Found Deceased UK - Baljeev Johal, 24, Ryton On Dunsmore, 5 Oct 2014

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A spat between schmae and nino is one of the funniest things you could see! I loved those days, and miss them terribly. Those 2 would crack me up!! There was never any malice, all good nature, and mostly banter, but oh my. Classic!! Those 2 could make a sailor blush! ;) :p

A spat ? LOL! He would cuss with a lot of f bombs and sign off and BLOCK me on a regular basis and then come back as if nothing happened . HA ! Once in awhile an apology, but mostly we just carried on with something like ' are you over it? good, then what's new? '

L O V E !
Prison Break is officially coming back, the football season starts tomorrow. It ain't right you aren't here today, tomorrow, every day. I'm so ***** emo man, FFS!!

SCHMAE, waking up to a drunk rant on skype was one of the best things right? He was a comedian and he didn't even know it!! It's not fair :(
Thank you both for adding more here. You don't know how much I enjoy hearing your experiences with your friend. I never had the pleasure to meet him, yet you have brought him into my heart in such a unique way. Leaving happy thoughts and memories were his gift, and I hope we can keep that alive in his honor. I look forward to all your shared words here. Days, weeks, months, or years will pass and something to share will come up again and again. Always welcome them here.

Prison Break is officially coming back, the football season starts tomorrow. It ain't right you aren't here today, tomorrow, every day. I'm so ***** emo man, FFS!!

SCHMAE, waking up to a drunk rant on skype was one of the best things right? He was a comedian and he didn't even know it!! It's not fair :(

Right ! We would go to bed, sign on in morning and see he'd been up drinking and MAD as he** we were not around to talk to so he'd cuss for 30 minutes and they were ........hysterical rants that made no sense with tons of F bombs and C bombs. And by the time we read them, he'd be sound asleep and we'd have to wait hours to say WTF were you on about ? Because I'm in Texas and he's in UK , he thinks that everyone in Texas carries and shoots guns all day long and so many times he'd rant about that ''' where are you ? out shooting the neighbors? '' LOL .... amazing boy!
:giggle: And he probably thought if he was awake, YOU were supposed to be up and online, too!
Thinking of Baljeev today, as I finally found my apple/ginger Gin-Gins! They are chewer than I expected, not too sweet (I can taste the gentle apple flavor). Enjoying the new taste sensation. His life lives on in our hearts.

Schmae and Skibaboo, sending hugs your way. :heartluv::heartluv:
Hugs Schmae and Skibaboo. I know you guys are really missing your friend.

I just noticed that Baljeev went missing on the same day of the year that Jessica Ridgeway did, Oct. 5th.
How are you both doing, it's been nearly a year now. Has there been much contact with his family?
How are you both doing, it's been nearly a year now. Has there been much contact with his family?

Depends what day, or even hour you ask me lately lol Up and down, miss him more than you could imagine!! Not having him around has changed me, and not in a good way. I'm avoiding again, mainly because everything on my site reminds me of him and he's not there to have my back :(

Not had any contact from his family for a few months. I love, LOVE that you guys care and know who he was! He deserved so much better than what happened to him. Fly high Big Man <3
I bought some ginger candies the other day and thought of Baljeev. He's on many minds skibaboo and schmae.
I still have MUSE in the rotation on the cd player in my car. So , every time I'm clicking through it comes up :) I have thought I need to switch my rotation but I won't take that one out . Since I know you want to know I'll tell you the other 5, Violen concert by Paganini, Abolishing Anxiety, Mika, Beatles' Rubber Soul and INXS live .
Was it ever clear what actually happened to Baljeev?
I have followed the thread since he went missing but maybe I missed it. I know he was found but I do not recall any mention of the "why/how".
(I am trying to be delicate, I know it is painful, I just wondered if someone else was responsible, or it was an accident, etc).
Was it ever clear what actually happened to Baljeev?
I have followed the thread since he went missing but maybe I missed it. I know he was found but I do not recall any mention of the "why/how".
(I am trying to be delicate, I know it is painful, I just wondered if someone else was responsible, or it was an accident, etc).

Foul play was ruled out but the inquest returned an open verdict. His COD was drowning, how and where could not be determined. Decomposition was too advanced. He was found fully clothed and the only things not recovered were his glasses and his phone. That's what makes it so hard, we don't know if it was an accident or suicide, and we will never know :(
Thank You Skib.
I know it's hard to discuss....let's go back to the better memories now, sorry for the interruption :grouphug:
Just watched a really good movie " Like Sunday, Like Rain''. The music was amazing . I went over to Amazon to see about buying the soundtrack, which is not available but on my ' suggested' there is some GinGins of course. Hot coffee flavor? Maybe I will :)
Thinking of Baljeev / BJ / Nino and all his family and friends today - and especially Skibaboo and Schmae. Stay strong, ladies xx
Thinking of Baljeev / BJ / Nino and all his family and friends today - and especially Skibaboo and Schmae. Stay strong, ladies xx

Thank you hun! I've only just managed to get myself out of bed... just finding today difficult. Ironic, that Brendan Rodgers got the sack last night when all I could do was think of nino, and the last day he was here, and then I needed to talk to him so badly, ugh. I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!

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