UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #3

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Nicola has also said he had never walked back to base "all the way." Implying that what - he walked partway and hitchhiked the rest (or vice versa)? That has always been odd to me, that no one picked up on that.

I also wonder if he had in the past spent a night out with his friends and then separated from them at the end of the night (not with a girl and not going right home). Now obviously, the police would definitely have asked that of his friends right away.

If that had happened, it would, in my mind, give more credence to the Grindr hookup-gone-wrong theory.
His mum said on fb that he always did the same thing... he left on his own at the end of a night. Why? I reckon cos he had a secret person he met regularly..... maybe another airman or woman or both
His mum said on fb that he always did the same thing... he left on his own at the end of a night. Why? I reckon cos he had a secret person he met regularly..... maybe another airman or woman or both

Oh really?? Now this is VERY interesting!!
I've wondered for a while, if Corries phone was just put into flight mode, would they still be able to track it? Would it still ping?
To be fair so much has been said and retracted it's almost impossible to weed through facts and fiction! It was first said he had walked home on occasions, then he never walked home atall to he never walked all the way. I still think this information way early on has been detrimental to this, it made it sound like be would have definitely walked home, comfortable in doing so whereas that wasn't the case.

I wonder if the police will issue any kind of statement soon.
I'm sure they said something along the lines that he changed his plans for that night and decided to go into BSE. I am intrigued to know what the original plans were and what made him change his mind. I wonder if meeting somebody later was part of the reason. They also mentioned that his friends in the club didn't realise he had been asked to leave ? If so who was he with ?

The police will know but I think it would also be helpful to know if the silver car was still in the same place when Corrie left the doorway.
I'm sure they said something along the lines that he changed his plans for that night and decided to go into BSE. I am intrigued to know what the original plans were and what made him change his mind. I wonder if meeting somebody later was part of the reason. They also mentioned that his friends in the club didn't realise he had been asked to leave ? If so who was he with ?

The police will know but I think it would also be helpful to know if the silver car was still in the same place when Corrie left the doorway.

I think I read somewhere pages and pages back he was going to go to a party with a married couple he was friends with. There was no source to back this up mind.
i feel for the family, not only because of the situation they've found themselves in but having to trawl through tons of messages daily that appear to have descended into squabbles and repetitive nonsense. More so if they have information they can't make public.

I have a feeling we will know what's happened before the year is out. I hope it's good news but my head tells me how unlikely this is.

I think your post is hugely relevant.

I think initially the family used their knowledge to "hit the ground running" (they do have knowledge/experience of outcomes and probably knowledge/experience of potential apathy).

But now, how do you handle 60,000 people wanting updates, especially when "more data" is likely available ?

Edit... infact, how do you tell 60,000 people saying "search the landfill" that the rubbish has likely been incinerated ?

Or even, how do you ask 60.000 facebookers to keep a look out for a phone that may have been in the rubbish....the rubbish that has likely been incinerated.

It's a hard call.
He refused a lift in the pizza store then ate and snoozed in a doorway then woke up but then.... he hung around in the doorway for a further 20 minutes...... he had an arrangement with someone or more than one.... maybe it was only for a lift home but maybe it was for sex or maybe he was a drug runner.? We don't know..... very nice new car..... how much does a gunner in the RAF earn?
His mum said on fb that he always did the same thing... he left on his own at the end of a night. Why? I reckon cos he had a secret person he met regularly..... maybe another airman or woman or both

You would expect if this was the case there would be evidence on a social media account, or in his phone records that he contacted someone frequently (assuming the police have access to the records)
He refused a lift in the pizza store then ate and snoozed in a doorway then woke up but then.... he hung around in the doorway for a further 20 minutes...... he had an arrangement with someone or more than one.... maybe it was only for a lift home but maybe it was for sex or maybe he was a drug runner.? We don't know..... very nice new car..... how much does a gunner in the RAF earn?

Enough when you consider no real overheads, subsidised rent, tax and food etc living in mess. My other halfs corporals are all in their early 20s and all have very flash cars to show for it.
I think they referenced two Acts that could complicate matters. One of them was RIPA

The waste going to the "centre".
They do take waste like in, kind of a depot.
They'll have a hopper there (for bulk transport).
But arriving at 4am seems odd. Maybe they have keys ?

Recyclable. We got there because the reports were, it was "waste paper". Who told the reporters, God knows.

Cell Masts. You can interrogate cell mast data (not just mobile phone data) BUT that will mean you also "access" other data, such as what other phones pinged off that mast.
At this point you are into a whole new legal ball game. Just because Corrie went missing and his phone pinged off that mast doesn't mean you can look at ALL the mast data. Someone who is not involved may say (rightly or wrongly), what right have you to look at my data. And the police have no right. Not in a Missing Persons at least.
Checked online and it says they earn £17,485 pa & benefits once fully trained. What a crap wage...
To be fair so much has been said and retracted it's almost impossible to weed through facts and fiction! It was first said he had walked home on occasions, then he never walked home atall to he never walked all the way. I still think this information way early on has been detrimental to this, it made it sound like be would have definitely walked home, comfortable in doing so whereas that wasn't the case.

I wonder if the police will issue any kind of statement soon.

I think this is because the family have at best been told things from friends as to what Corrie's habits were. I mean let's be honest, what 23 year old would share detailed accounts of what he does on a night out?

I can also imagine Suffolk Police have had huge issues with dealing with the fact that mum is a Police officer and uncle ex-security service.

I don't blame Corrie's family for pushing things at all but it could very well have/be hindering more than it is helping, IMO.
Enough when you consider no real overheads, subsidised rent, tax and food etc living in mess. My other halfs corporals are all in their early 20s and all have very flash cars to show for it.

It's a fair point.
I mean there's "flash" and there's "flash".
A convertible is not cheap to insure when you're 23 years old.
You would expect if this was the case there would be evidence on a social media account, or in his phone records that he contacted someone frequently (assuming the police have access to the records)
True but did he own a second more flashy phone? Flashy car and clothes but seemingly the phone was old and battered. The police may have access to all that info but are waiting for a body.... or the individual who they belive to be involved is also military so it's being kept hush hush
I was told what cars they were, bmws or something. It's tough to recall the info out of the long incessant moan that was my other half (who was a late recruit and joining with a family and child to support) detailing how they wasted their money on holidays, cars and nights out because the majority of their overheads are subsidised and minimal.

I don't think the flash car is suspicious in any case, it does seem the norm from my experience, perhaps it was finance.

The phone however always seemed odd to me, but then I like my gadgets, not everyone is the same.
Hi think that he was eather taken against his will or he had it all planed to vanish, it looks very planed and professional to leve no clues, not what the average guy on the street could do, some one knew what they were doing, maybe some one with military or intelligence background would be able to make it happen with a bit of planing,
I wonder if corries email address has been googled, that usually brings up profiles on different websites and forums 🤔
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