I think he's very mentally and emotionally broken honestly. I understand why people have the perception of him being unaffected, cold and emotionless - especially given what he did - but I don't know if I feel the same way. He cried the night of the party because of family problems, he cried when his mother went to see him in prison, he self-harmed and was suicidal and I read another comment that described him as "not mentally strong".

Now don't get me wrong, none of that in the slightest ever could or ever will justify any of his actions. What he did was utterly heinous and it doesn't matter how depressed or how broken you are, you don't take it out on an innocent child. But I just don't get the impression of him being a sophisticated, stone-cold, master manipulator. I think he's a damaged individual who can't even admit to himself what's wrong with him or come to terms with what he's done.
First time poster here.

I’m a teacher and I’ve worked with a lot of pupils with Behavioral issues and this case has really gotten to me. The 16 year old boys I teach seem so young but I know some of them have, in rare cases, done/ gone on to do awful things. It never gets any easier because they have all that youth and potential and it’s hard when they choose the wrong path. Thankfully most with tough backgrounds don’t go on to commit serious crimes and many are inspired by their tough starts to turn themselves around and do good with their lives. It’s sad to see that AC seemingly had a lot of advantages in life compared to some.

I think that a lot of factors horribly came into play that night. He was angry and on top of that had been drinking. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and maybe this is what gave him confidence to go and break in - to get weed. Then somehow, the opportunity to take Alesha arose and he took it.

I genuinely believed he didn’t worry about leaving dna because he didn’t think there was any chance of being caught. If his mum hadn’t contacted the police then he would have stood a very good chance of getting away with it. I very much doubt police would request dna samples from 16 year olds without strong evidence. They might have caught him through the clothing/knife being identified as his but he slipped up there thinking the sea would wash them away and they wouldn’t be found. I think he thought he’d covered his tracks well enough and thought he hadn’t been seen.

I think we can infer that he is fairly used to avoiding people/cctv on the island from the route he took along the shore - possibly from when he was using weed or committing petty crimes as it has been reported that he said he was getting blamed for things.

To me, there is a difference to how he walks when he knows he’s on camera and the runs when he thinks he’s getting out of view. The last outing he looks more panicked- I think maybe he did leave his phone at the murder site?

The fact that he seems confident/cold in his personality coupled with the alcohol resulted in his behaviour escalating that night, with devastating consequences.

I’m just so thankful his mum did the right thing. It’s frightening to think of him going on to kill again.

With regards to TM, I think she looks v thin, and care-worn. To me it looks like this whole thing has taken a toll on her whereas it has been reported that he is cold/detached and lacks empathy. His personality fits with the type of crime committed. I hope TM gets the support she needs. I couldn’t imagine having all that press exposure and judgement at 18.

All my own opinion.
Sorry but is anyone here an active police officer in the case? Just asking because I see a lot of mud thrown at Toni and never once has she been a suspect? You guys have obviously seen something the authorities haven't.
Lord Matthews handed out the longest ever sentence to date in Scotland 37 years. Im hoping he surpasses that.
Doubt he will for such a young man with no record although it has been stated it the wickedest/most evil he (judge) has seen .
Only thing I am worried about if he is ever let out is re offending as he has fooled everyone into thinking hes a normal buy and yet had these dark desires or impulses . Some peoples behavior is very different while drinking . Some people fight that are completely sociable when sober so it depends how he reacts to his surroundings if he is able to be rehabilitated .
Although an extreme case I know I did and thought things when I was 16 that I would not consider just now 20 years later Maybe if he has a torturous relationship with Mother and he is separated from this then his violent emotions may become suppressed to make him less likely to commit such atrocities or if as some people suggest that people are born this way the he will always be a risk to the public and so the judge must decide what is appropriate He has mentioned that maybe he will never be released but it is unheard of for someone to have an indefinite sentence potentially for 80 years in Scotland . I have not heard of such a sentence that exists.
My guess is there will be some leniency so around 20 years then heavy supervision indefinitely but the government would have to indefinitely fund this as how does someone integrate after such a history.
Would he need a new identity if he is released even though a lot of people know what he looks like .
My worry is just now that he does not seem to regret his actions and that is a big worry to have the potential for someone like that to be released anytime
The aunt was friends with the accused mum so would of know the house had cctv.. Could she have initially actually said check for any sign of alesha given they were on same road and then the mum discovered his comings and goings?

All that we know from how the cctv came about is the people involved and everyone remembers things differently... Jmo xx

This is what I thought. His mum had CCTV and lived minutes from the crime scene. She was probably recommended to check it to see if she saw anything - just turns out she saw her son. It would have been expected the ordinary walking route from MacPhails home to the crime scene would be along Ardbeg Road, so would have been sensible to check if they saw someone up to no good.
This is what I thought. His mum had CCTV and lived minutes from the crime scene. She was probably recommended to check it to see if she saw anything - just turns out she saw her son. It would have been expected the ordinary walking route from MacPhails home to the crime scene would be along Ardbeg Road, so would have been sensible to check if they saw someone up to no good.

Yes I think the same
First time poster here.

I’m a teacher and I’ve worked with a lot of pupils with Behavioral issues and this case has really gotten to me. The 16 year old boys I teach seem so young but I know some of them have, in rare cases, done/ gone on to do awful things. It never gets any easier because they have all that youth and potential and it’s hard when they choose the wrong path. Thankfully most with tough backgrounds don’t go on to commit serious crimes and many are inspired by their tough starts to turn themselves around and do good with their lives. It’s sad to see that AC seemingly had a lot of advantages in life compared to some.

I think that a lot of factors horribly came into play that night. He was angry and on top of that had been drinking. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and maybe this is what gave him confidence to go and break in - to get weed. Then somehow, the opportunity to take Alesha arose and he took it.

I genuinely believed he didn’t worry about leaving dna because he didn’t think there was any chance of being caught. If his mum hadn’t contacted the police then he would have stood a very good chance of getting away with it. I very much doubt police would request dna samples from 16 year olds without strong evidence. They might have caught him through the clothing/knife being identified as his but he slipped up there thinking the sea would wash them away and they wouldn’t be found. I think he thought he’d covered his tracks well enough and thought he hadn’t been seen.

I think we can infer that he is fairly used to avoiding people/cctv on the island from the route he took along the shore - possibly from when he was using weed or committing petty crimes as it has been reported that he said he was getting blamed for things.

To me, there is a difference to how he walks when he knows he’s on camera and the runs when he thinks he’s getting out of view. The last outing he looks more panicked- I think maybe he did leave his phone at the murder site?

The fact that he seems confident/cold in his personality coupled with the alcohol resulted in his behaviour escalating that night, with devastating consequences.

I’m just so thankful his mum did the right thing. It’s frightening to think of him going on to kill again.

With regards to TM, I think she looks v thin, and care-worn. To me it looks like this whole thing has taken a toll on her whereas it has been reported that he is cold/detached and lacks empathy. His personality fits with the type of crime committed. I hope TM gets the support she needs. I couldn’t imagine having all that press exposure and judgement at 18.

All my own opinion.

This is really well put. I concur with everything you've said.
I wonder if at sentencing they will publicly share the aggravating and motivating factors with the public, as well as the assessment of risk of reoffending / harm. I think that would help settle a lot of the questions many people have.
With regards to his crying at times - he seems to cry for himself not others. It sounds like pretty much everyone was in tears in the courtroom at some point but not him? I don’t think he’s emotionless but he definitely comes across from the court reporting as lacking empathy. I don’t doubt for a second that he’s got emotional issues though.
Would just like to say what a massive difference the Mothers Cameras input has made to the case . Without it they would have clothes / knife on the beach / DNA at scene / Shore CCTV . Print at stair rail but without the lead from his Mother and if he was not a suspect then noone to match them to so the CCTV has ultimately led to him being caught. Without it there would be no clear timeline of the unfortunate events other than a blurred image on shore that could have been anyone without the surrounding evidence
He might have been caught without it but can you imagine how long it would have taken to make him a suspect with no direct evidence linking him to the crime . Only sniff at a lead would be a text to a drug dealer in the middle of the night and as if they would want to mention that to the Police . Although it seems fairly early on as seen from TM testimony that islanders suspected him but would that be enough for Police to arrest him to get a fingerprint and DNA based on gossip ?
I doubt it and I think we should be thankful that they caught this culprit before it escalated even further
I respectfully disagree, whilst the perception we get from the trial is wishy washy, I believe the evidence is, actually, rather strong. We have the semen of the accused inside the victim. There is no argument of contamination (i.e. particles from any implement that inserted this). There are, additionally, 13 other areas of DNA over a vast area of the victims body. Such a volume could not be put down to simple touch transfer.

In respect of the clothing that was worn by the accused, it would be extremely unlucky, highly unlikely, that the murderer just happened to be wearing clothing (both underwear and jogging bottoms) that were microscopically similar to those that the accused 'lost' in the days prior to the murder. It is also extremely unlikely that the clothing, as 'lost' by the accused could have been in the salt water of the sea for the period claimed given that his DNA was recovered from them (I posted an article on one of the previous threads which stated that DNA was lost in salt water after a period of 12 hours). The clothes, if we follow the accused timeline, would have been in the water for a number of days.

The knife, was a branded knife, the mother owned a set of those knives and one was missing. It has also been stated in recent articles that the accused had been carrying a knife since first year (I assume they mean the first year of secondary education).

I do not agree that CCTV was drip-fed. Given that we have three separate CCTV videos it is highly likely that residents were asked to check their CCTV for any sight of A. We know that the accused left and returned to the home on three separate occasions. This evidence, quite clearly, speaks for itself.

In respect of the DNA at the McPhail home, I do not believe that the accused ever entered the actual home, just the stairwell. Thus, he would not have left any DNA there. Similarly, in respect of the lack of DNA at the accused's home, A was never in the home. Therefore, it would be highly unlikely that you would find her DNA there.

I did not come into this case with any preconceived notion. I did not have any idea of any rumoured past deeds of the accused. My belief that he carried out these acts is due to the evidence as presented.


This is such a good post, I wish I could like it twice.
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