UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #1

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Also in Germany: Our Claudia is named Tanja:

Acht Jahre Ungewissheit beendet
Leiche von Tanja Gräff wohl gefunden

Google translation:
After a university party in the spring of 2007, the then 21-year-old student Tanja Gräff disappears without a trace. In clearing work near the site of her disappearance human bones now be found. Can the case be cleared up now?

Eight years of uncertainty have probably ended. The fate of Trier student Tanja Gräff that was swallowed in June 2007 after a Unifest from the earth seems clarified. In clearing work on an inaccessible steep slope in Trier-Pallien on Monday human bones were found. Trier police and prosecutors are convinced: The finds are "very likely to the remains" of Tanja Gräff from Korlingen.

As the young woman then came to death, at first remained unclear. The police had previously always assumed that the then 21-year-old after the party at the University of Trier to a violent crime fell victim. Apart from the bones, investigators found at an overgrown by trees and hedges escarpment footwear, clothing and personal items. "There is enough evidence that it is Tanja," said the lawyer Tanja Graeffs mother, Detlef Böhm. The site is close to the university.

3000 notes but no hot lead

For the 58-year-old mother would be "a relief". "It was always their first concern to be able to bury their daughter in dignity," Boehm said. Since the disappearance of Tanja not a day had passed when the mother did not think of the fate of her daughter. "She felt that she's dead." The father of Tanya did not live the certainty: He died almost two years ago.

The police had searched for the mysterious disappearance of student days with a large contingent of officers, dogs and equipped with thermal imaging cameras helicopters the environment of the university. Without success. This was followed by years of investigation by the police to Trier, where created tens of file folders and 3,000 clues and traces were investigated - without hot lead.

Location is examined over a large area

Even an emanation of the case in the ZDF series "file number XY ... unsolved" the police had not brought. "There's no crime scene, no trace, nothing where you could set" the investigators kept saying. The corpse had probably not far away located all the time from the point of disappearance.

On Monday, the police were looking around the area where the remains of a large area from forest and hillside. Other studies have already been held, it results not yet give. On Tuesday afternoon, police and prosecutors wanted to comment in detail about the new situation.

If we only would know the location of disappearance re Claudia!
Is the guy who walks by the bottom of Heworth place, interrupting bag man, this young man with a light coloured jacket and black trousers? He's caught on camera on the opp side of the road up near Cost cutters.

Edited to add
No he isn't, he's the chap that walks by on the opp side of the road when bag man goes around the back of Claudia's out of sight.

On video I saw a person on the opposite site of Claudia's street at entrance door and at one point I saw also a light angular item near this person. The man from entrance door has to be this man who is now walking, I think (pic 2).

Pic 4: Strange, so early in the morning wandering with hands in his pockets? One does only if one waits and hasn't a direct target to go at.
Just a few thoughts on cctv evidence presented by NYP on their website, in particular the close timings and proximity of these sightings:
19 March 05.42 am CCTV Silver Ford Focus seen braking. Looking closely (using zoom) at this cctv, I can detect a figure standing in front of a white car parked on the driveway of a property opposite CL's house. It is not there during the clip but is evident when you look closely at the end, when it stops.
19 March 'at around 5.50am' a man is seen to walk from Heworth Road towards the rear CL's house. The man was assumed to be RC but this was never confirmed.
Here's the actual cctv:

bbm red: Yes, I see it also, person with dark clothing.
My question: Car is braking and just before video stops, there is a reflection of car light on one of the windows to the left side of road. Why then?
IF "Rid the world of Claudia" was agreed upon why on this very morning? Could it be for a specific reason? (if not an accident etc.)
What was going on the next few days in York, where she would be dangerous to others?
bbm red: Yes, I see it also, person with dark clothing.
My question: Car is braking and just before video stops, there is a reflection of car light on one of the windows to the left side of road. Why then?

Yes I saw that too. There is another car coming from left to right at the very end of the clip. Either it would be lights from this car or a vehicle was parking up on the road opposite this house, or reverse parking at the front of the pub and the headlamps flashed on the window before being turned off. So much activity at such an early time in the morning.
Re the article you quoted earlier From Germany, (post 1121) about Tanja who's body was found years later close to the area she went missing.........I have thought it likely that Claudia's body (sorry) is in the area of York university.
IF "Rid the world of Claudia" was agreed upon why on this very morning? Could it be for a specific reason? (if not an accident etc.)
What was going on the next few days in York, where she would be dangerous to others?

I understand what you mean here. It would be foolish to not think beyond the obvious.
One thing I've not considered is Claudia may have been about to tell somebody something that would have been costly to a partner. Whatever the reason I think it was a moment of uncontrolled anger that resulted in Claudia becoming a victim. I personally don't think it was planned, it's just played out to suit the perpetrator.
I understand what you mean here. It would be foolish to not think beyond the obvious.
One thing I've not considered is Claudia may have been about to tell somebody something that would have been costly to a partner. Whatever the reason I think it was a moment of uncontrolled anger that resulted in Claudia becoming a victim. I personally don't think it was planned, it's just played out to suit the perpetrator.

I'm with you on that theory Robin, don't think it was planned either.....although the perp appears to have done a very good job of covering his tracks and hiding evidence.
I'm with you on that theory Robin, don't think it was planned either.....although the perp appears to have done a very good job of covering his tracks and hiding evidence.

Imo, 1 perp and a group of selfish others who value their lives above hers.
Imo, 1 perp and a group of selfish others who value their lives above hers.
Yes apparently, but why not tip anonymously....that's the bit I don't get, it seems unlikely that there are many people who know the truth (who are innocent of wrongdoing) why wouldn't they tell even anonymously ? What's your thoughts on the reason for that Robin ?
Because they are related? Either by blood or by the fact they both/all stand to lose their wives and families if the whole story comes out?
Yes apparently, but why not tip anonymously....that's the bit I don't get, it seems unlikely that there are many people who know the truth (who are innocent of wrongdoing) why wouldn't they tell even anonymously ? What's your thoughts on the reason for that Robin ?

That is a very good question. I was going to say that they might be scared that the Police would turn Claudia's life inside out and any dalliances they had would be brought into the public domain.
However, if the Police thought she'd been killed on her way to work they might not delve as deep as they have, they'd be looking for a stranger. Hope that makes sense.
To be honest, I've even considered she died elsewhere (not at home) and the whole Melrose gate bridge sighting and abandoned bag was staged. Just how much trouble would somebody go to to avoid a life sentence?
Yes I saw that too. There is another car coming from left to right at the very end of the clip. Either it would be lights from this car or a vehicle was parking up on the road opposite this house, or reverse parking at the front of the pub and the headlamps flashed on the window before being turned off. So much activity at such an early time in the morning.

Thank you, that I wanted to know. Could be the silver car ............... and we don't know more to this. :(
I'm with you on that theory Robin, don't think it was planned either.....although the perp appears to have done a very good job of covering his tracks and hiding evidence.


Next scenario, I could imagine: Claudia pregnant, tells the lover/father, father perhaps has longtime girlfriend (and perhaps a child), it happens accident or murder. Father/perp knows, if the body would be found, then police is able to discover the father of this little unborn. Perp has to hide evidence more thoroughly.
Dan said he might be the only one of Claudia’s boyfriends who was not married or attached.

I seem to recall Mr Whitehand was viewed as a suspect early on in the case. Although we know it is true that the police followed up the Cyprus connection, I think DW is trying hard to publicly separate himself from any responsibility by introducing other elements e.g. married men, male contacts in Cyprus and CLs alleged neediness. Not very gentlemanly imo.

I agree, does seem to be working very hard to deflect attention from himself and guiding the blame elsewhere
I agree, does seem to be working very hard to deflect attention from himself and guiding the blame elsewhere

Yes when I read that article, in the mirror I believe, I thought Mr Whitehand was, as you said Yosser, very unchivalrous.
I understand what you mean here. It would be foolish to not think beyond the obvious.
One thing I've not considered is Claudia may have been about to tell somebody something that would have been costly to a partner. Whatever the reason I think it was a moment of uncontrolled anger that resulted in Claudia becoming a victim. I personally don't think it was planned, it's just played out to suit the perpetrator.

BIB I agree - and I think there must have been help given afterwards by more than one other person.

I cant quite imagine that someone who committed a murder which was totally unplanned, would then be able to calmly organise such a thorough cover up on their own. They would surely have been in some sort of shock.
Could he have been the one who turned up unexpectedly at her door (when was that? anyone got a link?)? I always got the feeling that may have been an ex who she hadn't seen for a while. And what's this about the Cyprus bloke being in York on 18th?

I am getting mighty confused, has anyone got/done a "timeline of FACTS" for this case?

Just moving away from the Nags Head crowd for a bit.... thinking outside the box..... who was the surprise visitor, is he the man she supposedly spent the night with earlier in the week? Someone from her past perhaps.
One thing that puzzles me ( well amongst many really ! ) is ..... if the couple seen arguing were not Claudia and A N Other, then why have they never come forward.
This sighting has been given so much publicity over the years, how could they not know the police are asking for them to come forward. And what could be so important to them that they did not feel able to speak out and help the police to eliminate a false sighting.
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