Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #3 *M. Bridger guilty*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Its possible that he's the wrong person, its also possible he's the right person and we're all leading ourselves up the garden path by assuming his motives are sexual.

Maybe he had some half assed plan to hold her for ransom and return her alive, and then somthing went wrong. He'd been recently evicted and broken up with his gf - I can see that acting as a trigger for something stupid rather than suddenly turning a previously normal man into a child rapist.
The police need to get a GRIP. Stop with the pink ribbons when there is a live murder investigation

I've been a bit disturbed by this as well. Police - especially SIOs - need to maintain neutrality, impartiality, and independence from all parties. Hindsight in advance and all that. How can I put it without sounding disrespectful - until there's cast iron proof and a conviction based on that, everyone is a suspect, sadly. Police shouldn't put themselves in a position that they might later regret. Surprising facts have a habit of leaping out in circumstances such as this.

Another aspect to this is the regrettable release of balloons and Chinese lanterns last night by the family and friends. Dyfed Powys Police announced before hand it was to take place. I'm trying to ascertain as to whether or not they liaised with the family on this, and if they advised it shouldn't go ahead because of the threat of arson and harm to wildlife. All the farming unions in the UK, and indeed all Fire & Rescue Services want these lanterns banned. Look at it this way - say one of these lanterns set fire to someone's house, as one of them did in North Wales a few weeks ago. What would Dyfed Powys Police's position be then?
If he was framed, it was by some kind of an expert apparently, able to get into his house and leaving incriminating forensics, etc...and to fool the Crown prosecution team.

I tend to believe LE until reason not to; they have nothing to gain by bringing an unprovable case. I have a feeling they have his DNA mixed with April's, something like that, as well as perhaps other evidence.
Its possible that he's the wrong person, its also possible he's the right person and we're all leading ourselves up the garden path by assuming his motives are sexual.

Maybe he had some half assed plan to hold her for ransom and return her alive, and then somthing went wrong. He'd been recently evicted and broken up with his gf - I can see that acting as a trigger for something stupid rather than suddenly turning a previously normal man into a child rapist.

Possibly, but children are tough little creatures, they don't just up and die on you for no reason, as a rule.

No way of knowing at this point what was in his mind; maybe he always fancied little girls, but never dared exercise his perversions, or maybe he was just never turned in, or always lived with a woman, so did not have a place to go. Lots of maybes.
On one of the previous (now-locked) threads on this case, the "Nicola Millar" Facebook post was dismissed as a cruel rumour. I have good reason to believe it's not a rumour at all.

This Nicola Millar is a friend of an acquaintance of mine, which is how I got to find out about it. The sequence of events runs approximately like this. Nicola Millar tries and fails to post the message somewhere (presumably on someone's wall) so send it as a FB message instead to her friend and my acquaintance, who I'll call "Alison". "Alison" then copies and pastes it into a Scribd document, sending out the link on Twitter, which is how I found it. So yes, I can trace back to this Nicola Millar via our mutual friend "Alison". "Alison" contacted the police on that helpline about this evidence, and it was taken down over the phone.

The text is here, in a Twitlonger: http://www./show/jhel4b

Minera is about 1.5-2hours drive from Machynlleth. There also can't be that many blue LHD Discoverys in north Wales, can there?
Possibly, but children are tough little creatures, they don't just up and die on you for no reason, as a rule.

No way of knowing at this point what was in his mind; maybe he always fancied little girls, but never dared exercise his perversions, or maybe he was just never turned in, or always lived with a woman, so did not have a place to go. Lots of maybes.

I'm not suggesting she upped and died for no reason. Kidnappings for ransom have gone fatally wrong before, especially when the hostage needs daily medication, as April did.

Or it could be a revenge thing - maybe there's something gone on between MB and April's family that we don't know about.

Or he could be a pervert who's never been caught before. Any of these could be a motive, we can't jump to conclusions on the little information we have.

Or alternatively the police may have arrested the wrong person.
CRB checks are a bit of a joke, Ian Huntly got a "pass" in the Soham area because they never put 2 + 2 together with the Humberside area if I remember correctly.

That was the other scandal - it was allowed to happen because Humberside Plod didn't do their job properly. Wasn't there a high profile sacking/resignation because of it?
The breakup.eviction could be a trigger, especially if he is deteriorating mentally.

When something like this happens, there is what's published, and what's local knowledge.

In a very small community, word spreads like wildfire if a man is inappropriate around children, especially as a lifeguard at a pool.

Everyone says "look at Jimmy Saville" - but the gossip was there, with him, just ignored. Times were different then, nowadays we are incredibly jumpy about our children.

This guy seems to lack not only gossip and a history, the locals are also struggling with the idea.

Unless he's had a massive mental collapse very recently (the crying in court could indicate he's fragile), I still have questions.

The discovery of DNA does not mean he committed the crime. DNA does not prove guilt, or even that the person was actually in the vicinity - witness the 6 different male DNA strands found on JonBenet's underwear. It was artifact.
If he was framed, it was by some kind of an expert apparently, able to get into his house and leaving incriminating forensics, etc...and to fool the Crown prosecution team.

I tend to believe LE until reason not to; they have nothing to gain by bringing an unprovable case. I have a feeling they have his DNA mixed with April's, something like that, as well as perhaps other evidence.

For the CPS to agree that there was enough evidence to give a murder charge with out a body I think there must be enough forensics found either in his house or car or both.

What I have not worked out is why the Police were not at his house with in hours of April being missing if he was named as a suspect so quickly.some one on the estate or locally must have known his address.

Also he did not hide the abduction ,another child witnessed April getting in the car; he also made no attempt to leave the area or hide, he was caught walking down the road.
I've been a bit disturbed by this as well. Police - especially SIOs - need to maintain neutrality, impartiality, and independence from all parties. Hindsight in advance and all that. How can I put it without sounding disrespectful - until there's cast iron proof and a conviction based on that, everyone is a suspect, sadly. Police shouldn't put themselves in a position that they might later regret. Surprising facts have a habit of leaping out in circumstances such as this.

Well said and spot on.

Another aspect to this is the regrettable release of balloons and Chinese lanterns last night by the family and friends. Dyfed Powys Police announced before hand it was to take place. I'm trying to ascertain as to whether or not they liaised with the family on this, and if they advised it shouldn't go ahead because of the threat of arson and harm to wildlife. All the farming unions in the UK, and indeed all Fire & Rescue Services want these lanterns banned. Look at it this way - say one of these lanterns set fire to someone's house, as one of them did in North Wales a few weeks ago. What would Dyfed Powys Police's position be then?

Spot on again. In addition, this new "custom" actually derives from Chinese funeral lanterns, where the spirit of the deceased in guided to the new realm. I think it's just people copying what they have seen others do on earlier occasions. They certainly are a hazard to wildlife. Most unfortunate all round.

Hello and welcome :) You hail from a beautiful part of the world. I used to climb there many years ago.
I live in a town about twice the size of Machynlleth, and definitely everybody soon knows when someone is iffy around children. Frequently, the only people who don't know are the local police.
On one of the previous (now-locked) threads on this case, the "Nicola Millar" Facebook post was dismissed as a cruel rumour. I have good reason to believe it's not a rumour at all.

This Nicola Millar is a friend of an acquaintance of mine, which is how I got to find out about it. The sequence of events runs approximately like this. Nicola Millar tries and fails to post the message somewhere (presumably on someone's wall) so send it as a FB message instead to her friend and my acquaintance, who I'll call "Alison". "Alison" then copies and pastes it into a Scribd document, sending out the link on Twitter, which is how I found it. So yes, I can trace back to this Nicola Millar via our mutual friend "Alison". "Alison" contacted the police on that helpline about this evidence, and it was taken down over the phone.

The text is here, in a Twitlonger: http://www./show/jhel4b

Minera is about 1.5-2hours drive from Machynlleth. There also can't be that many blue LHD Discoverys in north Wales, can there?

I might have got this confused with something else but there was a similar incident reported and the police said it was a hoax
I'm sharing a personal anecdote here.

I have long been a supporter of LE but recent events have completely changed my mind.

A friend was arrested and put in jail for some drug equipment found in his TENANTS house.

He spent a week in a heavy duty prison (not remand) because they had a personal grudge against him.

The detectives stood in court and lied, right in front of my eyes.

The case ended up being dismissed, due to lack of evidence. It was a farce, from beginning to end. I know enough about investigations to predict the charges would be dropped. They smashed up the property and did no forensics whatsover.

LE tried to throw the book at him, they could charge him with whatever they wanted, and it was up to him to prove his innocence.

Fortunately he could because part of what they smashed up/confiscated was a very elaborate security system that recorded everyone's movements on the propery and essentially proved he was uninvolved. They didn't see that coming.

They didn't actually care that he wasn't guilty. They just wanted an arrest, and they got one.

It was the most disgusting display of so-called "justice" I have ever seen, and everyone better hope LE don't get a bee in their bonnet about a loved one, because they will be very shocked at the way they are treated.
On one of the previous (now-locked) threads on this case, the "Nicola Millar" Facebook post was dismissed as a cruel rumour. I have good reason to believe it's not a rumour at all.

The text is here, in a Twitlonger:

Minera is about 1.5-2hours drive from Machynlleth. There also can't be that many blue LHD Discoverys in north Wales, can there?

Cendlaetholwr, I see we have mutual friends, however I'm not sure she agrees to a link to her being put up here. jmo
CRB checks are a bit of a joke, Ian Huntly got a "pass" in the Soham area because they never put 2 + 2 together with the Humberside area if I remember correctly.

My husband is a swimming teacher, he has a CRB certificate - means nothing - just that he hasn't been caught yet. (That sounds a bit wrong, but if he were a paedo with no convictions, he'd still pass for a CRB check).

Sorry, that cross posted with Cendlaetholwr - Welcome/Croeso.

It was because of Huntley CRB's came into force.

CRB's are only of value if one has no convictions. They are also a money making business -for every organisation one works for you need a separate one. I currently have 5
We can't post twitter links here unless they are media links. Just FYI and all that.
On one of the previous (now-locked) threads on this case, the "Nicola Millar" Facebook post was dismissed as a cruel rumour. I have good reason to believe it's not a rumour at all.

This Nicola Millar is a friend of an acquaintance of mine, which is how I got to find out about it. The sequence of events runs approximately like this. Nicola Millar tries and fails to post the message somewhere (presumably on someone's wall) so send it as a FB message instead to her friend and my acquaintance, who I'll call "Alison". "Alison" then copies and pastes it into a Scribd document, sending out the link on Twitter, which is how I found it. So yes, I can trace back to this Nicola Millar via our mutual friend "Alison". "Alison" contacted the police on that helpline about this evidence, and it was taken down over the phone.

The text is here, in a Twitlonger: http://www./show/jhel4b

Minera is about 1.5-2hours drive from Machynlleth. There also can't be that many blue LHD Discoverys in north Wales, can there?

Intriguiging - it seems to be similar text to that described here - see debunking -

"North Wales Police told us that they were aware of the story, but they “are not investigating any alleged ‘abduction’ attempt in Minera on Sunday”.
Cendlaetholwr, I see we have mutual friends, however I'm not sure she agrees to her Tweet being put up here. jmo

It's public domain on Twitter. None of my Tweets are locked. If I wasn't happy for my Tweets to be forwarded or copied about, then I'd lock my account. This text from Nicola Millar has gone far and wide this past week anyway.
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