UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #12

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I am confused as to why you would point out that I am making assumptions........

We pretty much can only go on assumptions and most posts on here are assumptions. We have few facts. You too are making assumptions. It is an assumption to say that you may think that he has gone AWOL and an assumption to think that the family could be lying.

I am not even sure what you are calling assumptions are assumptions. It's a fact that we have been told by family members that he was happy, and there were no issues. I understand that the family could be hiding some issues within the family, but I think that is unlikely - they won't be doing themselves any favours by hiding any family issues as speaking about them could help us better understand where he could be. I will 'assume' that his family's comments about his dog, his life etc are true.

Why would he need to run away from family anyway - he's miles and miles away from his family, living in barracks in southern England. As far as I'm aware his family live 400miles away in Scotland.

There is nothing whatsoever to suggest he has gone AWOL. So it makes sense to more or less rule it out.

To clarify, I am not at all saying the family are lying.

As I've said before there's much more in this case than what's presented in msm and le statements. There's plenty out there in my opinion out there that suggests awol.

My issue really stems from the things presented as fact when they are opinion, for example the d notice. Opinion not fact. No one has ever clarified it except Tony, because it's his opinion presented as fact.

The dog is a bone of contention for me. Much is made of it being held in high regard by Corrie but again it's easy to Finsbury contradictions.

My point is, if Corrie had any issues that would sway him to running away from his life we wouldn't know about it, because that wouldn't give the police a reason to spend 26k it was reported on finding him.
Thank you to those who have taken the time to make such lovely comments to me. Every day is hard, but I'm getting there. Being honest is helping but I do feel like running away sometimes and I think that's why I believe Corrie may have done the same. I do think some of the things said about him indicate problems mentally (careers, social, puppy, rule breaking). If he has then something as simple as being left behind by his workmates and having to drive himself into town could trigger a massive downward spiral and result in a spur of the moment decision ("everyone forgot about me they must not like me" "I'll drive myself and catch them up, but I need to drink to get my confidence back"... phone call to brother who he knows likes him helps lift spirits... maybe his friends weren't as friendly in the club so he wanders around and seems like a pest because he's desperate to just fit in ("I need to be liked so I can like myself") he gets kicked out for being drunk/a pest so he gets food and sits in a doorway feeling sorry for himself and starts to plan ("I might as well just do one. If people look for me then maybe they do love me after all") and that is when he goes and not being seen on CCTV could just be user error or a fluke.

And now I need to breathe because I feel like I have poured myself into this post. Remember PTSD doesn't just affect those who've been to war (I've never even been in the armed forces, mines vicarious trauma).

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Very baffling, very baffling indeed, I just don't know where my head is at in all this now.
That's sort of what I meant jessie.
Why halt the search for a pi if the police are going to investigate something that they have already investigated and ruled out.
Isn't the point of a pi to hopefully go over everything again anyway?
me too...
I took her to mean that she halted the plan to hire the PI 'cause the police said they had a potential lead of 3 men and car burn out. If that had lead to something she wouldn't need to, but as it hasn't been fruitful............... I assumed she'd now go full steam ahead and just hire one, they have the £51k raised and they also have a public search planned for Jan 22nd. Dunno really.
Thank you to those who have taken the time to make such lovely comments to me. Every day is hard, but I'm getting there. Being honest is helping but I do feel like running away sometimes and I think that's why I believe Corrie may have done the same. I do think some of the things said about him indicate problems mentally (careers, social, puppy, rule breaking). If he has then something as simple as being left behind by his workmates and having to drive himself into town could trigger a massive downward spiral and result in a spur of the moment decision ("everyone forgot about me they must not like me" "I'll drive myself and catch them up, but I need to drink to get my confidence back"... phone call to brother who he knows likes him helps lift spirits... maybe his friends weren't as friendly in the club so he wanders around and seems like a pest because he's desperate to just fit in ("I need to be liked so I can like myself") he gets kicked out for being drunk/a pest so he gets food and sits in a doorway feeling sorry for himself and starts to plan ("I might as well just do one. If people look for me then maybe they do love me after all") and that is when he goes and not being seen on CCTV could just be user error or a fluke.

And now I need to breathe because I feel like I have poured myself into this post. Remember PTSD doesn't just affect those who've been to war (I've never even been in the armed forces, mines vicarious trauma).

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Welcome and hello rocketfuel.
Thank-you for explaining ptsd ....great insightful explanation.
Sending best wishes for the new year.
I am still wondering about AWOL or a Grindr hook up gone wrong. Corrie reminds me of, and on film, has very similar body language to, a former work mate of mine. This work mate was tremendously good looking and dapper (I had an absolutely massive crush on him in my early 30s), always the life and soul of the party, very attractive to and popular with both men and women. He camped it up quite a bit and seemed fascinated by the gay scene, but also let it be known that he had a lot of girlfriends (none of whom we ever met). I worked with him for 7 years in what was a very macho company. When he left it turned out that he had been "in the closet" all the time and had felt he had to live a lie in order to secure promotion and avoid upsetting his family. His family and friends did not know he was gay, though when he finally told people, noone was surprised and everyone went on just as before. I saw someone in the street in central London a few weeks ago who reminded me a lot of some of the photos of Corrie. It has made me think a lot about the AWOL possibility, as he does seem to have a London connection, and London is on one of the routes from the Fiveways, but obviously the searches etc are being concentrated around BSE. .
I am confused as to why you would point out that I am making assumptions........

We pretty much can only go on assumptions and most posts on here are assumptions. We have few facts. You too are making assumptions. It is an assumption to say that you may think that he has gone AWOL and an assumption to think that the family could be lying.

I am not even sure what you are calling assumptions are assumptions. It's a fact that we have been told by family members that he was happy, and there were no issues. I understand that the family could be hiding some issues within the family, but I think that is unlikely - they won't be doing themselves any favours by hiding any family issues as speaking about them could help us better understand where he could be. I will 'assume' that his family's comments about his dog, his life etc are true.

Why would he need to run away from family anyway - he's miles and miles away from his family, living in barracks in southern England. As far as I'm aware his family live 400miles away in Scotland.

There is nothing whatsoever to suggest he has gone AWOL. So it makes sense to more or less rule it out.
I don't think dc meant that but is just saying that any family may assume someone is happy but that someone may be hiding their real feelings. For all we know the pup may have been a spur of the moment thing and C may have been fed up with the caring, cleaning, walking etc but may not have told family. Likewise with other stuff in his life.
Interesting that despite the fund being in excess of £50k, a PI has not been brought in. My understànding was from TV interview 12 December Look East that the PI could trawl through the information to date and follow up intelligence from the manned 24 hour phone lines. I am wondering if they feel Corrie is no longer alive and if they don't have any new intelligence from the phone lines, a PI may now not be necessary in their view and hence the mention of Sulsar for receipt of the money. I assume for more searches. It is interesting that the police are going to revisit this car. Why do that without evidence, unless they have new evidence through the phone lines. Very confusing.JMO

Just giving appeal also said it was to fund a data analyst.
"With your support we would like to use all funds to:
1. Fund the appointment of a Private Investigator.
2. Fund a data analyst to undertake the work the Police are not capable of resourcing. Collect, collate and analyse all of the information gathered so far and that will continue to be collected. "....
( Just giving site)

Did they hire this separate data analyst?

Agree re. looking for a body now as per your post.

Could the delay in hiring a PI also de due to a load of factors in a still evolving investigation? That the phone-lines are bringing in a great deal of info, still being collated, a tricky position of her being a PC herself and having brought negative attention by saying publicly that the Suffolk police are "incompetent", police asking her to hang on, still waiting for CCTV figures to contact and be eliminated, wishing to avoid having two parallel investigations and treading on toes?......

TBH find the whole thing confusing (partly 'cause I'm on catch-up, so apologies if I am repeating what's already been discussed) but the buildings' searches also is unclear. She says they haven't , police say they have.

“I want to trust the police and I don’t want to be running my own investigation, but it is hard when they won’t search buildings so close to where Corrie was last seen....Nicola Urquhart said thinking as a police officer, she can not fathom why buildings along Short Brackland, some of which are empty, are not being searched. .......
The police stressed all lines of inquiry were being explored and at this stage nothing is being ruled out. They said thorough searches of the area around Brentgovel Street
That was published 30.12.16 so assuming it's based on a very recent quote from Mum
Thank you to those who have taken the time to make such lovely comments to me. Every day is hard, but I'm getting there. Being honest is helping but I do feel like running away sometimes and I think that's why I believe Corrie may have done the same. I do think some of the things said about him indicate problems mentally (careers, social, puppy, rule breaking). If he has then something as simple as being left behind by his workmates and having to drive himself into town could trigger a massive downward spiral and result in a spur of the moment decision ("everyone forgot about me they must not like me" "I'll drive myself and catch them up, but I need to drink to get my confidence back"... phone call to brother who he knows likes him helps lift spirits... maybe his friends weren't as friendly in the club so he wanders around and seems like a pest because he's desperate to just fit in ("I need to be liked so I can like myself") he gets kicked out for being drunk/a pest so he gets food and sits in a doorway feeling sorry for himself and starts to plan ("I might as well just do one. If people look for me then maybe they do love me after all") and that is when he goes and not being seen on CCTV could just be user error or a fluke.

And now I need to breathe because I feel like I have poured myself into this post. Remember PTSD doesn't just affect those who've been to war (I've never even been in the armed forces, mines vicarious trauma).

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I do agree with your insight and thank you. I wish you the very best of health and happiness in the coming year.
Thank you to those who have taken the time to make such lovely comments to me. Every day is hard, but I'm getting there. Being honest is helping but I do feel like running away sometimes and I think that's why I believe Corrie may have done the same. I do think some of the things said about him indicate problems mentally (careers, social, puppy, rule breaking). If he has then something as simple as being left behind by his workmates and having to drive himself into town could trigger a massive downward spiral and result in a spur of the moment decision ("everyone forgot about me they must not like me" "I'll drive myself and catch them up, but I need to drink to get my confidence back"... phone call to brother who he knows likes him helps lift spirits... maybe his friends weren't as friendly in the club so he wanders around and seems like a pest because he's desperate to just fit in ("I need to be liked so I can like myself") he gets kicked out for being drunk/a pest so he gets food and sits in a doorway feeling sorry for himself and starts to plan ("I might as well just do one. If people look for me then maybe they do love me after all") and that is when he goes and not being seen on CCTV could just be user error or a fluke.

And now I need to breathe because I feel like I have poured myself into this post. Remember PTSD doesn't just affect those who've been to war (I've never even been in the armed forces, mines vicarious trauma).

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Thanks for sharing, not easy I'm sure

We've been told that he was very happy in the phone calls to his brother, do you think he was hiding his real feelings or for some reason the brother isn't making public the true nature of the conversation?

I agree with you that not being seen by the CCTV could be a total fluke, I don't think there was any kind of military precision avoidance going on
Im confused, I thought the main reasons as stated on the just giving page were for them to be able to hire a PI and to support the family?

It's just more confusion for me every time there's an update from any source. This is one bizarre case.
Apols if already covered this, and it's incidental anyway...

She must be at her wits end and with very little time to focus on being diplomatic but I feel it might have been better to edit the JG page now, re BIB.

considering Just Giving page says this:
The Police investigation team, through a combination of lack of resources, intransigence and incompetence have failed to capture and process vital evidence and still lack the basic resources to efficiently process a tiny number of phone calls per week.
( not linked in case it's disallowed ;)

and DTelegraph interview , 2 days ago says this:
She told The Daily Telegraph: “As a police officer, it goes against every grain in my body to publicly say something - I don’t want to be putting the police down.“But they have made some decisions that I don’t agree with, and they don’t have the resources to do some of the things I have been able to organise. I felt I didn’t have any option but to try and assist them myself.”
( Just giving site)

Did they hire this separate data analyst?

Agree re. looking for a body now as per your post.

Could the delay in hiring a PI also de due to a load of factors in a still evolving investigation? That the phone-lines are bringing in a great deal of info, still being collated, a tricky position of her being a PC herself and having brought negative attention by saying publicly that the Suffolk police are "incompetent", police asking her to hang on, still waiting for CCTV figures to contact and be eliminated, wishing to avoid having two parallel investigations and treading on toes?......

TBH find the whole thing confusing (partly 'cause I'm on catch-up, so apologies if I am repeating what's already been discussed) but the buildings' searches also is unclear. She says they haven't , police say they have.

That was published 30.12.16 so assuming it's based on a very recent quote from Mum
I haven't seen that they employed a Data analyst, unless someone else has this info? I would agree with you re two parallel investigations. It is getting a bit complicated now that there are more negative comments, coming from Nicola with regard to what the police have and are not doing. This is not behind closed doors but very public.
Thank you to those who have taken the time to make such lovely comments to me. Every day is hard, but I'm getting there. Being honest is helping but I do feel like running away sometimes and I think that's why I believe Corrie may have done the same. I do think some of the things said about him indicate problems mentally (careers, social, puppy, rule breaking). If he has then something as simple as being left behind by his workmates and having to drive himself into town could trigger a massive downward spiral and result in a spur of the moment decision ("everyone forgot about me they must not like me" "I'll drive myself and catch them up, but I need to drink to get my confidence back"... phone call to brother who he knows likes him helps lift spirits... maybe his friends weren't as friendly in the club so he wanders around and seems like a pest because he's desperate to just fit in ("I need to be liked so I can like myself") he gets kicked out for being drunk/a pest so he gets food and sits in a doorway feeling sorry for himself and starts to plan ("I might as well just do one. If people look for me then maybe they do love me after all") and that is when he goes and not being seen on CCTV could just be user error or a fluke.

And now I need to breathe because I feel like I have poured myself into this post. Remember PTSD doesn't just affect those who've been to war (I've never even been in the armed forces, mines vicarious trauma).

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I really didn't think AWOL was an option but you explaining it like this has made me think otherwise.

Thank you for sharing this and I'm glad you are getting better.
I just can't see how he would have gone AWOL with no money. If you're going to go somewhere else you'd need some kind of money - enough to last you till you can get a job elsewhere.
I think it's preferable for police to investigate this car which does seem very suspicious which I don't believe was ruled out. As if they can link it in any way then surely Corrie's case moves up in priority from a low-med risk missing person? At least there seems to be some better collaboration between family and police. I'm sure police don't want a PI involved either.
Apols if already covered this, and it's incidental anyway...

She must be at her wits end and with very little time to focus on being diplomatic but I feel it might have been better to edit the JG page now, re BIB.

considering Just Giving page says this:

( not linked in case it's disallowed ;)

and DTelegraph interview , 2 days ago says this:

Sorry and I'm sure this is going to be obvious but what does BIB mean?
Just wanted to pop on quickly here before I head out (you know the unusual drill by now, pre drinks time!)

Happy new year to everyone [emoji4] here's hoping for some good news about Corrie in the new year!

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