UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #3

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I've seen a response from.his mother on fb to someone asking if he could have slept in the bay with a view to drive home later. She agreed it was possible and said police had only looked at cctv up until 8am on the Saturday morning. .
Nicola posted this a few minutes ago:

Cctv has only been viewed by police up until 0800 hrs. So yes you are correct he could have walked out later... still doesn't explain how in daylight not a single person has seen him or that he's not got back to his car or got back to Base x

I find it very hard to believe the Police have limited themselves up to 08:00. I can only think the Police know a lot more than they have told the family?

I don't know how much longer this situation can carry on for but it isn't a good look for either side to me.....
I've seen a response from.his mother on fb to someone asking if he could have slept in the bay with a view to drive home later. She agreed it was possible and said police had only looked at cctv up until 8am on the Saturday morning. .

Again... the Muddle Up.

Before she said "he has slept in his car" ?

But he only drove there as his mates had a mix up as who he was with...or wasn't with.

So, he buys lots of food..... but refuses a lift.
He has slept in his car before, but decided to sleep in a loading bay

It doesn't make sense.... but in a Muddle Up, it doesn't need to make sense. Post that on faceSchmuck and you will ne eaten alive.
I've seen a response from.his mother on fb to someone asking if he could have slept in the bay with a view to drive home later. She agreed it was possible and said police had only looked at cctv up until 8am on the Saturday morning. .

Is she reading this ?

Never before "mentioned" yet NOW we get that mentioned ?
So... Corrie "could have slept there" and his phone goes missing.

And THIS is the night he goes missing ? Seriously ?
Again... the Muddle Up.

Before she said "he has slept in his car" ?

But he only drove there as his mates had a mix up as who he was with...or wasn't with.

So, he buys lots of food..... but refuses a lift.
He has slept in his car before, but decided to sleep in a loading bay

It doesn't make sense.... but in a Muddle Up, it doesn't need to make sense. Post that on faceSchmuck and you will ne eaten alive.

Yeah anything posted suggesting the lad could be gay or it is linked to drugs gets deleted very promptly by admins on fb. It is almost like they only want to hear what they believe to be true but in a case like this every possibility needs to be covered
Yeah anything posted suggesting the lad could be gay or it is linked to drugs gets deleted very promptly by admins on fb. It is almost like they only want to hear what they believe to be true but in a case like this every possibility needs to be covered

This isn't "victim bashing" this is just observing things.

Say he's gay and your world falls in !
Suggest that the CCTV has "black zones" and it's a negative.

But say he sleeps in doorways all night, then that's okay.
Suggest he sleeps in bins. Then that's cool.
Say he finds a bed in a loading bay. Yeah, that's normal.
Alleged he sleeps drunk in a two seater car. And it's fine

I feel absolutely sorry for this poor guy...but I'm not getting the vibe his family are NOT helping. Anyone else ?
So between Cam09 and Cam34 a "constant view" was held of that area until 0800 hours (and longer but not viewed) and no cars arriving or leavimg were seen and Corrie walking was not seen ?
Has someone explicitly stated no cars arrived or left during those hours?

All I've seen is Tony stating that he believes it would have to be something like a magic bullet for Corrie to walk out of the loading bay, and that's why the family think Corrie must have got into a car, but I haven't seen them say there were no cars seen on CCTV or no people on the CCTV, only that Corrie is not seen on the CCTV after walking around the corner into the loading bay.

So between Cam09 and Cam34 a "constant view" was held of that area until 0800 hours (and longer but not viewed) and no cars arriving or leavimg were seen and Corrie walking was not seen ?
I cant help thinking that with Corries personality coming out. Flamboyant, confident, loud enough to get noticed and asked to leave club ect. Im leaning more to willingly got into vehicle. I cant see him allowing being pushed in car. The hooded chap, it would be interesting to see if his hood was up before. This confirms why the family said it wasnt Corrie as hooded man was seen going in.

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when and what time was the hooded man seen going in?
Has someone explicitly stated no cars arrived or left during those hours?

All I've seen is Tony stating that he believes it would have to be something like a magic bullet for Corrie to walk out of the loading bay, and that's why the family think Corrie must have got into a car, but I haven't seen them say there were no cars seen on CCTV or no people on the CCTV, only that Corrie is not seen on the CCTV after walking around the corner into the loading bay.

I got the impression that there *were* cars seen - but that they haven't been able to trace them, and that they haven't released the CCTV footage showing them. I believe one of the cars was the one that went the wrong way down a one-way street.

It's all very weird, since the police have been saying for weeks "We have no leads at all. None." which is obviously false.
I bet they "might know".

And I bet there "might be" a suspect.

And I bet it is a "Homicide without a body" case.

And I bet they will not move without credible evidence.
Hence the family is quiet. The police have increased activity. And they need forensics (so a body at least) to start any case.

But "motive" ?

I believe you may be right.

Why after all this time of inactivity, did the police suddenly do two separate searches on Tuesday - even closing off part of a busy carriageway?

I also noticed on Facebook earlier (I seldom look at it now, though) , but whereas previously Nicola was always polite, pleading and trying to remain calm under what must be heartbreaking horror for her - she seemed to be somewhat irritated with a poster who claimed she thought she'd spotted Corrie in Portsmouth. I believe the girl who said this was an attention-seeking oddball but, whereas before Nicola would have either remained silent or been thankful, she kind of snapped at her and wrote something akin to "Please STOP asking. No, Corrie does not have contacts in Portsmouth". Before, Nicola would have pursued ANY lead, but she very quickly discounted it and seemed at the end of her tether.

Incidentally , the girl was a liar, because she refused to go back to the shop to see if Corrie was captured on the CCTV when I suggested it to her. She was an attention-seeker, and that's another reason I seldom look at the Facebook's filled with so many oddballs, and people claiming they're heartbroken over Corrie which is rubbish...everyone sympathises with the terrible plight Nicola and her family are going through, but how can you be inconsolable and heartbroken over a stranger's disappearance?

And I just cant trawl through all the tripe posts....and the few pro-active sensible ones they have are closed, so no-one can reply. Which renders the whole point of the group useless.

I actually wonder if the police are frustrated at the Facebook group with all the misleading information and stupid suggestions from people who are clueless. It's run so badly - they should do a cull and also open a separate thread for all the people who want say how 'heartbroken and inconsolable' they are over Corrie disappearing (these people then go back to their facebooks and post upbeat posts and jokes in different topics...such is their distress. They're just clogging the group up, and informative/interesting posts are lost amongst all the tripe.

I also think there may be some friction between the investigating team at Suffolk Police and Nicola and Tony. There seems to be so much confusion, false leads, misinformation, red herrings, back-pedalling, denials, cover-ups, secrecy, provocative posts creating drama....

Theyre creating more mystery than is necessary, albeit unintentionally, and turning it into a reality "Whodunnit" bringing out all the Miss Marples, Misfits and wannabe heroes who think they can find Corrie by sticking a flier up in New Zealand!
That's plausibility to.

So he got attacked near the bins. But this guy is "infantry". You get trained to "check the coast is clear" especially if you're popping for a pee.

If I had just bought a load of food after "leaving a club" early and I got an unexpected offer of a lift home (USAF guy), then I'd take it.

I'd go, take my food, see my dog, whatsapp my mates saying what puffs they are....and so on.

I wouldn't "head for a doorway".

I spent over 16yrs in the army (an infantry regiment). I've lost count of the amount of times me & my mates have drunk too much, bought too much food and fell asleep in doorways. I've ended up in different towns & not known how or why. It's part of army life - or used to be, it may well have changed now. You don't get any training on how to act if you're drunk. If you have the spins or get to the feeling sick part of being drunk, a shop doorway is a god send.

For some bizarre reason I can't get the US serviceman out of my head. I don't know why.
There seems to have been a hell of a lot of misleads, contradictions and ambiguities in the presentation of 'facts' in this case. One of the so called 'statements' which I referred to earlier that seems to have fallen on deaf ears or ignored was the comment made by his brother during a press conference.
He was asked whether anyone had had contact with Corrie since he went missing to which his brother replied that he'd received a picture image of Corrie at 0308.
Again, I'll open it up to the forum for further rumerations. Could this have been a slight bending of the truth? Could his brother have taken the wrap for Corrie's phone sending a picture image to an ad hoc Grinder/Tinder hookup organised during the day or after leaving the nightclub (likelier in my opinion)? It would explain:
The wait
The excess alcohol for Dutch courage
The darkened and secluded area for hookup
The easy and quick access out of BSE
His disappearance from the area (by vehicle)
His long term disappearance (surprised husband finding her phone message).

Before anyone comments....think hard. A constructive answer as to the reasons for are better than against.

"His long term disappearance (surprised husband finding her phone message)"

Surprised husband...who's that?
His behaviour that night (if it was only "that night") could indeed be deemed "non patterned behaviour".

Missing his lift into town
Drinking in his car
Leaving the club early
Lots of food
Refusing the lift
Two hour wait/nap/play with phone

Why do the police (via the BBC) keep saying "he had a nap and was about to walk home" and the family say keep saying that he may have "unwillingly or willingly left in a car".

Clearly, on the night in question he had no intent to "vanish" for 7 weeks. Surely "criminal intent" could be at least implied ?

And why is this "willingly or unwillingly" always stated, is it "the norm" that "sober drivers leaving Bury are highly likely to offer lifts to young men in a Garrison town" ?

It just seems like we're not being "informed" of anything.
May be I an a sceptic these days. I don't know.

The only reason you'd refuse a lift home in the early hours, when you're drunk, hungry and probably would prefer to get into a warm comfortable bed instead of slump in a doorway feeling quite cold, is that you've plans to meet someone.

There can be no other reason for a strong, fit, sociable man to refuse a lift.
I still haven't discounted terrorism. Frankly, that they tried to abduct servicemen in broad daylight before is pretty stupid. Maybe they wised up and decided to do it at night. They could have even used Grindr or Tinder to target a serviceman late at night - they certainly could post any fake picture they wanted.

If there are negotiations going on now, I doubt they'd communicate that to Nicola. They seem to be communicating more information to Tony than Nicola, although I could certainly be wrong about that. Tony was the one who slammed them, and is clearly very intelligent.
For some reason, early on we 'assumed' the collection was of recyclable waste from Greggs.

Then we learned that if it was a Biffa collection that it probably wouldn't go to a council site but to a Biffa site for sorting, and paper would be separated and then baled up for sale.

Why did we think it was recyclables? Why did we think it was a Biffa collection? Now it seems to have been general waste that went to the Mildenhall waste and recycling centre, which seems to be more of a recycling facility with a public "bring househould waste and electricals here" type centre, and I can't see why any bin other than a council recycling bin would be going there?

The bin lorry was taken by police in the first week for forensic examination. The family have told us that the police did initially put a hold on 'the landfill' but then decided not to search and released it back for business.

Now we have things about tacograph data being examined, and I'm sure I read that the police have brought in specialists to examine the data from the cellular mast, but they did also say there were legal issues with regards to getting information on every single phone that pinged that mast that night.

The searches have now gone beyond the Mildenhall recycling centre, to the southbound/eastbound A14 that goes past Rougham, and in the other direction to slightly north of Lakenheath.

Does all this add up to the bin lorry still being in play or not?

To me, it does say that the police are working really hard on this investigation, and they have been the whole time, it's just that like us they're suffering from a major paucity of leads, but by now they may have leads that they are following but don't want to make public.

We're still going around in circles on this for the same reason there are 60K+ people in the FB group...we just can't get it out of our minds...we care, and we want to know what happened, and the only alternative to going around in circles is to walk away and wait for a police announcement.

There's a gay sex cruising site at Rougham (it's on Google) so maybe the police have some kind of lead that Corrie may have gone to that area.
Come to think of it, would there have been anything to watch at that time of the morning? Unless of course the layby there specifically was frequented overnight by gay lorry drivers ...!

If you Google gay dogging you'll find they have hook-ups all throughout the night, and lesser in the day. It's not just lorry men will leave their homes in the drably hour s and travel by car for a hook-up.
His mum said on fb that he always did the same thing... he left on his own at the end of a night. Why? I reckon cos he had a secret person he met regularly..... maybe another airman or woman or both

Given that Corrie is a good-looking guy, sociable, confident seems VERY odd that he leaves nightclubs at the end of the night, alone. Doesn't go home with his mates...doesn't go off with a girl (and let's be honest, most people go clubbing to meet a partner, whether for a quick fling or long-term).

I know his family insist Corrie isn't gay, and maybe he isn't, but so much points to him being gay that I wonder if he just couldn't face 'coming out' to them, despite the fact no-one gives a hoot these days what sexuality some is. But then some people find it hard to admit to, even though they shouldn't.
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