UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #12

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My first post, nothing to offer but more questions. If you wish to shoot me down, by all means go for it. I have no idea what has happened, I was tending to think AWOL until recently, but now not sure. I think the police are withholding stuff, and quite rightly so. We'd LIKE to know, but we don't have a RIGHT to know.

What I think is strange:
Can't find any reports of witnesses from that evening coming forward to say anything positive or negative about what they saw. Not a single one, on FB or any forum where there are threads on this issue, e.g., websleuths, Digital Spy, etc. In this day and age they're usually queuing up to give their two penn'orth and get their 15 minutes of fame, why not in this instance? Not a dickie bird from anyone.

If there is one suspicious vehicle, haven't they followed it into and out of the horseshoe via CCTV on the many cameras around BSE? If so, where did it come from, where did it go?

What USUALLY happened on a night out for Corrie in BSE? How did he normally get there? Where did he normally go? How did he normally get back to base? Did he normally leave on his own? Nicola has said it was usual for him to do that at home, but did he usually do it in BSE? If so, what USUALLY happened when he did it, did he USUALLY get a taxi, did he USUALLY sleep in doorways? It would be interesting to know what USUALLY happened on a night out ...
As ex-forces myself - albeit Army and a long time ago - I know that the tolerance level for 'erratic' behaviour is low. Nicola and Tony have said he was a 'social hand grenade' - loud, lairy and attracting attention was is the norm. Was he accidentally on purpose left behind that night? I Is that relevant in the whole scheme of things? If it is relevant, why is it relevant?
What was the reason for him going to Marham every 2 weeks? IS there a link to the 'Marham incident', if so, what? And is it relevant?
How did the rest of his mates get home that night?

All questions, no answers. Not even sure if the answers would get us any further. I acknowledge that we can't discuss these issues as there are no MSM links, but if I've mentioned anything to which there are answers, please point me in the right direction!

I just hope the police know what they are doing. I hope they are close to a resolution, and I hope their silence means they've got it in hand ..

great post! i was thinking of all of these too! what i would like to know is this : if say corrie had been sleeping in a doorway and was sick, or somehow disorderly, a person may call the police and him be arrested for drunk and disorderly. Well obvoiusly nobody called the police, or they would have said something. Is it possible that someone contacted the raf base and advised, one of their knowN airmen was drunk in a doorway sleeping?Llike wouldnt people want to get him off the streets? Is it plausible that anyone might call the base? Why for instance would military police not come out and drag him back to base and put him in bed to sober up? On his own he could potentially come to harm ( well they were on alert due to the attack at marham)

i just find it really strange, that nobody on the base knew he was missing, yet there were plenty raf guys in town and corrie was well known by many locals. i am thinking that its strange nobody did contact base?
we don't know somebody met him to give him money. Or he's with somebody who has money.
Yes there is CCTV of Corrie in Heughs electrical doorway but that has never been made public for some reason or other

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does anyone know who said that corrie was in a bit of a mess in the doorway and crying or something? i know nicola was asked and she said something along the lines of having viewed all the cctv and the story of him crying was rubbish - well who said that and why?
does anyone know who said that corrie was in a bit of a mess in the doorway and crying or something? i know nicola was asked and she said something along the lines of having viewed all the cctv and the story of him crying was rubbish - well who said that and why?
I've never seen evidence of this in LE MSM or elsewhere tbh

I think it was one of these Chinese whispers that grows legs. I stand corrected if someone knows different x

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Hi guys new poster here but I have been lurking since the beginning! I feel we are not getting the full picture with this case, unreleased footage of Corrie in the doorway, no details of the vehicles and a wall of silence from his pals, in my opinion this was hook up gone wrong and the wait in the centre is the key. Why sit and wait, he must have been waiting for an unknown person unless his pals from night out could confirm he had been in contact and was sat waiting for them! I think he must have got into a car in the horseshoe and taken somewhere else, presumably not local considering the wait he had for a lift, unless the person was working in a bar or club. I think the walk home and accident could be an option but surely someone or cctv would have picked him up, distinctive clothing and lighter mornings I would remember driving past him! It's just all so strange and with no witnesses or the phone we are kinda stuck!
- its just too easy to dismiss this as a hook up gone wrong, corrie was a strong young man trained in self defence - according to his mum he did these reckless things because he believed he could handle sure he was trained in knife combat, better than any freaky pervert andunless this person had a gun, surely corrie could have dealth with a single person ?
does anyone know who said that corrie was in a bit of a mess in the doorway and crying or something? i know nicola was asked and she said something along the lines of having viewed all the cctv and the story of him crying was rubbish - well who said that and why?

I replied to your post in the other thread. :)
:welcome: :goodpost:

Hello, my first post. It's been an interesting read so far.

This case reminds me of one that was very public in 2001. The case of the gruesomely named 'Limbs in the Loch' killer William Ian Beggs who was convicted in 2001 of murdering a young Kilmarnock man Barry Wallace. Wallace was alone, the worse for drink and picked up by Beggs. It was quite a shock in the area.

Barry was split up from his group in Kilmarnock after a Christmas night out

Killer Beggs Preferred picking up drunk straight men with lure of more drink

Killer William Ian Beggs had a prior history

I do hope that the much expounded 'limited' resources expended by the local force have not been focused to a large extent on checking, re-checking and verifying CCTV to the exclusion of more traditional (dare I say tried-and-tested) detective work.

The decision not to search for that phone at the waste disposal site, the very late-in-the-day extension of door-to-door questioning - are perhaps just 2 examples of methods which would have surely been followed up more rigorously in the past. Did they check the relevant offenders in the area? Apparently Begg's name flashed up like 'a christmas tree' when police checked 2 days after Barry's death.

Barry was, like Corrie, not perceived to be gay, however, like Corrie, he may just have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and through a fuzzy judgement (through drink) and a lack of company of friends, played into the hands of someone who would take advantage.

I hope not, but just an extension of some ideas already discussed.
Yes, the dog thing. I wonder if getting the dog was a considered thing or just Corrie doing something else impulsive and reckless without thought of the implications or consequences. Did he get Louelle from a breeder or a rescue, or was it just from a bloke in a pub on the spur of the moment?

Something I've been mulling over for a few days is his being allowed to keep Louelle in his quarters. I gather this is allowed if his superiors agree to it but agreement is not guaranteed. We've talked at various times about the possibility of Corrie having mental health issues, so I did wonder, if he was perceived perhaps as a bit emotionally or psychologically fragile, whether Louelle also had some sort of therapeutic importance to him.

In the early days we kept hearing what a sunny, outgoing, OTT people person Corrie was, but sometimes that face is a mask for something very different going on underneath.

the point about face being a mask for something very different going on underneath is very much close to the bone. if you view some of his photos online, they are awfully sad faced. he plays the clown because he wants to be loved. we have seen him sing songs from childrens musical and it makes me burst into tears. i do not cry at things like this.
I feel that many of us are realising the undercurrent of unhappiness suffered by Corrie. I am not giving all the examples as they are quite obvious. I do not feel he is alive. I do not think this is the work of just one person. I do think that Corrie could have looked after himself. He probably learned to be hard due to some unknown life experience. What if Corrie did have some sordid rendezvous with a person from the bin area? What if he was dropped off and its the later exchange that has led to whats happened to him? We know from his mum he goes off with random strangers all the time. Okay this time might be that one time it went wrong. However, if i was that rather dodgy person in the car, i would be very reluctant to admit why in fact i was in that area. So, what could have happened on the way home? A random hit and run and the body has been picked up and taken goodness knows where. However, i wonder how many people are travelling back to lakenheath mildenhall honington at weekends? What if this was a targetted attack by another serviceman? Additionally, there will be other people travelling these roads, possibly over the limit. They are not going to come forwards voluntarily. I just think there is too much focus on it all going on at the bin area.
What I've found odd is the lack of any friends making pleas for Corrie to come home. I've not seen a single thing from friends, extended family, ex partners, friends from back home...Nothing! It's just the select few family and that's it...Why is nobody else asking after him? Why has no cousins, friends etc been on the searches? I just find that aspect very odd indeed
Hello, my first post. It's been an interesting read so far.

This case reminds me of one that was very public in 2001. The case of the gruesomely named 'Limbs in the Loch' killer William Ian Beggs who was convicted in 2001 of murdering a young Kilmarnock man Barry Wallace. Wallace was alone, the worse for drink and picked up by Beggs. It was quite a shock in the area.

Barry was split up from his group in Kilmarnock after a Christmas night out

Killer Beggs Preferred picking up drunk straight men with lure of more drink

Killer William Ian Beggs had a prior history

I do hope that the much expounded 'limited' resources expended by the local force have not been focused to a large extent on checking, re-checking and verifying CCTV to the exclusion of more traditional (dare I say tried-and-tested) detective work.

The decision not to search for that phone at the waste disposal site, the very late-in-the-day extension of door-to-door questioning - are perhaps just 2 examples of methods which would have surely been followed up more rigorously in the past. Did they check the relevant offenders in the area? Apparently Begg's name flashed up like 'a christmas tree' when police checked 2 days after Barry's death.

Barry was, like Corrie, not perceived to be gay, however, like Corrie, he may just have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and through a fuzzy judgement (through drink) and a lack of company of friends, played into the hands of someone who would take advantage.

I hope not, but just an extension of some ideas already discussed.

Welcome to websleuths Saltire! I lived down the road to where this happened and it deeply affected the community. Barry used to work at the local Tesco supermarket we shopped at and no doubt he may have served us frequently. It was and is a horrendous horrific crime by a monster.

Hope you all have a fantastic 2017! Hope it is a good year for Corrie and his family as well as all the other missing people out there

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Ok, first ever post, so go easy!

I have read a lot about the case mainly from the msm and bits and pieces from previous pages on here. You guys sure go into great depth, I think most of you must be bin experts by now, or have now achieved bin degrees.

All I can link it to, which I have experience of this happening in my town of Swindon, Wilts is the murder of Sian O'Callaghan and Becky Godden-Edwards. By the serial killer Christopher Halliwell.

Both of the above murders were spread far apart, on impulse.

It froze the whole town until he was caught.

I have read a lot about the Luke Durbin case, and my theory, which you may think is to wild, is that these missing cases are both linked in modus operandi.

Both abductions on impulse similar to Halliwell's, late at night, vulnerable, drunk state, on there own, needing to get home.

Halliwell was only just, and I mean 'just' caught on CCTV after picking up Sian in his taxi. If he hadn't I'm pretty sure he would of gotten away with it.

Luke's case, down the road from Corrie's so short journey by car. One car was never traced which drove near Luke on the night he vanished. CCTV was not good enough picture.

I think if we fast forward a year, all leads are cold, no break through, nothing. I would link it to Halliwell's modus of working.

However with a difference of men being the victim not women.
YES this is really sad and maybe they have been asked not to talk? to protect themselves from journalists looking for more of a storyline? its possible? also i dont think raf friends are allowed to talk to press about anything - unless they have a media officer with him - they might be part of the investigation and their information is actually evidence given in statements? im making excuses i think but could be the reasons?
many families right now sitting longing for loved ones to walk right back in the door at midnight? so sad - makes us more emotional thinking of what we do have in our lives - happy new year to you all - wishing you love for 2017 and hope that some of the missing do come home x
many families right now sitting longing for loved ones to walk right back in the door at midnight? so sad - makes us more emotional thinking of what we do have in our lives - happy new year to you all - wishing you love for 2017 and hope that some of the missing do come home x
Yes definitely, this New-year is especially heartbreaking for us in a different way as my mum passed away last month and I just wish she would walk back in the door. I fully commend you on being forthcoming about your PTSD as I too have suffered this as mum died so young and has affected us all, I am lucky enough to have an amazing family , husband and daughter who make times like Hogmanay all the more special but I know what you mean when you say a younger person with no ties may find the only answer to run away in life. I'm lucky although only 28 still have the balance of having good people around. It is easy to put on a mask day to day though and be the clown . I have a career within the NHS that demands alot of time and sometimes it's just easier to be the happy go lucky persona than actually opening up and although I have great nights out with friends etc alcohol can make the feelings deepen and make you feel more alone . Sorry for the long post especially on Hogmanay just trying to look at this case from all angles 🤔

ps Anyone out partying have one or two for me , I am currently snuggled up on the couch with hubby watching a film , thanks to my tooth antibiotic debacle 😋🙈

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What I've found odd is the lack of any friends making pleas for Corrie to come home. I've not seen a single thing from friends, extended family, ex partners, friends from back home...Nothing! It's just the select few family and that's it...Why is nobody else asking after him? Why has no cousins, friends etc been on the searches? I just find that aspect very odd indeed

Very good point.
many families right now sitting longing for loved ones to walk right back in the door at midnight? so sad - makes us more emotional thinking of what we do have in our lives - happy new year to you all - wishing you love for 2017 and hope that some of the missing do come home x

Agreed :(
I am still wondering about AWOL or a Grindr hook up gone wrong. Corrie reminds me of, and on film, has very similar body language to, a former work mate of mine. This work mate was tremendously good looking and dapper (I had an absolutely massive crush on him in my early 30s), always the life and soul of the party, very attractive to and popular with both men and women. He camped it up quite a bit and seemed fascinated by the gay scene, but also let it be known that he had a lot of girlfriends (none of whom we ever met). I worked with him for 7 years in what was a very macho company. When he left it turned out that he had been "in the closet" all the time and had felt he had to live a lie in order to secure promotion and avoid upsetting his family. His family and friends did not know he was gay, though when he finally told people, noone was surprised and everyone went on just as before.

I think we can summarise all of these angles as just "hookup misadventure", regardless of the nature of it.

Corrie could be 100% straight and still get involved in something of any nature, with male or female. It's just human nature.

Also it doesn't necessarily take a male hookup for it to be dangerous. Women can be dangerous too. It's 3:30am and who knows who Corrie could meet, if that's the path he went down.
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