UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #3

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I have to say I agree about the fb group. I am not a member but check it for updates. However it's so badly organised and full of people arguing or claiming they've dreamed about Corrie, acting like they all know him. It's quite bizarre. Any interesting facts get lost in a mass of poorly written, almost hysterical posts. I pity the family having to trawl through it every day.
As far as I know, they didn't search all the way down to Rougham, only to the Rougham junction on the A14.

To be honest, I found the other searches a bit more interesting as potential dump sites, but maybe that's just me going back to my initial thought of lift back to someone's home, and then a necessity for a dump site. But even if something goes wrong in a car, you've got to have a dump site, and you probably don't want that to be right on the side of an A road due to the risk of other cars seeing you stop.

There's a gay sex cruising site at Rougham (it's on Google) so maybe the police have some kind of lead that Corrie may have gone to that area.
He refused a lift in the pizza store then ate and snoozed in a doorway then woke up but then.... he hung around in the doorway for a further 20 minutes...... he had an arrangement with someone or more than one.... maybe it was only for a lift home but maybe it was for sex or maybe he was a drug runner.? We don't know..... very nice new car..... how much does a gunner in the RAF earn?

I agree, he must have been waiting to meet someone.

I strongly doubt he was dealing in drugs! But you've raised a good point about his car...what did it cost, I wonder, and was it affordable on his salary? Unless his family are comfortable off and he also had a nice nest egg in the bank, how did he afford an expensive car?

Someone suggested they thought he may have been secretly working as a gay escort after they viewed his Instagram and saw certain posts on there...

It's a terrible aspersion to make upon someone's character when they don't even know them, but as he's been missing for almost eight weeks now all unsavoury aspects have to ruled out....
I find it odd that he supposedly always goes home alone. But then a lot of the things the family claim are normal for Corrie are not things that I would do. I have wondered if he was heading to a brothel of some sort down that alleyway and something went wrong. The whole case is very confusing and the facts change by the day. I'm struggling to make much sense out of it.
I remember the quote that Holly is referring to, but I thought it was that even if the lads separated on a night out that they'd meet up and go home together? It seemed to be talking more about Corrie and his brother having nights out at home in Scotland rather than Corrie's nights out in BSE.

It's the other lads from the base, or people Corrie meets up with in the clubs that are more likely to know what Corrie's night out habits are in BSE, but we haven't really heard anything that's come from them, at least not talking about Corrie, anyway.

Come to think about it, the only thing that's been said that the lads in the singles quarters have said was that they weren't impressed at how the police searched their rooms. I thought it meant the lads didn't think the police did a very good job of that search. But even if that's what they meant, why did they think that? Why is that the only comment that's been attributed to them that's leaked out?

As I understand it, it's not protocol for the CO at a RAF base to say anything, it's not protocol for the other lads to say anything, and they are probably under orders to not talk about how they normally travel to and from base and where they go in town. But from what I can tell everything Nicola is saying about Corrie comes from what she and his brothers know of his behaviour back home, it's not coming from the lads at base. And if that's the case, then we're missing out on a huge amount of information about Corrie and his behaviour away from home and away from his brothers.
You would expect if this was the case there would be evidence on a social media account, or in his phone records that he contacted someone frequently (assuming the police have access to the records)

For the average person, yes, you'd think that. But Corrie is RAF and due to all the high security/intelligence/surveillance etc, servicemen have to be extremely discreet on social media and are also aware that their mobiles data may be scrutinised...I'm surprised Corrie posted some of the pictures that he took, onto his Instagram. If he isn't gay he certainly gives the impression he is, not just by the poses, but by tagging gay men. With all due respect, that's an incredibly foolish thing to do if a) You're straight and b) You're in the services and discretion is expected at all times.

Someone suggested he may have been 'spoken to' about his social media account, which is why he went quiet back in May?

But the obvious thing for him or anyone else to do, is to open a second account under a pseudonym. Maybe the police are trying to find that second account...if indeed he has one. No escort, straight or gay, advertises under their real name or uses their real number.

People often think think they know their friends/family inside out, but that's simply not always true.

The gay police officer who was horrifically murdered this year after hooking up with a psycho on Grindr...he'd lived with his gay partner for 25 years, yet many of his work colleagues didn't even know he was gay in all that time!

So you can never assume you know everything about people close to you...

And even though there's denial that Corrie is gay (and he may not be) it's worth reading this article on the horrific murder of PC Gordon Semele and the shocking dangers of hooking up for casual sex on Grindr.
Have a look at the photos on Flex facebook page, there are a few of Corrie from last summer. have a look at 29th July. When he first went missing several young ladies posted photos and videos of themselves with Corrie. one of them said she was his girefried and posted lots of photos of them together. she then removed them as there was concern for her privacy. she was on holiday when he disappeared. the other photo with a lad is one of his mates.
I was told what cars they were, bmws or something. It's tough to recall the info out of the long incessant moan that was my other half (who was a late recruit and joining with a family and child to support) detailing how they wasted their money on holidays, cars and nights out because the majority of their overheads are subsidised and minimal.

I don't think the flash car is suspicious in any case, it does seem the norm from my experience, perhaps it was finance.

The phone however always seemed odd to me, but then I like my gadgets, not everyone is the same.

Very strange to have a flash car but old worthless phone.
I wonder if the police have looked into all the people who walked past Corrie whilst he was passed out for those two hours in the doorway. It would be a perfect storm for someone to spot him who has ill intent, particular as he was intoxicated, vulnerable, and as mentioned not looking his best light.. it could just be a random attack of some opportunist perp walking past at a time and taking the opportunity...

But if it was a random attack by a passerby they'd have left Corrie there.

However, I did read that he was approached whilst sleeping in the why haven't they asked that person to come forward?

Also, I don think agree that Corrie was looking to pee - he'd been awake for almost half an hour, he could have peed in a doorway..I've seen men do that when they're cut short. Corrie looked to be running after someone when he jogged down that alley. He made a determined left, like you would when you're sure which way you're heading....he then stopped abruptly, looked around (as though looking for someone) before heading towards the bins. I don't say he was DEFINTELY trying to find someone.
I don't know but Corrie doesn't seem like a huge internet person. He seems outgoing, gregarious, preferring to meet and talk to people in person. He seems more of an action person, which would fit with joining the RAF? The thing with this image of him is that it would fit to be a bit of a risk-taker, and rather than just being oblivious to risk, he might find risk exciting.

If he can get what he wants out of a relatively basic phone, then why not save the money to spend on his beloved car, trips back home, nights out, etc?

It's a Windows phone, he's can't be a techy type? Some of those cheaper windows phones take good pictures, Corrie seems to like taking selfies, chatting on the phone, a little bit of chat apps with family and friends...if you know that's all you want, then the sensible thing is to not buy a really expensive Iphone that could get damaged or lost.

Very strange to have a flash car but old worthless phone.
According to Nicola, Corrie wasn't running when he came into view on the 2nd CCTV footage, he'd just tripped up at that point, and that trip was visible on the CCTV, it just wasn't shown to the public (it might have been shown in the hub, cos they showed a lot more CCTV and stills than we've seen).
Was just looking at those Flex photos and thinking about how many times someone has been thrown out of club and ended up being attacked. There ought to be some sort of rule about putting people in a taxi or making sure their friends do. I think he ate so much to sober up with the intention of going back to his mates but then passed out and woke too late.
I was thinking about this last night logically. From a young lads point of view. Based on his character. After watching videos he had posted online and commented etc. Always saying he was bored and always doing funny random things. The, waiting out for you, the, one call away.

And I have come to the conclusion that he must have definitely been waiting for someone. He may have been arranging this whilst sat in the doorway. The food amount I think is normal now Ive seen posts from him online with pics of a serious amount of grub.

Ok so he wasn't expecting to be ejected from the club. This would have annoyed him I would think that his night was cut short. But he got on with it anyway.

He definitely would have been waiting for someone.

You dont turn down a lift home. You dont apparently fall asleep in a doorway. I cant see that as being true.

3am the clubs kick out. It makes sense that whoever he was meeting had just left a club and probably wasn't drinking as they were driving.

When he ran down past Greggs he looks to me like he stopped and was looking for someone, then either someone he had arranged to meet was sat in the car waiting to pick him up. They sat for a while chatting etc in the car, bin lorry turned up, the drove out with it or close behind it heading the same way.

After that, I dont know. But I am sticking to this one now...

Also like to add he turned 23 on the 16th September. Could he have been also celebrating his birthday?

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The police could get info from the phone company as to any numbers called or texted (or incoming calls/texts), but what about an internet message? The police have released so little information that I wonder if we'd have been told if Corrie was using a messaging service on the internet when he was in the doorway?

Fifteen to twenty minutes would fit with a normal amount of time for someone to come and pick you up? And then Corrie would just have to walk out of the pedestrian zone to the horseshoe? I think it makes a lot more sense for Corrie to disappear if he gets a lift from a total stranger who's out cruising, but that would be an appropriate amount of time for someone to drive in to pick him up and would explain why Corrie didn't get up from the doorway straight away?
I think his online presence certainly suggests he is the type to meet people from online apps and go on dates etc.

I too was a little surprised at some of the photos on social media, these days armed forces are briefed to within an inch of their lives not to advertise their job, although many do.
Alot of people use WhatsApp which is internet messenger. Also dating apps have internal messaging which could only be accessed via internet. This is what Ive been saying all along. Theres no way to trace as he would have been using internet based messaging services which you would physically need the phone handset to access.

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I don't know but Corrie doesn't seem like a huge internet person. He seems outgoing, gregarious, preferring to meet and talk to people in person. He seems more of an action person, which would fit with joining the RAF? The thing with this image of him is that it would fit to be a bit of a risk-taker, and rather than just being oblivious to risk, he might find risk exciting.

If he can get what he wants out of a relatively basic phone, then why not save the money to spend on his beloved car, trips back home, nights out, etc?

It's a Windows phone, he's can't be a techy type? Some of those cheaper windows phones take good pictures, Corrie seems to like taking selfies, chatting on the phone, a little bit of chat apps with family and friends...if you know that's all you want, then the sensible thing is to not buy a really expensive Iphone that could get damaged or lost.

He has more social media accounts then the average jo. And his mum has said he does have tinder and plenty of fish dating accounts, along with youtube, facebook, instagram, twitter and snapchat. Thats alot. More than anyone I know and I am a big social media user.

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Sorry for sounding thick....but what's a beasting?

A forces thing, a punishment usually humiliating. Apparently not standard practice these days as they can be a bit brutal.

Am I reading right that they police only watched cctv until 8am?!
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