Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #1 *M. Bridger guilty*

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This is important

April was last seen wearing a purple knee-length coat with a fur hood, white school polo top and black trousers.

Not the summer or blue uniform as previously quoted. I just heard on 'Lorraine' (daily TV chat/talk show) they are currently working on getting photos of a similar coat. It sounds very distinctive
Gutted,i just drove up from Stafford yesterday afternoon,if id still been down there i would be there helping out.
Im really upset this morning turning on the news and seeing she hasnt been found..
White and light coloured vans are so common.
Lets hope theres cctv on some of the rural petrol stations and shops in the area,i know theres lots of little villages dotted about and being so rural id think there would be cctv somewhere.
On the Twitter, the topic's still trending in Birmingham, Manchester, and Glasgow. Huge response from all over.
PC Olly Hall-Green ‏@PCOllyHallGreen
0300 2000 3333. This is the number to call if you have any information on missing 5 year old April Jones.
April wearing the coat she was wearing when she disappeared.

I have such a horrible feeling about this. I think that town and it's location to the mountains was targeted for a reason, I hate to say it, but I think they need to search the remote Snowdonia area and the fact that she's been missing overnight, doesn't bode well at all :/
At the minute im leading towards it being someone familiar with the area,the estate she was taken from seems off the main routes.I think its someone who knows the little country lanes etc.There are lots of little single track lanes that lead to other single track lanes,very few of them have farms etc on them.
From experience of Machynlleth and surrounding areas if youre not familiar with the area then i think you would get lost using back roads...
I hope they find some CCTV somewhere that shows the van. It seems there's really not much to go on otherwise? I think it could be someone who's observed the kids playing outside before.
I wonder if April would have gotten into the van more readily if it was a woman coaxing her.
Dyfed Powys Police ‏@DyfedPowys
Whilst the details of what happened are impreat the current time, it appears the suspect left the scene and drove off with April.
I wonder if April would have gotten into the van more readily if it was a woman coaxing her.

I'm hoping one of the other kids may have some more information on that. I might be wrong, but I doubt she would have a lot of stranger danger awareness. Living in such a small and rather isolated town, there will be a feeling of general safety as they will feel they know everyone, especially on a small estate such as this one. I wouldn't imagine it would take a lot of effort to coax a five year old.

They have a very low crime rate in the Machynlleth region
Using Google Streetview, it appears to be a local authority (LA) estate, judging by the style of the houses and the uniform layout of the gardens.

Property maintenance would be carried out by LA contractors, who would be known, vetted and easily traceable. There are also privately owned properties nearby who would have their own tradesmen, not vetted and less traceable. And then there are the visitors to the estate and those just passing through the town.

Whilst the energy put into the local search parties is commendable, I think the perp will be long gone and the best clues will come from local people thinking back to who has been in their town recently.
Have they or their neighbours had any work done on their property?
Anyone been stopping off at the local shops recently?
Any construction work going on nearby, especially if it is reached by passing through the town?
Any work going on in Snowdonia? My partner was constucting a cycle path through the Trossachs in Scotland last year - we live 500 miles from there, but him and his crew drove up there in a number of vehicles. All strangers to the area.
Anyone who lives locally with a similar vehicle? I'll bet there are a lot

The list is probably endless, which is a depressing thought :(
This brings back terrible memories of April Fabb and Genette Tate. I pray that this little one is found soon and hope that her loved ones are surrounded with love and comfort.

Regarding CCTV, I live in a rural area, the only CCTV here is privately owned by a hugely unpopular property developer to protect their assets. Are there helicopters and dogs out on Snowdonia does anyone know?
This brings back terrible memories of April Fabb and Genette Tate. I pray that this little one is found soon and hope that her loved ones are surrounded with love and comfort.

Regarding CCTV, I live in a rural area, the only CCTV here is privately owned by a hugely unpopular property developer to protect their assets. Are there helicopters and dogs out on Snowdonia does anyone know?

Completely agree about CCTV. In our village, which is half the size of Mathynlleth, the only CCTV is on private properties and the village shop, and those are very few and far between.

There is a voluntary search and rescue team which cover Mount Snowdon and the surrounding park. They have dogs and helicopters.

The RAF Search and Rescue that Prince William 'works' for is based at Anglesey, just up the coast.

The problem will be that if the perp wanted to get away, they could be in Scotland or Dover by now. I hope all the ferry ports are on full alert.
Dyfed-Powys Police said all the witnesses to her suspected abduction were children.

Det Supt Reg Bevan said getting information from the children would take time.

"It's a delicate and difficult process interviewing young children who were the witnesses to this," he said.
I have found a CCTV camera in the town centre. I hope that LE have checked this?
These are usually local authority/police owned. Its next to the town clock. Right on the junction with the A487, the petrol station to the left would probably also have cctv.
I also wonder about the buses - many have cctv nowadays. To help the bus companies prosecute drivers who park in bus stops etc.
I have emailed these thoguhts to Dyfed Police.
11.46 Machynlleth Councillor Gareth Jones has just been speaking to the BBC. He described the family as "well regarded" and said:
"It is very encouraging that people have come forward in such great numbers to help.
"It's the worry and the uncertainty of exactly what has happened and what is to happen next.
"We live in hope and we'll certainly carry on helping the police as much as we can, and of course I need to appeal to people out there who may have some information that maybe they thought was not really of any significance.
"Our thoughts are very much with April and with the family and we'll keep on trying our best."

11.25 It's understood that Dyfed Powys Police are expected to launch an appeal for the whereabouts of April Jones at a press conference in the next 20 minutes.
News conference just about to start on Sky News but live cameras have been ordered outside.

Reports on Twitter state searchers turned up at 9am but are still waiting to be told where to search. They are waiting for members of the mountain rescue team to lead each group. I can see the sense in this as it is very mountainous.

My mistake, it's the search party briefing the cameras have been ordered outside for.
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