UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #1

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In regards to the theory that the phone *was* in the bin, my musings are around how accidental it could have been. The big industrial bins I've seen previously all have big heavy lids, and are a pain to lift up, especially when you have to put something in it. The theory that Corrie placed his phone on a bin whilst he was otherwise busy doesn't explain how the phone got inside the bin. Even if you are sober, they can be difficult to manoeuvre.

I suppose it depends on how the bin is emptied, if it is emptied by the lid opening when they tip it over it stands to reason that a phone could easily slide off into the bin. If the lid is already open when it is lifted then obviously it wouldn't.
I was wondering if anybody put together a case map yet? I don't remember one being posted except for those posted early on and showing only the location of the original CCTV footage and the RAF base's location...

The bin is probably one he wouldnt open. I wonder about the CCTV camera on the corner of the yellow building. It must not have been working I suppose.
I haven't posted since the Becky Watts case but I've been keeping up with the thread on here. At first I thought this one would be like so many drunk young men who end up falling in a river etc, and it still could be. However, I do think there are very definite similarities between this case and that of Luke Durbin in Ipswich. Both young men wandering around late at night, trying to get home. Similar geographical area. In both cases, a silver car was seen in the area. I presume the police will have picked this up?
My thoughts on this are to look at the facts we know, which is quite hard as there is conflicting info flying around. So what we do know...

1) He was drunk and had downed a lot in a short space of time and was asked to leave Flex nightclub because of it.
2) Slept in a doorway after eating his take away from Mamma Mia.
3) Sent a picture text in response to a request from a friend at 3.08am.
4) Seen on CCTV behind Greggs at 3.25am.
5) Phone active in Bury until 4.00am.
6) phone pings at Barton Mills at 4.30am.
7) Phone stops at 8.00am.
8) Bin lorry arrives behind Greggs 4.00am.
9) Bin lorry arrives Barton Mills 4.30am.

what is the saying? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

possibly Police have got a conclusion based on witness statements, cctv, amount of alcohol consumption, profiling etc etc and there is no further evidence as there is none. Unfortunately he probably did get in a bin (alcohol poisoning and suffering effects, cold, tired, dehydrated, confused etc) thinking just sleep and get going in the morning. Lorry weight may have been an estimate, no video, crushed, compacted, 5 weeks buried under landfill with phone. Lorry washed out long before its seized.

unless it is Case Adrian Lynch #2 and gets dropped off in wrong place and ends up in water, whom SAR and Cadaver dogs, Sonar etc did not find but a waterworks employee 8 months' later when gases rose his body to the surface.

Sorry to be harsh but the only killer here is probably alcohol.
My thoughts on this are to look at the facts we know, which is quite hard as there is conflicting info flying around. So what we do know...

1) He was drunk and had downed a lot in a short space of time and was asked to leave Flex nightclub because of it.
2) Slept in a doorway after eating his take away from Mamma Mia.
3) Sent a picture text in response to a request from a friend at 3.08am.
4) Seen on CCTV behind Greggs at 3.25am.
5) Phone active in Bury until 4.00am.
6) phone pings at Barton Mills at 4.30am.
7) Phone stops at 8.00am.
8) Bin lorry arrives behind Greggs 4.00am.
9) Bin lorry arrives Barton Mills 4.30am.

what is the saying? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

possibly Police have got a conclusion based on witness statements, cctv, amount of alcohol consumption, profiling etc etc and there is no further evidence as there is none. Unfortunately he probably did get in a bin (alcohol poisoning and suffering effects, cold, tired, dehydrated, confused etc) thinking just sleep and get going in the morning. Lorry weight may have been an estimate, no video, crushed, compacted, 5 weeks buried under landfill with phone. Lorry washed out long before its seized.

unless it is Case Adrian Lynch #2 and gets dropped off in wrong place and ends up in water, whom SAR and Cadaver dogs, Sonar etc did not find but a waterworks employee 8 months' later when gases rose his body to the surface.

Sorry to be harsh but the only killer here is probably alcohol.
Bin weights are pretty accurate these days. And they would know the area in the specific cell of the landfill used that day. And the waste probably didn't go direct to landfill but via transfer station. Police are well versed in searching on landfills it's fairly common. I don't think they would have stopped the search if there was any chance he was there

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Hello ByTheRiver!
Welcome to Websleuths and thanks for joining in with a great first post.

Your theory is similar to the scenario I am leaning towards at the moment.
I think the best use of resources would be a thorough search of related landfills before too much longer.
My thoughts on this are to look at the facts we know, which is quite hard as there is conflicting info flying around. So what we do know...

1) He was drunk and had downed a lot in a short space of time and was asked to leave Flex nightclub because of it.
2) Slept in a doorway after eating his take away from Mamma Mia.
3) Sent a picture text in response to a request from a friend at 3.08am.
4) Seen on CCTV behind Greggs at 3.25am.
5) Phone active in Bury until 4.00am.
6) phone pings at Barton Mills at 4.30am.
7) Phone stops at 8.00am.
8) Bin lorry arrives behind Greggs 4.00am.
9) Bin lorry arrives Barton Mills 4.30am.

what is the saying? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

possibly Police have got a conclusion based on witness statements, cctv, amount of alcohol consumption, profiling etc etc and there is no further evidence as there is none. Unfortunately he probably did get in a bin (alcohol poisoning and suffering effects, cold, tired, dehydrated, confused etc) thinking just sleep and get going in the morning. Lorry weight may have been an estimate, no video, crushed, compacted, 5 weeks buried under landfill with phone. Lorry washed out long before its seized.

unless it is Case Adrian Lynch #2 and gets dropped off in wrong place and ends up in water, whom SAR and Cadaver dogs, Sonar etc did not find but a waterworks employee 8 months' later when gases rose his body to the surface.

Sorry to be harsh but the only killer here is probably alcohol.

I agree that the simple explanation is usually the right one and alcohol is probably the culprit here but I don't agree with the theories about the bin. If the bins are the same ones that can be seen oh the streetview Imo they aren't the sort of bin that a drunk person would choose to sleep in. Just physically getting into the bin isn't easy and I don't see why someone would try to do that, I would think you'd be more likley to maybe use them as a windbreak or shelter if you wanted a second sleep and you were feeling the cold. By 4am in late September it got to be too chilly for a comfortable sleep outdoors with only a thin shirt.

I can't decdie if Corrie somehow managed to leave the area and avoid all CCTV for the rest of the night (unlikely) or is still in the deadend but somehow well concealed (also unlikely)

I'm stumped
I agree that the simple explanation is usually the right one and alcohol is probably the culprit here but I don't agree with the theories about the bin. If the bins are the same ones that can be seen oh the streetview Imo they aren't the sort of bin that a drunk person would choose to sleep in. Just physically getting into the bin isn't easy and I don't see why someone would try to do that, I would think you'd be more likley to maybe use them as a windbreak or shelter if you wanted a second sleep and you were feeling the cold. By 4am in late September it got to be too chilly for a comfortable sleep outdoors with only a thin shirt.

I can't decdie if Corrie somehow managed to leave the area and avoid all CCTV for the rest of the night (unlikely) or is still in the deadend but somehow well concealed (also unlikely)

I'm stumped

He didn't need a sleep, he'd just had a good 90 minutes. He would have been more sober by then as he'd eaten as well. I've no doubt he turned right to have a wee near the bins (who wouldn't need one by then) and I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped his phone around there, or left it in Hughes doorway or something.

The bin lorry could be a massive red herring, it could have been any vehicle which went from Bury phone ping to BMills phone ping. The bin lorry was forensicked (yeah I know that's not a word) with no trace of him on it or in it. BUT... there's a reason it was flagged up early on and is still being mentioned, why? Why, when it could in fact have been any vehicle going from A to B. Did it keep stopping or going off course to collect more bins? How accurate are the pings?
Hello 'By The River' -

I'm thinking along the same lines as you withthe Adrian Lynch case - although the bin things is odd, especially as he'd already been asleep for a couple of hours
Although there are also some similar cases like Luke Durbin and also Damien Nettles where it's been years with no answer. I really hope that won't be the case here for his family's sake ��
90mins sleep not that long when you are really drunk? Not many options to get home from Bury at 4.00am? Best option sleep in shelter out the way till buses/taxi/mate in the morning? I mentioned Adrian Lynch but there was a footprint for him CCTV walking past the farm, shouting, knocking on doors but with Corrie no footprint ANYWHERE so I think it is less likely he is in water. Locals are chattering (not fb) about the landfill.
He didn't need a sleep, he'd just had a good 90 minutes. He would have been more sober by then as he'd eaten as well. I've no doubt he turned right to have a wee near the bins (who wouldn't need one by then) and I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped his phone around there, or left it in Hughes doorway or something.

The bin lorry could be a massive red herring, it could have been any vehicle which went from Bury phone ping to BMills phone ping. The bin lorry was forensicked (yeah I know that's not a word) with no trace of him on it or in it. BUT... there's a reason it was flagged up early on and is still being mentioned, why? Why, when it could in fact have been any vehicle going from A to B. Did it keep stopping or going off course to collect more bins? How accurate are the pings?

I know it seems that we can't necessarily rely on what we've been told previously but I think it's safe to assume that the bin lorry was identified and tracked by CCTV and any other vehicle following the same route would also have been seen. So either there was no other traffic, possible, or any other vehicles have been eliminated, also possible. However I think the bin lorry is only relevant to the movements of the phone, IMO Corrie wasn't with it after 3.30 am
Although there are also some similar cases like Luke Durbin and also Damien Nettles where it's been years with no answer. I really hope that won't be the case here for his family's sake ��
Why gaps of 10 years in between? Someone visiting, out of prison?
According to Corrie's uncle, the pings are not as accurate as we might have thought when the bin lorry theory appeared to be at the top of the list.

The final pings have apparently only been narrowed down to the general geographic area of Barton Mills/Mildenhall, so it doesn't sound anything like pinpoint tracking of a route that accurately matches the route and timing of the bin lorry all the way to the recycling centre, it sounds more like a very loose match based on circumstantial evidence, but which could very easily be a red herring.

The police have done the responsible thing and taken the circumstantial evidence and checked the bin lorry for the weight of the load, forensics on the lorry, checking the landfill site as best that can be done, and they've come up empty.

From what Uncle Tony says of the pings, any car could have carried that phone to the general area of Barton Mills, and from what the locals on here have said, it's very unlikely the bin lorry was the only thing on that road (BSE to Barton Mills) in that half-hour time frame.

He didn't need a sleep, he'd just had a good 90 minutes. He would have been more sober by then as he'd eaten as well. I've no doubt he turned right to have a wee near the bins (who wouldn't need one by then) and I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped his phone around there, or left it in Hughes doorway or something.

The bin lorry could be a massive red herring, it could have been any vehicle which went from Bury phone ping to BMills phone ping. The bin lorry was forensicked (yeah I know that's not a word) with no trace of him on it or in it. BUT... there's a reason it was flagged up early on and is still being mentioned, why? Why, when it could in fact have been any vehicle going from A to B. Did it keep stopping or going off course to collect more bins? How accurate are the pings?
Are you local By The River? I'm not nearby myself... Yes that's true could be so drunk he fell asleep again... Horrible to think of what might have happened if he was in a bin but they do seem to have checked out the lorry quite thoroughly
90mins sleep not that long when you are really drunk? Not many options to get home from Bury at 4.00am? Best option sleep in shelter out the way till buses/taxi/mate in the morning? I mentioned Adrian Lynch but there was a footprint for him CCTV walking past the farm, shouting, knocking on doors but with Corrie no footprint ANYWHERE so I think it is less likely he is in water. Locals are chattering (not fb) about the landfill.

I would think it's relatievly easy to be certain one way or the other about a body in the landfill. It's my understanding that records are kept of where rubbish is put within the landfill each day, does anyone kmow for sure if that's the case?
I know it seems that we can't necessarily rely on what we've been told previously but I think it's safe to assume that the bin lorry was identified and tracked by CCTV and any other vehicle following the same route would also have been seen. So either there was no other traffic, possible, or any other vehicles have been eliminated, also possible. However I think the bin lorry is only relevant to the movements of the phone, IMO Corrie wasn't with it after 3.30 am

Yes I think I agree! Wish they would clarify the sighting near the sugar factory or even whether he could have got all the way up there without being caught on camera.
That bin weight, suggests "no body".
And I guess the other collected bins that were collect that night, suggest the same (at least I hope so...or the police have "failed" !).

Bin weights are important for two reasons. Overloading (a lesser but important thing). And charging.
Hopefully no one has "tinkered" with the computer.

I would like to know....from the police and NOT facebook.... how long was the phone "stationary" in Bury ?

I appreciate "triangulation" is difficult (the results are "within a kilometre or two, square"), but "mast to mast" (you actually only need "two", so triangulation is a bit of an odd term) moves are can give a "within a time-frame, it was here" answer.
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