UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #12

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The sleep in the doorway and whether or not he was waiting to crash out on a friends sofa or get a taxi....becomes irrelevant.

He basically wanders for a pee....and "pings" on someones app.

And the phone goes in the bin OR doesn't.
The phone goes to BM along with Corrie.

Interesting scenario.

James, I genuinely think he's not just going for a pee. I think this is an opportunity for him to empty his bladder prior to the next event.
Look at the general direction he was walking and waiting. It's away from the nightclub and kebab shop and car. He's pausing on route (0130 & 0308) to the Horseshoe. There is absolutely no evidence of a nefarious activity about to or taking place. When you lay in bed at night however, and 'walk through' the evenings events to get a real feel for all falls into place. The early ejection from Flex, the prior app contact, the delayed wait, the punctual jog to the darkened area for's all there.

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Would save money by drinking his own vodka is not confirmation however IMO he must have drunk spirits to be so drunk in only 2 hours that he had to leave Flex.

I have wondered if there is a possibility he was spiked - this would fit in with him appearing so drunk that he was kicked out of Flex, and with the sleeping in the doorway but probably not with the food order. Has anything been said about how drunk he appeared to be in there?
Was he drinking in his car or is that also a rumour?
I ask that because it's featured in a lot of posts here throughout this particular thread.

Ok I think ur saying it's not confirmed that it's vodka but it was some form of alcohol? Is that right?
ETA - have since found the DExpress link.

No cottonweaver,that he was drinking in his car this is not a rumour. N eventually said he was drinking in his car when speaking to his brother. My post was to say we had no confirmation he was drinking vodka. That is a rumour, with no official links at all.] so I don't think it should be repeated as fact.
I just feel an unbiased view of him would be really beneficial, or at least comment from somebody who actually had been on a night out with him.
13 weeks in would probably be considered a stroll to the papers, if not a potter

The only reason I joined here was to speak up for him. His friends in Scotland are doing the best they can by sharing posts, tweeting, giving money to the appeals and supporting each other. It's not appropriate for anyone to run to the papers. One of his close friends went to Bury from Fife a few weeks back to hand out leaflets with Nicola. He has plenty friends.
Take us from there to his demise though.

James, I genuinely think he's not just going for a pee. I think this is an opportunity for him to empty his bladder prior to the next event.
Look at the general direction he was walking and waiting. It's away from the nightclub and kebab shop and car. He's pausing on route (0130 & 0308) to the Horseshoe. There is absolutely no evidence of a nefarious activity about to or taking place. When you lay in bed at night at 'walk through' the evenings events to get a real feel for all falls into place. The early ejection from Flex, the prior app contact, the delayed wait, the punctual jog to the darkened area for's all there.

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Hi there,

Could the timeline of Corrie's movements be posted again? (I forgot to bookmark the post) I think the post was made by Midsomer.

Also, can anyone corroborate that there IS CCTV footage of Corrie in Hughes doorway, but the Police have chosen not to release this footage to either the public or Corrie's family, as it was too distressing?

I seem to have picked this information up somewhere, but not sure if its true. Can anyone shed light ?


0300: Shift start time & vehicle checked
0352: Vehicle departs for SB (8 minute journey from site to 'Horseshoe').
0400: Bin man enters SB
0405: Driver fills in collection paperwork.
0415: Bin man starts collection procedure
0420: Bin man sees three teenagers in SB
0425: Bin man finishes collection procedure
0430: Bin man departs SB for BM (31 minute journey from 'Horseshoe' to BM roundabout).
0501: Bin lorry arrives at BM roundabout/Mildenhall.

21(15): Corrie feeds the dog and locks him in the bathroom.
21(30): Two cars with Corrie's workmates depart Hon.
2200: Corrie departs Hon in his own car
2221: Corrie parks in disabled bay in Robert Roby Way.
2221-2250: Corrie drinks in his car whilst making a phone call to Darroch.
2305: Corrie walks to SoBar pub and meets up with work colleagues.
2320: Corrie walks to Weatherspoons.
0001: Corrie leaves Weatherspoons around midnight for Flex.
Source- BBC Look East Evening News 12122016
0015: Corrie enters Flex night club.
0110: Corrie is 'ejected' from the nightclub.
0120: Corrie enters kebab shop & plays rock, paper, scissors with a customer and sits with a group whilst his order is ready. He leaves with a black man in a black t shirt with the numbers 78 in Roman numerals written on it.
0130: Corrie leaves kebab shop with kebab, chips and two burgers.
Corrie seen walking purposefully towards The Grapes pub.
0300: Shift start time for bin man. Vehicle checked. Corrie’s mobile phone records show he sent a picture to a friend at 3am.
0308: Corrie forwards a photo image to a friend from Hughes shop doorway.
0319: Two persons seen walking from Market Square towards McDonalds.
0321: White Tshirt man and two figures walking past Cornhill Walk towards Loom Street.
0324: Last CCTV sighting of Corrie.
0326: Two people with light clothing seen outside Cornhill Walk.
0335: Dark clothing1 man walking past Cornhill Walk towards Loom Street.
0340: Running man, Lurker & Legs man seen in 'Horseshoe'.
0352: Bin lorry departs (Hollow Lane) for BSE.
0356: Bicycle man, cycling around Cornhill area.
0400: Bin lorry enters SB.
0405: Bin lorry driver fills in collection paperwork.
0410: Bins lorry driver starts collection procedure of ONE BIN with 11kgs of material in it.
0415: Bin man starts collection procedure.
0420: Bin man finishes collection procedure in SB. Three teenagers seen at the rear of Cornwalk Shopping Centre by bin man.
0425: Bin man finishes collection procedure.
0430: Corrie's phone left the BSE mast area. Phone takes 28 minutes to reach the BM area. Link at 9 minute 9 seconds point.
Bin lorry heads towards Mildenhall for a collection, along A1101 via the BM roundabout.
0455: (Bin lorry is at Barton Mills roundabout.)
0458: Corrie's phone enters the BM mast area (if the 0430 quote is extrapolated).
0501: Dark clothing2 man seen walking past Cornhill Walk towards Loom Street.
0501: (Bin lorry is at BM roundabout/Mildenhall).
0503: (Corrie's phone would be at BM roundabout at this time if the 0430 quote is extrapolated.)
0518: Dark clothing3 man seen walking around Cornhill Walk.
0520: Dark backpack man seen in Cornhill Market Square area.
0800: Corrie's phone is last active within the BM mast area.

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Just to add in a twist, C could have been driven around Bury for 35 minutes and then gone on to BM (as a known spot after failing to find a suitable spot in BSE) and they just happened to fall behind the bin lorry.
55 minutes not 35.
Slightly off topic, but I hope I never go missing. The character assassination in this case has been something to behold lol!

Corrie is now basically a social hand grenade, closet homosexual, that cant handle his drink and meets up with men from the internet in bin shed areas for a spot of 'hows your father' early in the morning.

My theory: Corrie was hanging around hoping to sober up so he could drive his car back in the morning. He hopped into cardboard bin for a few hours kip then accidentally got tipped into refuse truck. During trucks journey back to the depot he has somehow exited it. Possibly disorientated/injured/concused he has wandered into the forrest/river and perished.
Hi there,

Could the timeline of Corrie's movements be posted again? (I forgot to bookmark the post) I think the post was made by Midsomer.

Also, can anyone corroborate that there IS CCTV footage of Corrie in Hughes doorway, but the Police have chosen not to release this footage to either the public or Corrie's family, as it was too distressing?

I seem to have picked this information up somewhere, but not sure if its true. Can anyone shed light ?


welcome Hermit,
have asked Greater Than( mod for thread) to pop it at page 1 of thread 13 and she has acknowledged same
meanwhile here's midsommer's v. helpful TL which has links - which is great as WS runs on links and differentiates it from other SM sites- substantiation otherwise it becomes chinese whispers as you can see.

ETA - cross post with M'summer
The only reason I joined here was to speak up for him. His friends in Scotland are doing the best they can by sharing posts, tweeting, giving money to the appeals and supporting each other. It's not appropriate for anyone to run to the papers. One of his close friends went to Bury from Fife a few weeks back to hand out leaflets with Nicola. He has plenty friends.

I have no particular view on how many friends Corrie has but if a friend of mine was missing I certainly wouldn't be speaking to the newspapers, not because I didn't care or wasn't helping to find them but because IMVHO anyone who voluntarily puts themselves in the public eye nowadays is bonkers - just look at what is said about Corrie here on a victim friendly site never mind what people will say on less well regulated sites (not a dig at any in particular just a fact of life nowadays)
Very loosely used term of "friends" for those two. I just haven't seen a single non- family testimonial, even the ex gf has said nothing.
You have just illustrated why only "those two" have come forward so far. I have also had a thought why the doorway footage and no other footage between 3.08 and 3.24 had been shown. After sending the photo perhaps C nodded off again and dropped the phone. Some youngsters come by and rob him. He wakes and gives chase but they give him the slip. Going into the H/S to see if they are there..... The police may have agreed that the thieves would not be in trouble if they just come forward... phone is traced in bin.....AJMO
Slightly off topic, but I hope I never go missing. The character assassination in this case has been something to behold lol!

Corrie is now basically a social hand grenade, closet homosexual, that cant handle his drink and meets up with men from the internet in bin shed areas for a spot of 'hows your father' early in the morning.

My theory: Corrie was hanging around hoping to sober up so he could drive his car back in the morning. He hopped into cardboard bin for a few hours kip then accidentally got tipped into refuse truck. During trucks journey back to the depot he has somehow exited it. Possibly disorientated/injured/concused he has wandered into the forrest/river and perished.

I have no particular view on how many friends Corrie has but if a friend of mine was missing I certainly wouldn't be speaking to the newspapers, not because I didn't care or wasn't helping to find them but because IMVHO anyone who voluntarily puts themselves in the public eye nowadays is bonkers - just look at what is said about Corrie here on a victim friendly site never mind what people will say on less well regulated sites (not a dig at any in particular just a fact of life nowadays)

Kaiser - I typed my post before reading yours but I see we are of the same mind
You have just illustrated why only "those two" have come forward so far. I have also had a thought why the doorway footage and no other footage between 3.08 and 3.24 had been shown. After sending the photo perhaps C nodded off again and dropped the phone. Some youngsters come by and rob him. He wakes and gives chase but they give him the slip. Going into the H/S to see if they are there..... The police may have agreed that the thieves would not be in trouble if they just come forward... phone is traced in bin.....AJMO

This would be seen on the CCTV though, IMO if the phone was stolen it was after the 3.24 CCTV
Hi there,

Could the timeline of Corrie's movements be posted again? (I forgot to bookmark the post) I think the post was made by Midsomer.

Also, can anyone corroborate that there IS CCTV footage of Corrie in Hughes doorway, but the Police have chosen not to release this footage to either the public or Corrie's family, as it was too distressing?

I seem to have picked this information up somewhere, but not sure if its true. Can anyone shed light ?


I see we have the timeline brought foreward now, for your second question I for one don't believe that it has been publically said that the footage was distressing and would be very pleased to see a link if that is the case
You have just illustrated why only "those two" have come forward so far. I have also had a thought why the doorway footage and no other footage between 3.08 and 3.24 had been shown. After sending the photo perhaps C nodded off again and dropped the phone. Some youngsters come by and rob him. He wakes and gives chase but they give him the slip. Going into the H/S to see if they are there..... The police may have agreed that the thieves would not be in trouble if they just come forward... phone is traced in bin.....AJMO

BIB Agree that there could have been two quite separate events here and some misleading coincidences but I was thinking phone maybe simply dropped.
Did anyone post the re-sale value of that old Lumia?
MidsummersDay: Many thanks for your hard work on this timeline!

FYI - I removed the (with a passenger?) part at 2200, as that is a rumor. :)
On the subject of vodka, I may very well have referred to it on this thread or the Parking Lot one recently.
However, it certainly wasn't me who mentioned it in the first place but after all this time I haven't a hope in trying to find where it was first referenced.
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