UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #23

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I’m starting to lean towards this being an accident on his walk home, he did say to the homeless man he would likely walk home. Sometimes when you’ve had a bit too much to drink a walk to a far destination doesn’t seem like a bad idea and I think it’s been mentioned he had done it before?

If this was a female I’d be 100% certain it was 3rd party criminal activity, but young guys going missing always tend to be accidents, and more often than not it will happen after a night out and I’m starting to think this has what’s happened. Especially that time of night, quite heavily under the influence still. I don’t think the whole “someone knows something” angle is true, I think it could be that no one genuinely knows because he was alone and his body will sadly be found by chance, like Steven Cook who was found in Crete after going missing in 2005. He was found 12 years later.

I know full well how careless I am in these situations after nights out, it really does make you think.
I’m starting to lean towards this being an accident on his walk home, he did say to the homeless man he would likely walk home. Sometimes when you’ve had a bit too much to drink a walk to a far destination doesn’t seem like a bad idea and I think it’s been mentioned he had done it before?

If this was a female I’d be 100% certain it was 3rd party criminal activity, but young guys going missing always tend to be accidents, and more often than not it will happen after a night out and I’m starting to think this has what’s happened. Especially that time of night, quite heavily under the influence still. I don’t think the whole “someone knows something” angle is true, I think it could be that no one genuinely knows because he was alone and his body will sadly be found by chance, like Steven Cook who was found in Crete after going missing in 2005. He was found 12 years later.

I know full well how careless I am in these situations after nights out, it really does make you think.

I wouldn't be too sure about that,
Ah yes I had read about this and it had crossed my mind something similar could have happened and if he did hook up with someone or even get into a car with someone then something along these lines are very possible. But even things like this some kind of trail always leads back in some form or other which is why I’m starting to think that whatever has happened does not involve anyone else, which is why no one at all has come forward. However I would probably think differently if we had access the more info the police have, such as info given to Nicola that there was a crime etc and all the other supposed leads that’s were pushed into the back seat while this while bin lorry fiasco took over everything
Have any waterways, canals or rivers been searched? Up North where I live you hear of missing people and they are found days later in nearby water. I guess there’s no real explanation to how a lot of people get there but I think it’s the most common destination that bodies are found in missing persons cases. I’m not familiar with the area but I do think another possibility is there is no foul play and his walk home there was simply an accident where he has fallen into water. Is there any access to water once he gets passed Short Brackland and was there any CCTV he would have had to pass to get to it?

There are two different ways back to the base if you walk. There's one that everyone seems to assume that goes up to Tesco, but there's another one that goes a different way and I looked at that on Google Maps fairly early in the case and found a place where, yes, it goes right by the river and there's just a low wall. I got all excited thinking I'd cracked the case! But there were a dozen posts on here from locals saying that a body went in at that location would be found. IIRC that was the only place on a potential walk back to base where it seemed possible for a drunk young man to fall into water.

We need one of those cold case reviews like the one done for Jon Benet Ramsey. An independent team of various experts to go and talk to everyone from that night, examine the camera views, have access to the CCTV footage, examine maps and social media accounts and everything.
I think it was because MM knew about AO and the pregnancy but the brothers and NU kept it hidden and insisted C was happily single. "Beyond happy" in the words of his brother.
Remember when the Biffa guy was arrested for PTOJ and MM said he wasn't the only person lying, or words to that effect?


I thought the "Beyond happy" description was about the phone call with D on the night of the disappearance?

the more I think about the family split right at the start of the investigation the more I find it significant , something major happend within the first two weeks , maybe some one was unaware of something about corrie,

What we've been told through the tabloids is that at the time of the first news conference with police, Martin thought they were going to do that as a family, but N and the boys went ahead and did it without him, and that is supposed to be what set off the differences between them. I think that's just one part of it. We could see the whole time that N and M weren't really agreeing on a lot of things, and I put that down mostly to being a divorced couple who just couldn't agree on things in general, and I think it probably does boil down to that, but M has been standing separate from the others in so many ways with him saying from early on that C knew about the pregnancy while N has always been denying things like that by crossing her fingers behind her back and telling part-truths that weren't entirely lies.

The Jan 2017 Mail article mentions that a two year old Grindr profile was used a month after C disappeared and it used a previously unpublished photo of him. This was reported to the police at the time. That is something that has not been clarified by SP or the family AFAIK.

I vaguely recall that part about the Grindr profile being used after the disappearance. I guess at the time I figured it was N going into the accounts to check on them. But I don't remember the part about the previously unpublished photo of him being added at that time...that would be a very strange thing for N to do...I would expect her to remove a photo of him and replace it with a blank, not to upload something previously unpublished in its place? That is weird. I hope police got the IP address for that login!
Ah yes I had read about this and it had crossed my mind something similar could have happened and if he did hook up with someone or even get into a car with someone then something along these lines are very possible. RSBM
However I would probably think differently if we had access the more info the police have, such as info given to Nicola that there was a crime etc and all the other supposed leads that’s were pushed into the back seat while this while bin lorry fiasco took over everything

I don't recall info being given to NU that there was a crime. Who gave her this info?
Was this ever made public?
I thought SP have always stated this was not a criminal investigation.
I don't recall info being given to NU that there was a crime. Who gave her this info?
Was this ever made public?
I thought SP have always stated this was not a criminal investigation.

It was a caller to one of NU's mobile lines who stated that a crime had been committed and that info was passed to SP.
What was the exact 2nd weight again? Most articles just say over 100kg but I’ve seen 115kg and 118kg, if it’s one of the later 2 then that could actually be an admin mistake. Meaning it should have been 11.5kgs - 11.8kgs? I don’t know how thier system works but is that possible? Could that be entered incorrect and not be picked up on?

I don't know the exact weight, but the first weight was apparently the admin error; SP said they checked back through 7 months worth of records and the weight of the waste was always in the range 10-15kg, if I remember rightly. The second, higher weight came from the electronic weighing system on the bin lorry.
Hello, I haven't posted for a long while. I've been catching up over the weekend though. Around the time we found out about the drag queen coming to light and Corrie having previously spent time with this person elsewhere in the country (forget where now), we all had a vote and only myself and one other person thought Corrie was AWOL. I said at the time that I thought he had 'run away to the circus' and hoped he was having fun. With regards to more recent things being discussed/coming to light, I still believe he is AWOL. Just my opinion, but I'l tell you why I've come to this conclusion: He'd had all types of jobs and couldn't settle in one career, until he settled into the RAF. His family would have been quite rightly proud of him and relieved he had finally settled into a career. I believe from his fun, lively character, sociability and not being able to stick at jobs for long that he possibly was an ADHD type personality and focusing/sticking to one job or career would have been hard for him. Obviously I don't know this, I just have come to this conclusion. I think he loved being the entertainer, the joker and sounds a lovely lad but one who didn't want to let his family down by jacking in the RAF, especially as they'd probably told him they had been relieved he had finally settled down. I think with all the threesome's and swinging going on and hanging out with the drag queen he found some fun times, which given the rigidity of army rules was a complete contrast. I don't think small-town nightclubs were his thing. He just went along, but preferred bigger more exciting nights out. If its true he knew a baby was a possibility with a girl he was just swinging with, he may well have been fearful of being made to settle down. I think that combined with wanting to change jobs, go have fun with lively people in bigger places, meant he'd been deliberating what to do for a while. However, I don't think he planned to go AWOL that weekend. I think it was a spur of the moment decision. I think he went to a couple's house for the rest of the evening for drinks (or more) and stayed there the weekend. That couple would be fearful to come forward in case they were implicated even if they were innnocent. I think he decided on Sunday he was not going back to the RAF, he didn't want to upset his family by jacking another job in and he went on the run. Possibly with help from others, or being the character he is, by chatting to others he met along the way. We've never been told what the long conversation was with his brother. Was it a long goodbye without the brother knowing (ie he sort of thought he might disappear that weekend) or did the Brother know a few things but didn't want to upset his family, so never told them, or was told by the family not to divulge them? Who knows? I think he is out there somewhere, possibly under another name. I think the media storm blew up bigger than he could of imagined and it was too late to come back. One thing I have to query though, is recently someone in my family was talking to me about the lad who went to the media from 'up North' who claimed tablets made him Gay. They said to me that there is still stigma up North, especially in small communities to someone coming out as Gay. I've no idea as I'm down South, but if that is so, could it be the same in a small community in Scotland? Could he have recently decided he was after all Gay and not Bi but couldn't come out and declare it so? Just my thoughts and own opinions.
I have never believed in AWOL to be honest, as most say there is way too much planning involved and to stay undetected and his "head down" for this long it just isn't possible IMO, I have even read that Corrie struggled to even grow facial hair so its not as if he could drastically change his appearance,and especially since its such a high profile missing persons case even if he did change his appearance, there's bound to be some eagle eyed person out there that would notice, or even notice something suspicious, he would have struggled to get a job without any form of identification and most jobs these days are pretty thorough in back ground checks, and I cant imagine him being sat in some flat somewhere never going out either.

If he had ended up at a couples or a party over that weekend that doesn't really explain the phone situation, even if his battery died at that point, which is plausible, he could have borrowed someone else's phone to make contact, there's Facebook as well, especially being so close to his brother and speaking to him the night before he could have asked to borrow someone else's to log on and just give the word he was okay and at a friends. He would have also needed that phone to contact people to help get him out and help him go missing. Even if at that point he had gone out to buy another phone he would have been seen by people.

Also being such a close family, albeit dysfunctional by all accounts, would he really just leave them like that, could a nice lad like that really watch his family suffer from afar, granted I don't know him but I just cant see that being a possibility. Then there was his puppy as well, Maybe someone a bit more closed off and isolated, who finds it easy to fly under the radar, but not an extroverted character like Corrie is supposed to be. Plus would going AWOL really lead you to a more exciting life than your leading, I think it would leave you looking over your shoulder constantly and living in fear that someone knows, you wouldn't be able to trust anyone.

I think in this day and age as well with social media, technology, CCTV and all other kinds of factors, its much much harder for someone to make themselves disappear of their own accord. some kind of foot print would be left somewhere. IMO its always been the least likely scenario.
I have never believed in AWOL to be honest, as most say there is way too much planning involved and to stay undetected and his "head down" for this long it just isn't possible IMO, I

Fair points, but I did mention above I think it was a spur of the moment thing not wanting to go back to boring work on Monday. I think he might have thought it through before but didn't have enough oomph to do it before. I think the baby situation added to his thoughts. So many people go missing easily and don't even change their disguise. So I have to disagree with you.
Of course it could be possible, but I just think even in the spur of the moment there has to be some kind of plan of action. Someone has to help him, he would have had to use his phone to connect with that person/people. Even if he had just travelled to said persons home there’s the possibility of him being seen, if he was with people innocently through Sunday they wouldn’t be in trouble, and I just can’t see anyone hiding that, because if he was with people then would he have told them? If he didn’t know them very well he likely wouldn’t have which means these people would have surely come forward. I think if he was with anyone past 3.30 that Saturday morning and they were innocent they would have come forward. His bank accounts haven’t been touched, you need some money/funding, and even if it was talked about with an accomplice previously, If he did just decide on that minute on that Sunday he would need a phone to get in touch with them. I can’t see him risking using a public phone if he’s about to dissapear off the face of the earth. It’s way to complicated to pull off.

One thing that’s really frustrating me is people still focusing on the HS and how he couldn’t leave without being seen, this statement keeps dragging the investigation and the discussion back to the HS, when I think it’s further a field that needs to be looked at. It’s pretty much confirmed he did not leave in any of the vehicles that were there, the only one with any possibility he left in was the bin and again I think it’s pretty certain he never left in that either, I think it needs to be accepted and he walked out while the camera was on rotation and was not picked up on the camera up SB, and move this investigation away from the HS and the biffa bin because it’s a dead end line of inquiry, quite literally.
Lots of people walk out their lives and resurface years later and often have only been living a few miles away but seem to escape detection. Outside of Bury St Edmunds hardly anyone would have even heard of the case or even if they had probably wouldn't know what Corrie looked like now the posters are gone etc.
I'm about 90% sure the lad I see in Clapham could have been him but so many young lads look similar.

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Maybe it’s possible he [the bin lorry driver] found the phone because Corrie lost it there and put it into his cab, it followed that route and when he finished work at around 8 and switched it off/switched sims.

This is certainly a possibility in my opinion.

I’m starting to lean towards this being an accident on his walk home.

This was my very first thought on the case, and I still think it's as likely an explanation as ever.
Hello, I haven't posted for a long while. I've been catching up over the weekend though. Around the time we found out about the drag queen coming to light and Corrie having previously spent time with this person elsewhere in the country (forget where now), we all had a vote and only myself and one other person thought Corrie was AWOL. I said at the time that I thought he had 'run away to the circus' and hoped he was having fun. With regards to more recent things being discussed/coming to light, I still believe he is AWOL. Just my opinion, but I'l tell you why I've come to this conclusion: He'd had all types of jobs and couldn't settle in one career, until he settled into the RAF. His family would have been quite rightly proud of him and relieved he had finally settled into a career. I believe from his fun, lively character, sociability and not being able to stick at jobs for long that he possibly was an ADHD type personality and focusing/sticking to one job or career would have been hard for him. Obviously I don't know this, I just have come to this conclusion. I think he loved being the entertainer, the joker and sounds a lovely lad but one who didn't want to let his family down by jacking in the RAF, especially as they'd probably told him they had been relieved he had finally settled down. I think with all the threesome's and swinging going on and hanging out with the drag queen he found some fun times, which given the rigidity of army rules was a complete contrast. I don't think small-town nightclubs were his thing. He just went along, but preferred bigger more exciting nights out. If its true he knew a baby was a possibility with a girl he was just swinging with, he may well have been fearful of being made to settle down. I think that combined with wanting to change jobs, go have fun with lively people in bigger places, meant he'd been deliberating what to do for a while. However, I don't think he planned to go AWOL that weekend. I think it was a spur of the moment decision. I think he went to a couple's house for the rest of the evening for drinks (or more) and stayed there the weekend. That couple would be fearful to come forward in case they were implicated even if they were innnocent. I think he decided on Sunday he was not going back to the RAF, he didn't want to upset his family by jacking another job in and he went on the run. Possibly with help from others, or being the character he is, by chatting to others he met along the way. We've never been told what the long conversation was with his brother. Was it a long goodbye without the brother knowing (ie he sort of thought he might disappear that weekend) or did the Brother know a few things but didn't want to upset his family, so never told them, or was told by the family not to divulge them? Who knows? I think he is out there somewhere, possibly under another name. I think the media storm blew up bigger than he could of imagined and it was too late to come back. One thing I have to query though, is recently someone in my family was talking to me about the lad who went to the media from 'up North' who claimed tablets made him Gay. They said to me that there is still stigma up North, especially in small communities to someone coming out as Gay. I've no idea as I'm down South, but if that is so, could it be the same in a small community in Scotland? Could he have recently decided he was after all Gay and not Bi but couldn't come out and declare it so? Just my thoughts and own opinions.

I so agree with this. A long time ago I mentioned C reminded me of Capt Troy in "Far from the madding crowd", who ran away and joined a travelling fair becoming Dick Turpin on Black Bess. That's how I like to think this has ended - that he is somewhere living a happy, secret life.

Of course it could be possible, but I just think even in the spur of the moment there has to be some kind of plan of action. Someone has to help him, he would have had to use his phone to connect with that person/people. Even if he had just travelled to said persons home there’s the possibility of him being seen, if he was with people innocently through Sunday they wouldn’t be in trouble, and I just can’t see anyone hiding that, because if he was with people then would he have told them? If he didn’t know them very well he likely wouldn’t have which means these people would have surely come forward. I think if he was with anyone past 3.30 that Saturday morning and they were innocent they would have come forward. His bank accounts haven’t been touched, you need some money/funding, and even if it was talked about with an accomplice previously, If he did just decide on that minute on that Sunday he would need a phone to get in touch with them. I can’t see him risking using a public phone if he’s about to dissapear off the face of the earth. It’s way to complicated to pull off.

One thing that’s really frustrating me is people still focusing on the HS and how he couldn’t leave without being seen, this statement keeps dragging the investigation and the discussion back to the HS, when I think it’s further a field that needs to be looked at. It’s pretty much confirmed he did not leave in any of the vehicles that were there, the only one with any possibility he left in was the bin and again I think it’s pretty certain he never left in that either, I think it needs to be accepted and he walked out while the camera was on rotation and was not picked up on the camera up SB, and move this investigation away from the HS and the biffa bin because it’s a dead end line of inquiry, quite literally.

The first police "pod" was set up at Barton Mills roundabout. The family pulled the investigation back to Bury and the "horseshoe".

Why do that when the phone clearly made it to Barton Mills?
AFAIK the chip only transmits over a few feet, which is why you are advised to be aware of who is standing close to you at a checkout or other payment point if you are making a contactless payment. It's also possible that he could have been using one of those wallets which block the card chip from being read while it is in the wallet.

Another waste of time and money IMO.
The first police "pod" was set up at Barton Mills roundabout. The family pulled the investigation back to Bury and the "horseshoe".

Why do that when the phone clearly made it to Barton Mills?

Yeah totally, the one thing that we have that is 100% concrete is the phone went to the Barton Mills area, with or without Corrie. So other than the landfill you would think they would have concentrated on the whole area of Barton Mills. Because if he went to Barton Mills with the phone, its pretty obvious if something suspicious has happened its linked to someone on BM. Not the chuffin' Horse Shoe. I know I'm looking at it as arm chair detective but so much of the investigation baffles me.

Was this lead/sighting ever gone into much, it seems like such a distinct description, clearly the same clothes Corrie was in, the fact he stopped to adjust the jeans above his boots is quite specific as well, indicating he was a little dishevelled after a night out, judging by the videos his jeans were actually tucked into his boots as well. Same area the phone has pinged at, same kind of time the phone would have gotten there, both him and his wife reported it so it sound fairly more reputable than some weird stranger.

Did anything come of this?


I saw posts in the comments section from the person who reported the sighting and his wife

Hawes, Newmarket, United Kingdom, 11 months ago
I was cut of after two min on the phone and was told if they thought it was important they be in touch nothing came of that call same with the family total dismissed what I said I have two phones on me at all times one work one I phone I still got where I went that day on them it's not rocket science for them to at least check my phones what time I was at Barton mills is it ?

mfjh, Newmarket, United Kingdom, 11 months agoMy husband is the delivery driver. He has been saying for months that he saw him. For the comment which questioned what he was delivering at that time in the morning and suggested he was at the doggin site (which unfortunately I cant find to reply direct so I am sure you will know who you are). He delivers 6 nights a week bread and is always there around that time, how do you think shops burger vans etc have the stuff ready for opening? to insinuate he was doing anything else when your brain isn't in gear ! I believe my husband 100%

Hawes, Newmarket, United Kingdom, 11 months ago
Lets get the facts right I know for certain that he ran across in front of me on a sat mor time is only a rough time as I know I'm there around that time I know for certain it was a sat but can't be certain if it was that sat of that date but I know it was around that time so unless he goes out in the same clothes and was at Barton mills on another sat around the same time I I'm wrong but to me the chances of that happening is slim as for the police they took no notice of what I said the family blocked me as the didn't like my point of view we will see the outcome in a few weeks then we see whose wrong will I try to help someone again no is the answer to that one

I have two phones on me at all times one work one I phone I still got where I went that day on them it's not rocket science for them to at least check my phones what time I was at Barton mills is it ?

Well he's got a point, hasn't he? Did his phones ping at the same spot and same sort of time as Corrie's?
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