Recovered/Located UK - Constance Marten & Mark Gordon & Newborn, left a broken down car on motorway, Bolton Greater Manchester, 5 Jan 2023

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You know, nothing about the was CM and MG have been living these last few years suggests to me she has access to significant amounts of money.

Some sure, enough to keep this up so far on (presumably) no income which must have cost a grand or two. However, aristocratic sorts slum it by buying a humble but deceptively expensive cottage and living off their passive income or initial set up until they can't afford it anymore. Or else they blow through it, and get 'help' from family. They don't get run out of a series of *advertiser censored* rentals in working class run down areas, (expensive rentals or quaint working class areas sure.)

This is not quite me stereotyping, more trying to explain that being brought up like that installs a certain mental standard of living, even when 'poor.' If she wanted to live poor but actually had a big trust fund, imo she'd live a rich girls idea of poor.

If he was controlling her money, you'd expect him at least to be living nice, not going out to odd jobs and apparently not spending enough to stand out in those areas. If drugs or mental health made them like this I'd expect her to to have either blown through it or still draw on it sometimes.

My point is, by all appearances, they were living like they genuinely were only scraping by.

The way they ran also suggests they have some cash, but not a lot. They bought a dodgy cash car and when that broke down they got cabs and it seems stayed in cheap hotels/air bnbs. They haven't changed clothes or mixed up their appearance. They didn't get another car. They're disorganised sure and maybe mental health or drugs play a role in their decision making, but they have enough wits about them to dodge three police forces and a massive public appeal so far.

With access to a lot of money, she would have a lot more options, both to get around more discreetly and to try and get out the country. Hell, getting out before the baby was born would have been a doddle. Now it's harder but cash and connections get you a lot of things the average joe would struggle with. She grew up at the top of the tree, even isolated all these years, she knows where to look for these services.

The fact that the police are only saying she 'may' have access to significant funds is a little weird to me. She won't have made that money. It would be inheritance or a trust. If she had a family trust fund, you'd think they'd have an idea of her access to it. They might not know how much is left of an inheritance perhaps, but families like that tend to keep an eye on the money, estrangement or not. Hence the small private bank. I wonder if they're more concerned she can draw from rich connections or relatives.
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You know, nothing about the was CM and MG have been living these last few years suggests to me she has access to significant amounts of money.

Some sure, enough to keep this up so far on (presumably) no income which must have cost a grand or two. However, aristocratic sorts slum it by buying a humble but deceptively expensive cottage and living off their passive income or initial set up until they can't afford it anymore. Or else they blow through it, and get 'help' from family. They don't get run out of a series of *advertiser censored* rentals in working class run down areas, (expensive rentals or quaint working class areas sure.)

This is not quite me stereotyping, more trying to explain that being brought up like that installs a certain mental standard of living, even when 'poor.' If she wanted to live poor but actually had a big trust fund, imo she'd live a rich girls idea of poor.

If he was controlling her money, you'd expect him at least to be living nice, not going out to odd jobs and apparently not spending enough to stand out in those areas. If drugs or mental health made them like this I'd expect her to to have either blown through it or still draw on it sometimes.

My point is, by all appearances, they were living like they genuinely were only scraping by.

The way they ran also suggests they have some cash, but not a lot. They bought a dodgy cash car and when that broke down they got cabs and it seems stayed in cheap hotels/air bnbs. They haven't changed clothes or mixed up their appearance. They didn't get another car. They're disorganised sure and maybe mental health or drugs play a role in their decision making, but they have enough wits about them to dodge three police forces and a massive public appeal so far.

With access to a lot of money, she would have a lot more options, both to get around more discreetly and to try and get out the country. Hell, getting out before the baby was born would have been a doddle. Now it's harder but cash and connections get you a lot of things the average joe would struggle with. She grew up at the top of the tree, even isolated all these years, she knows where to look for these services.

The fact that the police are only saying she 'may' have access to significant funds is a little weird to me. She won't have made that money. It would be inheritance or a trust. If she had a family trust fund, you'd think they'd have an idea of her access to it. They might not know how much is left of an inheritance perhaps, but families like that tend to keep an eye on the money, estrangement or not. Hence the small private bank. I wonder if they're more concerned she can draw from rich connections or relatives.
That makes much more sense to me. I was wondering the same thing, if she has access to all this money then why was she living as she was? Why did she not arm herself with an attorney if she had earlier fears of whatever it is she was hiding from? It’s just all so disorganized that I can’t even make an educated guess at their next moves - or any moves, even those which have already been made. Like, frfr, why did they get off the ship to Holland? I doubt they’d extradite for what amounts to a wellness check. They’d have been totally free, but then walked off the boat. I can’t imagine what they’re thinking.
It’s I The DM, <modsnip - bashing a WS approved source>, it says she’s made contact with her family. <modsnip - sleuthing family> <modsnip - bashing a WS approved source>
Seems she used Facebook reasonable regularly up until 2016, then dropped off the map until 2020 when she started to post her kids. Now who knows what more private posts she's got etc. But the ones you can see have a bunch of messages from her friends about not knowing she was a mum or not hearing from her in ages.
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I suppose at nearly 50 you dont really have an active online presence
<modsnip - statistics provided without a link>

People of all age groups can choose not to have social media, though, and it's pretty easy to make your profile unsearchable by strangers.
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That makes much more sense to me. I was wondering the same thing, if she has access to all this money then why was she living as she was? Why did she not arm herself with an attorney if she had earlier fears of whatever it is she was hiding from? It’s just all so disorganized that I can’t even make an educated guess at their next moves - or any moves, even those which have already been made. Like, frfr, why did they get off the ship to Holland? I doubt they’d extradite for what amounts to a wellness check. They’d have been totally free, but then walked off the boat. I can’t imagine what they’re thinking.
Good point, <modsnip - sleuthing family> maybe theres a part of this spiritual awakening in CM. Or maybe she was just burning through the money/couldnt handle it for one reason or another (mental health/substance abuse) and a cap was put on it..but yes dosnt seem they are living the high life at all. Just my opinion. Am sad for all of them especially the little ‘un
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<modsnip - statistics provided without a link>

People of all age groups can choose not to have social media, though, and it's pretty easy to make your profile unsearchable by strangers.
All the more reason for him to have an online presence then. Though, I meant from a personal view, most folk I used to know over 50 I know can barely login to their email. Obviously, thats changing year by year as the young grow old that already know generic computer skills.

Either way, Im amazed that there is only one photo of Mark Gordon, <modsnip - not victim friendly> and confused as to how we are another day in without an ounce of new information. Even by luck one of them should have been spotted by now, maybe.. Its london after all and they will mix in pretty well regardless.
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All the more reason for him to have an online presence then. Though, I meant from a personal view, most folk I used to know over 50 I know can barely login to their email. Obviously, thats changing year by year as the young grow old that already know generic computer skills.

Either way, Im amazed that there is only one photo of Mark Gordon, <modsnip - not victim friendly> and confused as to how we are another day in without an ounce of new information. Even by luck one of them should have been spotted by now, maybe.. Its london after all and they will mix in pretty well regardless.
:p Most “folk …over 50” have been using email for 30 years, since it became standard for business comms in their twenties!

I don’t think age has any bearing on why someone chooses to have online presence or not. My other half is the same age as me but has no social media accounts at all, just not interested.

I think some people though have less innocent reasons for avoiding an online presence - I’ve known of people for instance who shall we say play the field a lot and don’t want to get caught out.

My feeling is MG just isn’t a Facebook or TikTok type of guy.
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Good point, <modsnip - sleuthing family> maybe theres a part of this spiritual awakening in CM. Or maybe she was just burning through the money/couldnt handle it for one reason or another (mental health/substance abuse) and a cap was put on it..but yes dosnt seem they are living the high life at all. Just my opinion. Am sad for all of them especially the little ‘un

Yeah, this is a standard rich persons way of escaping the terrible burdan of generational wealth. Throw it all away! Go live the simple life! - set up by said money, and with the safely net of deeply rooted family privilege if your dreams don't work out.

When privileged rich kids give up a life of easy opulence - it's for a cause or a dream. They join a commune or a cult. Set up a foreign orphanage, save the wales, become a insta-nomad who blogs about carving nose flutes for petrol money. Or becomes a starving artist/craftsman in the knowledge they don't have to stay one. Etc.

They don't throw it all away for the chance to get evicted from sink estates - working nights at Tesco's to keep the lights on, trying to sleep through the neighbors police raid, having your kids taken by SS, not being able to afford good council etc.

Their life sounded less like a humble ideal and more like grinding poverty. I can't imagine, considering his background, that MG would strive for a life of real poverty and genuine denial when his partner is actually loaded.

The only thing I can think of which might fit is a cult that sucks all money generated from her trust. They are both functionally broke but also technically have access significant money - if they cut off wherever in the cult was going. Something would have been dug up by now thought.

My other thought was drugs/drink, but if they was at such a stage of isolation and self neglect for an addiction, frankly a high passive income would have made their decline a hard steep slope.
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I know it’s not particularly relevant now but afaik taxis don’t come with car seats. So does that mean either they have a car seat already, or they travelled in the taxis with the baby illegally secured (for want of a better term)?
If the taxi drivers have now come forward does this mean they have either admitted to illegally allowing the baby to travel this way, or that there was in fact an appropriate car seat?
I suppose what I am asking is, is it possible to request taxis with a specific car seat?
It is legal to travel in a taxi without a car seat.
All the more reason for him to have an online presence then. Though, I meant from a personal view, most folk I used to know over 50 I know can barely login to their email. Obviously, thats changing year by year as the young grow old that already know generic computer skills.

Either way, Im amazed that there is only one photo of Mark Gordon, <modsnip - not victim friendly> and confused as to how we are another day in without an ounce of new information. Even by luck one of them should have been spotted by now, maybe.. Its london after all and they will mix in pretty well regardless.
<modsnip - quoted post snipped/report don't reply to TOS violations>

Imho moo only, I wouldn't be able to leave the country if my other children still lived here, so I would think that speaks volumes for the movement we known by CCTV the couple have and haven't taken.
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<modsnip - quoted post snipped/report don't reply to TOS violations>

Imho moo only, I wouldn't be able to leave the country if my other children still lived here, so I would think that speaks volumes for the movement we known by CCTV the couple have and haven't taken.
I also think it would be pretty difficult to get on a ferry to europe with a newborn baby with no passport, especially if it started crying etc, they would easily be picked up by immigration at the other end either by acting suspiciously or having a crying baby under your jacket. Its not as easy when passing through anymore since Brexit. As of this year (sure sure if in force yet)but you have to apply for a etias visa fir tge EU before you travel so would surely be flagged up-although they are not on a wanted list as far as i know so would assume they are free to travel..but different kettle of fish if they travelled knowing baby may not have a passport yet..
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In addtion to all of this Mark Gordon is pretty much a ghost online. The only photo of him is that drivers license/mug shot. No other socials, accounts or anything. You could assume at a far fetch that his hands are in one Facebook photo but thats about it. I suppose at nearly 50 you dont really have an active online presence but Id expect something. Almost not convinced thats his real name but what do I know!?


there was an intersting survey done on WS, several years ago. The findings showed that the average WS poster was more like to be female than male ( I think the stat was 70 - 30 ) and in the 40/50s age bracket. The results might not still be on the site, since WS was updated a year or two ago, but it was certainly interesting and a good Aid to giving us the typical demographic for the site.
<p>Constance Marten, Mark Gordon (pictured) and their newborn child have been missing for almost two weeks</p>

Constance Marten, Mark Gordon (pictured) and their newborn child have been missing for almost two weeks

Constance Marten, her partner Mark Gordon, and her newborn infant have vanished after they were spotted on CCTV walking away from a car they had bought just six days earlier.

The pair walked along the hard shoulder of the M61 motorway near Bolton, Greater Manchester, with Constance carrying the tot in her arms on Thursday, January 5.

She was spotted again 200 miles away near Harwich port, Essex, where she was seen appearing to carry the child under a bright red shall.

Police say she was seen about 20 miles away in Colchester and officers believe they may have used false names to check into a B&B.
You know, nothing about the was CM and MG have been living these last few years suggests to me she has access to significant amounts of money.

Some sure, enough to keep this up so far on (presumably) no income which must have cost a grand or two. However, aristocratic sorts slum it by buying a humble but deceptively expensive cottage and living off their passive income or initial set up until they can't afford it anymore. Or else they blow through it, and get 'help' from family. They don't get run out of a series of *advertiser censored* rentals in working class run down areas, (expensive rentals or quaint working class areas sure.)

This is not quite me stereotyping, more trying to explain that being brought up like that installs a certain mental standard of living, even when 'poor.' If she wanted to live poor but actually had a big trust fund, imo she'd live a rich girls idea of poor.

If he was controlling her money, you'd expect him at least to be living nice, not going out to odd jobs and apparently not spending enough to stand out in those areas. If drugs or mental health made them like this I'd expect her to to have either blown through it or still draw on it sometimes.

My point is, by all appearances, they were living like they genuinely were only scraping by.

The way they ran also suggests they have some cash, but not a lot. They bought a dodgy cash car and when that broke down they got cabs and it seems stayed in cheap hotels/air bnbs. They haven't changed clothes or mixed up their appearance. They didn't get another car. They're disorganised sure and maybe mental health or drugs play a role in their decision making, but they have enough wits about them to dodge three police forces and a massive public appeal so far.

With access to a lot of money, she would have a lot more options, both to get around more discreetly and to try and get out the country. Hell, getting out before the baby was born would have been a doddle. Now it's harder but cash and connections get you a lot of things the average joe would struggle with. She grew up at the top of the tree, even isolated all these years, she knows where to look for these services.

The fact that the police are only saying she 'may' have access to significant funds is a little weird to me. She won't have made that money. It would be inheritance or a trust. If she had a family trust fund, you'd think they'd have an idea of her access to it. They might not know how much is left of an inheritance perhaps, but families like that tend to keep an eye on the money, estrangement or not. Hence the small private bank. I wonder if they're more concerned she can draw from rich connections or relatives.
Could It be possible that a Power of Attorney may have been granted in a case where a person may have been deemed unable, due to health reasons, to take care of their own financial affairs? That person may then not have access to their money, or at least be unable to access the full extent of it.
Two places i could imagine CM stopping by, a pawn shop (assuming CM had valuable jewelry she could turn in for cash) and a nail salon, her nails might be important to her considering they appear to be ''done'' even though she has a newborn and is seemingly purposely going under the radar. speculation, imo.
Ms Marten was then caught on a CCTV camera 250 miles away, apparently carrying the swaddled baby under a large red scarf at the port of Harwich in Essex.

Missing mother Constance Marten (pictured) was a 'very talented' actress who 'could have gone very far', before becoming estranged from her wealthy family, a former classmate has said

Two places i could imagine CM stopping by, a pawn shop (assuming CM had valuable jewelry she could turn in for cash) and a nail salon, her nails might be important to her considering they appear to be ''done'' even though she has a newborn and is seemingly purposely going under the radar. speculation, imo.
View attachment 395905

I mean you'd think so, but she's been photographed in that scarf in both Colchester and London, and the original reporting described her burgundy coat, as did sightings in Harwich.

"Mark was wearing dark clothing and Constance, who has a southern accent, was wearing a burgundy coat."

So not only have they not tried to change their appearance. She haven't even changed the pretty recognisable outer layer she's wearing everywhere. Like, they've been lucky so far, but they clearly don't want to be found. For the sake of a twenty in the nearest charity shop, it seems bizarre they've not at least swapped out the scarf and coat for something not all over every police report and news story.

Good spot on the nails though. I'd not noticed them, but you are right they are very long and painted. Especially considering she's a new mum and not exactly going for glamorous with the rest of her outfit. How long will they last until they need a touch up?
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