UK UK - Alistair Wilson, 30, murdered at home, Nairn, Scotland, 28 Nov 2004

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He wouldn't be heading back towards the scene, yes he would pass the junction at crescent road to his left, but from there he wouldn't be visible as both the havelock hotel and the braeval hotel would be blocking his view onto the house. No-one from the house either would have seen him due to there view being blocked aswell.

Not heading to Crescent Road - but closer to it when he knows there will be a 999 'someone has been shot' call: if it were me, I'd prefer to be a bit further away knowing what is on the way?
See attached different angle. Cars passing would not need to take any more avoiding action than for any of the other cars parked along the road (of which there would likely be a few on a weekend)
I'm not disputing that the car is parked there but it still doesn't explain why the gunman would risk pulling up there. Its not a common parking space and the houses next to it have there own driveways. It would still obstruct oncoming traffic travelling behind it, from especially a larger vehicle like a bus or bin lorry. They would still have to manoeuvre onto the other side of the road as the car is parked on a bend next to a junction where there is oncoming traffic. But all that to one side it still doesn't answer my question as to why the gunman would park up next to this junction then run the risk of being seen or witnessed by someone putting something down the drain, and running the risk of exposing himself by getting out of the car. As I said in my previous post why didn't he not just dump the gun down the drain one of the drains on the drivers side on seabank road? That way he wouldn't have had to leave his car at all?
I'm not disputing that the car is parked there but it still doesn't explain why the gunman would risk pulling up there. Its not a common parking space and the houses next to it have there own driveways. It would still obstruct oncoming traffic travelling behind it, from especially a larger vehicle like a bus or bin lorry. They would still have to manoeuvre onto the other side of the road as the car is parked on a bend next to a junction where there is oncoming traffic. But all that to one side it still doesn't answer my question as to why the gunman would park up next to this junction then run the risk of being seen or witnessed by someone putting something down the drain, and running the risk of exposing himself by getting out of the car. As I said in my previous post why didn't he not just dump the gun down the drain one of the drains on the drivers side on seabank road? That way he wouldn't have had to leave his car at all?

Highly unlikely to be HGVs or Bin Lorries on a Sunday evening; the killer would know if there was anything behind him: the question is, would the killer Pull up there with someone behind him, or not - I think the road was clear so no one would see him. The nearest house can't see the road due the hedge; the houses across the junction again have no view from their lower floors of the road (except perhaps somone at the very top of the window. Given the traffic light sequence then the greatest risk of being seen was someone appearing around the corner on foot - which could have easily happened whatever transport he was using. The question about why he did not use any of the dozens of drains he must have passed before that point (whether on foot, two or four wheels) is valid: Perhaps he did plan to drop the gun earlier but at those points there were cars/people about at those points?

I absolutely agree to pull a car up, get out and drop a gun in a drain would be foolhardy when a place is busy, my view is at that time on a Sunday Evening Seabank Road would not have been busy enough to cause the killer concern.
Not heading to Crescent Road - but closer to it when he knows there will be a 999 'someone has been shot' call: if it were me, I'd prefer to be a bit further away knowing what is on the way?
He would most likely had been on foot by this point heading to Marine Apartments when the 999 call was made aswell, which takes slightly longer to reach to. Its definitely a shorter distance between crescent road and the links car park, so in theory he would have been able to get out of the area slightly quicker and would have spent less time on foot with oppose to running towards the marine apartments where its definitely more lit up and he could have been seen by someone. I also doubt anyone would have been thinking at the present moment in time to run around to the back of Crescent Road to see if they could catch anyone or the killer in there tracks. From the information I have all the focus was on the doorstep and Alistair Wilson who was clearly dying. Even by the time police attended the scene and cordoned the area of then made the decision to stop traffic coming in and out of Nairn it was way to late. Your taking about a 20 - 30 mins window in which the killer had in order to escape without being caught. The Police weren't prepared for this kind of crime to take place, and the people who commissioned this hit knew that
Highly unlikely to be HGVs or Bin Lorries on a Sunday evening; the killer would know if there was anything behind him: the question is, would the killer Pull up there with someone behind him, or not - I think the road was clear so no one would see him. The nearest house can't see the road due the hedge; the houses across the junction again have no view from their lower floors of the road (except perhaps somone at the very top of the window. Given the traffic light sequence then the greatest risk of being seen was someone appearing around the corner on foot - which could have easily happened whatever transport he was using. The question about why he did not use any of the dozens of drains he must have passed before that point (whether on foot, two or four wheels) is valid: Perhaps he did plan to drop the gun earlier but at those points there were cars/people about at those points?

I absolutely agree to pull a car up, get out and drop a gun in a drain would be foolhardy when a place is busy, my view is at that time on a Sunday Evening Seabank Road would not have been busy enough to cause the killer concern.
There is literally no definitive answer to this, so all we can do is speculate on it. I just can't see in my opinion why the gunmen would risk been seen at all getting out of his car to dump the weapon down the drain - busy or not there is still houses nearby there is still the chance that another car could pull in at the junction opposite the drain, and ofcourse there could be dog walkers or people waking in general. If I'm the killer I'd know that all those things could possibly happen so I wouldn't want to risk it at all. Therefore the only thing that makes sense is that he had a getaway driver which would have made the whole process easier. He clearly didn't want to have the gun on him when he was leaving Nairn
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Doorstep murder: Witness in Canada interviewed over Alistair Wilson shooting

Detectives investigating the unsolved murder of a father-of-two in the Highlands 17 years ago have interviewed a witness in Canada.

Alistair Wilson was shot on the doorstep of his home in Nairn on the evening of 28 November 2004.

The 30-year-old bank manager later died in hospital.

Police Scotland said major investigation team officers travelled to Nova Scotia last week to carry out witness interviews.


Detectives fly to Canada to interview Nova Scotia witnesses in bid to solve 2004 murder | Daily Mail Online
''Detective Superintendent Graeme Mackie said: 'Officers are carrying out inquiries in Canada in connection with the murder of Alistair Wilson at his home in Nairn in November 2004.

'Police Scotland is working closely with colleagues in Nova Scotia to carry out witness interviews as part of the investigation.''


The gun (pictured above) was recovered from a drain near Mr Wilson's home 10 days after his murder

'More than 17 years have passed since Alistair was fatally shot on the doorstep of his home, but time is no barrier to justice.

'We remain committed to ensuring the person responsible for his murder is brought to justice so that we can give his family the answers they deserve.

'I would urge anyone with any information, no matter how small or insignificant they feel it may be, to come forward and speak to detectives.

'Please do not assume that the police already know the information you possess.'''

Anyone with information is asked to call 101, quoting reference 0515, or e-mail a dedicated inbox at
That’s the one. Apparently a former pub landlord (in Nairn?)
apparently, there was quite a big bust up of a drugs gang in nova. Scotia last also seems to be a relatively common surname there...only relatively, but it could mean that he moved there because he had relatives there.

aside from the complaints the Wilsons made about the. hotel, didn't they once try to run a hotel, but it didn't work out...could be the police think there are connections within the hotel trade in Nairn and he knows something.

something must have cropped up to make them travel over...maybe he's just said something to someone in Nova Scotia that made them think he knows something....
Getting mixed up here ..

the chap in Canada is not the guy mentioned in the Daily record article ( Shaun Douglas in daily record) Nairn banker Alistair Wilson murder cops on trail of expat former neighbour

according to the sun newspaper it’s Andy Burnett that going to be questioned in Canada. Cops quiz ex-bar boss over unsolved doorstep assassination of Scots banker

he is quite interesting, golfing friend of victim , ran a pub/hotel across the road from his home (Alastair’s wife ran over to get help that night) and was in dispute with him over a unplanned outdoor seating area which was affecting the victim , noise , bottles thrown in garden etc.

Remember when Alistair and Veronica initially bought 10 crescent road it was to continue running it as a guesthouse and restaurant (Lothian house ) but for whatever reason?? it didn’t take off and they presumably made it all their home ( they were living in it as well as running it as a business)

So , could this individual and his business and Alistair and his , and the later falling out they had be linked and provide any motivation?

On Google maps the distance between the two properties is tiny , more a lane than a road.

Google Maps
Getting mixed up here ..

the chap in Canada is not the guy mentioned in the Daily record article ( Shaun Douglas in daily record) Nairn banker Alistair Wilson murder cops on trail of expat former neighbour

according to the sun newspaper it’s Andy Burnett that going to be questioned in Canada. Cops quiz ex-bar boss over unsolved doorstep assassination of Scots banker

he is quite interesting, golfing friend of victim , ran a pub/hotel across the road from his home (Alastair’s wife ran over to get help that night) and was in dispute with him over a unplanned outdoor seating area which was affecting the victim , noise , bottles thrown in garden etc.

Remember when Alistair and Veronica initially bought 10 crescent road it was to continue running it as a guesthouse and restaurant (Lothian house ) but for whatever reason?? it didn’t take off and they presumably made it all their home ( they were living in it as well as running it as a business)

So , could this individual and his business and Alistair and his , and the later falling out they had be linked and provide any motivation?

On Google maps the distance between the two properties is tiny , more a lane than a road.

Google Maps
goodness knows what the connection could be, but pubs are often places where stuff is planned...even if the landlord doesn't know about it....and where people get to know news and rumours...there must be more to. it than that though, since id have hoped the police would have covered that

if the landlord had heard something etc and wanted to divert attention from himself you'd have thought he'd have said it had been a good thing to close as a mark of respect....I wonder if there was something about his description of someone he'd seen around or something he'd heard which the police had previously dismissed but, after a new review, thought might be of greater importance....maybe he mentioned someone he. thought was in his 20s and they have reviewed the statements, as mentioned in the news today, and think this could be relevant

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