UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #20

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But it wasn't food waste was it but dry mixed recyclables I thought we had concluded? Or perhaps we didn't ? These bin contents are more confusing the longer the case continues.
Regarding the nameless former HSE person and other bandwagon jumpers, isn't it strange they didn't speak out before? Why wait until the weight error was revealed to say all this? Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Oh I expect there will be many more 'experts' clambering aboard the bandwagon with their pearls of wisdom before this case is done. Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing.
EXACTLY !!! you have summed it up to perfection .. Best of all, these band wagon jumpers haven't actually checked on the facts of the case before commenting ...

Oh I expect there will be many more 'experts' clambering aboard the bandwagon with their pearls of wisdom before this case is done. Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing.
EXACTLY !!! you have summed it up to perfection .. Best of all, these band wagon jumpers haven't actually checked on the facts of the case before commenting ...
There aren't many "facts" to go on. They keep changing. Only SP know the real facts. Only time can tell but until then people will comment on the "facts" told. I think its good for EVERYONE to give their opinion from whatever field they are in. Its good to bounce ideas off each other.

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SP UPDATE 28th March Police can confirm that a young woman who was one of two remaining people seen on foot in the area where Corrie McKeague was last seen has been spoken to by officers.
The woman had been seen on CCTV in the Brentgovel Street area of Bury St Edmunds around 5.15am – 5.20am on Saturday 24 September and officers had been making appeals to trace her, along with an older gentleman who has yet to be traced.
She has now been spoken to and has confirmed she is the person in the images but she has not been able to add anything further to assist the investigation.
Officers are now in the fourth week of work at a landfill site in Milton in Cambridgeshire and have now been through around 1,000 tonnes of waste material in the search.
SP UPDATE 28th March Police can confirm that a young woman who was one of two remaining people seen on foot in the area where Corrie McKeague was last seen has been spoken to by officers.
The woman had been seen on CCTV in the Brentgovel Street area of Bury St Edmunds around 5.15am – 5.20am on Saturday 24 September and officers had been making appeals to trace her, along with an older gentleman who has yet to be traced.
She has now been spoken to and has confirmed she is the person in the images but she has not been able to add anything further to assist the investigation.
Officers are now in the fourth week of work at a landfill site in Milton in Cambridgeshire and have now been through around 1,000 tonnes of waste material in the search.

Ya don't say
It wasn't very likely that she would have seen anything relevant after 5 am, and for the same reason I doubt the McDonalds chap will be able to help either, if they find him.
I don't quite understand why if Biffa collected recycling and charged per collection why was the bin weighed?
If charged by weight 11 kg on average per collection would surely not be cost effective for Biffa?
Fuel costs driver's wages and other overheads must far outweigh collecting such small amounts?

This weight being collected on average would surely also be very costly to Greggs if that was the general weight per collection. A less frequent collection would suffice in that case. Costs for both waste operatives and commercial businesses must come into play here imo.

The point I'm trying to make is none of the figures reported make any sense really. Is it possible the same waste lorry was used to collect recycling and general waste at the same time to save costs and this could account for all this confusion over bin weights? Am I making sense??

I read somewhere that general waste and recycling can be collected in the same lorry; each type of waste goes in its own biffa bin but in a different coloured bag so it can be distinguished when the lorry is emptied for sorting. I worked in an office where it was black bags for rubbish, clear for paper and card.

Here, there's the confusion over which bin lorry did the job (general waste or recycling) and which bin was picked up. However, surely the lorry's system should have still shown the weights of each bin collected, including one heavy enough to contain C, from what we now know.

Your question made perfect sense, but my answer's a bit vague, sorry.
I do feel sorry for Martin it looks like He is having to sell a lot of things to get money, two completely different sides of the family,

He's sold his vehicles to buy a campervan, a practical thing to do in the current circumstances.
I think the bit about selling his house is just tabloid sensationalism. He strikes me as far too sensible to do that. What good would it do? There's nothing they can throw money at that will bring C back.
He's sold his vehicles to buy a campervan, a practical thing to do in the current circumstances.
I think the bit about selling his house is just tabloid sensationalism. He strikes me as far too sensible to do that. What good would it do? There's nothing they can throw money at that will bring C back.

I read that article from a slightly different slant. Nicola is a Government employee and it has been said she is now back at work. Undoubtedly her employer would give her paid compassionate leave when needed. Martin I believe gave up his job abroad to return to the UK when Corrie disappeared, so possibly has no income but undoubtedly has living expenses to pay for.
I can see that MM and his wife could be struggling financially at the moment. JMO though.
The article says several times that it's to fund the search, though.
The article says several times that it's to fund the search, though.

Yes, but it's the Sun...

I can't imagine how bad it is for them to wait through this landfill search. At least before they had things like the Sulsar searches going on, but at the moment it just seems to be a waiting game :-(
The article says several times that it's to fund the search, though.

Yes, it is poor reporting, of course there is no need for monies to 'fund' the search. But I can appreciate MM may be suffering financially and I think the article was prompted from f/b users offering to set up donations on his behalf.
Article also says Nicola is an ex-cop?

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Article also says Nicola is an ex-cop?

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I did notice that but never mentioned it as the last I heard from msm back in February was that she returned to Scotland to go back to work, it will be interesting if any other msm pick up on the story,
the landfill search must be around the half way mark now after 4 weeks, I've read in msm anything from 6 to 8 and up to 10 weeks max, IMO if nothing is found in the next week or two then the chances of finding anything will be getting more remote by the day,
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