UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, Chef, York University, 18 March 2009 #6

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IF the dark man was RC and IF he had to do with CL's disappearing perhaps, then it would have made sense to search for her body along old railway tracks and behind an abandoned (?) bakery in that environment, just like a psychic was saying. Idk, whether it was RB, because it's so long ago.
I really don't know anything about this psychic but the bakery part just reminded me of a (Sunblest?) bakery near the corner of Melrosegate and Hull Road/ Lawrence Street in the area of the York Student Building, but further back from the road. I think there was a large yard facing the road where the delivery vans parked waiting loading. Oh, my! The smell was Delicious! Railway tracks ..... Didn't TRAMS used to run down that street???
Why store a car that close to a crime scene
Initially police were looking for a missing person. They were then looking for a body of a missing person. If you recall, it was some time before there was any mention of a braking car and so a car stored in this Garage would be safe for a while and then it goes to breakers yard. I agree that police would be looking at vehicle movements but for how long? They missed so much in the early days as we know and became obsessed with her being abducted on her way to work, even though there was no cctv evidence of her walking to work-Bizzarely, even today there are many who still feels that she has been abducted. We need to look more into her friends silence and failure to check on her and Oxer's weird change of plan that involved him going the long way round to work.
I said ‘possible’
It could be no names were known or given !
Rodney was silenced by the police. Firstly by cautioning because he upset the Lawrences and secondly he was sectioned because he upset the Royal Family-Then he dies. I agree that he likely got his information from talking to locals because it's unlikely he had premonitions. You have to ask why he travelled from Nottingham and stayed there for some time to dig into the case. Is this not what mediums do so that they can then say the spirits told them?
Yes he did. Intrigued by this I had a look into RB to see what he had to say in the case and no offence to anyone, (I actually have been known to visit psychics) but RB's ramblings sound very much like a mentally ill person. I don't believe the conspiracy that he was sectioned to "shut him up" I believe he was sectioned because he needed to be. He also praises SC to begin with until she becomes concerned by him starts blocking/ignoring him, then she amazingly is in on it too. MOO
Well SC doesn't like anyone poking their nose into her friends affairs. She fell out with me because I tried to help. You have to question this?
I said ‘possible’
It could be no names were known or given !
Im sure police would have questioned Rodney on this sketch and asked all the relevant questions.. the aswers to which will be held on file but like a lot of the information surrounding this case is not in the public domain in case it affects any future arrests and charges..
It will be extremely interesting in the end and hopefully there will be and end to see which of all the theories or part theory is actually proven.
Thats incredibly interesting to me
I feel that we have to accept that many of us, including Claudias parents would desperately like for closure in this case.

I do hope that we get this at some point.

It would not be unreasonable to say however that once the truth is out it is unlikely to be pretty.

There are contradictory views about Claudias lifestyle.

The police have more evidence than has been released and they will know if Claudia had a mysterious and complex life.

Once it is revealed how she came to her death, there will be many that could well be embarrassed by the outcome and for this reason, many would prefer to mourn her missing rather than see others delve into what happended.

Perhaps her friends may be fearful of what could come out also? IMO
I feel that we have to accept that many of us, including Claudias parents would desperately like for closure in this case.

I do hope that we get this at some point.

It would not be unreasonable to say however that once the truth is out it is unlikely to be pretty.

There are contradictory views about Claudias lifestyle.

The police have more evidence than has been released and they will know if Claudia had a mysterious and complex life.

Once it is revealed how she came to her death, there will be many that could well be embarrassed by the outcome and for this reason, many would prefer to mourn her missing rather than see others delve into what happended.

Perhaps her friends may be fearful of what could come out also? IMO
The only thing we want is the TRUTH
Well SC doesn't like anyone poking their nose into her friends affairs. She fell out with me because I tried to help. You have to question this?
Oh absolutely I question it too, I'm not stating SC is completely innocent or knows nothing, I don't know what she knows. I was just referring to Rodney Ballard who originally praised SC when she was communicating with him but when that ceased he started accusing her of being involved too. I hope you haven't took it personally that she fell out with you, I'm sure SC has been contacted by many people over the years, some probably with not the best of intentions. Although we know you have the best intentions here and just want to help find out what happened to her, SC doesn't know that and maybe very guarded after 11 years of questions. MOO
S c said in an interview last year that during her whole life she felt that she had never felt accepted until she met claudia, she could be herself with claudia as she wasn't judgmental, she now talks to claudia to a photo of her she carries from room to room, maybe she defends her so much because she was in love with her, if not love, then certainly devotedly
She said that apart from going to work she is almost a recluse, doesn't seem to have any other friends, might explain her attitude towards what she might think of impertinent questions, quite sad really

Oh absolutely I question it too, I'm not stating SC is completely innocent or knows nothing, I don't know what she knows. I was just referring to Rodney Ballard who originally praised SC when she was communicating with him but when that ceased he started accusing her of being involved too. I hope you haven't took it personally that she fell out with you, I'm sure SC has been contacted by many people over the years, some probably with not the best of intentions. Although we know you have the best intentions here and just want to help find out what happened to her, SC doesn't know that and maybe very guarded after 11 years of questions. MOO
SC has a complex character on her own admission she doesnt make friends easily.
She can be very easily upset and offended. An outsider needing to gain her trust would need considerable skills in understanding her personality and thought patterns
She has said on tv that she doesnt feel she has been the best at life and she feels shes a rubbish friend because she hasnt been able to help. Clearly an already a sensitive person she has now had these any insecurities she had about herself to become intensified. She says its had a reclusive effect on her life. Its perfectly understandable having experienced such a life changing event which she does not have closure on.
Its not unknown in other cases it is these type of people with these characteristics that do hold the key...some are viewed as the weak link and the investigatations focus on them in hope of a result. Others types are known to have buried it deep inside their psyche and thrown away the key.
I would be interested to know if MajorLang had the opportunity to speak to her personally or was he stone walled at the begining of any introduction
SC has a complex character on her own admission she doesnt make friends easily.
She can be very easily upset and offended. An outsider needing to gain her trust would need considerable skills in understanding her personality and thought patterns
She has said on tv that she doesnt feel she has been the best at life and she feels shes a rubbish friend because she hasnt been able to help. Clearly an already a sensitive person she has now had these any insecurities she had about herself to become intensified. She says its had a reclusive effect on her life. Its perfectly understandable having experienced such a life changing event which she does not have closure on.
Its not unknown in other cases it is these type of people with these characteristics that do hold the key...some are viewed as the weak link and the investigatations focus on them in hope of a result. Others types are known to have buried it deep inside their psyche and thrown away the key.
I would be interested to know if MajorLang had the opportunity to speak to her personally or was he stone walled at the begining of any introduction
I communicated with her on Facebook groups. I was always respectful and quoted verbatim what she said in my blog. I even took screenshots of the conversations to ensure I wasn't misquoting her. She felt I was prying and accused me of twisting her words but when I asked her to identify any misquotes she wouldn't. I found that she was very selective on what she chose to answer to anyone and given that we were asking questions to help find her friend I could only ever see that her remit appeared to be to protect her friends formostly.
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Initially police were looking for a missing person. They were then looking for a body of a missing person. If you recall, it was some time before there was any mention of a braking car and so a car stored in this Garage would be safe for a while and then it goes to breakers yard. I agree that police would be looking at vehicle movements but for how long? They missed so much in the early days as we know and became obsessed with her being abducted on her way to work, even though there was no cctv evidence of her walking to work-Bizzarely, even today there are many who still feels that she has been abducted. We need to look more into her friends silence and failure to check on her and Oxer's weird change of plan that involved him going the long way round to work.
Why 'Bizzarely, even today there are many who still feels she has been abducted'? If you have solved this case %100 then please inform everyone so we can all go elsewhere and spend our time on other cases. If you have not solved this case then please allow us the courtesy of speculating and giving out theories no matter how far fetched they sound to other people. This is said without any intention to cause offense.
Why 'Bizzarely, even today there are many who still feels she has been abducted'? If you have solved this case %100 then please inform everyone so we can all go elsewhere and spend our time on other cases. If you have not solved this case then please allow us the courtesy of speculating and giving out theories no matter how far fetched they sound to other people. This is said without any intention to cause offense.
No offence taken @Jude Merlin and please advise who the "us" are.
The police have far more evidence than they have or can share.

They know who and where and when but when faced with "No comments"-which has to be the biggest admission of guilt ever, they can only hope that someone breaks the silence.

I have researched this case for some time and find that theories are all over the place and pulling people sometimes on course and other times off course.

Anyone can have a theory but I just hope that we all try and stay focused.

I went through a period recently where I was quite forceful in rebuking any suggestion that Halliwell could have taken her-I was personally attacked online for trying to dismiss that theory.

It could have been any abductor.

But only when I was able to reveal that He was in a mental institution receiving help for suicidal tendencies When Claudia went missing did people start to also dismiss him.

I'm happy for anyone to have a theory and happy for people to waste their own time promoting them.
I just try to offer help and support having already researched some of these avenues.

What we should also consider is that the perpetrators would love nothing more than us to run down the wrong rabbit holes because if we are allowed to keep the pressure on them, they will crack at some point.

It is obvious that Claudias house was staged by who took her so as to look as though she left for work. They did this because they wanted people to think she could have been abducted on that morning but by then she was long gone.
SC has a complex character on her own admission she doesnt make friends easily.
She can be very easily upset and offended. An outsider needing to gain her trust would need considerable skills in understanding her personality and thought patterns
She has said on tv that she doesnt feel she has been the best at life and she feels shes a rubbish friend because she hasnt been able to help. Clearly an already a sensitive person she has now had these any insecurities she had about herself to become intensified. She says its had a reclusive effect on her life. Its perfectly understandable having experienced such a life changing event which she does not have closure on.
Its not unknown in other cases it is these type of people with these characteristics that do hold the key...some are viewed as the weak link and the investigatations focus on them in hope of a result. Others types are known to have buried it deep inside their psyche and thrown away the key.
I would be interested to know if MajorLang had the opportunity to speak to her personally or was he stone walled at the begining of any introduction
Sc is probably going against police advice not to talk to ‘strangers’ and others in case she , inadvertently gives confidential information ( from the police point of view ) plus being careful not to offend / hurt cl family.And as she has said in the past since the police believe that Claudia came to harm by someone she knew which probably means sc knows him too !
I communicate with her in Facfdbook groups. I was always respectful and quoted verbatim what she aid in my blog. I even took screenshots of the conversations to ensure I wasn't misquoting her. She felt I was prying and accused me of twisting her words but when I asked her to identify any misquotes she wouldn't. I found that she was very selective on what she chose to answer and given that we were asking questions to help find her friend I could only ever see that her remit appeared to be to protect her friends formostly.
As I said previously you need particular skills when trying to gain her trust.
If you had those particular skills you would know how not to make her feel that you were prying or twisting her words. Its a long slow process where every word and how its phrased must be carefully considered upon offering ..unfortunately once youve messed it up you wont get a second opportunity.
End result she locks you out of converstation
I would be very surprised if she had advised the police of your communication if indeed they werent monitoring her fac*b/"k anyway this is after all still an investigation albeit in a reactive stage.
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