Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #2 *M. Bridger guilty*

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This is exactly what I think as well as the thought crossed my mind he is being willingly the fall guy for someone else he wants to protect, cant make my mind up, but i would put my bet on the former, Im not comfortable with all these women related to him known to him being their ex wife girlfiriend related to april all being chummy on facebook, something stinks imo

Hate to say it and hope its not true but this is how I have been feeling from day 1 :(

Clutchbag - "This is exactly what I think as well as the thought crossed my mind he is being willingly the fall guy for someone else he wants to protect, cant make my mind up, but i would put my bet on the former"

I do know what you mean. Regarding fit-up/fall guy - I agree that it is not beyond the bounds of possibility. I would say two things - firstly, if it is an attempted fit-up or fall-guy, from what I know of police procedure, they will get to the bottom of it (I hope). Secondly, I believe that if he drove April away in his van, it was as a result of a dispute of some kind with others on the estate.

It all seems incestuous to me and I mean that in respect of all the connections, whilst he seems ostracised for some reason. Of course that could be the reason for his anger. But there is definitely something strange to me about all of this. Maybe I am over analysing it.
JMO but i can't see a man taking the fall for an ex or a female friend when it comes to being accused of killing and possibly sexually assaulting a child. I can however see a father protecting a child if that child did something to cause the death of another child.

The police have something. It would be absurd to keep this guy so long with the public crucifying him and wanting to kill him unless they have something they just don't want to share with the public.

Wow! One to think about...
I googled for a "profile". This is what I found:

"In reality, however, the research has consistently shown that there is no such thing as a “sex offender profile.” That’s because time and time again, despite attempts to identify a finite and specific set of characteristics that fits for all sex offenders, researchers continue to find that they are a diverse and heterogeneous population.1 So, although the label of “sex offender” might seem to suggest that individuals who commit these crimes are all alike, that is simply not the case. In fact, because they are such a heterogeneous group, it is sometimes difficult to discern how they are uniquely different from other types of criminals or from those of us in the general public, other than the fact that they have engaged in sexually abusive behaviors."

This is a paragraph about a sex offender profile - not a child abductor or murderer. Do we yet know whether this situation was sexually motivated?
I googled for a "profile". This is what I found:

"In reality, however, the research has consistently shown that there is no such thing as a “sex offender profile.” That’s because time and time again, despite attempts to identify a finite and specific set of characteristics that fits for all sex offenders, researchers continue to find that they are a diverse and heterogeneous population.1 So, although the label of “sex offender” might seem to suggest that individuals who commit these crimes are all alike, that is simply not the case. In fact, because they are such a heterogeneous group, it is sometimes difficult to discern how they are uniquely different from other types of criminals or from those of us in the general public, other than the fact that they have engaged in sexually abusive behaviors."

ETA: quote marks

thanks for that but i still dont buy it everyone is so keen to label people like this these days for the merest of things
JMO but i can't see a man taking the fall for an ex or a female friend when it comes to being accused of killing and possibly sexually assaulting a child. I can however see a father protecting a child if that child did something to cause the death of another child.

The police have something. It would be absurd to keep this guy so long with the public crucifying him and wanting to kill him unless they have something they just don't want to share with the public.

then fitted up by the local witches coven
I can understand what people are saying but would the police really change the arrest from abduction to murder if they didn't have some very strong evidence? The Police did take the step of taking legal advice before releasing his name and picture - this wasn't a rush job like the Joanne Yates case IMO
I don't know what's going on but I do trust the police on this one, I really hope I'm not disappointed!
Sorry to labour this point, but thinking back to the mother's words "they've taken her", if indeed they were as reported, as a mother would you say they or someone? I know you're not thinking of the words coming from your mouth at that point, but "they" seems an odd choice.
It all seems incestuous to me and I mean that in respect of all the connections, whilst he seems ostracised for some reason. Of course that could be the reason for his anger. But there is definitely something strange to me about all of this. Maybe I am over analysing it.
No you a re not overanalysing it all has the hallmarks of an innocent person being blamed IMO
I can understand what people are saying but would the police really change the arrest from abduction to murder if they didn't have some very strong evidence? The Police did take the step of taking legal advice before releasing his name and picture - this wasn't a rush job like the Joanne Yates case IMO
I don't know what's going on but I do trust the police on this one, I really hope I'm not disappointed!
You can trust police on the whole but not always
This is a paragraph about a sex offender profile - not a child abductor or murderer. Do we yet know whether this situation was sexually motivated?

Unfortunately, if it is a child (rather than infant) that is abducted the motivation is often sexual. However, this is a profile for a child abductor that I found. A lot of sights won't give a "profile" because they say they come from all walks of life, age, social status, etc. This is the one I found for what it's worth:



From a study of 883 cases where the murderer was caught and convicted. Percentages based strictly on the cases researched in this study

He lives on the edge of society, and is socially retarded. “Social marginals” is the term used for him.

I say “him” because child killers are almost 100% male.

His average age is 27.8 years old.

69.8% are white, 19.1 black,

He is usually unmarried and unattached at the time of the murder.

17.1% of child killers live alone, and 33.2% live with their parents.

He usually either lives in the neighborhood where the abduction takes place or frequents that area during his everyday activities.

1/2 of child killers are unemployed or work in unskilled or semi-skilled jobs.

2/3 of child killers have prior arrests for violent crimes. 1/2 of those violent crimes were committed against children.

The child killer’s most frequent past crime is sexual in nature, and the primary motive for a child abduction is sexual.

The use of *advertiser censored* by killers as a trigger to murder has increased since the original study.

The child is usually abducted in a place very close to where he/she was last seen.

The child killer usually takes the child more than 1/4 mile from where he was abducted,

but the distance between the murder site and where the body is later dumped is less than 199 feet in most cases.

23.7 returned to the place they dumped the body

9.7 contacted the victim’s family

10% of the child killers interjected themselves into the actual murder investigation.

In the initial study, the name of the killer was almost always in police files within the first week. When the supplemental cases were studied, that proved to no longer be the case. (does that mean the killers are getting smarter?)

Police usually have contact with the killer before he becomes a primary suspect.

Krispy - Named exs all friends with each other on FB. An ex was the mother of a child witness. Lady named by press as having seen man with binbag is friends with April's Mum on FB. Perhaps they are all FB friends with each other and that is normal there. I would have thought though, that having had 3 exs and an ex-wife on that estate with attendant children, the mums would be competing for his attention and resources for their children's sake, where relevant, rather than be friends. Maybe I am overthinking it as well.
I can understand what people are saying but would the police really change the arrest from abduction to murder if they didn't have some very strong evidence? The Police did take the step of taking legal advice before releasing his name and picture - this wasn't a rush job like the Joanne Yates case IMO
I don't know what's going on but I do trust the police on this one, I really hope I'm not disappointed!

I agree. I believe the police have FAR more information or evidence than we know of. It would be unlikely they would have "upped the charge" without some strong evidence. I do NOT want the police to release any information before the trial that may make a conviction of the perpetrator more difficult. I don't know if the suspect under arrest is the one responsible because of our lack of knowledge of all the police know, but the police obviously have a very strong reason to arrest and hold him.
Which is?
And where is the evidence for it?
Why else would a 46-year-old man be interested in a little girl? The police seem fairly certain April is dead, so shipping her off to some other family isn't a line of inquiry anymore. Unless there's some family feud in the background that we haven't heard about or he's trying to extort them, I don't see what other "reason" he could have had.
They've got enough forensic evidence to switch from abduction to murder, and if it included April's clothes or both their fluids then then that fits the child rape motive... But as others have said, we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg until trial.
No you a re not overanalysing it all has the hallmarks of an innocent person being blamed IMO

Please elaborate on all these 'hallmarks'. What are the key factors that indicate to you that this guy is innocent?
Please elaborate on all these 'hallmarks'. What are the key factors that indicate to you that this guy is innocent?

erm the lack of evidence that he is guilty??? Lack of evidence of anything to point that way? Everything else seems tittle tattle at the moment
Krispy - Named exs all friends with each other on FB. An ex was the mother of a child witness. Lady named by press as having seen man with binbag is friends with April's Mum on FB. Perhaps they are all FB friends with each other and that is normal there. I would have thought though, that having had 3 exs and an ex-wife on that estate with attendant children, the mums would be competing for his attention and resources for their children's sake, where relevant, rather than be friends. Maybe I am overthinking it as well.

It's a small community. Not unusual for ppl to be fb 'friends' with mere acquaintances in a small town. As for competing for his resources - unemployed and renting a house (not a home owner) = few 'resources' to share around.
There's a lot of 'history' isn't there.....
Why else would a 46-year-old man be interested in a little girl? The police seem fairly certain April is dead, so shipping her off to some other family isn't a line of inquiry anymore. Unless there's some family feud in the background that we haven't heard about or he's trying to extort them, I don't see what other "reason" he could have had.
They've got enough forensic evidence to switch from abduction to murder, and if it included April's clothes or both their fluids then then that fits the child rape motive... But as others have said, we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg until trial.

there is no evidence he took her
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