UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #12

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"Clients are allowed to keep their cars, too, with the knowledge that there’s no valet and they must be responsible for parking it throughout their stay."


Thought this was interesting. So someone who was staying at Focus 12 that night, could have had their car parked in there. x

Just to clarify, the picture of the darkened area belongs to another poster. It was taken (I believe) just before Xmas 2016 and the vehicle has no known links that we know of. The image is for illustration purposes only.

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As per my assertion that vehicles entering or leaving HS from 0325 onwards are of no relevance. Stick to common movements and hide in plain sight.

"Clients are allowed to keep their cars, too, with the knowledge that there’s no valet and they must be responsible for parking it throughout their stay."


Thought this was interesting. So someone who was staying at Focus 12 that night, could have had their car parked in there. x
Opportunistic dump is probably the best description. Bin wagon right time right place, what's the betting that a landfill search might turn up wallet, keys etc.

So if it's a 'lucky' phone dump it has to be when then bin lorry is in the 'Horseshoe' 0420...which was corroborated.
So the incident with Corrie happened after 0324 and prior to 0420.
I'd say your bang on with the wallet and keys.

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Just to clarify, the picture of the darkened area belongs to another poster. It was taken (I believe) just before Xmas 2016 and the vehicle has no known links that we know of. The image is for illustration purposes only.

Absolutely. Do we know if there are any specific parking restrictions in the horseshoe? I'm thinking there are probably double yellow lines with loading markings, but I wonder if, due to the shape of the area, you can get away with parking closer to the buildings and leaving your car there for a while i.e overnight x
Yes, the 55 minute window. I cannot see an incident occurring in the open, simply because of foot traffic.
As per my assertion that vehicles entering or leaving HS from 0325 onwards are of no relevance. Stick to common movements and hide in plain sight.
So the fact that the police only got a certain amount of CCTV could really be hindering this investigation. But then I go to the fact that Focus 12 has been forensically searched and also that the horseshoe and all buildings have been searched by Cadaver dogs too, finding no trace of Corrie. Which then leaves me with all taking place inside a car. Either C going for a pee and spotting someone in a car out of view of the cameras, approaching them as we are told is something he would do and ending up in the car, or being dragged in. Hmmmm. Thanks for your input here, I'm now following new trains of thought that are more plausible than others! x
Which is the betrayal by the police that we have heard of.

Can you link where it states F12 has been forensically searched and not just "searched" and also when the search took place?

Being dragged into a vehicle would then require C to be subdued until after 12Pm the next day, unlikely in my opinion.

So the fact that the police only got a certain amount of CCTV could really be hindering this investigation. But then I go to the fact that Focus 12 has been forensically searched and also that the horseshoe and all buildings have been searched by Cadaver dogs too, finding no trace of Corrie. Which then leaves me with all taking place inside a car. Either C going for a pee and spotting someone in a car out of view of the cameras, approaching them as we are told is something he would do and ending up in the car, or being dragged in. Hmmmm. Thanks for your input here, I'm now following new trains of thought that are more plausible than others! x
If we're going for a 'lucky dump', then presumably we can work backwards from the stated 0420 sighting by the bin lorry driver of the three youths at the rear of Cornwalk?

So my presumption still stands:
(0300): Biffa shift start time. Bin lorry checked over at depot in Hollow Lane?
0324: Corrie last seen in the 'Horseshoe'.
(0345): Bin lorry leaves Hollow Lane.
(0357): Bin lorry arrives at Short Brackland.
(0405): Bin lorry driver opens paperwork for the uplift.
(0410): Bin lorry enters the 'Horseshoe' and uplifts the bin.
(0415): Bin lorry completes paperwork and leaves the 'Horseshoe'.
(0417): Corrie's phone is dumped into the rear of the bin lorry.
(0420): Bin lorry leaves the 'Horseshoe' via Shortbrackland where bin lorry driver notices three youths in the rear of Cornwalk.
(0430): Bin lorry leaves the BSE mast area followed by the vehicle which Corrie is in.
(0458): Bin lorry enters BM mast area or BM roundabout closely followed by Corrie's vehicle.

This just leaves a reason for the phone to stay within the BM phone mast area until 0800 whilst the bin lorry completes its route.

For me, it's looking like he AND the phone are in a car following the bin lorry having been disturbed by it at (0410).

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So, here's a theory that I think could fit. Let me know what you think.

Corrie goes for a pee in the horseshoe. He spots someone in the horseshoe, in an area not covered by camera, in a car that is not covered by cameras. He gets talking, and something untoward happens inside the car, the person hurts Corrie or worse. The person stays out of camera sight and waits trying to figure what to do. When the lorry comes they throw Corries phone either in the bin, or into the back of the lorry as it is there, and isn't seen by the bin man or the cameras. This person leaves Corrie in the car, unconscious or dead and figures out what to do, either goes back into the building they came from or maybe even stays in the car. Then leaves at a time that they normally would if they're a regular user of the parking spot. It makes me think its certainly someone who was using one of the buildings as they would need a rough idea of cameras and also the bin lorry timings if they put the phone IN the bin, but not if they launched it into the lorry. They get away and dispose of his body, then potentially they try and burn the car up the road a few days later as per the report that is not yet officially linked to this case? x
My guess would be that Biffa dropped the recyclables at the FCC waste site on Brandon Road (not household waste site) and at 8Am the baler went on..

If he left in a vehicle then he would have been seen doing so, unless hiding? The A1101 provides plenty of overtaking opportunity and I dare say that a car might actually head straight down Looms Lane rather than go through SB etc.

If we're going for a 'lucky dump', then presumably we can work backwards from the stated 0420 sighting by the bin lorry driver of the three youths at the rear of Cornwalk?

So my presumption still stands:
(0300): Biffa shift start time. Bin lorry checked over at depot in Hollow Lane?
0324: Corrie last seen in the 'Horseshoe'.
(0345): Bin lorry leaves Hollow Lane.
(0357): Bin lorry arrives at Short Brackland.
(0405): Bin lorry driver opens paperwork for the uplift.
(0410): Bin lorry enters the 'Horseshoe' and uplifts the bin.
(0415): Bin lorry completes paperwork and leaves the 'Horseshoe'.
(0417): Corrie's phone is dumped into the rear of the bin lorry.
(0420): Bin lorry leaves the 'Horseshoe' via Shortbrackland where bin lorry driver notices three youths in the rear of Cornwalk.
(0430): Bin lorry leaves the BSE mast area followed by the vehicle which Corrie is in.
(0458): Bin lorry enters BM mast area or BM roundabout closely followed by Corrie's vehicle.

This just leaves a reason for the phone to stay within the BM phone mast area until 0800 whilst the bin lorry completes its route.

For me, it's looking like he AND the phone are in a car following the bin lorry having been disturbed by it at (0410).

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Yes it fits although a dead 90kg man is going to be hard to manoeuvre in a car after 8 hours.

So, here's a theory that I think could fit. Let me know what you think.

Corrie goes for a pee in the horseshoe. He spots someone in the horseshoe, in an area not covered by camera, in a car that is not covered by cameras. He gets talking, and something untoward happens inside the car, the person hurts Corrie or worse. The person stays out of camera sight and waits trying to figure what to do. When the lorry comes they throw Corries phone either in the bin, or into the back of the lorry as it is there, and isn't seen by the bin man or the cameras. This person leaves Corrie in the car, unconscious or dead and figures out what to do, either goes back into the building they came from or maybe even stays in the car. Then leaves at a time that they normally would if they're a regular user of the parking spot. It makes me think its certainly someone who was using one of the buildings as they would need a rough idea of cameras and also the bin lorry timings if they put the phone IN the bin, but not if they launched it into the lorry. They get away and dispose of his body, then potentially they try and burn the car up the road a few days later as per the report that is not yet officially linked to this case? x
After he got up from his nap inside the Hughes doorway he was no longer a stumbling drunk. So he walks to the horseshoe to pee. He could have placed his phone top of the bin for a second. At that point he could have been interrupted by someone, most likely in a car. Maybe it was friendly, maybe not. Perhaps he got in the car and left the phone on top of the bin. When the bin was collected, the driver did not notice, so the phone fell into the truck. If it is absolutely true that nobody could walk out of the horseshoe and not be captured on CCTV, Corrie had to be in a vehicle or the back of the lorry. It seems all of us know that sleeping in a garbage bin is very unsafe. We all seem to have heard of some homeless person being crushed to death. Why would Corrie not be so aware? He seems bright. Granted he had drunk himself stupid a few hours before, but I would think even he would know how dumb an idea it is. So it leaves a vehicle. I wonder if they searched through all the CCTV video from cameras leading out of town. Seems if he had an altercation someone would have heard something, so I think it was voluntary, at least at first. Didn't his mother say he had walked back to base before? so what route did he take? Did he cut across fields or stick to the road? Could a tourist have picked him up and does not know he is missing? I have seen mentioned that USAF is stationed or trains nearby. Could a USAF member have given him a lift, but was soon transferred elsewhere, so they do not know either. If the police are sure he was in a vehicle, then shouldn't they have hunted down every vehicle seen that early morning. I tend to think he is dead in some field not far away. I hope not, but I am thinking suicide or fatal accident.
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Hello all. Nervous first poster here. I've read the last 100 or so pages, so feel i'm pretty up to date.

It's an interesting case with lots of possibilities. I don't want to throw all my thoughts in just yet, but just following the last stream of posts focussing on the bin and phone.

We know three facts. Corrie went missing from the Horseshoe, the phone went on a journey, the bin lorry followed the same route the phone took. We do not know for a fact, that the phone was inside the bin, hence it not being found at processing.

I read the posts about pinging and masts, its not an area i'm familiar with.

Is it not possible the phone, coincidentally took the same route as the bin lorry, but at a different time, very close to when the bin lorry took its journey? Its been suggested, the car followed the bin lorry. Are the ping records exact? Or is their time either side where it could have taken the same route by a different means? Eg in another vehicle?

My feeling here, the bin lorry could just be completely coincidental, and in fact Corrie left, with his phone in another vehicle, driven by persons known to him, whatever befell him, happened away from the Horseshoe.
After he got up from his nap inside the Hughes doorway he was no longer a stumbling drunk. So he walks to the horseshoe to pee. He could have placed his phone top of the bin for a second. At that point he could have been interrupted by someone, most likely in a car. Maybe it was friendly, maybe not. Perhaps he got in the car and left the phone on top of the bin. When the bin was collected, the driver did not notice, so the phone fell into the truck. If it is absolutely true that nobody could walk out of the horseshoe and not be captured on CCTV, Corrie had to be in a vehicle or the back of the lorry. It seems all of us know that sleeping in a garbage bin is very unsafe. We all seem to have heard of some homeless person being crushed to death. Why would Corrie not be so aware? He seems bright. Granted he had drunk himself stupid a few hours before, but I would think even he would know how dumb an idea it is. So it leaves a vehicle. I wonder if they searched through all the CCTV video from cameras leading out of town. Seems if he had an altercation someone would have heard something, so I think it was voluntary, at least at first. Didn't his mother say he had walked back to base before? so what route did he take? Did he cut across fields or stick to the road? Could a tourist have picked him up and does not know he is missing? I have seen mentioned that USAF is stationed or trains nearby. Could a USAF member have given him a lift, but was soon transferred elsewhere, so they do not know either. If the police are sure he was in a vehicle, then shouldn't they have hunted down every vehicle seen that early morning. I tend to think he is dead in some field not far away. I hope not, but I am thinking suicide or fatal accident.

With regards to him walking back to base we have had conflicting answers to this, but for the moment we are being told that he had never walked back before. I don't think it's plausible that he would have walked back to base, or even really got a lift back. I think I read that the USAF guy offered him a ride home and he refused, and this makes sense because, would you go out, park in a disabled bay that you would probably get away with until 7am, know you had to move your car at say, 6am, but spend hours walking back to base, setting off at say 3.30am? That would be pointless as as soon as you got back, tired and ready to sleep you'd be having to find a way back for your car to avoid a ticket/fine/court appearance. I think he was trying to find something to keep him entertained til he was sober enough to drive or somewhere to kip, so he may have pestered someone in the horseshoe to let him into a building they were coming out of. xx
I am 98% certain you are right, db09striker, but I am 2% thinking there is a strange trick of perspective going on if that is the case. The figure in the CCTV isn't surrounded by a mound of shrubs in the middle of the roundabout like the statue (and what a odd statue that is!).

Due to the slight curvature of the road and the positioning of the CCTV camera, I'm not entirely sure that statue can even be seen. I think it would be obscured on the left.

The mound of shrubs to the right of the CCTV figure is the one on the right hand side of the road as you look on Street View, not in the centre of the roundabout. Look at the proximity of the pavement's shadow on the right.

To that 2% of me, the CCTV figure is still walking towards the roundabout and is walking up the right-hand carriageway, making a beeline for the right turn on to Parkway - which ultimately and theoretically would take Corrie broadly in the right direction for home of course.
Just catching up so I apologise if this has already been covered but my hubby and I looked at this as I was convinced it could be Corrie but from the angle I honestly think it's these poles 😕Screenshot_20170103-004029.jpg

what I did notice however was how close the Other Base for Focus 12 was just down the road from the bike CCTV

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With regards to him walking back to base we have had conflicting answers to this, but for the moment we are being told that he had never walked back before. I don't think it's plausible that he would have walked back to base, or even really got a lift back. I think I read that the USAF guy offered him a ride home and he refused, and this makes sense because, would you go out, park in a disabled bay that you would probably get away with until 7am, know you had to move your car at say, 6am, but spend hours walking back to base, setting off at say 3.30am? That would be pointless as as soon as you got back, tired and ready to sleep you'd be having to find a way back for your car to avoid a ticket/fine/court appearance. I think he was trying to find something to keep him entertained til he was sober enough to drive or somewhere to kip, so he may have pestered someone in the horseshoe to let him into a building they were coming out of. xx

I asked that very question before. Why would he leave his car, knowing he has to go right back and get it? There is an article that says one of his friends said he told them he was walking back that night. And then there is the quote from the mother. He was in no condition to walk at 1 am. He was not much better at 3:23 am. Are there residences in this horseshoe or just businesses?
I asked that very question before. Why would he leave his car, knowing he has to go right back and get it? There is an article that says one of his friends said he told them he was walking back that night. And then there is the quote from the mother. He was in no condition to walk at 1 am. He was not much better at 3:23 am. Are there residences in this horseshoe or just businesses?

They are mainly businesses, and all business premises are upstairs and downstairs so no flats above, but there's the rehab centre which is communal living, for people undergoing treatment. I have read somewhere that there may be one flat above a business premise but I really don't know if this is true. I'll see if I can find a reliable source x

I've worked this one out (possibility of figure in background) - it isn't a person and it isn't the statue on the roundabout. It's a short black and white bollard marking the edge of the pavement and cycle lane, combined with a bit of CCTV image pixellation! Just goes to show how your mind can play tricks on you when you really hope to see something...
sorry just seen this , I totally agree as my mind played tricks on me too 🙈

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My understanding is that the waste does not get incinerated. It was cardboard waste which gets recycled.

With regards to his phone, smartphones are notorious for running out of battery when on a night out. Assuming he charged in his car, his phone was active for around 12 hours, with some activity (phone calls, texts etc) on the go, i reckon that it has simply 'died' on him.

My theory: Corrie was hanging around hoping to sober up so he could drive his car back in the morning. He hopped into cardboard bin for a few hours kip then accidentally got tipped into refuse truck. During trucks journey back to the depot he has somehow exited it. Possibly disorientated/injured/concused he has wandered into the forrest/river and perished.

Having been out for the evening this may have already been responded to. I directed you to the parking lot, but you did not visit. I am hoping this will now not be deleted as I can only link to Nicolas q and a. The waste was sorted and excess waste was incinerated. There is no doubt that there was no body in the vehicle.
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