UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #18

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Well, what an interesting development. I can think all sorts of things that could be the reason for PTCOJ and I have long thought that more than one person is involved with whatever happened to Corrie. IMO this is just the tip of the iceberg and I expect there are more to come.
If foul play is involved, I suspect several people have knowledge of it. I am not sure if this person arrested, was someone who provided false info as part of their own sick game, or to protect themselves or others. Or perhaps its to do with the phone. Whatever they have arrested him for, I think it would be a good time to go reinterview anyone else who the police suspect is holding back something. The arrest might be a reminder to them, it's not nice to lie to the police, even if you think it unimportant.

This arrested man might not have anything to do with the solution though.
I've never posted before but have been watching closely from the start. I think maybe someone has mentioned something on social media and this has been picked up by the investigation team sifting through all the stuff. Maybe they have proof that someone already spoken to wasn't telling the truth and have passed it on via SM? JMO
I agree that is a possibility as sometimes people contradict themselves or brag on SM. JMO
I don't think it's the bin lorry. I think and this is my own opinion that someone aged 26 is local and was there on the night. I'm hoping this won't get deleted. I'm not naming anyone but I think their original story has changed due to evidence from the police. My posts never add value, I just wanted to say I'm still here. I'm still reading everything. I feel it's something to do with the club/ clubs. I don't think it's the taxi driver/ cyclist/ McDonalds... that's just what I think

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The woman has very "straight forward" style in walking, could be a waitress or perhaps also working in the army. The old man really isn't that old, it's easy to compare him to other old man coming behind him, lol!

They must have seen themselves in cctv footage, this has been all over the news around the world for months what's keeping them...?

I don't think it's the bin lorry. I think and this is my own opinion that someone aged 26 is local and was there on the night. I'm hoping this won't get deleted. I'm not naming anyone but I think their original story has changed due to evidence from the police. My posts never add value, I just wanted to say I'm still here. I'm still reading everything. I feel it's something to do with the club/ clubs. I don't think it's the taxi driver/ cyclist/ McDonalds... that's just what I think

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Miss B every post adds value here. This is a conglomeration of different people with different opinions - all we have in common is a hope for truth and justice.
I find every post - even if not in accordance to my own opinion - brings something to consider. Please keep posting your thoughts. x
Wasn't there talk about an unknown person who was in C's from the base into town? I wonder how old that person is?
I do believe this is just a hopeful assumption, and would treat it with the suspicion it deserves

I have faith in the Police investigation, whatever has been said elsewhere. Police work on evidence based investigation. not gossip and rrumour that has been on social media. JMO

Harsh. Police have been reviewing the evidence MIS passed to them for a fortnight, and now they've made this arrest - it's reasonable to speculate if the two are linked.

As for faith in the police investigation - I don't have a great deal. The investigation should have been stepped up in late October when it became highly probable that a criminal act had taken place. By this point it was apparent that Corrie couldn't have realistically left the Horseshoe area on foot in a reasonable time frame and that the phone had taken a route consistent with a bin lorry, and in addition the passage of time without contact made it statistically likely he had come to harm*. Yet it wasn't until January they searched the properties around the HS/SB Street, and that probably wouldn't have happened without being shamed into it. They still haven't searched the landfill, and it will by an order of magnitude harder with 4 months extra rubbish on top. I'm sure it's a resourcing thing - the two double murders last year won't have helped, and it does seem that since the new year this case has been given the priority it deserves, which is good, but the passage of time won't help.

* See page 20 of this report (LE link so presumably allowable)
THE dad of missing RAF gunner Corrie McKeague believes “several” people are perverting the course of justice in relation to his son’s disappearance. Following the arrest of a 26-year-old man earlier today, Martin McKeague said in “his opinion” not just one person was breaking the law.

'Scuse the source!

PS Jinx TerryB

PPS note this Sun article also mentions the 4am - 4:20 bin lorry / paperwork thing. I think that was something Midsummer came up with as a guesstimate and it turned out to be wrong didn't it? nice to see MSM copying our work!
The police appear to be satisfied they are making progress... I wouldn't be at all surprised if, over the coming weeks, several more will be charged with perverting the course of justice.
Harsh. Police have been reviewing the evidence MIS passed to them for a fortnight, and now they've made this arrest - it's reasonable to speculate if the two are linked.

As for faith in the police investigation - I don't have a great deal. The investigation should have been stepped up in late October when it became highly probable that a criminal act had taken place. By this point it was apparent that Corrie couldn't have realistically left the Horseshoe area on foot in a reasonable time frame and that the phone had taken a route consistent with a bin lorry, and in addition the passage of time without contact made it statistically likely he had come to harm*. Yet it wasn't until January they searched the properties around the HS/SB Street, and that probably wouldn't have happened without being shamed into it. They still haven't searched the landfill, and it will by an order of magnitude harder with 4 months extra rubbish on top. I'm sure it's a resourcing thing - the two double murders last year won't have helped, and it does seem that since the new year this case has been given the priority it deserves, which is good, but the passage of time won't help.

* See page 20 of this report (LE link so presumably allowable)
I don't believe the police could have done anymore without any direct evidence of a criminal act. I also believe that they asked for the landfill to be frozen a couple of months after C Mc disappeared so actually no further deposits since that time. There may well have been some errors but they can't throw money at every single disappearance...

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I don't believe the police could have done anymore without any direct evidence of a criminal act. I also believe that they asked for the landfill to be frozen a couple of months after C Mc disappeared so actually no further deposits since that time. There may well have been some errors but they can't throw money at every single disappearance...
Sure. But this isn't every single disappearance. For one, 99% of missing persons are found within the week, per the report I attached. Presumably substantially lower by the time a month has passed. Couple that with the other things that had become apparent at that point - not to mention the fact that attempted abductions of servicemen had occurred in the area - I stand by what I said, the investigation should have accelerated at that point.

Incidentally they do spend a lot of money on missing persons. From the same report: "It is estimated that a medium risk, medium term missing person investigation costs between £1,325.44 - £2,415.80. Based on 76% of all missing incidents in England and Wales being graded as medium risk (147,550), the financial cost of medium risk missing person investigations is in the range £195m to £356m per annum."
Harsh. Police have been reviewing the evidence MIS passed to them for a fortnight, and now they've made this arrest - it's reasonable to speculate if the two are linked.

As for faith in the police investigation - I don't have a great deal. The investigation should have been stepped up in late October when it became highly probable that a criminal act had taken place. By this point it was apparent that Corrie couldn't have realistically left the Horseshoe area on foot in a reasonable time frame and that the phone had taken a route consistent with a bin lorry, and in addition the passage of time without contact made it statistically likely he had come to harm*. Yet it wasn't until January they searched the properties around the HS/SB Street, and that probably wouldn't have happened without being shamed into it. They still haven't searched the landfill, and it will by an order of magnitude harder with 4 months extra rubbish on top. I'm sure it's a resourcing thing - the two double murders last year won't have helped, and it does seem that since the new year this case has been given the priority it deserves, which is good, but the passage of time won't help.

* See page 20 of this report (LE link so presumably allowable)

Sorry you found my post harsh, that wasn't my intention. Social media has - imo - been very vociferous in this case and I think that can be a hindrance to any formal police investigation.

This is only my opinion naturally, but social media pressure on LE isn't forwarding this investigation. I doubt LE are reading facebook posts as a way of finding out what has happened here.

Sadly I think Corrie has come to harm, it has been 5 months now, and I thought this within a few days of his disappearance.. But without firm evidence of a crime or a body he is still a Misper whatever the public wish to believe.

Yes, I am aware of the site you linked - in fact I was the poster who first linked it here.

I hope he is found safe and well - I love that phrase. I am not confident, nor am I confident of what has happened to him or where he now is. x
Sure. But this isn't every single disappearance. For one, 99% of missing persons are found within the week, per the report I attached. Presumably substantially lower by the time a month has passed. Couple that with the other things that had become apparent at that point - not to mention the fact that attempted abductions of servicemen had occurred in the area - I stand by what I said, the investigation should have accelerated at that point.

Incidentally they do spend a lot of money on missing persons. From the same report: "It is estimated that a medium risk, medium term missing person investigation costs between £1,325.44 - £2,415.80. Based on 76% of all missing incidents in England and Wales being graded as medium risk (147,550), the financial cost of medium risk missing person investigations is in the range £195m to £356m per annum."
Perhaps they are but, as you say, this one is different but mainly in that it has had a serving police officer at the heart driving it forward. I've never known as much publicity, even in cases similar to this one, before (and mentioned in earlier threads). The serviceman 'abduction' was actually rebuffed quite some time ago iirc. I'm not saying the police have got everything right but I don't believe they are as inept as some have made them out to be. It was stated several threads ago that this case has actually had more money spent on it than most missing persons cases...

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The woman has very "straight forward" style in walking, could be a waitress or perhaps also working in the army. The old man really isn't that old, it's easy to compare him to other old man coming behind him, lol!

They must have seen themselves in cctv footage, this has been all over the news around the world for months what's keeping them...?


I agree with you about the female, but I'm not so sure about the man. Looking at the gait I would suggest that the two men have had very different lives, with one being blue collar and one being white collar. The blue collar job would put a lot more stresses on the bones while a white collar worker who keeps fit has no reason to not walk like that well into their 70s if they stay free from back, hip and knee problems.

The gait looks really familiar somehow, it feels like some kind of profession, maybe even something like a doctor. He seems quite tall, maybe 6 foot or so? I still think there's something about the right leg though, the foot looks a bit turned, which might be related to that knee thing I mentioned earlier. I don't know if things like this might help ID someone. The glasses look quite distinctive, the face looks quite long. Even with the hood, someone ought to recognise this man, but he might not even live in the Suffolk area, he might not even have close relatives anywhere, let alone in the area.
One thing in the CCTV footage of the man in McD's is that he comes in the sliding door from the left as we look which means he comes from Cornhill/Butter Market where there are lots more council CCTV.

It also makes me wonder even more why this person is a possible witness when the footage is from 05:00-05:20 and he is on foot coming from the above direction and I also doubt the even older man behind him has come forward or been spoken to.

More to this?
One thing in the CCTV footage of the man in McD's is that he comes in the sliding door from the left as we look which means he comes from Cornhill/Butter Market where there are lots more council CCTV.

It also makes me wonder even more why this person is a possible witness when the footage is from 05:00-05:20 and he is on foot coming from the above direction and I also doubt the even older man behind him has come forward or been spoken to.

More to this?
No I think he is coming from direction of horseshoe. This cctv is from inside shop looking across to Cornhill Shopping Centre so the left would be from H/s direction. There is also Pod footage of him shown by the CSC camera coming from H/s direction at 5.01 a.m. too.
Eta -As he came from H/s direction he could have been rough sleeping up on the metal stairs or roof area and could have seen or heard something.
Sadly I think Corrie has come to harm, it has been 5 months now, and I thought this within a few days of his disappearance.. But without firm evidence of a crime or a body he is still a Misper whatever the public wish to believe.
I agree, I think it's almost certain that Corrie came to harm, and I'd go further in saying it's almost certain a third party was involved. However, there's ranges of missing persons investigations: "All reports of missing people sit within a continuum of risk from ‘no apparent risk (absent)’ through to high risk cases that require immediate, intensive action." *

I personally believe that the case moved firmly into the latter category around October 24th/25th iirc, when the initial CCTV analysis had been done, yet the first sign of intensive action was in the new year. I'm not suggesting the police are inept - far from it - just that they clearly didn't have the bandwidth for this investigation last year. I know I'm in a minority but I really admire NU, she didn't let them fob her off. Tough woman.

Hopefully this arrest is about putting pressure on a conspiracy of silence. I think the next few weeks will be very interesting.

One thing in the CCTV footage of the man in McD's is that he comes in the sliding door from the left as we look which means he comes from Cornhill/Butter Market where there are lots more council CCTV.

It also makes me wonder even more why this person is a possible witness when the footage is from 05:00-05:20 and he is on foot coming from the above direction and I also doubt the even older man behind him has come forward or been spoken to.

More to this?

I was thinking about this, perhaps he was spotted elsewhere on CCTV which put him in a position to inadvertently witness something but this clip of him going into Mcky D's is clearer for people to identify?
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