UK UK - Andrew Gosden, 14, Doncaster, South Yorks, 14 Sept 2007

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I wonder if there was something going on in school that day or that week that Andrew was avoiding, something like a big front of class presentation or some kind of thing where you have to get up and speak in front of the school/class. Because Andrew was shy and/or quiet he may have just decided to give that a miss and take off to London for the day or maybe a couple of days until that particular project or whatever was done. That might be why he went far from home, stay with family, and by the time he is back whatever he was avoiding in school would be done with anyway.

It would be interesting to know what the schedule for his class was in that particular day/week. Was there anything specific in his subjects that he was avoiding? Or even just a class trip that he didn't want to go to. Just a thought.
Ten years ago today, you went home and got changed instead of going to school. Took nothing but a small bag and some money, not even all your money and no phone, your psp but not it's charger, which sat on your dresser and hopped on a train to London, was caught on cctv at King's Cross station and was never seen again.

None of the questions have been answered, no sightings or leads. A sweet, naive boy who didn't know much about life outside his kind, caring and religious family.

For years I looked for you at every gig and trip to London, I believed you had run away because you felt like they didn't understand you, now I'm not so sure....

I wish I was able to support your father in London today, while he is doing his sponsored silence for Missing People UK, who have done so much to get your face out there.
They have sonar searched the Thames for you, put your face on milk, the Big Issue and huge billboards. TV, radio and now podcast interviews. Nothing.

They just want their baby boy home. And not a day goes by that I don't wish it for them.

Someone knows something.

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Thinking of Andrew, his family, and friends today.

Where are you, Andrew? Someone must know something.
One think I was thinking in regards to the return train ticket is that he could have been mistaken and thought it was a day return. A lot of things such as buses, ferries etc. have a 'day return' fare that is cheaper than a period return (as in a return on a subsequent day). This has probably already been mentioned before. But could show that maybe he intended to stay overnight in London or somewhere nearby and wouldn't be returning on the same day.
I feel he did plan on getting home before his parents as he bothered to put some of his uniform in the wash, so when he got back it would look like he wore them that day,, so not getting the return ticket he was sure he was getting a lift back..


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Hi! I came across this case when watching countless ‘unsolved mysteries’ videos on YouTube and it sparked a vague recollection of hearing the story many years ago, either from when he originally disappeared or possibly from some of the anniversary coverage in the first few years. Unfortunately, between those two points in time I had heard nothing about it which is a shame :(

Other stories I’d looked into brought me here before so this is the first place I came to read about any developments etc and have tried to read all the linked articles that you’ve posted on this thread, but now I’ve reached a point where I have signed up to see if there is any observations I can add and also ask the questions you guys have given me, so please forgive me if I mess up while finding my feet here. I’m also thinking aloud a bit so will try to get my thoughts in some sort of order but I’m sorry if I jump around a bit in the process.

-Some have asked why there has been no details/cctv image of the man that went to the police station, I would presume if they knew what he looked like they would have kept that quiet in case he returned and they could determine if it was the same guy or just someone bogus claiming to be. Good job on finding the mention of Shrewsbury though, I live not too far from there (although visit rarely) but I will certainly be more vigilant wherever I am as it suggest it might not just be confined to London areas.

-I tried, as I am sure many of you have already, looking into gigs/events going on in London on that day, but it kind of dawned on me that it may be unlikely that that was the case; the reason being that by all accounts he had very limited access and even less interest in computers/being online so I wonder how he would have found out about such upcoming events. I know that there’s every possibility that he had more access than anyone realised, but still if he found out a band would be playing or something was taking place surely he would have mentioned it to SOMEONE even if he didn’t discuss that he might head there on his own, especially as it seems he and at least his sister shared many of the same interests and were very close. I mean surely if you were excited enough at the prospect of seeing a band/book singing/youtube gathering or whatever it might have been to head across the country for it, you would be excited enough that you wouldn’t be able to just carry on without saying a word to anyone else (even before you’d come up with the idea of a secret mission to go there alone)! I feel like if you weren’t getting this info from online sources then to hear about them all the way up in Doncaster it would have to be word of mouth and someone would have remembered something.

-However the train ticket is something that sways me on that theory. When they say he ‘refused’ to pay the extra 50p for a return, not just ‘declined’ a return it gives the impression (and I think I might have actually read it somewhere) that the lady was quite insistent rather than it just being a passing suggestion. So why? I know if it was me and someone was being a bit pushy and didn’t just take no thanks as an answer, for the sake of 50p extra I probably would have just said yes to (get her to shut up) *don't know how to do that crossing out what you really mean thing :D * be polite, whether I had no intention of coming back or not! So why didn’t he?

-Do Andrew’s parents actually know how much was in his savings account and how much he withdrew? I know there seem to be a few different figures floating around, is that because the parents made a rough guess on how much was there? Surely the police would have got those figures even if the parents couldn’t get a statement or something. The reason I ask is because the 50p thing makes more sense to me if Andrew had a certain amount left after the train fare that he needed for something else and just that 50p would have left him short and defeated the purpose of him going there in the first place. Maybe an exact figure of how much he was left with would give a clue as to what his intentions were? Although that begs the question of how he planned to get home again if he had no return ticket and no money left if that’s what he intended to do.....still I have done it myself where I was so focused on my outward journey and getting there on time that I didn’t even consider the return journey until I was already miles away from home on a Sunday (and I was 28 with an 8 year old in toe :notgood: ) maybe he was going somewhere that he felt was worth the trouble he would face if he rang his parents and said he was in London with no money and needed their help to get home?!

-the other question I have about the savings is where did they come from? Was this birthday/Christmas money the same as he had left at home or had it come from a different source?

I realise this post is getting incredibly long so I will wait for any responses before I add anything else, but to the poster who’s friend is convinced she saw him at King’s Cross, can you please just remind me when this was? Thank you.
I just remembered the supposed sighting at Pizza hut, which would make my point of refusing a return ticket to have exact cash point redundant, tho this sighting was never confirmed am I right?
I realise this post is getting incredibly long so I will wait for any responses before I add anything else, but to the poster who’s friend is convinced she saw him at King’s Cross, can you please just remind me when this was? Thank you.

Welcome to websleuths!

It would have been 5 years ago, I believe. It was reported to the missing persons charity with the exact time/date etc.
Hi! I came across this case when watching countless ‘unsolved mysteries’ videos on YouTube and it sparked a vague recollection of hearing the story many years ago, either from when he originally disappeared or possibly from some of the anniversary coverage in the first few years. Unfortunately, between those two points in time I had heard nothing about it which is a shame :(

Other stories I’d looked into brought me here before so this is the first place I came to read about any developments etc and have tried to read all the linked articles that you’ve posted on this thread, but now I’ve reached a point where I have signed up to see if there is any observations I can add and also ask the questions you guys have given me, so please forgive me if I mess up while finding my feet here. I’m also thinking aloud a bit so will try to get my thoughts in some sort of order but I’m sorry if I jump around a bit in the process.

-Some have asked why there has been no details/cctv image of the man that went to the police station, I would presume if they knew what he looked like they would have kept that quiet in case he returned and they could determine if it was the same guy or just someone bogus claiming to be. Good job on finding the mention of Shrewsbury though, I live not too far from there (although visit rarely) but I will certainly be more vigilant wherever I am as it suggest it might not just be confined to London areas.

-I tried, as I am sure many of you have already, looking into gigs/events going on in London on that day, but it kind of dawned on me that it may be unlikely that that was the case; the reason being that by all accounts he had very limited access and even less interest in computers/being online so I wonder how he would have found out about such upcoming events. I know that there’s every possibility that he had more access than anyone realised, but still if he found out a band would be playing or something was taking place surely he would have mentioned it to SOMEONE even if he didn’t discuss that he might head there on his own, especially as it seems he and at least his sister shared many of the same interests and were very close. I mean surely if you were excited enough at the prospect of seeing a band/book singing/youtube gathering or whatever it might have been to head across the country for it, you would be excited enough that you wouldn’t be able to just carry on without saying a word to anyone else (even before you’d come up with the idea of a secret mission to go there alone)! I feel like if you weren’t getting this info from online sources then to hear about them all the way up in Doncaster it would have to be word of mouth and someone would have remembered something.

-However the train ticket is something that sways me on that theory. When they say he ‘refused’ to pay the extra 50p for a return, not just ‘declined’ a return it gives the impression (and I think I might have actually read it somewhere) that the lady was quite insistent rather than it just being a passing suggestion. So why? I know if it was me and someone was being a bit pushy and didn’t just take no thanks as an answer, for the sake of 50p extra I probably would have just said yes to (get her to shut up) *don't know how to do that crossing out what you really mean thing :D * be polite, whether I had no intention of coming back or not! So why didn’t he?

-Do Andrew’s parents actually know how much was in his savings account and how much he withdrew? I know there seem to be a few different figures floating around, is that because the parents made a rough guess on how much was there? Surely the police would have got those figures even if the parents couldn’t get a statement or something. The reason I ask is because the 50p thing makes more sense to me if Andrew had a certain amount left after the train fare that he needed for something else and just that 50p would have left him short and defeated the purpose of him going there in the first place. Maybe an exact figure of how much he was left with would give a clue as to what his intentions were? Although that begs the question of how he planned to get home again if he had no return ticket and no money left if that’s what he intended to do.....still I have done it myself where I was so focused on my outward journey and getting there on time that I didn’t even consider the return journey until I was already miles away from home on a Sunday (and I was 28 with an 8 year old in toe :notgood: ) maybe he was going somewhere that he felt was worth the trouble he would face if he rang his parents and said he was in London with no money and needed their help to get home?!

-the other question I have about the savings is where did they come from? Was this birthday/Christmas money the same as he had left at home or had it come from a different source?

I realise this post is getting incredibly long so I will wait for any responses before I add anything else, but to the poster who’s friend is convinced she saw him at King’s Cross, can you please just remind me when this was? Thank you.

Welcome to Ws EmmaUK, delighted to have you here!

Just a quick response to comments about the refusal to pay 50p for the return ticket.
It almost seems as if he is trying to reinforce his intentions to himself through his interaction with the ticket seller.

Maybe just saying it out loud,- no return ticket - make it more real for him too.
im, speculation.
Sept 15 2017
The detective detailed the extensive lengths the police had gone to, including examining whether anyone had requested Andrew’s glasses prescription and consulting with a behavioural investigative analyst.

She said: “I would ask anyone, maybe new friends, neighbours or work mates, who believes they know a 24-year-old man that could be Andrew, but aren’t aware of his past beyond the last few years to please come forward.

“In addition, any professionals, including doctors, dentists or hospital staff who may have treated a 24-year-old man who has no records going back beyond the last 10 years, you could hold information that proves vital to locating Andrew and I would ask you to please make contact with police.

“And to Andrew, a personal appeal, please contact us, completely confidentially, and let us know you are safe and well and we can reassure your family you have come to no harm.”
Hello everyone.

The Thin Air podcast is absolutely excellent, and I would definitely recommend it, especially in regards to this case.

Andrew's father stated that to his knowledge Andrew took approximately £200 that he had received for his birthday I believe, and said that he had been saving (does this suggest pre-planning?). He took the PSP as we know without the charger, his favourite bag on which his sister had sewn on the badges of his most loved bands. And no coat or jacket. No other change of clothes.

His father doesn't believe the lack of a return ticket was a particularly odd thing, as they have so many family members (including a set of grandparents) and friends in London, he believes he would have likely headed towards one of them and faced the consequences later. He also stated that Andrew knew London and the transport methods very well.

His initial thoughts seemed to be that Andrew had planned to visit some attraction/event etc. and that they has checked out every event in London they thought Andrew would have been possibly interested in in the first few weeks following his disappearance.

There have been no other confirmed sightings (including Pizza Hut which is often mentioned), and this is in part because they were always one step behind the CCTV. Finding that there was either none available or footage had since been erased.

Also the person who tried to report information - according to Andrew's father it wasn't actually a proper fully staffed police station they visited. More of a temporary base. And once the person realised they were not able to speak to an officer directly, they left and were not able to then be traced. Again, this could be something or nothing of interest.

I think that it is possible Andrew left with intentions to do or visit someone/something, but something happened to him. Perhaps a series of unfortunate events lead to his demise - accident, attacked, kidnapped etc. But from all the information available from his family, I can't imagine that he is alive and missing of his own free will. But someone out there knows.
Thin Air Podcast

Episode 29 - Andrew Gosden

On the morning of September 14th, 2007, 14 year old Andrew Gosden left his home in Doncaster, England. His parents believed he was on his way to school, but Andrew had other plans. Instead, he returned home, changed his clothes, and caught a train to London. CCTV footage captured Andrew leaving Kings Cross Station. This is the last time Andrew Gosden was ever seen, and his family has had few answers since.

Today, we speak with Andrew's father, Kevin Gosden, Andrew's sister Charlotte, and Josie Allen from the UK organization Missing People. As the ten year anniversary of Andrew's disappearance is just days from the release of today's episode, we hope that someone comes forward with new information.
I have just been reading up on this case and it’s so fascinating as Andrew’s behavior was so weird.

Why leave £100 at home but then withdrew £200 at a cash point?

He loved his PSP so why would he not of taken the charger if he was not planning to return home that day?

I don’t buy the fact he planned to commit suicide as why would you travel 2 and a half hours to a place like London to do that and then add in the fact he had taken £200 as well. That’s not a sign of planning to kill yourself.

Also if he was planning to kill himself why did he stick all his school clothes in the washing machine so that points to him coming home and needing them the following week.

He was a super intelligent teenager so I think it sounds like he was planning a fun day out and something went tragically wrong. He does not sound like a malicious kid so if he was still alive I believe he would of come forward by now if he was alive.

It is absolutely astounding that in a place like London with millions of people out and about you can simply just vanish.
Hi guys. I'm looking for a picture and you guys always seem to be so good at finding these sorts of things! If this isn't allowed I apologize and please delete. I was reading on another forum about Andrew where a commenter said, "he ran away and transitioned to female. there was a poster on 4chan's lgbt board that looked just like he would after years of hormone therapy, messed up ear and all". I am looking for the picture this commenter is talking about.

Maybe it's just that I still want Andrew to be found alive, but I really want this to be true. What are your thoughts?

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Jessica Geen.
20[SUP]th[/SUP] November 2009
The father of a 16-year-old boy who went missing two years ago has appealed to the gay community to help find him.

Although they have no idea why he ran away, his family have considered the possibility that he was struggling with his sexual orientation. Children who are gay or lesbian are much more likely to run away than those who are heterosexual.

Andrew’s father Kevin Gosden said: “We are a pretty open family so have wondered if he was gay or struggling with his sexual identity and found it too awkward to raise.
“If he is gay, we do not have any issue with it, he is loved unconditionally by both my wife and I and his sister and the only thing that would await him if he returned or made contact would be a lot of missed hugs.
As 2008 closed with no positive sightings, Kevin decided on a different approach, throwing himself into a new e-mail campaign, urging people to think laterally. ‘Until now, the focus has been on a photo that may be out of date,’ he says. ‘We’re asking people to think about whether there’s anyone new in their community who could be Andrew.’

Who knows what Andrew looks like now? ‘He cannot lose his glasses without being blind as a bat, but he was growing his hair long and planning to dye it black,’ says Kevin. ‘But if he is alive and well and trying to avoid detection, he is quite bright enough to shave his head and wear very different clothing. Andrew was highly capable of advanced strategic thinking. No mean chess player.’

Kevin has e-mailed every school in the UK, and every entry to the Goth scene, as Andrew’s taste in music was heading in this direction. He is now working through the museums – Andrew loved museums – and the gay and transgendered community (‘That’s not based on anything we know – just thinking what might be hard for a 14-year-old to deal with,’ says Kevin)

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