UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, Chef, York University, 18 March 2009 #8

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trying to catch up....

there are endless possibilities, but all we can deal in is likelihoods...

none of these are impossible, so I'm not insulting anyone, so what are the likelihoods...

lover or partner from outside and having a meltdown, killing cl and cleaning it all up so quickly and efficiently without anyone. on cs home patch noticing it.

puppy eyed devotee killing c and others being willing to put their necks on the line for someone who's killed one of their best friends

car driver knocking c down and just carrying on with life

as I say, none are impossible, but I think its far more likely the drugs scene was. involved.-since the initial froth about the case died down, id been wondering about drugs.

maybe the big boys of the drugs world were in town over that busy weekend...-.possible motives

some issue about supply or payment
cs policeman boyfriend causing panic
claudia wanted out
she said or did something she shouldn't have that we don't know about

also possible shed slept with. jks boyfriend

that message to jk had something to do with it...look at the polices estimates of the timing...not half an hour after she spoke to her mother but immediately afterwards...a message with an aberration...the x....and superfluous information that sticks out like a sore thumb....working early mornings.

again, neither impossible but to have both in one short message is highly unlikely.

I think that , at the very least, some of her close circle. know what.happpened...some have maybe been told it was an accident.

in jks dream she says she told cl that she didn't believe.she deserved what happened to her.......really
trying to catch up....

there are endless possibilities, but all we can deal in is likelihoods...

none of these are impossible, so I'm not insulting anyone, so what are the likelihoods...

lover or partner from outside and having a meltdown, killing cl and cleaning it all up so quickly and efficiently without anyone. on cs home patch noticing it.

puppy eyed devotee killing c and others being willing to put their necks on the line for someone who's killed one of their best friends

car driver knocking c down and just carrying on with life

as I say, none are impossible, but I think its far more likely the drugs scene was. involved.-since the initial froth about the case died down, id been wondering about drugs.

maybe the big boys of the drugs world were in town over that busy weekend...-.possible motives

some issue about supply or payment
cs policeman boyfriend causing panic
claudia wanted out
she said or did something she shouldn't have that we don't know about

also possible shed slept with. jks boyfriend

that message to jk had something to do with it...look at the polices estimates of the timing...not half an hour after she spoke to her mother but immediately afterwards...a message with an aberration...the x....and superfluous information that sticks out like a sore thumb....working early mornings.

again, neither impossible but to have both in one short message is highly unlikely.

I think that , at the very least, some of her close circle. know what.happpened...some have maybe been told it was an accident.

in jks dream she says she told cl that she didn't believe.she deserved what happened to her.......really
Do you think we are possibly talking to AI software here already and it’s learning from us ?
And if not why not ?
Put in all the clues and computer sorts out the wheat from the chuff ?
I can't find evidence about the bank card on the bed??
In this of many...“Her handbag was still on the end of her bed with the bank card in it and there were plates, probably from supper, in the kitchen sink".
Claudia Lawrence: Missing chef's dad Peter on agony of third Christmas without her

Apologies everyone I read it somewhere in the thread! Still the sentiment remains I guess, although she may have regularly left her purse at home. She in all likelihood intended to return home after work that day surely. The sole purpose of going outside and meeting up with people is not to spend money of course but if she planned something straight after work that was an overnight/late thing, taking her purse and other essentials with her seems more likely, if only for transportation from somewhere fairly remote unless her destination was nearby/at the university or she had been expecting a lift.
Maybe she'd been approached by people in the days leading up to her disappearence and it was a security thing.
But why were the GHD's AWOL? If they were in the bag which was then dumped perhaps they and the other contents were found/stolen, and whoever did so panicked when they realised they might be Claudia's?
Or the straighteners were the murder weapon as has been discussed and her last journey to work didn't begin at all.
The 12.10 explicit phone detachment has always bugged me too: why then? To make it seem like someone on lunch break did it then? (I'd argue an early one, most 9-5ers have lunch break 12.30 onwards)
If Claudia finished work at 2 perhaps 12 onwards was the lunch serving/closing down/clean up segment of her shift, after a short break.
Did someone have this in mind to implicate/absolve her immediate colleagues or was the timing random due to external factors (locating the phone wherever it was, not necessarily in the bag)

rapists and murderers are not always raping and killing sometimes they are even known to go to church !

first of all we dont know it was him but the police will have more access to that footage and when and how those people arrived there how long they were there and what they were doing when they were there and so could provide almost all of those answers.
I think it was you Major that gave a time when that truck left the street (correct me if Im wrong)
I can think of lots of possibilities
The most important thing to remember about a sexual predator is that there mind set is different to normal people they interrupt things differently they look for opportunities and they are able to act quickly because they have been playing these out and for some time not only in their head but doing lesser stuff and building up to things.

And getting away with suff.. if they are in a relationship phaffing it off or sometimes their partner allowing them to get away with things/denial
That’s what I thought too. The footage is very clear if they were that desperate to find him you’d have thought it would have been done by now but I can’t find any update about it. I guess it’s possible being that they said he had an African accent that he was just in the country short term and has moved back abroad and that’s why they can’t locate him.

Of course it could be that he has absolutely nothing of use to offer anyway and just saw the story about Claudia on the front of the paper that day and decided to piggyback on it. Kind of odd that he would just tell random retail workers about it though. How did the subject even come up.

He may have been a colleague from the Monkbar/Quality hotel, she worked there previously. Maybe the point is relaying this information as a white person doesn't warrant a police call (hence the soundless video still from soundless CCTV footage) That said maybe he relayed/said something suspicious.
If you look to the right of your arrows, the triangular shape of the porch above her door can be made out. Therefore I think the arrows point to the end of her courtyard/garden where it adjoins the property next door. There is a white electric meter attached to the wall of 46 (see google maps) at this point.
I am very interested in the timing of this vehicle's appearance and the one parked in front of it. It was a busy night in Heworth Road at 9pm.

I understand what you are saying Yozzer its difficult if we we sat side by side we could look at it together but its not an option.
The angle of the bus its speed and lighting and weather and because people rarely stand still are all working against me.. If only the bus driver had put his wiper on and cleared the windscreen it might have helped grrrh.
I prefer not to do this work at night in darkened room .. but take a look at this one again its nt brilliant but you may get a better look at the person in the white Tshirt and blue jacket?
He may have been a colleague from the Monkbar/Quality hotel, she worked there previously. Maybe the point is relaying this information as a white person doesn't warrant a police call (hence the soundless video still from soundless CCTV footage) That said maybe he relayed/said something suspicious.

Did MT work at any of these as a 'waiter' and as PJ3 suggested did Liz Holder or Anthony Newby know him?
Did MT work at any of these as a 'waiter' and as PJ3 suggested did Liz Holder or Anthony Newby know him?
The employer should know this too !
They have plenty of time to check their records at the moment ! Chovid moment
.........The sole purpose of going outside and meeting up with people is not to spend money of course but if she planned something straight after work that was an overnight/late thing, taking her purse and other essentials with her seems more likely, if only for transportation from somewhere fairly remote unless her destination was nearby/at the university or she had been expecting a lift..........
I also wondered about her purse as the constant mention of the bank card but not the purse (which is the way most women carry cash, even in 2020!) seemed a strange omission. Eventually I found 1 DM article stating her purse was also in her handbag.
This evidence is what led family to believe the early morning (going to work) option, explaining that this is how she cash needed, free snacks/meals in work, walk home or lift etc.
The Wed evening option wasn't really explored in the early stages because family/friends insisted she had no boyfriend, no secrets, her life was an open book. If she had gone out with a female friend to town, she would have needed money (and in 2009 that would def be cash), whereas a male date (as opposed to a male mate) might have insisted on paying for everything. But I doubt this occurred either because cctv would have picked up their activity. And she didn't take any jewellery or dress-up clothes, as she was known to do. So was she lured to a house with the promise of a lift to work the next morning. Or did a scene in her home turn nasty very quickly?
even if your boyfriend insists on paying for everything, its not a good idea to leave home without any cash

I thought id read somewhere that the police wanted to dig up a traffic island, but the council blocked it, saying there was insufficient evidence for the disruption....does anyone know if that's true.

pope....I. know what you mean, but what I'm trying to say is that, apart from people who might be pretending to be normal posters, we don't have any proof for our individual theories...we can only take the. bits apart and see what they look. like.

cl was certainly a strange woman....according to moon safari, she didn't do physicals in the nags and.yet she went on boys nights out

and she didn't seem to realise or mind that she was hurting a lot of people but, in many ways, I think she was too vulnerable to be let out on her own.

have we got any medics. on this some kind of emotional or intellectual retardation
I also wondered about her purse as the constant mention of the bank card but not the purse (which is the way most women carry cash, even in 2020!) seemed a strange omission. Eventually I found 1 DM article stating her purse was also in her handbag.
This evidence is what led family to believe the early morning (going to work) option, explaining that this is how she cash needed, free snacks/meals in work, walk home or lift etc.
The Wed evening option wasn't really explored in the early stages because family/friends insisted she had no boyfriend, no secrets, her life was an open book. If she had gone out with a female friend to town, she would have needed money (and in 2009 that would def be cash), whereas a male date (as opposed to a male mate) might have insisted on paying for everything. But I doubt this occurred either because cctv would have picked up their activity. And she didn't take any jewellery or dress-up clothes, as she was known to do. So was she lured to a house with the promise of a lift to work the next morning. Or did a scene in her home turn nasty very quickly?
Or the mystery new man picked her up soon after leaving her home anxious for her not to proceed with her planned Cyprus escapade !
even if your boyfriend insists on paying for everything, its not a good idea to leave home without any cash

I thought id read somewhere that the police wanted to dig up a traffic island, but the council blocked it, saying there was insufficient evidence for the disruption....does anyone know if that's true.

pope....I. know what you mean, but what I'm trying to say is that, apart from people who might be pretending to be normal posters, we don't have any proof for our individual theories...we can only take the. bits apart and see what they look. like.

cl was certainly a strange woman....according to moon safari, she didn't do physicals in the nags and.yet she went on boys nights out

and she didn't seem to realise or mind that she was hurting a lot of people but, in many ways, I think she was too vulnerable to be let out on her own.

have we got any medics. on this some kind of emotional or intellectual retardation
When you check on WS it nearly always says that there are several ‘robots ‘ on here .
Can anyone explain this to me ?
Could it be newspapers gathering information ?
Is Cortina a robot ?
8BF3BB4D-0587-4129-BC9A-531187CDD312.png Which one of you is a robot lol ?
I certainly think that Yozzer is a human robot always nice to hear from her !
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