UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #1

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I have a couple of theories for consideration.
Firstly that he did indeed enter one of the bins, possibly to hide (note his shadow in the CCTV shows moving at pace). He is then collected by the bin wagon, in which he meets a desperately sad demise, or alternatively he escaped the wagon but succumbed to injuries somewhere on the A1101. The real red herring for me is the bin weight. The only bins collected on weight are those that contain landfill waste, and even those are typically done on a price per bin. On a Biffa corporate contract I would expect there to be a price per bin providing it is not pre- compacted waste. If the bin contained landfill waste it probably would be too full to take Corrie. If the bin contained paper or recyclables then it definitely would not be weighed as the norm is to collect for free and make a return on the sale of the pulp. 15kg could simply be an estimate. Ultimately do not let the 15kg be the determining factor in ruling this out.

My second theory is that an incident occurred in the alley area by the bins, his body was hidden and then recovered later, phone tossed away. He wasn't reported missing until Monday so plenty of opportunity, risky yes but panic may have set in.

My gut says the first, a violent crime in Bury town would truly be out of character.
Hello,I've been a long term reader but felt I had to post ,hope this is not out of turn but has it been n mentioned if he is gay or not ? When I looked at his personal Facebook its the immediate impression I got,of course that's not a problem but in this case I think it's a hate crime :( I also noticed on one of corriee photos that someone with the same surname ,a Darroch left inflammatory comments such as "major ******" and worse still "this man touches kids be warned" to which corrie doesn't reply, probably just "banter" from his brother but it is public and could of made him a target,I live in east Anglia and violent crime is not as rare as people think,my son got stabbed in the head and spine when saving his friends,the attacker also made comments about him being "fat" so hate crime still happens, and if something happened to corrie because he was gay that's awful, ii think police need to pull in people with previous hate crime cautions !! I too feel uneasy about the flat ? Above the bins
2 Things :

1.. These words by Corrie's mum >

"Corrie clearly did not plan to sleep. He sat down to eat his food. As you can see from the clip he dropped a bit of food as he was walking (3 second rule applied) so he has sat down to eat and then fallen asleep.

Having read this I would say now that he more than likely 'did not' then get up after his sleep, walk a short distance round to the back of some shops and fell asleep (again) as earlier thought back in the thread. Yes he could have,, but he would have been somewhat refreshed enough to not need more sleep before his trip back to base.

2... Very recent from his mum >

"It is now 1 month since Corrie has last been seen. So many people ask so many questions and feel frustrated, as do we. But so so many people have still not come forward. The silver car in the first video, we do not know who this is. As always there is NO suggestion that they had anything to do with corrie. It's that this person still hasn't come forward. They may know somone else that was about or may have seen other vehicles. Please, I need your help. ANYONE who was out or knows anyone please let police know x "

Car reg? Find owner?
His mum says police have not been able to get the number plate... wonder if its been picked up on other cameras though.

Is this a hatchback with a boot spoiler,, cant work out what model it is??

Hello,I've been a long term reader but felt I had to post ,hope this is not out of turn but has it been n mentioned if he is gay or not ? When I looked at his personal Facebook its the immediate impression I got,of course that's not a problem but in this case I think it's a hate crime :( I also noticed on one of corriee photos that someone with the same surname ,a Darroch left inflammatory comments such as "major ******" and worse still "this man touches kids be warned" to which corrie doesn't reply, probably just "banter" from his brother but it is public and could of made him a target,I live in east Anglia and violent crime is not as rare as people think,my son got stabbed in the head and spine when saving his friends,the attacker also made comments about him being "fat" so hate crime still happens, and if something happened to corrie because he was gay that's awful, ii think police need to pull in people with previous hate crime cautions !! I too feel uneasy about the flat ? Above the bins

:greetings::welcome: Welcome Eve. Thank you for joining us.
Hello,I've been a long term reader but felt I had to post ,hope this is not out of turn but has it been n mentioned if he is gay or not ? When I looked at his personal Facebook its the immediate impression I got,of course that's not a problem but in this case I think it's a hate crime :( I also noticed on one of corriee photos that someone with the same surname ,a Darroch left inflammatory comments such as "major ******" and worse still "this man touches kids be warned" to which corrie doesn't reply, probably just "banter" from his brother but it is public and could of made him a target,I live in east Anglia and violent crime is not as rare as people think,my son got stabbed in the head and spine when saving his friends,the attacker also made comments about him being "fat" so hate crime still happens, and if something happened to corrie because he was gay that's awful, ii think police need to pull in people with previous hate crime cautions !! I too feel uneasy about the flat ? Above the bins
No he's not to our knowledge "gay"
I would say, whilst violent crime does happen in East Anglia, in Bury it's still not common place. I'll have to check with my lawyer pal (she, like I, lives in BSE) - but thinking back over the last few years I'd say 1-2 murders in BSE a year and IIRR it's been the case that the victim was known to the perp.

Not 100% sure on attacks, but the town center at night I've always found to be fairly safe. That bit by the bins though is a bit lonely and I would (as a female) tended to avoid going down there at night.
Just read through the comments on the fb page under the latest cctv post. You can understand why police probably didn't release it earlier - there's people hiding everywhere, corrie is limping and not wearing shoes according to some of the comments.

I'm glad we are (mostly) less melodramatic on WS!

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Someone on the group suggested a few days ago that all 25,000 group members should be investigated as the culprit could be "hiding" in the group. As though the police have the resources to do that!
Occam ...and his item for removing facial hair !

Firstly, people don't "vanish" or "disappear", they go somewhere else and can not be readily found.
Therefore, this is the case here.

Corrie entered Short Brackland for a reason....
I'd say, he's on his way homeward (walking to camp or taxi at the train station).
Down Short Brackland. Down Cannon Street. Up to the roundabout. Up the A1101. Along B1106.

Corrie stopped in the "laoding area" of Short Brackland for a reason...
I'd say, he was bursting for a pee. The "back of them shops" is a classic place to "engage in such activity".
Caveat, he may also have "pre-arranged" to meet someone. A lift perhaps. The "3.30" timing seems precise.

What happened "thereafter" is the mystery. But, clearly Corrie did indeed "leave that place".
The use of the term "vanished" only means, after he walked into the loading area, the CCTV changed shot.

The obvious questions are....
Did he leave on foot or in a car ? Did he go willingly or unwillingly ? Was he dead or alive ?

The "phone tracking data" may provide a clue to that.

Option 1.
Corrie was with his phone and in a car, driven by an unknown person (and containing other people perhaps).
Unbelievably, "they" take the same route that a bin lorry which had been in the same area as "they" had been.
And Unbelievably, this journey was taken at precisely the same time.

Option 2.
Corrie was not with his phone. His phone travels with the bin lorry, which had been in the same area as he had, 30 minutes earlier. This is only correlated by the data issued by the phone verses the motion camera in Barton Mills.

Without doubt, there appears to be "third party involvement" in the "disappearance".
The fact that Corrie's phone appears to have been removed from him "unwillingly" and that he has moved from the location he was last seen in ....and not returned home, strongly suggests a "third party".

If Corrie's phone was removed from him, I would imagine he was "not very pleased about it", to say the very least.
A fit and able, combat trained, RAF Regiment airman would certainly cause a disturbance.
However, no one person has come forward to say they heard anything ...or indeed saw anything.

A "disturbance" of that nature would take place "in the immediate area" to where his phone had been taken from him. For example, he wouldn't be walking through town "discussing the matter" with this person, after it had happened. So I don't believe this "third party" (or Corrie) was "on foot" after the incident.

And that brings me to the my final "bit" (sorry to bore everybody).

Using this hypothesis, it is likely that "Corrie was no longer on foot", then it is likely "Corrie was in a vehicle".

So the question would be, where was this vehicle "parked" ?
I use the term "parked" as it could have been only "temporarily stationary".

There are only a few areas where "free parking" or "temporary stopping" in that area, at that time of night.

1. The "loading area" at the top of Short Brackland.
2. In Short Brackland itself.
3. In Market Square.

To conclude, I think a starting point in finding who was involved in this, the interest falls on "any and all vehicles that were in the immediate vicinity of Short Brackland between 3.25am* to 4.00am** and that departed Short Brackland in any direction and to any location thereafter"

The reason for those times is simple. It is Corrie's arrival, the other is the bin lorry's arrival.
1. "Corrie didn't commit suicide.
2. "The bin lorry crew must have been thoroughly investigated by the police, as a matter of course".
If Corrie no longer had his phone/was able to use his phone, the the incident occurred between/around those times. The one thing that strikes me about Bury St Edmunds is, there appears to be alot of One Way streets. I would imagine Bury St Edmunds has at least some traffic cameras policing those systems.

P.S. The really bizarre bit is, if the phone was in the rubbish, that rubbish was waste paper, that product is processed in some come there's "no phone" ?

P.P.S Corrie's mum said "there was no activity from the phone after it arrived in Barton Mills". And she specified this by saying what activity meant. That being "the automatic updating of his phone app's". Whereas the police said "the phone had went dead at 8.00am and had not moved since it reached Barton Mills". Which is correct ???
Hi, first post. Firstly I hope Corrie turns up safe and well.
1. Was there an altercation in the club/pub Corrie had to leave.
2. Where was his car parked.
3. What was the usual route he would take to make his way back to base. Would he walk it, get a lift or another method of transport. Is he heading in the right direction.
4. What was the picture he sent and who was he in contact with
5. Is it possible he agreed to meet someone after waking from the doorway, and the location was near the bins. Or did he just hang around the area waiting for his friends.
6. Did he take a bicycle from the side of Greggs
7. Did he disturb something/someone by the bins or around that area.
8. By the comments I have seen about the cctv it seems its possible he could have left without being picked up
9. Who is the mystery American friend
10. Could people from outside the area have been in the town that night, to see a rock band etc, maybe going on from the t shirt in the takeaway place
11. Do the different military guys/bases "get on" is there a rivalry.
I don't believe the phone or Corrie were in the rubbish otherwise trace of either would have been found. It is possible that either or both were together on the bin lorry and that he got out at Barton Mills or that he was in another vehicle that happened to follow a similar route as the bin lorry. I don't think he walked out of the area at all or he would have been seen. somewhere long before any cross country walk. Everywhere is busy these days and only a couple of hours after this last CCTV lots of market traders would have been heading to Bury to set up.

Bestie, almost certainly there is rivalry between the different RAF Regiment Squadrons but most of it would be friendly banter with the odd scuffle where things are taken too far. This guy doesn't appear to be the sort who would have annoyed anyone though.

Edit- just wanted to add that the phone he had doesn't appear to have a great battery life - so I would suspect it went dead due to the battery only.
Honestly I don't see anything odd in the CCTV. He's still drunk, spent 2 hours asleep in a door way and is probably feeling cold = need pee. He stops and looks both ways twice to check it is clear and goes behind bins.

The most depressing thing now is the possibility no cameras were trained down there for who knows how long. Anything could have happened in however many minutes it was before CCTV looked down there again.

Yes I think the same, he needs to pee. I think he may have spotted the bikes too as he looks right in that direction as if contemplating borrowing one.
I just wish we'd get some fresh news soon! �� Where on earth is he for so long!?
2. Where was his car parked - his family said his car was parked elsewhere, it's not relevant to the enquiry where it was parked.

4. What was the picture he sent and who was he in contact with - it was to his brother and we don't need to know what was sent, it was a private conversation. If police felt it was in any way relevant it would have been released.

5. Is it possible he agreed to meet someone after waking from the doorway, and the location was near the bins. Or did he just hang around the area waiting for his friends - I really think he was waiting for someone, he was awake just after three to send a message. He didn't just wake up at 3.25am

6. Did he take a bicycle from the side of Greggs - no as he would have been seen on cctv cycling out of BSE

8. By the comments I have seen about the cctv it seems its possible he could have left without being picked up - no as he would have been picked up on cctv. A vehicle must be involved.
Yes I think the same, he needs to pee. I think he may have spotted the bikes too as he looks right in that direction as if contemplating borrowing one.
I just wish we'd get some fresh news soon! �� Where on earth is he for so long!?

I don't know why everyone is convinced he needs a pee and wanted a bike. He was awake before 3.25am so it's not that he just woke up and needed a pee, he may have peed in the doorway earlier or peed himself for all we know. It isn't easy to just take a bike, you need tools to break the lock. Not something someone woozy after a night on the drink would find easy.
4. What was the picture he sent and who was he in contact with - it was to his brother and we don't need to know what was sent, it was a private conversation. If police felt it was in any way relevant it would have been released.

Wondered who it was sent to,, didn't know it was his brother, I didnt think that info had been released yet
The reason I refer to the other bases is that he could have left the area with someone from one of those hence the Mildenhall link previously. Is it a prank that went wrong.
Like previous people have said the way he his dressed could make him a target for jokes, even if just banter, it can get out of hand.

I don't feel the bin or bin lorry are relevant now.

To me the latest cctv makes him seem relaxed possibly just cold, his hands are in his pockets, I therefore don't sense he his threatened
What's odd I guess is that after the latest cctv, I'm guessing he SHOULD have been caught on cctv in Bury centre SOMEWHERE if he was either on foot or a 'borrowed' bike - even if he wasn't captured leaving the bin/bikes/possible pee area - he should've been on A Cctv ... unless he is INSIDE a Bury centre building OR he got (willingly or by force) into a vehicle and the vehicles seen around Bury at the time can not/have not been traced by police.
The phone hasn't been found, IF it had been IN that bin wagon - it would have to have either been thrown IN bin (Corrie wouldn't have done that) or found and taken by wagon drivers (surely they'd have held their hands up to keeping a found phone by now?) or possibly carried by Corrie IF he jumped on the bin wagon for a free ride ... if he hitched an unofficial ride on the back then his phone would've been in his pocket as he'd need both hands to hold on and his phone made it to Barton Mills so therfore Corrie must be there too, no?
That's what I am thinking but where could he hitch a ride without being seen by driver, other motorists or cameras?
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